2,039 research outputs found

    Plasma Diagnostics by Antenna Impedance Measurements

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    The impedance of an electrically short antenna immersed in a plasma provides an excellent in situ diagnostic tool for electron density and other plasma parameters. By electrically short we mean that the wavelength of the free-space electromagnetic wave that would be excited at the driving frequency is much longer than the physical size of the antenna. Probes using this impedance technique have had a long history with sounding rockets and satellites, stretching back to the early 1960s. This active technique could provide information on composition and temperature of plasmas for comet or planetary missions. Advantages of the impedance probe technique are discussed and two classes of instruments built and flown by SDL-USU for determining electron density (the capacitance and plasma frequency probes) are described

    Mixing with the radiofrequency single-electron transistor

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    By configuring a radio-frequency single-electron transistor as a mixer, we demonstrate a unique implementation of this device, that achieves good charge sensitivity with large bandwidth about a tunable center frequency. In our implementation we achieve a measurement bandwidth of 16 MHz, with a tunable center frequency from 0 to 1.2 GHz, demonstrated with the transistor operating at 300 mK. Ultimately this device is limited in center frequency by the RC time of the transistor's center island, which for our device is ~ 1.6 GHz, close to the measured value. The measurement bandwidth is determined by the quality factor of the readout tank circuit.Comment: Submitted to APL september 200

    SHORTFALLS IN 1997 NET FARM INCOME IN NORTH DAKOTA (Prepared for Senators Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad)

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    North Dakota net farm income declined in 1997 due to adverse weather conditions and low prices. The total income loss in 1997 was estimated to be 394million,whichwasdividedinto394 million, which was divided into 290 million due to weather and diseases, and $104 million due to lower-than-average prices. Net farm income losses were largest in Region 3 (Northeast), followed by Regions 1 (Northwest) and 6 (East Central). HRS wheat accounted for the largest income loss, followed by durum and barley.Net farm income, crop losses, weather conditions, North Dakota input output model, Agricultural Finance,

    Current-Induced Spin Polarization in Gallium Nitride

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    Electrically generated spin polarization is probed directly in bulk GaN using Kerr rotation spectroscopy. A series of n-type GaN epilayers are grown in the wurtzite phase both by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) with a variety of doping densities chosen to broadly modulate the transverse spin lifetime, T2*. The spin polarization is characterized as a function of electrical excitation energy over a range of temperatures. Despite weak spin-orbit interactions in GaN, a current-induced spin polarization (CISP) is observed in the material at temperatures of up to 200 K.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Validating Deployment Dynamics of the Canisterized Satellite Dispenser (CSD)

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    Planetary Systems Corporation (PSC) designed the CSD to be a more secure, predictable, and consistent CubeSat deployment system. Though the CSD has proven its safety and reliability on orbit and in other air-and ground-based tests, there was still not enough data needed to develop analytical profiles describing CSD deployment angular and linear velocities and accelerations. The goal of this research effort is to first tune a dynamics model using experimental data collected from three sources: (1) PSC’s microgravity deployment tests onboard a C-9 aircraft in 2014; (2) AFIT led lab bench experiments in 2016; and (3) AFRL-AFIT led tests at NASA Glenn Research Center’s (GRC’s) microgravity drop tower in 2017. The second part of this presented research is to evaluate the model prediction performance against various configurations followed by an evaluation of which experimental data sources yields the best tuned dynamics model

    Crit II Electric, Magnetic, and Density Measurements Within an Ionizing Neutral Stream

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    Measurements from rocket borne sensors inside a high velocity neutral barium beam show a factor of six increasei n plasmad ensityi n a movingi onizingf ront. This region-wacso -locatedw ith intensef luctuatinge lectric fields( $E • 300m V/m) at frequenciewse llu ndert he lower hybrid frequency for a barium plasina. Large quasi-DC electric and magnetic field fluctuations were also detected with a large componento f the current and the electricf ield. parallelt o Bo. An Alfv6n wavew ith a finite electricf ield componentp arallel to the geomagneticfi eld was observed to propagatea longB o, wherei t wasd etectedb y ami nstrumented sub-payload

    Experiment to Evaluate the Feasibility of Utilizing Skylab-EREP Remote Sensing Data for Tectonic Analysis Through a Study of the Big Horn Mountain Region, Wyoming, South Dakota and Wyoming

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    The author has identified the following significant results. S190B imagery was the best single product from which fairly detailed structural and some lithologic mapping could be accomplished in the Big Horn basin, the Owl Creek Mountains, and the northern Big Horn Mountains. The Nye-Bowler lineament could not be extended east of its presently mapped location although a linear (fault or monocline) was noted that may be part of the lineament, but north of postulated extensions. Much more structure was discernible in the Big Horn basin than could be seen on LANDSAT-1 imagery; RB-57 color IR photography, in turn, revealed additional folds and faults. A number of linears, several of which could be identified as faults and one a monocline, cut obliquely the east-west trending Owl Creek uplift. The heavy forest cover of the Black Hills makes direct lithologic delineation impossible. However, drainage and linear overlays revealed differences in pattern between the areas of exposed Precambrian crystalline core and the flanking Paleozoic rocks. S192 data, even precision corrected segments, were not of much use

    Activation of p34cdc2 kinase by cyclin A

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    Functional clam cyclin A and B proteins have been produced using a baculovirus expression system. Both cyclin A and B can induce meiosis I and meiosis II in Xenopus in the absence of protein synthesis. Half-maximal induction occurs at 50 nM for cyclin A and 250 nM for cyclin B. Addition of 25 nM cyclin A to activated Xenopus egg extracts arrested in the cell cycle by treatment with RNase or emetine activates cdc2 kinase to the normal metaphase level and stimulates one oscillatory cell cycle. High levels of cyclin A cause marked hyperactivation of cdc2 kinase and a stable arrest at the metaphase point in the cell cycle. Kinetic studies demonstrate the concentration of cyclin A added does not affect the 10 min lag period required for kinase activation or the timing of maximal activity, but does control the rate of deactivation of cdc2 kinase during exit from mitosis. In addition, exogenous clam cyclin A inhibits the degradation of both A- and B-type endogenous Xenopus cyclins. These results define a system for investigating the biochemistry and regulation of cdc2 kinase activation by cyclin A

    Estimating true evolutionary distances under rearrangements, duplications, and losses

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    Background: The rapidly increasing availability of whole-genome sequences has enabled the study of whole-genome evolution. Evolutionary mechanisms based on genome rearrangements have attracted much attention and given rise to many models; somewhat independently, the mechanisms of gene duplication and loss have seen much work. However, the two are not independent and thus require a unified treatment, which remains missing to date. Moreover, existing rearrangement models do not fit the dichotomy between most prokaryotic genomes (one circular chromosome) and most eukaryotic genomes (multiple linear chromosomes). Results: To handle rearrangements, gene duplications and losses, we propose a new evolutionary model and the corresponding method for estimating true evolutionary distance. Our model, inspired from the DCJ model, is simple and the first to respect the prokaryotic/eukaryotic structural dichotomy. Experimental results on a wide variety of genome structures demonstrate the very high accuracy and robustness of our distance estimator. Conclusions: We give the first robust, statistically based, estimate of genomic pairwise distances based on rearrangements, duplications and losses, under a model that respects the structural dichotomy between prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. Accurate and robust estimates in true evolutionary distances should translate into much better phylogenetic reconstructions as well as more accurate genomic alignments, while our new model of genome rearrangements provides another refinement in simplicity and verisimilitude
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