194 research outputs found


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    The modeling stage of development of industrial cluster is significant for the formation of industrial policy and institutional conditions for economic growth. The work deals with the modeling stage of the life cycle of industrial cluster, the results of testing applied to the petrochemical industry of the Russian Federation. Also, highlights issues approbation of this method by applying the results of simulation as a training set for building the classification tree and the interpretation of the results to justify investment and infrastructure projects

    Distracted Driving: The New Alcohol. A Case Study of a Rising Public Health Issue in British Columbia

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    In the risk society, the public mobilization around emerging environmental and health risks associated with new technologies become the central challenge for a sustainable and healthy democracy. Ulrich Beck defines reflexive modernization as the ability of democratic societies to develop scientific understandings of emerging risks associated with new industrial technologies. Reflexive modernity is galvanized by progressive eco-politics that guide better ways of managing and mitigating systemic environmental and health risks. This thesis examines evidence of the growing scientific understanding of health risks associated with distracted driving-caused road accidents as a case study exploring Canada’s ability to translate this risk science into progressive public policy that improves road safety. The study starts by exploring historical risk communication strategies and their role in altering drivers’ behaviours and compliance with legislations limiting speed, impaired driving, and seatbelt use. It then reviews evidence of the new risks associated with using electronic communication devices while driving which has resulted in legislation prohibiting the use of hand-held devices by drivers across Canada and in BC. Three years into the legislation, this study found that at the very least 1.7% of all drivers are currently distracted behind the wheel. Through surveys and focus groups, the thesis explores why drivers are not willing to give up their communication habits despite existing legislations and sanctions. Recent crash data demonstrated that deaths attributed to distracted driving declined more slowly in British Columbia than from drinking, speeding, and non-use of seatbelts. The research concludes with a discussion of the importance of the lifestyle risk communication for a healthier reflexive modernity in British Columbia


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    The article deals with ontological issues of creativity and mortal implied sense of Pushkin's fairy tale. The study object is the figures of Thanatos and Eros in ‘The Tale of the Golden Cockerel’ fairy tale. The images of King Dadon and the Queen of Shamakhan are revealed in symbiotic relationship with folklore aesthetics. Reference to folklore is caused not only by genre of the work but also by metaphysical nature of oral tradition since the Russian people have a special attitude to the theme of death. This is evidenced by the Russian fairy tale with search of “the other kingdom” in which a hero must suffer a temporary death in order to get a wonderful object, save a prophetic bride and obtain the sacred knowledge.El artículo trata sobre cuestiones ontológicas de la creatividad y el sentido implícito mortal del cuento de hadas de Pushkin. El objeto de estudio son las figuras de Thanatos y Eros en el cuento de hadas "El cuento del gallo de oro". Las imágenes del rey Dadon y la reina de Shamakhan se revelan en una relación simbiótica con la estética del folklore. La referencia al folclore es causada no solo por el género de la obra sino también por la naturaleza metafísica de la tradición oral, ya que el pueblo ruso tiene una actitud especial hacia el tema de la muerte. Esto se evidencia en el cuento de hadas ruso con la búsqueda del "otro reino" en el que un héroe debe sufrir una muerte temporal para obtener un objeto maravilloso, salvar a una novia profética y obtener el conocimiento sagrado.В статье рассматриваются онтологические вопросы творчества, мортальный подтекст пушкинской сказки. Предметом исследования выступают фигуры Танатоса и Эроса в «Сказке о золотом петушке». Образы царя Дадона и Шамаханской Царицы раскрываются в неразрывной связи с фольклорной эстетикой. Обращение к фольклору обусловлено не только жанром произведения, но и самой метафизической природой устного народного творчества, так как русский народ особым образом относится к теме смерти. Об этом свидетельствует и русская волшебная сказка с поисками «иного царства», в которой герой обязательно должен пережить временную смерть, чтобы добыть чудесный предмет, выручить вещую невесту, приобщиться к сакральным знаниям

    Measles in the city. Main particularities of the epidemic process in different strategies for prevention and control of the situation in modern conditions

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    Departmentul de epidemiologie, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină din Ural, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, Departmentul de limbi străine, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină din Ural, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, Centrul metodologic ştiinţific pentru infecţii asociate asistenţei medicale din Ural şi Siberia, Institutul de Cercetare în Infecţii Virale din Ekaterinburg al Rospotrebnadzor, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, UMMC-Health LTD, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, Departamentul de Supraveghere Epidemiologică, Directoratul Rospotrebnadzor în regiunea Sverdlovsk, Ekaterinburg, Federaţia Rusă, Catedra de epidemiologie,Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaRezumat. Introducere. Rujeola ramâne a fi actuală în legătură cu înregistrarea în condiţiile actuale a erupţiilor în diferite teritorii. Scopul cercetării a fost de a caracteriza procesul epidemic în rujeolă pe modelul unui oraş mare industrial, în condiţiile aplicării diferitor strategii de vaccinare, pentru a adopta noi decizii administrative privind controlul infecţiiei la etapa eliminării acesteia. Material şi metode. Cercetarea se bazează pe datele rapoartelor statistice privind morbiditatea prin rujeolă în oraşul Ekaterinburg, perioada anilor 1950-2016. Manifestările procesului epidemic au fost studiate cu referire la şase perioade: perioada prevaccinală (1950-1961), perioada de vaccinare selectivă (1962-1965), vaccinarea planificată a copiilor cu vârsta de până la 8 ani (1966-1972), vaccinarea copiilor cu vârsta de până la 14 ani (1973-1986), introducerea revaccinării planificate a copiilor (1987-2001) şi perioada de vaccinoprofilaxie planificată la etapa de eliminare a infecţiei (2002-2016). Rezultate. În perioada prevaccinală, morbiditatea medie anuală prin rujeolă a constituit 1381,7±162,90/0000. Creşterea sezonieră a morbidităţii a fost înregistrată în perioada decembriemai, cu predominarea copiilor în structura grupurilor de vârstă. În perioada de imunizare selectivă, a avut loc o uşoară scădere a morbidităţii, până la 1082,8±189,10/0000. Dinamica anuală şi distribuţia pe grupele de vârstă a cazurilor de rujeolă a fost similară perioadei prevaccinală. În perioada vaccinării de rutină a copiilor cu vârsta de până la 8 ani, s-a determinat o scădere semnificativă a morbidităţii prin rujeolă până la nivelul de 219,8±110,80/0000, observat în toate grupele de vârstă, cu excepţia copiilor în vârstă de 10-14 ani şi a adulţilor. Manifestările sezoniere ale procesului epidemic sunt similare cu perioadele anterioare. În perioada vaccinării de rutină a copiilor cu vârsta de până la 14 ani, a fost înregistrată o scădere suplimentară a morbidităţii până la 89,9±39,10/0000. Introducerea celei de-a doua vaccinări la copiii cu vârsta de 6 ani înainte de şcoală a permis atingerea nivelului sporadic de morbiditate şi modificarea parametrilor de manifestare ale procesul epidemic, caracteristic în perioadele anterioare. Cu toate acestea, în anul 2016 au fost raportate erupţii de rujeolă, în care au fost afectate 72 de persoane. Erupţia a fost cauzată de importul şi răspândirea virusului rujeolic al genotipului D8 în instituţiile medicale, înregistrat în rândul copiilor nevaccinaţi şi al adulţilor. Concluzie. La etapa actuală, pentru a controla procesul epidemic în rujeolă, este necesar de a redefini criteriile de evaluare a siguranţei epidemiologice a teritoriului în ceea ce priveşte extinderea indicaţiilor pentru screeningul pacienţilor cu erupţii cutanate, la prezenţa anticorpilor împotriva rujeolei, controlul strict al imunizării la timp a contingentului decretat (copiii cu vârsta de 1 an şi 6 ani) şi introducerea revaccinării planice a persoanelor cu vârsta sub 50 de ani, la fiecare 10 ani.Abstract. Introduction. Measles infection is still relevant in connection with the registration of the outbreaks of this disease in different territories. The purpose of the research was to characterize the epidemic process of measles in a large industrial city in terms of different strategies for its vaccination, in order to adopt new administrative decisions on infection control at the stage of its elimination. Material and methods. The research is based on data of statistical reports on the incidence of measles in Yekaterinburg from 1950 to 2016. The manifestations of the epidemic process were analyzed for six periods: the period before vaccination (1950-1961), the period of selective immunization (1962-1965), routine vaccination of children up to 8 years (1966-1972), routine vaccination of children up to 14 years (1973-1986), the introduction of mass revaccination of children (1987-2001) and the period of the generalized vaccination at the stage of elimination of the infection (2002-2016). Results. In the period before vaccination the mean annual incidence was 1381.7±162.90/0000, the seasonal rise of incidence was in December-May, children prevailed in the structure of the age groups. In the period of selective immunization there was a slight decline in the incidence to 1082.8±189.10/0000, the dynamics within the year and the age distribution of cases was similar to the period before vaccination. During vaccination of children up to 8 years there was significant decrease in morbidity to the level of 219.8±110.80/0000, which was observed in almost all age groups except for children aged 10-14 years and adults. Seasonal manifestations of the epidemic process were similar to the previous periods. During vaccination of children up to 14 years there was a further decrease in the incidence to 89.9±39.10/0000, but in some years, the outbreaks of the infection were reported. The introduction of the second vaccination to children aged 6 years before school allowed to achieve the sporadic incidence and to change the basic parameters describing the epidemic process in all previous periods. However, against this background, a measles outbreak was reported in 2016 when 72 people were affected. The outbreak was caused by introduction and spread of measles virus of genotype D8 mainly in the medical settings among unvaccinated children and adults. Conclusion. At the present stage, in order to control the epidemic process of measles, it is necessary to redefine the criteria for the evaluation of epidemiological safety of the territory in terms of expansion of indications for screening for antibodies to measles among patients with exanthema, strict control of timeliness of immunization of the decreed population (children aged 1 year and 6 years) and the introduction of routine revaccination of persons under the age of 50 years every 10 years

    Agressão de adolescentes como forma de manifestação de comportamento desviante

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    The aim of research is identify Aggression of teenagers as form of manifestation of deviant behavior. This is an analytical-descriptive study in which a questionnaire was used to collect data. the results showed that teenagers are more aggressive and hostile than students. This is due to the onset of accelerating the pace of physical development, puberty, hormonal alteration of the body, which, in turn, leads to emotional instability. Schoolchildren and students have their own psychological characteristics of aggressiveness, which was shown by factor analysis.El objetivo de la investigación es identificar la agresión de los adolescentes como forma de manifestación de conducta desviada. Este es un estudio analítico-descriptivo en el que se utilizó un cuestionario para recopilar datos. Los resultados mostraron que los adolescentes son más agresivos y hostiles que los estudiantes. Esto se debe al inicio de la aceleración del ritmo de desarrollo físico, la pubertad y la alteración hormonal del cuerpo, lo que, a su vez, conduce a la inestabilidad emocional. Los escolares y los estudiantes tienen sus propias características psicológicas de agresividad, lo que se demostró mediante el análisis factorial.O objetivo da pesquisa é identificar a agressão de adolescentes como forma de manifestação de comportamento desviante. Este é um estudo analítico-descritivo em que um questionário foi usado para coletar dados. Os resultados mostraram que os adolescentes são mais agressivos e hostis que os estudantes. Isto é devido ao início da aceleração do ritmo de desenvolvimento físico, puberdade, alteração hormonal do corpo, que, por sua vez, leva à instabilidade emocional. Alunos e alunos têm suas próprias características psicológicas de agressividade, o que foi demonstrado pela análise fatorial


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    The issue of existence of an industrial cluster should be correlated with the stage of life cycle of basic industry production. The technological cycle of some industries lasts decades, and the life cycle of industrial cluster can be shorter. While developing consequent stages of the life cycle of the cluster it is necessary to consider the factor of availability of resources or the duration of exploitation, created for functioning of this sector of infrastructure. The development of practically all industrial clusters took a lot of time, the development of the Russian clusters is calculated for 5–10 years. In the world practice there are no cases of creating efficient industrial companies in the developing countries over such periods. There is often a need to use ready objects of infrastructure, but even in this case it may need renovation. Therefore, at the stage of formation, it is desirable to carry out the minimum number of investments that are mainly associated with the creation of the necessary infrastructure and complementary set of institutional conditions that maximize the use of existing infrastructure

    Departamento de processo educacional em condições de implementação de treinamento interativo de engenheiros futuros

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    Because of the established new socio-economic situation in the country that led to changes in the sphere of education, there is a need for modernization of education based on information technologies. One of the most important in this situation is interactive training. The new model of the student "learner", in contrast to the "learner", requires searching for actual ways of managing the educational process. Both the teacher and the student in the modern educational process should be equal, however, the teacher is assigned a leading role and he must manage the learning process without going beyond the subjectsubject relationship. The purpose of the article is to consider practical experience of managing educational process in conditions of application of interactive technologies in the training of engineers. The article explores the interactive course, located on the electronic platform Moodle for a more complete study of the management of training of engineering students. The variant of application of interactive technologies in Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after KozmaMinin is offered at an auditor and extracurricular independent studying by students of a theoretical material. The results of real pedagogical practice are presented. It is indicated that in the course of work methods such as problem lectures, problem seminars, group discussions on various topics, brainstorming, a round table, case-tasks, simulation exercises, trainings, business games are used. The article shows the real practice of using Moodle at the university. The tools are shown with the help of which the teacher can manage the activities of the student, adjust his training.Debido a la nueva situación socioeconómica establecida en el país que llevó a cambios en la esfera de la educación, existe una necesidad de modernización de la educación basada en las tecnologías de la información. Uno de los más importantes en esta situación es la formación interactiva. El nuevo modelo del estudiante "aprendiz", en contraste con el "aprendiz", requiere la búsqueda de formas reales de gestionar el proceso educativo. Tanto el docente como el alumno en el proceso educativo moderno deben ser iguales; sin embargo, se le asigna un papel de liderazgo y debe gestionar el proceso de aprendizaje sin ir más allá de la relación sujeto-sujeto. El propósito del artículo es considerar la experiencia práctica de administrar el proceso educativo en condiciones de aplicación de tecnologías interactivas en la capacitación de ingenieros. El artículo explora el curso interactivo, ubicado en la plataforma electrónica Moodle para un estudio más completo de la gestión de la formación de estudiantes de ingeniería. La variante de la aplicación de tecnologías interactivas en la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod, llamada así por KozmaMinin, se ofrece a un auditor y un estudio extracurricular independiente realizado por estudiantes de un material teórico. Se presentan los resultados de la práctica pedagógica real. Se indica que en el curso de los métodos de trabajo tales como conferencias de problemas, seminarios de problemas, discusiones de grupo sobre diversos temas, lluvia de ideas, una mesa redonda, tareas de casos, ejercicios de simulación, entrenamientos, juegos de negocios se utilizan. El artículo muestra la práctica real de usar Moodle en la universidad. Las herramientas se muestran con la ayuda de la cual el profesor puede gestionar las actividades del alumno, ajustar su formación.Devido à nova situação socioeconômica estabelecida no país, que levou a mudanças na esfera da educação, há necessidade de modernização da educação baseada nas tecnologias da informação. Um dos mais importantes nessa situação é o treinamento interativo. O novo modelo de "aprendiz" estudantil, em contraste com o "aprendiz", requer a busca de formas reais de gerenciar o processo educacional. Tanto o professor quanto o aluno no processo educacional moderno devem ser iguais; no entanto, ele é atribuído a um papel de liderança e deve gerenciar o processo de aprendizagem sem ir além da relação sujeitosujeito. O objetivo do artigo é considerar a experiência prática de gerenciar o processo educacional em condições de aplicação de tecnologias interativas na formação de engenheiros. O artigo explora o curso interativo, localizado na plataforma eletrônica do Moodle, para um estudo mais completo do gerenciamento de treinamento de estudantes de engenharia. A variante da aplicação de tecnologias interativas na Universidade Pedagógica Estado de Nizhny Novgorod, nomeado para KozmaMinin, ofereceu um auditor e um estudo extracurricular independente por estudantes de material teórico. Os resultados da prática pedagógica real são apresentados. É indicado que, no decorrer de métodos de trabalho, tais como conferências de problemas, seminários de problemas, discussões em grupo sobre vários tópicos, brainstorming, uma mesa redonda, tarefas de casos, exercícios de simulação, treinamentos, jogos de negócios são usar. O artigo mostra a prática real de usar o Moodle na universidade. As ferramentas são mostradas com a ajuda de que o professor pode gerenciar as atividades do aluno, ajustar seu treinamento

    Lichens, bryophytes and terrestrial algae of the Lake Untersee Oasis (Wohlthat Massiv, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica)

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    Lake Untersee is the largest ice-covered freshwater lake in the interior of East Antarctica. The mountain oasis is situated around it in the Gruber Mts. of the Wohlthat Massif. For approximately 7,000 years the area has been free of ice and the local climate relatively stable. It is very severe, cold, and windy and dominated by intense evaporation and sublimation but with little melt. Relative humidity averages only 37%. Vegetation is sparse in the oasis and previously only poorly investigated. Two lichen species and no bryophytes were known from the area. In November-December 2018, a survey of terrestrial flora and vegetation was made. The list of lichens was completed for the area, bryophytes were found for the first time, and some terrestrial algae were collected. In total, 23 lichen species, 1 lichenicolous fungus, 1 moss, and 18 terrestrial algae were discovered for the locality. The abundance of each species within their habitats was also evaluated. The lichen flora of the Untersee Oasis is typical for continental oases and similar to other previously investigated internal territories of Dronning Maud Land, except for the very rich lichen flora of the Schirmacher Oasis

    In vitro studies of iron absorption and activity of glutathione peroxidase in intestinal mucosa of the chicken

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    We examined the absorption of iron, the activity of selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase (GSH·Px) and cellular compartmentalization of metal in the chicken duodenum and ileum. The method of accumulating mucosa preparation (AMP) was used. It was shown that the intestinal iron accumulation is dose-dependent process, which has two components: transcellular and paracellular. The realization of these pathways is region-specific and depends on exposed iron levels. Slightly elevated iron status of intestinal mucosa does not influence activity of GSH·Px. At the same time the results indicate that the activity of glutathione peroxidase can be altered by iron overload. Immunohistochemistry revealed that stainable iron could be co-localized to the endolysosomal compartment. How the activity of enzyme can be affected by oxidative stress and competitive interactions of iron with selenium are discussed. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.141278

    Бунин И.А. и фольклор: онтологическое в поэтике

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    The article pays attention to the interaction of literature and folklore. The object of research is the work of Bunin I. A. The subject of the article is the forms and principles of folklorism in the poetics of the writer. Features of the functioning of the folk tradition can be seen in the novel “The Life of Arsenyev”, it’s the first book of the composition. Much attention is paid to spatial images associated with the mortal theme in the novel. The significance of the system of references to the works of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.El artículo presta atención a la interacción de la literatura y el folklore. El objeto de investigación es el trabajo de Bunin I. A. El tema del artículo son las formas y principios del folklorismo en la poética del escritor. Las características del funcionamiento de la tradición popular se pueden ver en la novela "La vida de Arsenyev", es el primer libro de la composición. Se presta mucha atención a las imágenes espaciales asociadas con el tema mortal en la novela. La importancia del sistema de referencias a las obras de A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.В статье рассматривается вопрос взаимодействия литературы и фольклора. Объектом исследования выступает творчество И.А. Бунина. Предметом статьи являются формы и принципы фольклоризма в поэтике писателя. Особенности функционирования фольклорной традиции прослеживаются на примере романа «Жизнь Арсеньева», первой книги произведения. Большое внимание уделяется пространственным образам, связанным с мортальной темой в романе. Также оценивается значимость системы отсылок к произведениям А.С. Пушкина, М.Ю. Лермонтов