24 research outputs found

    Wound Healing and Skin Regeneration: Present Status and Future Directions

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    Wound healing and skin regeneration involve intricate interactions between various cellular, molecular, and biochemical factors. This narrative review aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the present status of therapeutic strategies for wound healing and skin regeneration. The literature review was performed using the Google Scholar search engine with the help of relevant keywords. Selected publications were used to synthesize different sections of the narrative review. The quest for innovative therapeutic approaches to accelerate wound healing and enhance skin regeneration has led to remarkable advancements in recent years. The landscape of therapeutic approaches for wound healing and skin regeneration is evolving rapidly, driven by groundbreaking discoveries and interdisciplinary collaborations. From advanced wound dressings and growth factor therapies to stem cell-based interventions and gene editing techniques, the arsenal of tools at our disposal continues to expand. As researchers continue to unravel the intricate mechanisms underlying wound repair and regeneration, the potential for transformative therapies to revolutionize patient care remains immense. Through a combination of innovative technologies, personalized approaches, ethical considerations, and global accessibility, the future of wound healing holds promise for improving the lives of countless individuals worldwide. Despite significant advancements, several knowledge gaps persist in the field of wound healing and skin regeneration. Further elucidation of cellular and molecular mechanisms governing wound repair, inflammation resolution, and scar formation is warranted. Exploring the crosstalk between wound healing and the microbiome and the influence of ageing and systemic diseases will unravel new therapeutic targets and strategies. As researchers delve deeper into understanding the intricate mechanisms underlying wound repair, the development of novel therapies and their clinical translation become increasingly promising. With a multidisciplinary approach and ongoing advancements in technology, biology, and medicine, the future holds great potential for transforming the field of wound healing and skin regeneration

    Clinical application of acellular matrix derived from the bubaline diaphragm and caprine rumen for the repair of abdominal wall defects in animals

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    The abdominal wall hernias resulting due to trauma or other clinical conditions are common in animals. Large hernias required the use of synthetic mesh, which is costly and may result in infection, fistula formation, and pain. Application of biomaterials in hernia repair causes a reduction in pain, reduced recovery time, and rate of recurrence. The study was undertaken to test the acellular bubaline diaphragm matrix (BDiaM) and acellular caprine rumen matrix (CRuM) for the repaired hernia in clinical cases. Fresh bubaline diaphragm and caprine rumen were decellularized using sodium deoxycholate (1% for CRuM and 2% for BDiaM) for 48h. Acellularity was ascertained histologically and by DNA quantification. Histologically, both the matrices showed complete acellularity and orderly arranged collagen fibers after 48 h. The DNA contents were significantly (P0.05) reduced in both the matrices in comparison to the native matrices. The BDiaM and CRuM matrices were applied in eight and nine clinical cases of abdominal wall defects, respectively. Animals with BDiaM and CRuM matrices recovered uneventfully and remained sound at least up to 3 months. Hematological and immunological findings were unremarkable. BDiaM and CRuM matrices showed good results without complications. Keywords:Biocompatibility, Bubaline diaphragm matrix, Caprine rumen matrix, DNA quantification, ELISA, SDS-PAG

    Rekonstrukcija velike ventrolateralne kile u bivola s acelularnim dermalnim matriksom: metoda liječenja velike kile u životinja - prikaz slučaja.

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    A buffalo, 4 years of age presented with a history of a large swelling in the ventral abdominal region. The case was diagnosed as ventro-lateral hernia. Since the size of the hernial ring was about 15 cm in diameter, hernioplasty was performed using an acellular rabbit dermal matrix. The animal made an uneventful recovery.Bivol u dobi od četiri godine bio je primljen sa znakovima velike otekline u ventralnom abdominalnom području. Postavljena je dijagnoza ventrolateralne kile. Budući da je veličina hernijalnog prstena bila promjera oko 15 cm, provedena je hernioplastika primjenom kunićjeg acelularnog dermalnog matriksa. Životinja se oporavila bez komplikacija

    Rekonstrukcija velike ventrolateralne kile u bivola s acelularnim dermalnim matriksom: metoda liječenja velike kile u životinja - prikaz slučaja.

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    A buffalo, 4 years of age presented with a history of a large swelling in the ventral abdominal region. The case was diagnosed as ventro-lateral hernia. Since the size of the hernial ring was about 15 cm in diameter, hernioplasty was performed using an acellular rabbit dermal matrix. The animal made an uneventful recovery.Bivol u dobi od četiri godine bio je primljen sa znakovima velike otekline u ventralnom abdominalnom području. Postavljena je dijagnoza ventrolateralne kile. Budući da je veličina hernijalnog prstena bila promjera oko 15 cm, provedena je hernioplastika primjenom kunićjeg acelularnog dermalnog matriksa. Životinja se oporavila bez komplikacija

    Stem cell therapy in animal models of central nervous system (CNS) diseases: therapeutic role, challenges and perspectives

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    ABSTRACT Many human diseases relating to central nervous system (CNS) are mimicked in animal models to evaluate the efficacy of stem cell therapy. The therapeutic role of stem cells in animal models of CNS diseases include replacement of diseased or degenerated neuron, oligodendrocytes or astrocytes with healthy ones, secretion of neurotrophic factors and delivery of therapeutics/genes. Scaffolds can be utilized for delivering stem cells in brain. Sustained delivery of stem cells, lineage specific differentiation, and enhanced neuronal network integration are the hallmarks of scaffold mediated stem cell delivery in CNS diseases. This review discusses the therapeutic role, challenges and future perspectives of stem cell therapy in animal models of CNS diseases

    Tumori mliječne žlijezde u pasa: prikaz hormonskih i tumorskih biljega.

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    Seven male dogs with clinically and histologically confi rmed mammary gland tumours were included in this study. All dogs were sexually intact. Median age at diagnosis was 9.4 yrs. Five were purebred and the rest were mongrels. Six dogs had a solitary growth whereas in one animal multiple growths were seen. All tumours were histologically benign. Simple adenomas with mixed acinar and papillary pattern were observed. All tumours were removed surgically. Healing was perfect in all cases without any postoperative complications. No recurrence was recorded up to six months post-surgery. The expression of sex hormones and p53, cox-2 and MMP-7 tumour marker genes was strong in the majority of cases. Although uncommon, mammary tumours do occur in male dogs.U istraživanje je bilo uključeno sedam pasa s potvrđenim tumorima mliječne žlijezde, koji nikada nisu opasivali kuje. Njihova prosječna dob kod postavljanja dijagnoze iznosila je 9,4 godina. Pet ih je bilo čistokrvnih, a dva mješanca. U šest je pasa bio ustanovljen solitarni, a u jednoga multipli rast. Svi su histološki bili dobroćudni. Ustanovljeni su adenomi s miješanim acinarnim i papilarnim oblikom. Svi su bili kirurški uklonjeni. Ozdravljenje je bilo potpuno bez ikakvih postoperativnih komplikacija. Tumori se nisu povratno javili šest mjeseci nakon operacije. U većini slučajeva bila je izražena aktivnost šest hormona i tumorskih biljega p53, cox-2 i MMP-7. Iako rijetko, tumori mliječne žlijezde javljaju se i u pasa

    Tidal impact leading to sedimentation at lower reach of Rupnarayan River, West Bengal, India

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    1349-1356During the last 20 years the lower reach of the Rupnarayan River has experienced a net shoaling of 26.57 million m3 (survey made by Kolkata Port Trust, 1992-2012) with 42.04 million m3 shoaling and 15.47 million m3 scouring. Bathymetric close grid survey of the study area was made using Leveling instrument and Echo sounder interfaced with Position Fixing System (GPS). Simultaneous tidal observations were available at an interval of one hour, velocity of high tide and low tide, tidal asymmetry and discharge of water etc. are measured at different Gauge Stations in the field. Swifter and stronger high tide results more available energy during high tide than as low tide. The incoming high tide brings a lot of sediments from the downstream and deposits it on the bed of the studied river in absence of any upland discharge during the non-monsoon months. During the freshet (July, August and September) the impact of high tide is felt less due to the voluminous anti-directional flow of the upland discharge. Tidal range is more near Geonkhali (4.5m) and decreases towards upstream, being lowest near Kolaghat (2.9m). Tidal asymmetry increases from downstream (2 hours at Geonkhali) to upstream (6 hours at Kolaghat). Tidal prism (volume of water that enters a tidal region during flood flow) is very high in that region

    Sedimentation under variable shear stress at lower reach of the Rupnarayan River, West Bengal, India

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    The lower reach of the Rupnarayan River has been deteriorated and incapacitated due to continuous sedimentation (26.57 million m3 shoaling in last 25 years). Attempts have been made to explain the causes and mechanisms of sedimentation in connection to the seasonal fluctuation of shear stress. River depth and water velocity was measured by echo-sounder and current meter respectively. Textural analysis of grains was done by sieving technique. Available and critical shear stress (N/m2) have been calculated following Du Boys (1879), Shield (1936) and Van Ledden (2003) formula. The lack of available energy to transport a particular grain size during low tide (in dry season) is the main reason behind the rapid sedimentation in this area. Most of the places (>75%) having negative deviation of shear stress (available shear stress lesser than critical shear stress), during low tide are characterized by deposition of sediments. The presence of mud (silt and clay) above the critical limit (15%) in some of the sediment samples generates the cohesive property, restricts sediments entrainment and invites sedimentation

    Analysis of sedimentation in connection to grain size and shear stress at lower reach of the Rupnarayan river, West Bengal, India

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    1128-1137Bathymetric close grid survey of the lower reach of Rupnarayan River was made using Dumpy Level and Echo sounder interfaced with Position Fixing System (GPS). Simultaneous tidal observations were available at an interval of half-an hour. Velocity during high and low tide is measured by Digital water current meter and floating method. Rate of sedimentation in three seasons (Pre-monsoon, Monsoon and Post-monsoon) was measured by keeping the wooden tray on river bed for few days. Textural analysis of sediment grains by sieving technique reveals that sediments are mainly of fine sand to coarse silt in nature. Moderate to moderately well sorting of sediments indicate low and moderate energy condition in the depositional environment. Predominant positive skewness and mesokurtic to leptokurtic nature of the sediments indicate continuous addition of finer or coarser materials and retention of their original characteristics during deposition. Most of the sediments are transported by suspension with rolling, graded suspension and uniform suspension before deposition. Sediments are deposited by combined effects of marine and fluvial processes under shallow agitating environment and carried by turbidity action. Shear stress during swifter and stronger high tide is more than during slower and weaker low tide