79 research outputs found

    Skew Cyclic Codes Over A Finite Ring : A Note on a result of Mohammadi et al

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    In this small note we correct an error made by Mohammadi et al. in their paper entitled "On Skew Cyclic Codes Over A Finite Ring" ( Iranian Jl. Math. Sci. Inform. Vol 14 (1) (2019), 135-145)

    OSEMN Approach for Real Time Data Analysis

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    Data analysis system is the study of people opinions, sentiments, attitudes, and emotions expressed through written language. Sentiment analysis is just a part of it in this system we compare the accuracy result of two languages sentiment analysis. If we saw than sentiment analysis is one of the most active research areas. It is popular because of two reasons. First, it has a big range of applications because opinions are center of almost all human activities and it shows our behaviours. Whenever we make a decision, we have to heard other’s opinions as well. Second, it presents many challenges research problems, which had never been strive before the year 2000. Part of the reason for the lack of study before was that there was small dogmatic text in digital forms. There is no surprise that the establishment and the rapid growth in the field coincide with the social media on the Web. In fact, the research has also increase outside of computer science to manage science and social science due to its importance to business and society as a whole. Information analysis system is the system in which we measure the accuracy rate of both languages chirps. The main thing is this that this project is a newly formed project. We can say that sentiment analysis is just a part of it for that we have to understand what is sentiment classification and analysis. So Sentiment classification is a way to inspect the personal data in the chirps or data and then extract the opinion. Chirps analysis the method by which information is withdraw from the opinions, and emotions of people in regards to things. During decision taking the opinion of other person shave a drastic effect on users or customers ease because they make choices regarding to e-shopping, choosing events, products, things. The approaches towards chirps analysis work according to a particular level, document level. This paper aims at analysing a solution for the sentiment classification at a powdery, mainly in the sentences in which the polar nature of the chirps or sentences given by three categorization name as positive ,negative and neutral


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    Bhasma occupy the highest attention and have got a very unique place because of their small doses, tastelessness, quick action, easy absorption and also their prolonged shelf life, wide range of therapeutic efficacy and better rejuvenating (Rasayana) effects. Metals and minerals are integral part of therapeutics in Ayurveda and Tamra is one of such metals which if properly processed and detoxified is useful in many diseases. But if not processed properly it shows many ill effects called Ashtmaha Dosha. In the present study Tamra Bhasma was prepared by using Tamra Patra. This study included procedures like Shodhana, Marana, Amrutikarana as per classical texts. 380gm of raw Tamra Patra were taken. Samanya and Vishesha Shodhana were done as per reference of Rasa Ratna Samuchya. After complete Shodhana, total 350gm Shudha Tamra was obtained. Loss in weight after Shodhana may be due to loss in impurities present in raw Tamra. Total 21 Puta were given in the electrical muffle furnace to prepare Tamra Bhasma. Specific temperature pattern was adopted for Puta in the electrical muffle furnace. Total 300gm of Tamra Bhasma was obtained. After each Puta there was significant loss in weight of Tamra may be due to loss in hardness and impurities. Marana was followed by Amrutikarana and net weight of Tamra Bhasma obtained was 330gm. 30gm weight gain may be due to the organic material used for the Amrutikarana process. Color of Bhasma became black after Amrutikarana

    Feto-maternal outcome in human immunodeficiency virus seropositive mothers in co-relation with CD4 count

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    Background: To study the effect of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection on pregnancy outcomes and new born as mother to child transmission of HIV is a major route on new infections in children and compare it with HIV uninfected pregnancies.Methods: Prospective comparative study conducted on 40 HIV seropositive and 40 HIV seronegative pregnant women attending ANC and delivering in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, S. M. S. Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.Results: CD4 count had no effect on birth weight of baby or term of delivery. HIV seropositive pregnancies were more prone to IUD, still birth and preterm birth (p=0.029). Mother to child transmission was 2.7%.Conclusions: HIV infection increases the risk of adverse foetal outcome in terms of intrauterine demise, still birth and preterm labour

    Placenta accreta not previa: a rare case report of placenta accreta in an unscarred uterus

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    Placenta accreta spectrum disorders are usually associated with direct surgical scar such as caesarean delivery, surgical termination of pregnancy, Dilatation and curettage, Myomectomy, Endometrial resection and Asherman’s syndrome. It can also be associated with non-surgical scar and uterine anomalies. Rarely it can be encountered in unscarred uterus. Mrs X, 35-year female, unbooked patient, G7P2L2A4 with nine months of amenorrhoea reported in emergency of RML Hospital on 30/07/2019 with history of labour pains since 2 days. Patient gave history of four dilatation and curettage for incomplete abortion. On examination patient was found to be severely anaemic (Hb -6 gm). 2 Packed RBC were transfused preoperatively. There was no progress in labour beyond 6 cm for 4 hours. Patient was thus taken for LSCS for NPOL, with blood on flow. Intraoperatively, after delivery of the baby placenta which was fundo-posterior did not separate. In view of parity and morbidly adherent placenta (clinical grade III), subtotal hysterectomy was done. Patient was transfused 4 PRBC, 4 FFP and 2 platelets. Uterus with placenta in situ was sent for histopathology. Patient was in ICU for 2 days and recovered well. Post-operative period was uneventful. Placenta accreta is defined as abnormal trophoblast invasion of whole or a part of placenta into myometrium of uterine wall. Caesarean delivery is associated with increased risk of placenta accrete and the risk increases with each caesarean section, from 0.3% in woman with one previous caesarean delivery to 6.47% for woman with five or more caesarean deliveries. Placenta accreta spectrum disorders occur in 3% of woman diagnosed with placenta previa and no prior caesarean. In the developing world, the obstetrician should be prepared to encounter un diagnosed placenta accrete even in absence of previous LSCS. Curretage following MTP is also a risk factor, so vigourous currettage should be avoided to prevent endometrial damage

    Study of incidence and outcome of acute inversion of uterus

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    Background: Acute inversion of uterus also called as puerperal inversion of uterus is a rare, but life-threatening complication of third stage of labour. Severe uterine atony, mismanagement of third stage of labour, adherent placenta are some of the common factors associated with the occurrence of acute inversion of uterus. Early recognition and prompt treatment are important to save life of the woman.Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional record-based study was carried out to find out the incidence, presentation and outcome of cases of acute inversion of uterus admitted to Pravara Rural Hospital Loni for a period of three years (October 2015 to September 2018).Results: During the study period, there were 27,134 deliveries including 8,834 caesarean sections. There were six cases of acute inversion of uterus in the hospital during study period. The incidence of acute inversion of uterus was 0.22 per one thousand deliveries (0.27 per thousand vaginal deliveries and 0.11per one thousand caesarean sections). Three cases were referred from outside hospital and three cases had delivered at Pravara Rural Hospital. Five cases had delivered vaginally, where as one case had undergone caesarean section. There were two maternal deaths and four survivals among six cases of inversion of uterus. Severe anaemia, irreversible hypovolemic shock and multi-organ failure were causes of maternal deaths.Conclusions: Prompt recognition of uterine inversion and its immediate reposition under anaesthesia was a key for successful management. Delay in recognition and transfer of cases resulted in haemorrhagic and neurogenic shock, leading to death of a women. Institutional deliveries with practice of principles of active management of third stage of labour (AMTSL) and improvement in emergency obstetric care services at peripheral hospitals, avoiding delays at all levels will help to reduce the incidence, morbidity and mortality associated with acute inversion of uterus


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    In recent years, various advancements have been introduced in the development of controlled drug release devices for resolving different physiological problems for example, gastric retention inconsistency along with erratic gastric emptying time. Gastroretentive delivery formulations receive considerable attention to overcome these drawbacks and in optimizing the absorption of different medicaments. Gastroretentive technologies considerably extend the stomach retention time of dosage forms with increased bioavailability as well as therapeutic efficacy. Gastroretention can be successfully achieved utilizing gastric floating system. The rationale of the present manuscript focuses on current advancements of gastric floating systems so as to accomplish appropriate drug bioavailability and, subsequently drug targeting to the stomach. In vivo evaluation parameters, especially pivotal imaging techniques including roentgenography, gamma scintigraphy, gastroscopy, magnetic marker monitoring, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, 13C octanoic acid breath test etc. have been emphasized in this manuscript for monitoring drug formulation behavior which extensively revolutionized thorough understanding in the avenue of improved bioavailability of gastroretentive systems

    Clinicomorphologic Spectrum of Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Series of Twelve Cases

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    Basal cell carcinoma is a non-melanocytic skin cancer that arises from basal cells. It is the most common skin malignancy in the developed world, while in India it is second to squamous cell carcinoma. Neglected tumors can continue to grow and lead to significant local destruction and disfigurement. Therefore, early diagnosis is essential. Here, is presented a series of twelve cases of basal cell carcinoma showing a spectrum of clinical presentation, including age, gender, and site of occurrence. Also, the varying patterns on microscopic examination are discussed. Prevalence in older age group was noted. The most common site was observed to be head and neck region. However, in contrast to previous studies, a female preponderance was observed. Different morphological types such as undifferentiated, pigmented, and spindle-cell variants were seen. It is important to differentiate basal cell carcinoma from other skin tumors and also type the tumors as the prognosis and risk of recurrence depends on subtype
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