7,619 research outputs found

    A Review and Meta-Analysis of Age-Based Stereotype Threat: Negative Stereotypes, Not Facts, Do the Damage.

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    Stereotype threat effects arise when an individual feels at risk of confirming a negative stereotype about their group and consequently underperforms on stereotype relevant tasks (Steele, 2010). Among older people, underperformance across cognitive and physical tasks is hypothesized to result from age-based stereotype threat (ABST) because of negative age-stereotypes regarding older adults’ competence. The present review and meta-analyses examine 22 published and 10 unpublished articles, including 82 effect sizes (N = 3882) investigating ABST on older people’s (Mage = 69.5) performance. The analysis revealed a significant small-to-medium effect of ABST (d = .28) and important moderators of the effect size. Specifically, older adults are more vulnerable to ABST when (a) stereotype-based rather than fact-based manipulations are used (d = .52); (b) when performance is tested using cognitive measures (d = .36); and (c) occurs reliably when the dependent variable is measured proximally to the manipulation. The review raises important theoretical and methodological issues, and areas for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved

    Friction and wear of human hair fibres

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    An experimental study of the tribological properties of hair fibres is reported, and the effect of surface treatment on the evolution of friction and wear during sliding. Specifically, orthogonally crossed fibre/fibre contacts under a compressive normal load over a series of 10,000 cycle studies are investigated. Reciprocating sliding at a velocity of 0.4 mm/s−1, over a track length of 0.8 mm, was performed at 18oC and 40-50% relative humidity. Hair fibres retaining their natural sebum were studied, as well as those stripped of their sebum via hexane cleaning, and hair fibres conditioned using a commercially available product. Surface topography modifications resulting from wear were imaged using scanning electron microscopy and quantified using white light interferometry. Hair fibres that presented sebum or conditioned product at the fibre/fibre junction exhibited initial coefficients of friction at least 25% lower than those that were cleaned with hexane. Coefficients of friction were observed to depend on the directionality of sliding for hexane cleaned hair fibres after sufficient wear cycles that cuticle lifting was present, typically on the order 1,000 cycles. Cuticle flattening was observed for fibre/fibre junctions exposed to 10 mN compressive normal loads, whereas loads of 100 mN introduced substantial cuticle wear and fibre damage

    Scaling of the Random-Field Ising Model at Zero Temperature

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    The exact determination of ground states of small systems is used in a scaling study of the random-field Ising model. While three variants of the model are found to be in the same universality class in 3 dimensions, the Gaussian and bimodal models behave distinctly in 4 dimensions with the latter apparently having a discontinuous jump in the magnetization. A finite-size scaling analysis is presented for this transition.Comment: 14 pages Latex, 4 figure

    Discovery of an M9.5 Candidate Brown Dwarf in the TW Hydrae Association - DENIS J124514.1-442907

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    We report the discovery of a fifth candidate substellar system in the ~5-10 Myr TW Hydrae Association - DENIS J124514.1-442907. This object has a NIR spectrum remarkably similar to that of 2MASS J1139511-315921, a known TW Hydrae brown dwarf, with low surface gravity features such as a triangular-shaped H-band, deep H2O absorption, weak alkali lines, and weak hydride bands. We find an optical spectral type of M9.5 and estimate a mass of <24 M_Jup, assuming an age of ~5-10 Myr. While the measured proper motion for DENIS J124514.1-442907 is inconclusive as a test for membership, its position in the sky is coincident with the TW Hydrae Association. A more accurate proper motion measurement, higher resolution spectroscopy for radial velocity, and a parallax measurement are needed to derive the true space motion and to confirm its membership.Comment: 8 pages - emulateapj style, 2 figures, 3 tables. Accepted to ApJL. Fixed typos, added reference, added footnot

    Crucial role of sidewalls in velocity distributions in quasi-2D granular gases

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    Our experiments and three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations of particles confined to a vertical monolayer by closely spaced frictional walls (sidewalls) yield velocity distributions with non-Gaussian tails and a peak near zero velocity. Simulations with frictionless sidewalls are not peaked. Thus interactions between particles and their container are an important determinant of the shape of the distribution and should be considered when evaluating experiments on a tightly constrained monolayer of particles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Added reference, model explanation charified, other minor change

    Origin and significance of 'dispersed facies' basal ice: Svínafellsjökull, Iceland

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    Dispersed facies basal ice - massive (i.e. structureless) ice with dispersed debris aggregates - is present at the margins of many glaciers and, as a product of internal glacial processes, has the potential to provide important information about the mechanisms of glacier flow and the nature of the subglacial environment. The origin of dispersed facies is poorly understood, with several hypotheses having been advanced for its formation, and there is disagreement as to whether it is largely a sedimentary or a tectonic feature. We test these established hypotheses at the temperate glacier Svfnafellsjokull, Iceland, and find that none fully account for dispersed facies characteristics at this location. Instead, dispersed facies physical, sedimentological and stable-isotope (5180, 8D) characteristics favour a predominantly tectonic origin that we suggest comprises the regelation and straininduced metamorphism of debris-rich basal ice that has been entrained into an englacial position by tectonic processes operating at the base of an icefall. Further thickening of the resultant dispersed facies may also occur tectonically as a result of ice flow against the reverse bed slope of a terminal overdeepening. Lack of efficient subglacial drainage in the region of the overdeepening may limit basal melting and thus favour basal ice preservation, including the preservation of dispersed facies. Despite the relatively low sediment content of dispersed facies (~1.6% by volume), its thickness (up to 25 m) and ubiquity at Svfnafellsjokull results in a significant contribution to annual sediment discharge (1635-3270 m3 a"1) that is ~6.5 times that contributed by debris-rich stratified facies basal ice

    Bathymetry and sediment thickness survey of the Hawaii-2 cable : cruise report for Kiwi expedition leg 2 on the R/V Roger Revelle

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    The primary purpose of this cruise was to identify at least two potential observatory sites along the Hawaii-2 cable that would be suitable for drilling a hole to basement. There is a funded program, the Hawaii-2 Observatory (H20), to install a junction box on the cable about mid-way between California and Hawaii (Figures 1 and 2). We want to identify sites in advance so that drilling will be possible near the observatory. This will permit a large range of borehole experiments to be cared out continuously and in real time. Based on available data we chose a section of cable between 140° and 143°W. This cable lies on a ribbon of 'normal' oceanic crust with well defined magnetic anomalies and relatively smooth bathymetry. The goals were to acquire SEABEAM bathymetry data and single channel seismic reflection data along this section of cable, to identify at least two potential sites along the cable and to car out SCS surveys within about 10km radius of the sites. Since the H20 cable has been given to the scientific community it is a valuable resource for research. While transiting to and from the site we felt that it would be wortwhile to acquire SEABEAM data along as much of the cable track as possible. This 'spec' data, Seabeam and magnetometer data between 130°W and 155°W may be useful to other investigators in the future.This work was carried out under the JOI Prime Contract OCE-93020477, JOI Budget Code 44505-J130l0

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations of lamellar and droplet phases

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    Lattice Boltzmann simulations are used to investigate spinodal decomposition in a two-dimensional binary fluid with equilibrium lamellar and droplet phases. We emphasise the importance of hydrodynamic flow to the phase separation kinetics. For mixtures slightly asymmetric in composition the fluid phase separates into bulk and lamellar phases with the lamellae forming distinctive spiral structures to minimise their elastic energy.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure