348 research outputs found

    Excitation energy transfer from dye molecules to doped graphene

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    Recently, we have reported theoretical studies (J. Chem. Phys. 129, 054703, 2008 and J. Chem. Phys. 130, 086101, 2009) on the rate of energy transfer from an electronically excited molecule to graphene. It was found that graphene is a very efficient quencher of the electronically excited states and that the rate \propto (distance)4(distance)^{-4}. The process was found to be effective up to 30  nm30\;nm which is well beyond the traditional FRET limit. In this report, we study the transfer of an amount of energy Ω\hbar \Omega from a dye molecule to doped graphene. We find a crossover of the distance dependence of the rate from (distance)4(distance)^{-4} to exponential as the Fermi level is increasingly shifted into the conduction band, with the crossover occurring at a shift of the Fermi level by an amount Ω/2\hbar \Omega/2.Comment: This paper was submitted to J. Chem. Phys. on 20/05/201

    Resonance energy transfer from a fluorescent dye molecule to plasmon and electron-hole excitations of a metal nanoparticle

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    We study the distance dependence of the rate of electronic excitation energy transfer from a dye molecule to a metal nanoparticle. Using the spherical jellium model, we evaluate the rates corresponding to the excitation of l = 1, 2, and 3 modes of the nanoparticle. Our calculation takes into account both the electron-hole pair and the plasmon excitations of the nanoparticle. The rate follows conventional R^-6 dependence at large distances while small deviations from this behavior are observed at shorter distances. Within the framework of the jellium model, it is not possible to attribute the experimentally observed d^-4 dependence of the rate to energy transfer to plasmons or e-h pair excitations.Comment: 4 figure

    “Building from bottom” a success story

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    Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) is a local government committed to provide basic infrastructure facilities including entertainment facilities to the people of the city. RMC is very well known for managing the city by using private sector participation as well as introduction of innovative mechanisms in management to serve people efficiently. City has prepared different plans for improving services and to nullify the gap between services and demands. The sole responsibility of Solid Waste Management (SWM) in the city lies with the Soild Wate Management department of Rajkot Muncipal Corporation (RMC)

    Determinants of Fisherwomens’ Economic Status in Fisheries

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    India’s vast coastline provides food, stability, and income-producing opportunities for many of India’s economically disadvantaged sections of the population. Fisheries in India account for 2.5 per cent of the gross domestic product and generate powerful income and employment opportunities for many of the country’s rural poor. Women, who constitute approximately half of India’s population, play a vital role in the operation of the fisheries and their continuing growth as a component of the agriculture sector of the economy. The contributions of the fisherwomen penetrate every aspect of postharvest handling, preservation, processing, and marketing of seafood products, and provide an integral link between producers and consumers. The study was conducted on a sample of 50 fisherwomen drawn from the 2 coastal districts of Tamilnadu namely, Kancheepuram and Chennai. The findings revealed that, most of the fisherwomen had a high level of livelihood index (Score of < 50), and also had a high level of aspiration (Score <13). The step wise regression analysis revealed that the variables influencing the livelihood index of fisherwomen, in order of importance, were annual level of savings and annual level of debt. The annual level of expenditure and annual level of savings had a positive and significant influence on the level of aspiration of fisherwomen

    Awareness of farmers about social forestry programme - an analysis

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    A study was conducted to assess the awareness level of farmers on various components of Social forestry Programme, implemented by the Social Forestry Department in Ke rala State, India. It could be inferred/rom the study that the awareness level on /arm/oreslry lVas very high. On the other hand the awareness level on coastal area plantations and fodder plantations was relatively lesser. Variables such as education, material possession, media participation, contact with extension agency and economic motivation had a positive relationship with the awarelIess level of marginal farmers whereas variables like age, occupation, social participation and risk orientation had a negative influence on awareness. It was also observed that exceptfor education and risk orientation, all the other variables had a positive relationship with the awareness level of small farmers


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    Rasaushadis play an important role by exerting a quick action which streamlines its role in the field of medicine. Bhasmas are one among the unique preparations told in the field of Rasashastra. They tend to be more bio-available in the body as they are in the form of a nanoparticle. Loha Bhasma is abundantly used in the management of various diseases like Kaamala, Pandu etc. Loha in the form of a raw material is very hard and toxic, hence it has to be subjected to primary processes like Shodana and Marana to obtain nectar like substance in the form of a very fine powder called Loha Bhasma. In this study Iron fillings where used to prepare the Bhasma by subjecting it to Samanya and Vishesha Shodana and later on doing the procedure of Marana according to Rasa Ratna Sammuchchaya. During the process of Shodana care has to be taken while heating the iron fillings throughout the procedure and measured quantity of liquid media for quenching has to be maintained for doing Shodana in bulk. During the process iron fillings tend to flush over the face during each Nirvapa which has to be dealt with precaution. Marana was done by subjecting Loha for 20 successive Putas. Thereafter analysis of the Lohachurna and Bhasma (8th &amp; 20th puta)&nbsp; was analysed using SEM-EDAX. It was observed that the percentage of oxygen content in Loha Bhasma increased thereby stating it to be in Oxide form and the percentage of iron was reduced. The particle size ranges in nanometre scale of around 34.16nm which facilitates it being in its minute form

    Involvement of extension personnel in implementing social forestry programmes

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    In a country like India, where the population is high and resources are limited, social forestry is an instrument for rural development, particularly for the poor people. Thus social forestry is identified as a forestry of the people, by the people and for the people

    Sidis of Gujarat – A Historical Reminiscence

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    The following study documents the socio-economic profile of “Sidis” an ancient tribe inhabiting the outskirts of the Gir forest in Gujarat. The study aimed at analyzing the impact of cage culture programme on the status of livelihood of the beneficiaries of the programme. Data was collected form a sample of 135 “Sidis” using structured interview schedule. The average monthly income and skill perception was higher for the “Sidis” practicing cage culture when compared to the other two categories