19 research outputs found

    Toxic properties and allelopathic activity of Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall.

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    Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall., known as yellow sweetclover (Fabaceae), is widely used in medicine and agriculture. At the same time, yellow sweetclover is a weed and invasive plant in Siberia. In Russia, M. officinalis is cultivated as a valuable medicinal, fodder and honey plant. Its widespread use is due to its high ecological plasticity. In recent years, an interest in cultivation of M. officinalis as a low maintenance multipurpose crop has increased in biological agriculture. The herb M. officinalis contains a rich complex of biologically active compounds. However, along with positive properties, this species, though with a rich chemical composition and high physiological activity, is toxic towards different groups of living organisms. The toxic effect of M. officinalis extracts is primarily due to the presence of coumarin. A high allelopathic activity of M. officinalis was revealed. The phytotoxic effect of herb extracts on germination of crop and weed seeds was studied in detail. Data on the fungicidal and insecticidal activity of M. officinalis were obtained. Laboratory and in situ studies showed that the aboveground part of M. officinalis is a potential source of biopesticides with a broad-spectrum effect (bioherbicidal, insecticidal and fungicidal)

    Metaphoric Expression of Allusion in the Headlines of French Political Articles

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    The article analyzes metaphorical constructions expressing the hint. The study is carried out on the basis of the political article headlines of contemporary prestigious French editions of “Monde diplomatique”, “Le Figaro”, “Télérama”. The hint is regarded as an indirect speech act reflecting the meaning of information implicitly. The classification of article headlines is based on the metaphors types: "Anthropomorphic metaphor", "Metaphor of nature", "Social metaphor", "Artifact metaphor" and "Metaphor of irreality". Each type of metaphor is considered in connection with the conceptual spheres related to it. The study showed that in the language of modern French press there is a great number of headline structures containing: "Anthropomorphic metaphor" with such conceptual spheres as "Anatomy and physiology", "Disease", "Family"; "Metaphor of nature" with such concepts as "Animal world", "Plant world"; "Social metaphor", the sources of this metaphorical expansion are such conceptual spheres as "Crime", "War", "Theater", "Game and sport"; "Artifact metaphor" with the concepts "House" and "Mechanism"

    Современные подходы к лечению синдрома Хантера

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    Mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II; Hunter syndrome) is an X-linked hereditary disorder associated with a deficiency of iduronate2-sulfatase (IDS). IDS deficiency provokes the accumulation of dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate in different tissues. Clinical manifestations of MPS II are heterogeneous and involve different organs. Two phenotypes are distinguished: attenuated or severe; classification is based on central nervous system impairment signs. The review provides data on the current treatments opportunities for Hunter syndrome and perspectives for development of new therapeutic approaches. Current treatment includes intravenous enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and symptomatic treatment. Intravenous enzyme replacement therapy does not promote the enzyme to penetrate the blood-brain barrier which leads to the treatment failure for neurological signs and symptoms; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has high risk of post-transplantation complications but can improve some neurological problems. Intrathecal ERT, substrate reduction, pharmacological chaperones, and gene therapy are currently under investigation as therapies for severe form of MPS II. Development of new approaches to treatment of Hunter syndrome and other hereditary diseases is extremely vital.Мукополисахаридоз, тип II (МПС II; синдром Хантера) — X-сцепленное наследственное заболевание, связанное с дефектом идуронат-2-сульфатазы. Недостаточность этого фермента приводит к накоплению дерматан- и гепарансульфата в разных тканях. Клинические проявления МПС II разнообразны по степени тяжести и вовлечения в патологический процесс различных органов. Выделяют два основных клинических фенотипа — промежуточный и тяжелый вследствие повреждения центральной нервной системы. В обзоре приведены данные по существующим возможностям терапии синдрома Хантера и перспективам развития новых методов лечения. На данном этапе доступны внутривенная ферментная заместительная терапия, трансплантация гемопоэтических стволовых клеток и симптоматическое хирургическое лечение. Внутривенная ферментная заместительная терапия не позволяет ферменту проникнуть через гематоэнцефалический барьер, поэтому неврологические симптомы болезни в результате лечения не компенсируются; трансплантация гемопоэтических стволовых клеток может воздействовать положительно на некоторые неврологические нарушения, но имеет высокий риск посттрансплантационных осложнений. Интратекальное введение фермента, субстратредуцирующая терапия, применение фармакологических шаперонов и генная терапия находятся в стадии изучения и клинических исследований для терапии тяжелых форм МПС II. Крайне необходимо развитие новых подходов к лечению синдрома Хантера и других наследственных болезней с поражением нервной системы в ближайшем будущем.КОНФЛИКТ ИНТЕРЕСОВАвторы подтвердили отсутствие конфликта интересов, о котором необходимо сообщить

    Метилмалоновая ацидурия у детей: клинические рекомендации

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    Methylmalonic acidemia (aciduria) is an inherited metabolic disturbance from the group of organic acidemias (acidurias). The article presents etiopathogenetic, epidemiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of the problem. The possibilities of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods the tactics of dietary correction of metabolic disorders in acute and interstitial periods of the disease are described in details; features of drug treatment are outlined. The necessary information for clinical practice and patients’ everyday life is given in the article.Метилмалоновая ацидемия (ацидурия) — генетически гетерогенное наследственное заболевание группы органических ацидемий (ацидурий). В статье представлены этиопатогенетические, эпидемиологические, диагностические и терапевтические аспекты данной проблемы. Подробно освещены возможности лабораторных и инструментальных методов диагностики и особенности медикаментозного лечения, изложена тактика диетической коррекции метаболических нарушений в острый и межприступный периоды заболевания. Дана необходимая информация для практических врачей и родителей пациентов

    Innate-Immunity Genes in Obesity

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    The main functions of adipose tissue are thought to be storage and mobilization of the body’s energy reserves, active and passive thermoregulation, participation in the spatial organization of internal organs, protection of the body from lipotoxicity, and ectopic lipid deposition. After the discovery of adipokines, the endocrine function was added to the above list, and after the identification of crosstalk between adipocytes and immune cells, an immune function was suggested. Nonetheless, it turned out that the mechanisms underlying mutual regulatory relations of adipocytes, preadipocytes, immune cells, and their microenvironment are complex and redundant at many levels. One possible way to elucidate the picture of adipose-tissue regulation is to determine genetic variants correlating with obesity. In this review, we examine various aspects of adipose-tissue involvement in innate immune responses as well as variants of immune-response genes associated with obesity

    Host plants of cuscuta lupuliformis krock. In the Tomsk region

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    The parasitic weed species is common agricultural weed throughout the world, causing reductions in yield of many crops and if infestation is heavly, causes the death of host (Salgude et al., 2015). The study of the evolution of the system of consort relationships of invasive species and the assessment of the role of this factor in the further expansion of introduced species is one of the priority tasks of invasive biolog

    The Resistance of Haricot (Phaseolus Vulgaris) for Bean Weevil - Acanthoscelides Obtectus Sav (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) on the North Border of Crops Distribution

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    Многолетние исследования показали, что фасоль обыкновенная может успешно культивироваться на юге Западной Сибири. Одним из главных факторов, снижающих урожайность и качество семян фасоли, являются вредители, среди которых наиболее опасна фасолевая зерновка (Acanthoscelides obtectus Sav.). Зерновка встречается в семенах на всех стадиях своего развития, а в процессе хранения до 90 % семян поражаются вредителем. Выявлены сортовые различия в повреждаемости: у сорта Журавушка повреждаемость заметно ниже, чем у сорта Бийчанка.Long-term experiments carried out have shown the ability of haricot being cultivated in the south of the forest zone of Western Siberia. The main factors decreasing ripening and quality of beans and haricot seeds are pests. The most dangerous pest for haricot is Bean Weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus). The pest may be in the beans at different stages of its development; during storage about 90 % of seeds are damaged by this pest. The are some differences in seeds between haricots of two sorts: vegetable sort «Zhuravushka» are damaged more significant in compare with seed sort «Bijchanka»

    The Resistance of Haricot (Phaseolus Vulgaris) for Bean Weevil - Acanthoscelides Obtectus Sav (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) on the North Border of Crops Distribution

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    Многолетние исследования показали, что фасоль обыкновенная может успешно культивироваться на юге Западной Сибири. Одним из главных факторов, снижающих урожайность и качество семян фасоли, являются вредители, среди которых наиболее опасна фасолевая зерновка (Acanthoscelides obtectus Sav.). Зерновка встречается в семенах на всех стадиях своего развития, а в процессе хранения до 90 % семян поражаются вредителем. Выявлены сортовые различия в повреждаемости: у сорта Журавушка повреждаемость заметно ниже, чем у сорта Бийчанка.Long-term experiments carried out have shown the ability of haricot being cultivated in the south of the forest zone of Western Siberia. The main factors decreasing ripening and quality of beans and haricot seeds are pests. The most dangerous pest for haricot is Bean Weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus). The pest may be in the beans at different stages of its development; during storage about 90 % of seeds are damaged by this pest. The are some differences in seeds between haricots of two sorts: vegetable sort «Zhuravushka» are damaged more significant in compare with seed sort «Bijchanka»

    Prevalence of Common Alleles of Some Stress Resilience Genes among Adolescents Born in Different Periods Relative to the Socioeconomic Crisis of the 1990s in Russia

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    Social stress is common among people and is considered one of the causes of the declining birth rate. Predisposition to stress and stress-induced disorders is largely determined genetically. We hypothesized that due to differences in stress resistance, carriers of different genetic variants of genes associated with stress resilience and stress-induced diseases may have dissimilar numbers of offspring under conditions of long-term social stress. To test this hypothesis, a comparative analysis of frequencies of seven common polymorphic regions [exon 3 variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) of the DRD4 gene, rs4680 of COMT, STin2 VNTR and the 5-HTTLPR (rs774676466) insertion/deletion polymorphism of SLC6A4, rs4570625 of TPH2, rs6265 of BDNF, and rs258747 of NR3C1] was performed on standardized groups of randomly selected adolescents born before, during, and after severe socioeconomic deprivation (the crisis of the 1990s in Russia). There were significant differences in frequencies of “long” alleles of the DRD4 gene (p = 0.020, χ2 = 5.492) and rs4680 (p = 0.022, χ2 = 5.289) in the “crisis” group as compared to the combined “noncrisis” population. It is possible that the dopaminergic system had an impact on the successful adaptation of a person to social stress

    Analysis of APPL1 Gene Polymorphisms in Patients with a Phenotype of Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young

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    The APPL1 gene encodes a protein mediating the cross-talk between adiponectin and insulin signaling. Recently, it was found that APPL1 mutations can cause maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 14. Here, an analysis of APPL1 was performed in patients with a maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) phenotype, and prevalence of these mutations was estimated in a Russian population, among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and MODY patients. Whole-exome sequencing or targeted sequencing was performed on 151 probands with a MODY phenotype, with subsequent association analysis of one of identified variants, rs11544593, in a white population of Western Siberia (276 control subjects and 169 T2DM patients). Thirteen variants were found in APPL1, three of which (rs79282761, rs138485817, and rs11544593) are located in exons. There were no statistically significant differences in the frequencies of rs11544593 alleles and genotypes between T2DM patients and the general population. In the MODY group, AG rs11544593 genotype carriers were significantly more frequent (AG vs. AA + GG: odds ratio 1.83, confidence interval 1.15–2.90, p = 0.011) compared with the control group. An association of rs11544593 with blood glucose concentration was revealed in the MODY group. The genotyping data suggest that rs11544593 may contribute to carbohydrate metabolism disturbances