543 research outputs found

    Inverse correlation between VEGF and soluble VEGF receptor 2 in POEMS with AIDP responsive to intravenous immunoglobulin

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    POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-band, and skin changes) syndrome is characterized by chronic progressive polyneuropathy and plasma-cell dyscrasia. A major diagnostic criterion of POEMS is elevation of circulating vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is believed to play a pathogenic role in this disease. We report a case of POEMS that presented as relapsing acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, in which complete remission after intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) treatment was unexpectedly observed. At clinical nadir, the VEGF level was 30-fold higher, and the soluble form of VEGF receptor 2 (sVEGFR2), which acts as a decoy for VEGF, was 2.7-fold lower than normal. These changes combined might contribute to the pathogenesis of POEMS, inducing vascular permeability and tissue edema. At 9-month follow-up, during clinical remission, VEGF and sVEGFR2 were near normal values. sVEGFR2 reduction is a new finding in POEMS. IVIg treatment may benefit POEMS patients with acute neuropathy by downgrading VEGF release induced by inflammatory cytokines

    Antiretroviral therapy and changing patterns of HIV stigmatisation in Entebbe, Uganda

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    Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has the potential to change processes of HIV stigmatisation. In this article, changing processes of stigmatisation among a group of people living with HIV (PLWH) on ART in Wakiso District, Uganda, are analysed using qualitative data from a study of PLWH’s self-management of HIV on ART. There were 38 respondents (20 women, 18 men) who had been taking ART for at least 1 year. They were purposefully selected from government and non-government ART providers. Two in-depth interviews were held with each participant. Processes of reduced self-stigmatisation were clearly evident, caused by the recovery of their physical appearance and support from health workers. However most participants continued to conceal their status because they anticipated stigma; for example, they feared gossip, rejection and their status being used against them. Anticipated stigma was gendered: women expressed greater fear of enacted forms of stigma such as rejection by their partner; in contrast men’s fears focused on gossip, loss of dignity and self-stigmatisation. The evidence indicates that ART has not reduced underlying structural drivers of stigmatisation, notably gender identities and inequalities, and that interventions are still required to mitigate and tackle stigmatisation, such as counselling, peer-led education and support groups that can help PLWH reconstruct alternative and more positive identities

    Standardized Functions for Smartphone Applications: Examples from Maternal and Child Health

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    Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are unlikely to be met in most low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Smartphones and smartphone proxy systems using simpler phones, equipped with the capabilities to identify location/time and link to the web, are increasingly available and likely to provide an excellent platform to support healthcare self-management, delivery, quality, and supervision. Smart phones allow information to be delivered by voice, texts, pictures, and videos as well as be triggered by location and date. Prompts and reminders, as well as real-time monitoring, can improve quality of health care. We propose a three-tier model for designing platforms for both professional and paraprofessional health providers and families: (1) foundational functions (informing, training, monitoring, shaping, supporting, and linking to care); (2) content-specific targets (e.g., for MDG; developmentally related tasks); (3) local cultural adaptations (e.g., language). We utilize the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) MDG in order to demonstrate how the existing literature can be organized and leveraged on open-source platforms and provide examples using our own experience in Africa over the last 8 years

    The effect of the oil resin on the properties of solution of the petroleum wax treated in an ultrasonic field

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    It was found that the complex treatment of ultrasonic followed by the addition of 0.3% by weight. petroleum resins, a more efficient method of inhibiting sedimentation processes than just ultrasonic or addition of 0,3% by weight. petroleum resins. According to the obtained data, fragments of aliphatic petroleum resins are adsorbed on the high molecular hydrocarbons of normal structure and prevent their aggregation thus the inhibition of sedimentation occurs