135 research outputs found

    Study of wavelength-shifting chemicals for use in large-scale water Cherenkov detectors

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    Cherenkov detectors employ various methods to maximize light collection at the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). These generally involve the use of highly reflective materials lining the interior of the detector, reflective materials around the PMTs, or wavelength-shifting sheets around the PMTs. Recently, the use of water-soluble wavelength-shifters has been explored to increase the measurable light yield of Cherenkov radiation in water. These wave-shifting chemicals are capable of absorbing light in the ultravoilet and re-emitting the light in a range detectable by PMTs. Using a 250 L water Cherenkov detector, we have characterized the increase in light yield from three compounds in water: 4-Methylumbelliferone, Carbostyril-124, and Amino-G Salt. We report the gain in PMT response at a concentration of 1 ppm as: 1.88 ±\pm 0.02 for 4-Methylumbelliferone, stable to within 0.5% over 50 days, 1.37 ±\pm 0.03 for Carbostyril-124, and 1.20 ±\pm 0.02 for Amino-G Salt. The response of 4-Methylumbelliferone was modeled, resulting in a simulated gain within 9% of the experimental gain at 1 ppm concentration. Finally, we report an increase in neutron detection performance of a large-scale (3.5 kL) gadolinium-doped water Cherenkov detector at a 4-Methylumbelliferone concentration of 1 ppm.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods

    A comparison of the neutron detection efficiency and response characteristics of two pixelated PSD-capable organic scintillator detectors with different photo-detection readout methods

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    We characterize the performance of two pixelated neutron detectors: a PMT-based array that utilizes Anger logic for pixel identification and a SiPM-based array that employs individual pixel readout. The SiPM-based array offers improved performance over the previously developed PMT-based detector both in terms of uniformity and neutron detection efficiency. Each detector array uses PSD-capable plastic scintillator as a detection medium. We describe the calibration and neutron efficiency measurement of both detectors using a 137^{137}Cs source for energy calibration and a 252^{252}Cf source for calibration of the neutron response. We find that the intrinsic neutron detection efficiency of the SiPM-based array is (30.2 ± 1.730.2 \ \pm \ 1.7)\%, which is almost twice that of the PMT-based array, which we measure to be (16.9±0.216.9 \pm 0.2)\%

    A Note on Neutron Capture Correlation Signals, Backgrounds, and Efficiencies

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    A wide variety of detection applications exploit the timing correlations that result from the slowing and eventual capture of neutrons. These include capture-gated neutron spectrometry, multiple neutron counting for fissile material detection and identification, and antineutrino detection. There are several distinct processes that result in correlated signals in these applications. Depending on the application, one class of correlated events can be a background that is difficult to distinguish from the class that is of interest. Furthermore, the correlation timing distribution depends on the neutron capture agent and detector geometry. Here, we explain the important characteristics of the neutron capture timing distribution, making reference to simulations and data from a number of detectors currently in use or under development. We point out several features that may assist in background discrimination, and that must be carefully accounted for if accurate detection efficiencies are to be quoted.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; Submitted to Nuclear Instrument and Methods

    Status of the LUX Dark Matter Search

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    The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) dark matter search experiment is currently being deployed at the Homestake Laboratory in South Dakota. We will highlight the main elements of design which make the experiment a very strong competitor in the field of direct detection, as well as an easily scalable concept. We will also present its potential reach for supersymmetric dark matter detection, within various timeframes ranging from 1 year to 5 years or more.Comment: 4 pages, in proceedings of the SUSY09 conferenc

    After LUX: The LZ Program

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    The LZ program consists of two stages of direct dark matter searches using liquid Xe detectors. The first stage will be a 1.5-3 tonne detector, while the last stage will be a 20 tonne detector. Both devices will benefit tremendously from research and development performed for the LUX experiment, a 350 kg liquid Xe dark matter detector currently operating at the Sanford Underground Laboratory. In particular, the technology used for cryogenics and electrical feedthroughs, circulation and purification, low-background materials and shielding techniques, electronics, calibrations, and automated control and recovery systems are all directly scalable from LUX to the LZ detectors. Extensive searches for potential background sources have been performed, with an emphasis on previously undiscovered background sources that may have a significant impact on tonne-scale detectors. The LZ detectors will probe spin-independent interaction cross sections as low as 5E-49 cm2 for 100 GeV WIMPs, which represents the ultimate limit for dark matter detection with liquid xenon technology.Comment: Conference proceedings from APS DPF 2011. 9 pages, 6 figure
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