96 research outputs found

    Phase transformations in mechanically alloyed Al-Cu-Cr powders

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    Mechanical alloying was used to form a decagonal phase in the Al-Cu-Cr system. Elemental powders of Al67Cu20Cr13, Al75Cu10Cr15, Al65Cu24Cr11, Al69Cu21Cr10 and Al78Cu10Cr12 compositions (in at. %) were mechanically alloyed in a planetary ball mill. Annealing in the temperature range of 500 to 550 0C results in the formation of binary and ternary compounds including the decagonal quasicrystalline phase that was found to be stable at least up to 800 0C and was present in various amounts in all investigated alloys. No icosahedral quasicrystalline phase was found in the samples. The maximum content (95 vol. %) of decagonal quasicrystalline phase was observed for Al69Cu21Cr10 compound annealed at 635 0С. Further increase in the annealing temperature results in the quasicrystalline phase transformation into ψ-Al65Cu25Cr10 phase, which is an approximant phase to icosahedral quasicrystal

    Process modelling of sugar mill biomass to energy conversion processes and energy integration of pyrolysis

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    ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sugar industry over the years has been producing sugarcane bagasse as part of the sugar milling process. Currently this sugar mill biomass is incinerated inefficiently as a means of their disposal to produce steam and electricity, which in most cases are only just enough to supply the energy required to run the mills, thereby leaving very little or no extra energy for sale to bring in extra income in addition to sales revenue from sugar. However, the recent instability and uncertainties in the price of sugar and the global call for a green and sustainable environment have necessitated the search for ways of making effective use of this biomass to supply sugar mill energy demands, while producing extra energy in the form of electricity and other energy products for sale and at the same time contributing towards environmental sustainability. The main objective of this work was to develop process models for the processing of sugar mill biomass into energy and energy products. Based on this, biomass to energy conversion process (BMECP) models have been developed for various process configurations of two thermochemical processes; Combustion and Fast Pyrolysis using the Aspen Plus® simulation software. The aim of process modelling was to utilizing sugar cane bagasse as an input energy source to supply the energy requirements of two sugar mill configurations (efficient and less efficient mills), while generating extra electricity and high valued energy products for sale. Four BMECP configurations; 30bar BPST, 40bar CEST, 63bar CEST and 82bar CEST systems were modelled for the combustion thermochemical process. For the fast pyrolysis thermochemical process, two process configurations: Pure Fast Pyrolysis BMECP and Partial Fast Pyrolysis BMECP were modelled. The former BMECP utilizes all available bagasse through fast pyrolysis to produce bio-oil and biochar alongside generating electricity as well as energy to run the sugar mill operations. In the latter BMECP model, only surplus bagasse after separation of the quantity needed to supply the sugar mill energy requirement and electricity production is used to produce bio-oil and biochar. The technical performance of the BMECP models have been analysed and compared based on steam and electricity production rates, process efficiencies and environmental impacts (based on CO2 savings). The effects of boiler operating pressure and bagasse moisture content on the performance of the combustion based BMECP models have also been investigated. Finally, detailed economic models have been developed using the Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (Icarus®) to assess the economic viability of the BMECP models and sensitivity analysis performed to study the response of the BMECP models to variations in economic parameters. Technical performance analysis shows the combustion based BMECP models perform better than the Pure Fast Pyrolysis and Partial Fast Pyrolysis BMECP models with regards to steam and electricity production, thereby giving them higher electrical efficiencies. The electricity generation rate has been shown to increase with increasing boiler operating pressure and decreasing bagasse moisture content while steam production rate has been shown to increase with decreasing bagasse moisture content and decreasing boiler operating pressure. Despite the lower electrical efficiencies of the fast pyrolysis based BMECP models, the analysis shows that their overall process efficiencies compare very well with those of the combustion based BMECP models due to the production of high energy value pyrolysis products. Based on common operating pressure and 50% bagasse moisture content, the Pure Fast Pyrolysis and the Partial Fast Pyrolysis models have proved to be more environmental friendly with hourly CO2 savings of 40.44 and 41.30 tons for the Partial Fast Pyrolysis BMECP and the Pure Fast Pyrolysis BMECP respectively based on a 300 ton of sugarcane/h (81 ton bagasse/h) plant size. From an economic point of view, biomass combustion based on the 63bar CEST BMECP model has proved to be the most economically viable option under current economic conditions. First order total capital investment estimate for this BMECP is about 116million,producingNPVof116 million, producing NPV of 390 million at the end of a 20 year plant life and IRR of 34.51%. The Pure Fast Pyrolysis BMECP model is the least economic viable option. Sensitivity analysis shows this BMECP model is the most sensitive to changes in bagasse and electricity prices; recording -191.61/+446.86% change in NPV for a ±30% change in bagasse price and -91.5/+338.60% for a ±30% change in electricity price.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die afgelope jare het suikerriet-afval (bagasse) by suikermeule ‘n belangrik byproduk van die suiker-industie geraak. Tans word hierdie afval of biomasse verbrand in die suikermeule se poging om stoom en elektrisiteit op te wek; maar die die proses is oneffektief. Die hoeveelheid energie wat opgewek word, is skaars genoeg om die suikermeule self aan die gang te hou; daar is feilik geen sprake ‘n surplus energie waaruit ekstra inkomste verkry kan word toevoegend tot inkomste uit die suiker verkope self. Die huidige onstabiele suikerprys en gepaardgaande onsekerhede sowel as die werêldwye oproep vir ‘n groen- en volhoubare omgewing, noodsaak ‘n nuwe soeke na effektiewe manier om die afvalmateriaal sinvol te verwerk. Die tipe effektiwiteit van verwerking waarna gesoek word moet die volgende uitkomste hê: verskaffing van genoeg energie tydens produksie aan die suikermeuele self; vervaardiging van ekstra energie in die vorm van eletrisieteit en ander energie produkte. Terselfder moet die ook bydra tot die volhoubaarheid van die omgewing. Die grootste gedeelte van hierdie navorsing is gewy aan die ontwikkeling van “proses modelle” om suikemeule afval (bagasse) te omskep in energie en energie-produkte. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is biomassa-tot-energie omskeppingsproses- modelle (BMECP) ontwikkel om verskeie proses konfigurasies van twee termo-chemiese prosesse, naamlik Verbranding (Combustion), en Vinnige Pirolise (Fast Pyrolysis) deur die gebruik van die ‘Aspen Plus®’- simulasie sagteware. Die doel van die proses modelering was om suikerriet biomassa as ‘n bron van energie te gebruik om weer die energie benodighehede van twee denkbeeldige suikermeule vas te stel; een meul is voorgestel as effektief, die ander as minder effektief. Terselfdertyd is gekyk na die hoeveelheid ekstra energie wat elkeen sou opwek en ander hoogs waardevolle energie produkte om te verkoop (bv. ‘bio-olies en bio-char’). Vier “BMECP” konfigurasies (voorstellings) 30bar BPST, 40bar CEST, 63bar CEST en 82bar CEST sisteme is gemodelleer vir die Verbranding termo-chemiese proses. In die geval van die Pirolise (Pyrolysis) termo-chemiese proses, is twee proses konfigurasies gemodelleer: 1. Suiwer Vinnige Pyrolyise BMECP en 2. Gedeeltelik Vinnige Pirolise BMECP. In die geval van eersgenoemde, word alle beskikbare ‘bagasse’ deur vinnige pirolise omskep om ‘bio-olie’ en ‘bio-char’ te vervaardig.Verder wek dit ook elektrisiteit op so wel as die nodige energie om die suikermeule te laat opereer. In die geval van die Gedeeltlike Vinnige Pirolise BMECP , moet daar eers genoegsame ‘bagasse’ opsy gesit word om die suikermeule van genoegsame energie te voorsien vir die volle funskionering daarvan en elektrisiteit-opwekking. Van die surplus of oorblywende ‘bagasse’ kan dan gebruik word om ‘bio-olie’ en ‘biochar’ te produseer. Die tegniese prestasie van al die BMECP modelle is geanaliseer en vergelyk ten opsigte van stoom en elektrisiteits-opwekking; proses effektiewiteit asook die impak op die omgewing ( gebaseer op CO2 –besparings). Die effek van stoomkettel-druk tydens operering asook die bagasse se vog-inhoud. Op die prestasie van die verbrandingsgebaseerde modelle is ook ondersoek. Laastens, uitgebreide ekonomeidese modelle is ook ontwikkel deur die gebruik van die ‘Aspen Process Economic Analyser (Icarus®)’. Sodoende is die ekonomiese vatbaarheid van die BMECP modelle ondersoek. Hierdie sagteware help ook met. Sensitiwiteits-analise in die bestudering van die terugvoer van die BMECP modelle tot veranderlikes in ekonomiese parameters. Rakende effektiwiteit, toon die uitslae dat die verbrandings-gebaseerde BMECP modelle beter vaar as die met betrekking tot stoom- en elektrisiteits-opwekking. Verbrandings-gebaseerde-modelle toon hoër elektriese effektiwiteit. Indien die vog-inhoud van die bagasse laag was en die tempo van stoomketel operasie druk verhoog is, het die tempo van elektriesiteits-opwekking ook gestyg. Ten opsigte van stoom daarenteen, het die stoom-opwekking tempo verhoog in die die vogl inhou van diebagasse laag was asook verminderde stoomketel operering druk. Ten spyte van die laer elektriese effektiewiteit van die Suiwer Vinnig- en Gedeeltelik Vinnig BMECP modelle, dui die analise aan dat hul proses effektiewiteit in die geheel Goed vergelyk met die van die verbrandings-gebaseerde BMECP modelle. Dit is toe te skryf aan die produksie van die hoë-energie draende pirolise produkte. Gebaseer op algemene operering druk van 50% ‘bagasse’ vog-inhoud, het die bogenoemde twee modelle bewys om meer omgewings-vriendelik te wees met uurlikse CO2-besparings. In die geval van Gedeeltelike Vinnige Pirolise BMECP, 40.44 en vir die Suiwer Vinnige Pirolise BMECP 41.30 gebaseer op ‘n 300 ton suikerriet/h (81 ton bagasse/h) plantasie-grote. Ten slotte, vanuit ‘n ekonomiese oogpunt, blyk ‘n biomassa verbranding gebaseer op die 63 bar CEST BMECP model die mees ekonomies-vatbare opsie onder huidige ekonomiese omstandighede. Eerste orde totale kapitale belegging beraming vir hierdie BMECP is ongeveer 116miljoen,produksieNPVis116 miljoen, produksie NPV is 390 miljoen aan die einde van ‘n 20 jaar tydperk vir ‘n suikerriet-aanleg. IRP is 34.51%. Die Suiwer Vinnige Pirolise BMECP is die mins-ekonomiese vatbare model. Sensitiewiteits-analises het getoon dat hierdie BMECP model baie sensitief is ten opsigte van verandering in die pryse van bagasse en elektrisieteit; in die geval van NPV is veranderinge van -191.61/+446.86% aangedui op ‘n ±30% verandering in bagasse pryse. In die geval van elektrisieteitspryse, is ‘n sensitiewiteit van van -91.5/+338.60% op ‘n ±30% prysverandering getoon

    The study of carbohydrate composition of chicory products

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    The main products produced from chicory in the food industry are soluble roasted chicory, roasted crushed chicory, chicory flour, inulin, oligofructose and others. Fried products are used as a substitute for coffee, because it is caffeine-free and has coffee taste and aroma. Chicory flour is used in the production of bakery products. Inulin and oligofructose are widely used in the manufacture of bakery and dairy products. The aim of this study was to investigate the carbohydrate composition of the products from chicory. The objects of research in this research work were Fried chicory (Leroux), Instant chicory (Leroux), Instant chicory (LLC Flagistom), Instant chicory with hawthorn (Iceberg Ltd and K), Instant chicory (LLC SlavKofe), Instant chicory (Ltd. Around the World), Instant chicory (LLC Favorit), Instant chicory (LLC Beta +), Dried Chirory and Dried crushed chicory № 1,2,3 (LLC Sovremennik), Chicory flour (Leroux), Inulin and Oligofructose (Spinnrad GmbH). Determination of fructans and their average degree of polymerization, the content of glucose, fructose, sucrose, which are contained in foods from chicory was carried out using biochemical method with kit Sucrose / D-Glucose / D-Fructose (R-Biopharm). Studies are suggested that fried chicory products do not contain fructans. Dried products of chicory are contained inulin, the contents of which are about 60–70%, and contained other biologically active substances. Content of fructans in commercial products, such as inulin and oligofructose is about 93% and 79%

    Immunological substantiation of complex therapy in patients with mild HPV-associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

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    Introduction. As is known, the development of invasive cervical cancer is preceded by cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of varying severity, which is a pathological process in which cells with varying degrees of atypia and impaired differentiation appear in the thickness of the stratified squamous epithelium of the cervix.Objective. To study the  effect of  complex therapy in  patients with mild HPV-associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia on the dynamics of local cytokine status and autoimmunity parameters.Materials and methods. The study included 86 patients aged 35 to 40 years with morphologically verified mild cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. The main group consisted of 52 patients who, along with radio wave destruction of the cervix, were prescribed an immunostimulating drug with antiviral activity “Groprinosin-Richter” 1000 mg 3 times a day for 10 days 10–14 days before destruction and similar 2 courses after 10–14 days after it. The comparison group included 34 patients who underwent only radio wave destruction of the cervix.Results. An analysis of the outcomes of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions after 6 months showed that in the main group, CIN I regression was observed in 92.3% of patients, persistence – in 7.7% of cases, while in the comparison group, CIN I regression was noted in 73,5% of cases, persistence – in 26.5% of patients.Conclusions. Conducting complex therapy, including radio wave destruction and the use of a drug with immunostimulating and antiviral activity “Groprinosin-Richter” in  patients with low-grade HPV-associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, leads to the elimination of the initial imbalance of cytokines and normalization of autoantibody levels, helping to reduce the likelihood of HPV persistence and CIN progression to invasive cervical cancer uterus