7 research outputs found

    Investment needs assessment of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises

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    Agricultural enterprises in Ukraine require a considerable investment income. The paper studies the main problems and conditions for investment into agricultural enterprises, the scope and dynamics of their investment provision. The results of agricultural enterprises activity depend directly on the state of their fixed assets. This is one of the biggest vulnerabilities of agricultural enterprises, which makes it impossible for the economy of Ukraine to demonstrate decent results. Investments should be used primarily for the development of material and technical basis of agricultural enterprises, because the fixed assets always depreciate, the term of their use in many enterprises exceeds 15 years and their number is constantly decreasing. Investment in technical provision of plant growing is necessary and attractive. Firstly, as a basis of plant growing, grain and oilseeds are always in demand at the domestic and foreign markets. Secondly, the volumes of investments are moderate compared to other investments in agriculture. In the beginning, it is sufficient to invest into the branch on average from 1 to 2 thousand US dollars per 1 hectare. The average payback period of investments is 2-4 years. Thus, in order to stimulate investments, it is vital to form a qualitatively new policy aimed at increasing investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises

    Видовий склад ефемероїдів регіонального парку місцевого значення «Немирівське Побужжя» поблизу с. Гвоздів

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    Analyzing the literature data, it was found, that the majority of ephemeroids that grown in the territory of Ukraine are directly or indirectly influenced by humans, which leads to accelerated rates of decrease in their number. Urban factors influence not only the species structure of populations, but also their absolute quantitative indicators.The purpose of the research was to study the floristic composition of ephemeroid plants in the territory of a landscape park of local importance «Nemyrivske Pobuzhya» near the village of Gvozdiv, Nemyriv, district of Vinnytsia region.Materials and methods. The study of the floristic composition of ephemeroid plants in the territory of the landscape park of local importance "Nemyrivske Pobuzhzhya" was carried out by the expedition-route method, as well as by the accidental-regulatory method - laying of accounting sites with an area of 1 m2. The systematic identification of plants was determined using a designator. The abundance of species was determined by the Gult-Drude scale (with the addition of A. Uranov and P. Yaroshenko). The meeting coefficient (%) was determined by the formula: R = a x 100 / n.Results. It was revealed, that on the territory of Nemyrivske Pobuzhya the structure of the ephemeroid plants includes 27 species of plants, belonging to 19 genus, 14 families, 12 orders and 2 classes. Such orders as Ranunculales (7 species or 25.9 % of the total ephemeroid species), Papaverales (4 species or 14.8 %), Liliales (4 species or 14.8 %), Amaryllidales (3 species or 11.1%), Capparales (2 species or 7.4 %) are represented by the largest number Anemone sylvestris L., Ficaria verna L., Viola odorata L., Galanthus nivalis L. were dominant among the species.Conclusions.  It was established, that Galanthus nivalis L. is one species that is growing at the researched area and registered in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; and two species (Allium ursinum L. and Galanthus nivalis L.), included in the «European Red List». 6 species of ephemeroids are included in the Red Book of Ukraine: Leucojum vernum L., Allium ursinum L., Galanthus nivalis L., Crocus reticulatus Stev. ex Adams., Pulsatilla grandis Rupr. and Pulsatilla pratensis L. (Mill). 4 species of plants have the status of rare plants of regional importance: Anemone sylvestris L., Dentaria bulbifera L., Dentaria quinquefolia M. Bieb. and Primula veris L.Анализируя литературные данные, установлено, что большинство эфемероидов, распространенных на территории Украины, находятся под прямым или косвенным влиянием человека, что приводит к ускоренным темпам уменьшения их численности. Урбанистический фактор влияет не только на видовой состав популяций, но и на их абсолютные количественные показатели.Целью исследований было изучение флористического состава растений-эфемероидов на территории ландшафтного парка местного значения «Немировское Побужье» вблизи села Гвоздев Немировского района Винницкой области.Материалы и методы. Изучение флористического состава растений-эфемероидов проводилось экспедиционно-маршрутным методом, а также случайно-регуляторным способом – закладки учетных участков площадью1 м2. Систематическая принадлежность растений определялась с помощью определителя. Обилие видов определялось по шкале Гульта-Друде (с дополнением А. А. Урановая и П. Д. Ярошенко). Коэффициент встречаемости (%) определяли по формуле: R = a x 100 / n.Результаты исследования. Выявлено, что на территории Немировского Побужья в состав растений-эфемероидов входит 27 видов растений, относящихся к 19 родам, 14 семействам, 12 порядкам и 2 классам. Наибольшей численности представлены порядки Ranunculales (7 видов или 25,9 % от общего количества видов эфемероидов), Papaverales (4 вида или 14,8 %), Liliales (4 вида или 14,8 %), Amaryllidales (3 вида или 11,1 %), Capparales (2 вида или 7,4 %). Доминантными среди видов оказались Anemone sylvestris L., Ficaria verna L., Viola odorata L., Galanthus nivalis L.Выводы. Установлено, что на исследуемой территории растет один вид –  Galanthus nivalis L., который занесен в реестр «IUCN Red List of Threatened Species» и два вида – Allium ursinum L. и Galanthus nivalis L., включенных в «European Red List». Определены 6 видов эфемероидов, занесенных в Красную книгу Украины: Leucojum vernum L., Allium ursinum L., Galanthus nivalis L., Crocus reticulatus Stev. ex Adams., Pulsatilla grandis Rupr. и Pulsatilla pratensis L. (Mill). Статус редких растений регионального, то есть областного, значение имеют 4 вида: Anemone sylvestris L., Dentaria bulbifera L., Dentaria quinquefolia M. Bieb. и Primula veris LАналізуючи літературні дані, встановлено, що переважна більшість ефемероїдів, поширених на території України, перебувають під прямим чи опосередкованим впливом людини, що призводить до прискорених темпів зменшення їх чисельності. Урбаністичний фактор впливає не лише на видовий склад популяцій, але й на їх абсолютні кількісні показники.Метою досліджень було вивчення флористичного складу рослин-ефемероїдів на території ландшафтного парку місцевого значення «Немирівське Побужжя» поблизу села Гвоздів Немирівського району Вінницької області.Матеріали і методи. Вивчення флористичного складу рослин-ефемероїдів території ландшафтного парку місцевого значення «Немирівське Побужжя» проводилося експедиційно-маршрутним методом, а також випадково-регуляторним способом – закладання облікових ділянок площею1 м2. Систематична належність рослин визначалася за допомогою визначника. Рясність видів визначалася за шкалою Гульта-Друде (з доповненням А. А. Уранова та П. Д. Ярошенко). Коефіцієнт зустрічання (%) визначали за формулою: R= a x 100 / n.Результати дослідження. Виявлено, що на території Немирівського Побужжя зростає 27 видів рослин-ефемероїдів , які належать до 19 родів, 14 родин, 12 порядків та 2 класів. Найчисельнішими є порядки Ranunculales (7 видів або 25,9 % від загальної кількості видів ефемероїдів), Papaverales (4 види або 14,8 %), Liliales (4 види або 14,8 %), Amaryllidales (3 види або 11,1 %), Capparales (2 види або 7,4 %). Провідними серед видів виявились Anemone sylvestris L., Ficaria verna L., Viola odorata L., Galanthus nivalis L.Висновки. Встановлено, що на досліджуваній території зростає один вид – Galanthus nivalis L., який занесений до реєстру «IUCN Red List of Threatened Species» та два види –  Allium ursinum L. й Galanthus nivalis L., які включені до «European Red List». Виявлено 6 видів ефемероїдів, які занесені до Червоної книги України: Leucojum vernum L., Allium ursinum L., Galanthus nivalis L., Crocus reticulatus Stev. ex Adams., Pulsatilla grandis Rupr. та Pulsatilla pratensis L. (Mill). Статус рідкісних рослин регіонального, тобто обласного, значення мають 4 види: Anemone sylvestris L., Dentaria bulbifera L., Dentaria quinquefolia M. Bieb. та Primula veris

    Determination of quality indicators of sugar fortified with a by-product of elderberry processing

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    Granulated and pressed beet sugar consists of 99.61–99.7 % sucrose, which is a source of energy for the body. However, this product does not contain other vital nutrients. The object of the study is the method of non-waste processing of elderberry fruits. Wild-growing fruits of black elder Sambucus nigra L were used as the subject of the study. Pre-cleaned elder fruits were frozen at a temperature of –18±2 °C, and after defrosting they were subjected to osmotic dehydration. For this, a 70 % sugar solution with a temperature of 50±5 °C was used (hydromodule 1). The duration of osmosis was 1 hour. The derivative product formed as a result of osmotic dehydration of elderberries (elderberry syrup) was used to enrich granulated sugar in an amount of 10 % by weight of sugar. After thorough mixing with the solution, the sugar was dried in a laboratory vacuum dryer. Anthocyanin dyes contained in the elderberries gave the sugar a bright pink color. The resulting product had a characteristic smell and taste of elderberry. The composition of sugar was studied by high-performance liquid chromatography. It was found that sugar enriched with an elderberry derivative contains 0.03±0.02 mg/100 g of vitamin C and 0.28±0.02 % flavonoids. This gives it certain antioxidant properties. In addition to sucrose, glucose (0.20±0.02) and fructose (0.27±0.02) were found in the product by the polarimetric method. Analysis of the amino acid spectrum of enriched sugar showed the presence of 18 amino acids (total amount of 5.547 mg/100 g), including all essential ones. The most found in enriched sugar, mg/100g: tyrosine (0.93), alanine (0.79), phenylalanine (0.752) and leucine (0.749). The results obtained indicate an increase in the biological value and additional functional properties of fortified suga

    UK–Russia Researcher Links Workshop: extracellular vesicles – mechanisms of biogenesis and roles in disease pathogenesis, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1–5 March 2015

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    The UK–Russia extracellular vesicles (EVs) workshop was held at the Medical Center of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, with 56 attendees from UK and Russian universities and research institutes. The program consisted of 6 research sessions and was focused on studies of EVs isolated from in vitro model systems or biological fluids, including blood and urine. The multidisciplinary program included presentations on mechanisms of EV biogenesis, the role of EVs in disease pathogenesis, the diagnostic value of EVs, including their quantitation and cargo load, as well as the clinical use of EVs in regenerative medicine. Methodological challenges imposed by the nanoscale size of EVs as well as targeted delivery approaches for therapeutics were considered in a separate session on technologies. The main aim of the workshop was to overview challenges confronting EV researchers and to facilitate knowledge exchange between researchers with different backgrounds and skills. Given the lack of definitive EV nomenclature, specific terms (exosomes or microvesicles) were only applied in the meeting report to studies that carried out full EV characterization, including differential ultracentrifugation isolation approaches, comprehensive protein marker characterization, and single vesicle analysis (electron microscopy and nanoparticle analysis), to ascertain EV size and morphology following the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles standardization recommendations (1,2). In studies where characterization was not conclusive, the term EV is used

    Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Enhances the Neuroprotective Activity of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in a Model of Intracerebral Hemorrhage

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a classic neuroprotective and pro-regenerative factor in peripheral and central nervous tissue. Its ability to stimulate the restoration of damaged nerve and brain tissue after ischemic stroke and intraventricular hemorrhage has been demonstrated. However, the current concept of regeneration allows us to assert that one factor, even if essential, cannot be the sole contributor to this complex biological process. We have previously shown that urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) complements BDNF activity and stimulates restoration of nervous tissue. Using a model of intracerebral hemorrhage in rats, we investigated the neurotrophic and neuroprotective effect of BDNF combined with uPA. The local simultaneous administration of BDNF and uPA provided effective neuroprotection of brain tissue after intracerebral hemorrhage, promoted survival of experimental animals and their neurological recovery, and decreased lesion volume. The study of cellular mechanisms of the observed neurotrophic effect of BDNF and uPA combination revealed both known mechanisms (neuronal survival and neurite growth) and new ones (microglial activation) that had not been shown for BDNF and uPA. Our findings support the concept of using combinations of biological factors with diverse but complementary mechanisms of action as a promising regenerative approach

    Sputnik V Effectiveness against Hospitalization with COVID-19 during Omicron Dominance

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    Mass vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 affected more than 90% of the population in most developed countries. The new epidemiologic wave of COVID-19 has been ongoing since the end of 2021. It is caused by a virus variant B.1.1.529, also known as “Omicron” and its descendants. The effectiveness of major vaccines against Omicron is not known. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of the Sputnik V vaccine. The main goal is to assess its protection against hospitalization in the period of Omicron dominance. We conducted our study based on a large clinical center in Moscow (Russia) where 1112 patients were included. We used the case-population method to perform the calculations. The data we obtained indicate that the Omicron variant causes at least 90% of infections in the studied cohort. The effectiveness of protection against hospitalization with COVID-19 in our study was 85.9% (95% CI 83.0–88.0%) for those who received more than one dose. It was 87.6% (95% CI 85.4–89.5%) and 97.0% (95% CI 95.9–97.8%) for those who received more than two or three doses. The effectiveness in cases of more severe forms was higher than for less severe ones. Thus, present study indicates the high protective efficacy of vaccination against hospitalization with COVID-19 in case of Omicron lineage

    DataSheet_1_Estimation of anti-orthopoxvirus immunity in Moscow residents and potential risks of spreading Monkeypox virus.docx

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    WHO has declared the outbreak of monkeypox as a public health emergency of international concern. In less than three months, monkeypox was detected in more than 30 000 people and spread to more than 80 countries around the world. It is believed that the immunity formed to smallpox vaccine can protect from monkeypox infection with high efficiency. The widespread use of Vaccinia virus has not been carried out since the 1980s, which raises the question of the level of residual immunity among the population and the identification of groups requiring priority vaccination. We conducted a cross-sectional serological study of remaining immunity among Moscow residents. To do this, a collection of blood serum samples of age group over 30 years old was formed, an in-house ELISA test system was developed, and a virus neutralization protocol was set up. Serum samples were examined for the presence of IgG antibodies against Vaccinia virus (n=2908), as well as for the ability to neutralize plaque formation with a Vaccinia virus MNIIVP-10 strain (n=299). The results indicate the presence of neutralizing antibody titer of 1/20 or more in 33.3 to 53.2% of people older than 45 years. Among people 30-45 years old who probably have not been vaccinated, the proportion with virus neutralizing antibodies ranged from 3.2 to 6.7%. Despite the higher level of antibodies in age group older than 66 years, the proportion of positive samples in this group was slightly lower than in people aged 46-65 years. The results indicate the priority of vaccination in groups younger than 45, and possibly older than 66 years to ensure the protection of the population in case of spread of monkeypox among Moscow residents. The herd immunity level needed to stop the circulation of the virus should be at least 50.25 – 65.28%.</p