169 research outputs found

    Praca, religia, rodzina. Od wartości materialistycznych do postmaterialistycznych?

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    Artykuł bazować będzie na koncepcji teoretycznej Ronalda Ingleharta dotyczącej przejścia społeczeństwa od wartości materialistycznych (tradycyjnych) do postmaterialistycznych (nowoczesnych). Pokrótce przedstawione zostaną założenia tej koncepcji. Następnie omówione skrótowo wyniki badań własnych autorki nad wartościami pracy, rodziny i religii. Badania były przeprowadzone w społecznościach śląskich. Pokażą one, na jakim etapie przechodzenia od wartości materialistycznych do postmaterialistycznych znajduje się społeczeństwo polskie. W ostatnim akapicie autorka odpowie na pytanie, czy mamy do czynienia z kryzysem, czy z transformacją systemu wartości Polaków

    Ethnic identification as a part of the Silesians' identity

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    The article touches upon the issue of ethnic identification of Silesians. The problem is presented in terms of dynamics. The author first discusses the theoretical context for the notion of identification and ethnic identity. The concepts of E. Erikson and Ch. Cooley are presented. Among Polish sociologists, concepts of Z. Bokszański and K. Kłoskowska are set out. The concept of inequality of identity, formulated by Z. Bokszański, is assumed to be the most appropriate for the author’s considerations. The analysis of the formation of Silesians’ identity begins from mid-19th century, the period of industrialization of Upper Silesia. Ethnic identification of Silesian communities always crystallized in opposition to the foreign ones, in the sense of being dominated by a higher culture. During the reign of Prussia it was a German culture, after joining Silesia to Poland – Polish culture. During the period of real socialism, due to the major migrations and the mixing of the population, the importance of ethnic identification decreased. Current research conducted by the author show that ethnic identification plays an important role in Silesian communities. Silesian communities are inhabited by a significant proportion of people describing themselves as Silesians. This proportion is however diverse. It is lower in the cities, but fluctuates around 50%, whereas in small communities it reaches 90%. Silesian ethnic identification is primarily declared by people of indigenous origin, largely by those of mixed origin, and partly (about 20%) – incoming inhabitants

    Work as a value in the minds of the young generation of Poles

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    Artykuł przedstawia – na podstawie uaktualnionych założeń teoretycznych dotyczących zagadnień pracy, szczególnie pracy zawodowej – pozycję pracy w hierarchii aksjologicznej młodego pokolenia Polaków. Podstawą analizy i wniosków były badania empiryczne, zrealizowane – w ramach Visegrad Standard Grant “The economic awareness of the young generation of Visegrad countries” – wśród studentów trzech katowickich uczelni: Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego i Politechniki Śląskiej. Analiza empiryczna objęła wartościowanie pracy przez młodych Polaków, dominujące w tym pokoleniu twierdzenia dotyczące pracy i cech pracy. Młode polskie pokolenie realizuje materialistyczne, bądź postmaterialistyczne wartości pracy, co potwierdza koncepcje Ronalda Ingleharta odnośnie zmiany systemów wartości


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    Wstęp do książki "Changes in social awareness on both sides of the border Poland - the Czech Republic : sociological reflections"

    Value of work in the experience of the young generation of Visegrad countries

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    The paper discusses the issues of experience and value of work, one of the elements of economic awareness of the young generation – students from the Visegrad countries. The paper presents the concept of work and its value according to Ronald Inglehart's value system. An analysis was carried out based on empirical research conducted in April–May 2015 and November 2016 in higher education institutions in the V4 countries (Poland: Katowice, Slovakia: Nitra, Czech Republic: Olomouc/Ostrava, Hungary: Gödöllő).1 In each country, the student groups were selected according to the auditor survey technique. The research covered Bachelor and Master students from four different types of studies: Economics, Management, Technical, Sciences, Medicine, Social Studies and Humanities. The resulting discussion concerns the work experience of the students in V4 countries and their statements concerning the value of work. A comparison will be made among the four national groups. In the “Discussion and Conclusion” part research questions are answered and a complex indicator of the value of work is constructed. The conclusion also contains a reference to Inglehart’s theory and an answer concerning the question in which direction the values of work of the young generation in V4 countries are heading

    Czy na Śląsku są jeszcze Gorole? Analiza socjologiczna konfliktu etnicznego

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    The aim of the article is to show a genesis, perpetuation and the present state of the ethnic conflict in Silesia. A theoretical concept of L. Coser was applied. The author first outlines the historical origins of the ethnic conflict in Silesia. On the basis of historical studies, the author points out differences between the immigrant and the native population that triggered the conflict during the inter‑war period. The period of real socialism, on the one hand, resulted in mass migrations, but on the other, the authorities’ actions mitigated the conflict itself. During the last twenty years the Silesian Voivodeship has no loger been the goal of massive immigration, so the population is stabilizing. The author’s own research indicate the diffusion of Silesian‑specific values and cultural unification of the population. One could therefore conclude that the conflict is ended

    Social attitudes towards professional work of the 55+ generation. Comparative analysis of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary

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    The aim of the paper is to diagnose social attitudes towards professional work of the 55+ generation of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The analysis is based on the research carried out in Katowice, Ostrava and Debrecen among the 55-65 age group. The research was conducted in April – June 2019. The resulting discussion concerns the cognitive, affective and behavioural attitudes towards professional work. Three national groups are compared. The research findings indicate that taking into account all components of the overall attitude, it is the Poles who achieve the highest value of a positive attitude towards work, then the Hungarians, and finally the Czechs. The Poles demonstrate a consistent attitude towards work, with the individual components displaying similar results. The Czechs exhibit an inconsistent attitude. The highest value is achieved by the affective component and the lowest - by the behavioural one. The Hungarians also show an inconsistent attitude. The cognitive component achieves the same values as in the Czech Republic, however, the affective component achieves a very low value and the behavioural component is high. In Conclusions, the author shows that the economic activity of the 55+ generation is influenced by objective factors, in particular the state policy in the field of obtaining retirement rights and employment opportunities

    Theoretical and methodological basis of the research

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    What is the subject of the research that served as material for this publication is economic awareness. This very concept itself is embedded in a broader category of the so called social awareness. Defining this concept is usually difficult because one deals with multiple ways of understanding the concept of awareness. Latin may be helpful in shedding some light on the term of awareness – Latin conscientia is derived from con – “with” and scientia – “knowledge.” Accordingly, it signifies knowledge about something, the state of being aware of something, being conscious about something (Dubisz, 2003, t. 3, 1595). Psychologists define awareness as the highest level of mental development characteristic of the human inner subjective state of realizing something, a state of vigil (Reber, 2000: 740). The notion of social awareness has been discussed by a number of researchers. Initially, the term was found applicable in dialectical materialism. In this system, social awareness is a philosophical category opposed to the social state and means the total mental sum of all the people who formed the community. Social awareness in this system refers to social being, which is being, in a general sense, a part of a superstructure. The concept of social awareness was used to define and discuss class awareness and devalue the false awareness of the bourgeoisie (Mc Lenan, 1971) [...]

    Wartości - pracy, rodziny i religii - ciągłość i zmiana : socjologiczne studium społeczności śląskich

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    The subject of analysis is Silesian values, their origin, strengthening and weakening, as well as current duration and change in Silesian communities. The analysis concerns Silesian communities in the areas of industrial Upper Silesia which, before the World War II belonged to Poland. The very area is culturally homogeneous and has underwent changes of this type. The book consists of three parts, a theoretical, historical and empirical one. The first part discusses theoretical conceptions of values on sociological ground. What was particularly characterized was Ronald Inglehart’s conception of changes of the value system, and transition from materialist to postmaterialist values. A definition of Silesian values, and author’s own conception of changes of Silesian values was stated, as well as research questions and methods of answering them. Values of work, family and religion of the Polish society in the light of the studies of Polish sociologists starting from the end of the 1950s to our times were presented. A historical part consists of two chapters where the origin of Silesian values in the second half of the 19th century was presented, and, subsequently, a consolidation of values in the Inter‑war period. Next, the evolution of Silesian values in the period of real socialism and systemic transformation was discussed. An empirical part was based on the field studies in three Silesian communities, that is a Katowice district of Bogucice, Rydułtowy near Rybnik as well as Gostynia and Wyre in Wyry. It contains a characteristic of the communities in question, and, successively, their structural analysis. A special emphasis was put on self‑declaration of religiousness and ethnic identification. Next chapters show changes and duration of the value of work, family and religion. The analysis used a previously introduced topology of values, taking into consideration R. Inglehart’s conception, and the attempt was made to determine to which extent the very communities head for a direction following postmaterialist values. Also, the stages of the evolution of Silesian values and their mutual influences were show. The universality of conclusions from studies concerning the whole Polish society, as well as Silesian specificity was presented. The analysis of the three values under investigation in Silesian communities allowed for formulating a hypothesis complementing R. Inglehart’s theory