11 research outputs found

    Budova tělocvičny Pod Hradem

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    A life of a former athlete after their elite career – a pilot study

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    This paper reports on a pilot study of the Faculty of Sports Studies Masaryk University (FSpS) whose objective was to investigate psychosocial variables related to a managed, and/or unmanaged invo- lution at the end of the athlete’s sport career, and their transfer into an ordinary life after their elite sport’s engagement period. Consequently, this study aims to propose a theoretical frame providing typologies of approaches to the solutions dealing with their career’s ends, and the transition into their life after the career. The theory of transition, i.e., the theory of transitional stages in the development of an athlete’s motivational structure is a starting point for our research. An unmanaged or unmanageable involution brings about personal problems of a different character making up for the athlete’s loss of a social economic, psychosocial, and economic capital including loss of sport environment experience for the next generations. The observed pilot group consists of sixteen former top athletes in team sports, nine males and seven females. The participants are former professionals, currently non-active players of football, ice-hockey, basketball, and volleyball in the Czech, and/or Czechoslovak top competitions. The semi- structured interviews were chosen to collect data in the previously designed thematic areas such as the development and a course of their sport career, their family background, life or sport crossroads, their lifestyle, needs, goals, and their problem-solving ability in relation to their sport career and involution. The interviews were conducted by lecturers of the FSpS. Data analysis was performed using categorical data sorting followed on by an observation of categorical clusters, and the development and trajectory of an individual athlete’s life story

    A Life Of A Former Athlete After Their Elite Career – A Pilot Study

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    This paper reports on a pilot study of the Faculty of Sports Studies Masaryk University (FSpS) whose objective was to investigate psychosocial variables related to a managed, and/or unmanaged invo- lution at the end of the athlete’s sport career, and their transfer into an ordinary life after their elite sport’s engagement period. Consequently, this study aims to propose a theoretical frame providing typologies of approaches to the solutions dealing with their career’s ends, and the transition into their life after the career. The theory of transition, i.e., the theory of transitional stages in the development of an athlete’s motivational structure is a starting point for our research. An unmanaged or unmanageable involution brings about personal problems of a different character making up for the athlete’s loss of a social economic, psychosocial, and economic capital including loss of sport environment experience for the next generations. The observed pilot group consists of sixteen former top athletes in team sports, nine males and seven females. The participants are former professionals, currently non-active players of football, ice-hockey, basketball, and volleyball in the Czech, and/or Czechoslovak top competitions. The semi- structured interviews were chosen to collect data in the previously designed thematic areas such as the development and a course of their sport career, their family background, life or sport crossroads, their lifestyle, needs, goals, and their problem-solving ability in relation to their sport career and involution. The interviews were conducted by lecturers of the FSpS. Data analysis was performed using categorical data sorting followed on by an observation of categorical clusters, and the development and trajectory of an individual athlete’s life story.This paper reports on a pilot study of the Faculty of Sports Studies Masaryk University (FSpS) the objective was to investigate psychosocial variables related to managed, and/or unmanaged involution at the end of the athlete’s sporting career, which included their transfer into ordinary life after their elite sport’s engagement period. Consequently, this study aims to propose a theoretical framework providing typologies of approaches to the solutions dealing with the end a sports career and the transition thereafter. The theory of transition, i.e., the theory of transitional stages in the development of an athlete’s motivational structure is a starting point for our research. An unmanaged or unmanageable involution brings about personal problems of a different character making up for the athlete’s loss of a social economic, psychosocial, and economic capital including loss of sport environment experience for the following generations. The observed pilot group consisted of sixteen former top athletes in team sports, nine males and seven females. The participants were former professionals, currently non-active players of football, ice-hockey, basketball, and volleyball in the Czech, and/or Czechoslovak top competitions. The semi- structured interviews were chosen to collect data in the previously designed thematic areas such as the development and course of their sporting career, their family background, life or sport crossroads, their lifestyle, needs, goals, and their problem-solving ability in relation to their sport career and involution. The interviews were conducted by lecturers of the FSpS. Data analysis was performed using categorical data sorting followed up with an observation of categorical clusters, and the development and trajectory of an individual athlete’s life story

    The Effect of Respiratory and Physical Intervention on Selected Parameters of Heart Rate Variability in Hematooncological Patients after Treatment

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effect of respiratory and physical intervention for twelve weeks on selected parameters of heart rate variability in hematooncological patients after treatment. Spectral analysis of heart rate variability was measured by DiANS PF8 machine with Medical DiANS PC software. Evaluated were complex indices – Total score and Sympathovagal balance (S-V balance). The intervention programme was composed of three months of respiratory training and then three months of physical training. The experimental group, which absolved this combination of respiratory and physical intervention, was assessed at free time points: firstly, before the respiratory intervention, secondly between the respiratory and the physical intervention and thirdly after the physical intervention. The control group (without intervention) was measured twice between six months. 30 hematooncological patients (16 women and 14 men) were participated in this research, ranging in age 53,74±14,76 years from Internal Hematology and Oncology Clinic of The University Hospital Brno. Results of selected parameters of heart rate variability showed improvements, but without statistically significant effect of the intervention programme

    Pohybová aktivita jako účinný prostředek nefarmakologické péče v onkologii

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    Title in English: Physical activity as an effective means of non-pharmacological care in oncology. Much of the existing research confirms the assumption that regular physical activity can play a crucial role in nonpharmacological therapy and quality of life management in cancer survivors. The treatment of oncological diseases itself brings about numerous undesirable side effects, such as cardiotoxicity, anxiety, depression, sarcopenia, polyneuropathy, cancer fatigue and sleep disorders. Regular physical activity is associated with significant benefits for health including a lower risk of developing certain types of tumours and elimination of the accompanying undesirable effects of oncological treatment. A number of epidemiological studies found a correlation between regular physical activity and lower mortality linked to oncological diseases. The minimal amount of the activity needed to gain this benefit has not been established, however, the recommendations of ACSM indicate that at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity are needed per week. Physical exercise as nonpharmacological treatment is a domain of cancer survivors therapy whose aim is to incorporate targeted controlled exercise programmes into the overall treatment plan of the patients. Exercise programmes can be performed both in the duration of the illness as well as in the period prior to the treatment or in the course of adjuvant antitumour treatment (including chemotherapy) and in survivors. When prescribing physical activity it is necessary to take current health condition of the patient into account including their comorbidities, age or the level of physical fitness. If controlled physical activity is to become an indispensable part of oncological treatment it will be necessary to prove the therapy is safe and cost-effective

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Solving involution as a game

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    Physical intervention as a means of increasing the condition of haemato-oncological survivors in subsequent care

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    The main aim of the interventional motion and respiratory programme is increasing fitness in hemato-oncological patients as well as cessation of their muscle mass loss as a result of their disease and treatment. Hemato-oncological diseases and their treatment bring a range of side effects that are caused by cardiac, neural, and pulmonary toxicity of the treatment, which has influence upon the decreasing quality of the patients´ lives. Studies indicate that physical exercise, especially of aerobic character, increase cardio-respiratory fitness, muscle strength, and physical well-being. The motion and respiratory interventional programme took place over a period of 6 months. It was divided into a 3 months respiratory training at home and a directed motion aerobic programme that took place 3 times a week for 60 minutes. The intensity of the exercise was set up individually on the level of the anaerobic threshold of each participant, which was ascertained on the basis of the initial performance test. The research sample were 16 people, mean age value was 53.31 years of age. The results of the performance tests after the motion and respiratory programme of the participants of the study showed improvements in the field of the participants´ aerobic capacity as well as in the field of sympto-vagal disbalance unfortunately without statistical significance. There is still an open scientific question regarding the most effective types of physical intervention in terms of their influence on the health of surviving hemato-oncological patients.Hlavním cílem intervenčního pohybového a respiračního programu je zvýšit kondici u hematoonkologických pacientů, stejně jako zmírnit ztráty svalové hmoty, které jsou důsledkem nemoci a léčby ovlivněny. Hematoonkologická onemocnění a jejich léčba přinášejí řadu vedlejších efektů. Například srdeční, nervová a plicní toxicita, způsobená léčbou, má vliv na snížení kvality života pacientů. Studie ukazují, že cvičení, zejména aerobního charakteru, zvyšuje srdeční respirační zdatnost, svalovou sílu a fyzickou pohodu. Náš pohybový a respirační intervenční program probíhal po dobu 6 měsíců. Byl rozdělen do 3 měsíčního respiračního tréninku doma a na aerobní program s řízeným pohybem, který se konal třikrát týdně po dobu 60 minut. Intenzita cvičení byla stanovena individuálně na úrovni anaerobního prahu každého účastníka, který byl zjištěn na základě počátečního testu výkonnosti. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 16 osob, průměrný věk byl 53,31 let. Výsledky výkonnostních testů po pohybovém a respiračním programu účastníků studie ukázaly zlepšení v oblasti aerobní kapacity účastníků i v oblasti sympatovagové rovnováhy, bohužel bez statistické významnosti. Stále existuje nezodpovězená otázka týkající se nejúčinnějších typů fyzické intervence z hlediska jejich vlivu na zdraví hematoonkologických pacientů v následné péči