63 research outputs found

    Das Experiment Pöttsching: Evaluierung von Gemeinschaftserziehung im Kinderdorf - 30 Jahre danach

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    'Vor dreißig Jahren endete in Pöttsching das Projekt einer 'dörflichen' Gemeinschaftserziehung ĂŒberdurchschnittlich intelligenter Kinder aus den damaligen unteren Sozialschichten. Zu einem sozialwissenschaftlichen Experiment wurde das Begabungsförderungs-Kinderdorf Pöttsching allerdings erst durch die langzeitliche Evaluierung, durch das AufspĂŒren und Nachverfolgen der Lebenswege ehemaliger Kinderdorf-BewohnerInnen, der 'Alt-Pöttschinger'. Die in diesem Aufsatz zusammengefasste Studie bestĂ€rkt die Hypothese, dass Gemeinschaftserziehung und -erlebnisse von Jugendlichen soziale Kompetenz fördern und formen. Die Kinder von damals sind dreißig Jahre spĂ€ter nicht nur ĂŒberdurchschnittlich sozial engagiert; sie sind auch psychisch gesĂŒnder und relativ glĂŒcklich. Um langfristige Wirkungen von Milieu und Erziehung genauer zu verstehen, bedarf es allerdings noch umfassender derartiger longitudinaler Lebenslaufstudien.' (Autorenreferat

    Composites of Heavy Rain Producing Elevated Thunderstorms in the Central United States

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    Composite analyses of the atmosphere over the central United States during elevated thunderstorms producing heavy rainfall are presented. Composites were created for five National Weather Service County Warning Areas (CWAs) in the region. Events studied occurred during the warm season (April–September) during 1979–2012. These CWAs encompass the region determined previously to experience the greatest frequency of elevated thunderstorms in the United States. Composited events produced rainfall of \u3e50 mm 24 hr−1 within the selected CWA. Composites were generated for the 0–3 hr period prior to the heaviest rainfall, 6–9 hours prior to it, and 12–15 hours prior to it. This paper focuses on the Pleasant Hill, Missouri (EAX) composites, as all CWA results were similar; also these analyses focus on the period 0–3 hours prior to event occurrence. These findings corroborate the findings of previous authors. What is offered here that is unique is (1) a measure of the interquartile range within the composite mean fields, allowing for discrimination between variable fields that provided a strong reliable signal, from those that may appear strong but possess large variability, and (2) composite soundings of two subclasses of elevated thunderstorms. Also, a null case (one that fits the composite but failed to produce significant rainfall) is also examined for comparison

    Southwest US winter precipitation variability: reviewing the role of oceanic teleconnections

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    The current drought plaguing the Southwest US (SWUS) underscores the need for long-term precipitation predictability to inform sustainable planning of future ecological and economic systems. Precipitation predictability requires understanding the teleconnections and intercorrelations of a suite of climate indices that are known to impact the SWUS. However, decision criteria about the selection of El Niño and southern oscillation (ENSO) and non-ENSO indices, definition of winter months, geographical extent, temporal scale, computation of what constitutes a long-term mean, and determination of the study period, have not been systematically examined, yet have important consequences on the appropriate characterization of SWUS winter precipitation predictability. Here, we used Pearson’s correlations, Mann–Kendall tests, descriptive statistics, and principal component analyses to explore the statistical relationships between natural modes of climate variability and observed SWUS precipitation. We found no statistically significant persistent changes in the patterns of precipitation for a suite of SWUS geographical designations. Our results show that the choice of the temporal scale has an important impact on the determination of the strength of the climate signal. We show that ENSO indices were the primary determinants of SWUS precipitation, although inconsistencies persisted depending on the choice of ENSO index, the selection of SWUS geographical designation, and the chosen winter month combination. Non-ENSO indices in isolation were found inadequate to explain SWUS precipitation outcomes. Our analysis also indicates the predictability of SWUS precipitation must consider neutral ENSO events when non-ENSO modes are found to play an important role. We recommend the undertaking of a coordinated multi-decadal suite of numerical modeling experiments that systematically account for the individual and total impacts of this critical set of climate indices to improve understanding of past precipitation outcomes and by extension, improve predictability for a future for which tens of millions of people will require advanced planning

    Spatial and Temporal Variations of Snow Cover in the Karoon River Basin, Iran, 2003–2015

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    The Karoon River Basin, with an area of about 67,000 km2, is located in the southern part of Iran and has a complex mountainous terrain. No comprehensive study has been done on the spatial and temporal variations of snow cover in this region to date. In this paper, daily snow data of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS Terra (MOD10A1) and MODIS Aqua (MYD10A1) were examined from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2015, to analyze snow cover variations. Due to difficulties created by cloud cover effects, it was crucial to reduce cloud contamination in the daily time series. Therefore, two common cloud removal methods were applied on the daily data. The results suggested that in winter nearly 43% of the Basin’s area experienced a negative trend, while only 1.4% of the Basin had a positive trend for snow-covered days (SCD); trends in fall and spring were less evident in the data. Using a digital elevation model of the Basin, the trends of SCD in 100 m elevation intervals were calculated, indicating a significant positive trend in SCD during the fall season above 3500 m

    Analyzing bias in prominent climatic data sets

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