73 research outputs found

    Research of Pharmaceutical Security as a Component of Economic Security of the State

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    Today, socio-economic, political, environmental prerequisites have been formed for the formation of the pharmaceutical safety system of Ukraine, the institutionalization of which provides for the implementation of the relevant state policy, which will determine state priorities in certain areas of pharmaceutical safety in Ukraine. The work is devoted to the study of approaches to the definition of "pharmaceutical safety" of the state, the description of the theoretical foundations, the gist and its components, as well as the assessment of the current state of the level of economic security of the pharmaceutical industry and the development of recommendations for ensuring the economic security of the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine. Attention is paid to the role and place of pharmaceutical safety in the economic system of the state, the identification of threats and ways to achieve anappropriate level of pharmaceutical safety. It is concluded that the requirements for the economic security of the pharmaceutical industry do not correspond to the actions actually taken in this direction, the lack of a systematic approach to raising the level of domestic production for import substitution of medicines and solving many other problems in this area


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    Objective: Improvement of the efficiency of state-funded organizations in times of crisis and the need to reduce costs are popular topics widely discussed among researchers in the field of budgeting. The aim of the study was to improve the efficiency of managing the working time of specialists in procurement. Methods: During the course of the study, the Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) method was used to estimate the probabilistic nature of the length of work of contract department staff. Results: The paper reports the results of using criteria for rationing the working time of procurement specialists, which allow reducing the costs associated with the organization of procurement. Conclusion: Transitioning to an efficient procurement system focused on the minimization of labor costs requires the workers to comply with the respective appropriate regulations and labor intensity control

    Regulation of portfolio investment: risks for investors and opportunities to minimize them

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    Objective: The article discusses the risks of portfolio investment that arise during securities trading in Russia, and the possibilities for minimizing such risks for investors. The Russian securities market still experiences some risks that are not associated with average movements of prices. Method: The study aims at determining new organizational and legal mechanisms for protecting the interests of private portfolio investors and attracting new investments. Results: The authors of the article classify the risks for portfolio investments in Russia emerging in the process of securities trading with due regard to their changing values. They define mechanisms protecting stock market participants against risks (including compensatory). The authors also make assumptions about insurance services that might be in demand in the securities market. In addition, they consider the possibilities of using the world experience in insuring these risks in Russia considering national specifics. Conclusions: Authors highlighted the role of financial regulators and professional investors in improving the Russian investment climate

    Application of the controlling mechanism and sustainable development principles in the implementation of construction projects

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the need to ensure sustainable functioning of construction enterprises by increasing the efficiency of investment projects through the use of controlling mechanisms and application of the ESG concept. As a result of the research, the interrelation of project implementation processes by management phases was analyzed, problems in terms of control of investment and construction projects were identified and directions for improving the control mechanism with the application of the ESG concept were proposed. The purpose and main result of the study is to develop measures to improve the methods of control over the timing of implementation of investment and construction projects, taking into account compliance with the principles of the ESG concept

    Especificidades da estabilidade estrutural da criatividade profissional de um professor de línguas estrangeiras

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    The article presents the results of an empirical study concerning the structural stability of the professional creativity of a foreign language teacher by means of art therapy and training sessions within the framework of additional education. The purpose of the article is a theoretical and empirical study of the different dimensions of professional creativity of a foreign language teacher. Attention is drawn to the key role of the sustainability of the professional creativity development in teaching foreign languages. The research methodology and its algorithm included a complex psychological and pedagogical experiment, diagnostics of the stated parameters and statistical analysis of the results based on Spearman's rank correlation coefficient before and after the formative experiment. The study of specifics of the structural stability of professional creativity was carried out on the basis of the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia” (RUDN) at the Center for Continuing Professional Education. For research purposes, an experimental and a control group were formed. Each group consisted of 35 teachers. The sample was homogeneous by age and gender. The results of the study allow us to conclude that the stability of the professional creativity is of greater importance than the level of its development. The study confirmed that training sessions and art therapy practices can effectively develop the structural stability of professional creativity. The study also made it possible to outline the vector of further research in line with the stated problems.El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio empírico sobre la estabilidad estructural de la creatividad profesional de un profesor de lenguas extranjeras mediante sesiones de arteterapia y formación en el marco de la educación complementaria. El propósito del artículo es un estudio teórico y empírico de las diferentes dimensiones de la creatividad profesional de un profesor de lenguas extranjeras. Se llama la atención sobre el papel clave de la sostenibilidad del desarrollo de la creatividad profesional en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. La metodología de la investigación y su algoritmo incluyeron un complejo experimento psicológico y pedagógico, el diagnóstico de los parámetros establecidos y el análisis estadístico de los resultados basado en el coeficiente de correlación de rango de Spearman antes y después del experimento formativo. El estudio de los aspectos específicos de la estabilidad estructural de la creatividad profesional se llevó a cabo en el Instituto de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Institución Educativa Autónoma Estatal Federal de Educación Superior "La Universidad de la Amistad de los Pueblos de Rusia" (RUDN) en el Centro de Educación Profesional Continua. Para la investigación se formaron un grupo experimental y otro de control. Cada grupo estaba formado por 35 profesores. La muestra era homogénea por edad y sexo. Los resultados del estudio permiten concluir que la estabilidad de la creatividad profesional es de mayor importancia que el nivel de su desarrollo. El estudio confirmó que las sesiones de formación y las prácticas de arteterapia pueden desarrollar eficazmente la estabilidad estructural de la creatividad profesional. El estudio también permitió esbozar el vector de las investigaciones posteriores en función de los problemas planteados.O artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo empírico sobre a estabilidade estrutural da criatividade profissional de um professor de línguas estrangeiras por meio de sessões de arteterapia e treinamento no âmbito da educação adicional. O objetivo do artigo é um estudo teórico e empírico sobre as diferentes dimensões da criatividade profissional de um professor de língua estrangeira. Chama-se a atenção para o papel fundamental da sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento da criatividade profissional no ensino de línguas estrangeiras. A metodologia de pesquisa e seu algoritmo incluíram um complexo experimento psicológico e pedagógico, diagnóstico dos parâmetros declarados e análise estatística dos resultados com base no coeficiente de correlação de classificação do Spearman antes e depois do experimento formativo. O estudo das especificidades da estabilidade estrutural da criatividade profissional foi realizado com base no Instituto de Línguas Estrangeiras do Instituto de Educação Superior Autônomo do Estado Federal "Universidade da Amizade dos Povos da Rússia" (RUDN), no Centro de Educação Profissional Contínua. Para fins de pesquisa, foi formado um grupo experimental e um grupo de controle. Cada grupo era composto por 35 professores. A amostra era homogênea por idade e sexo. Os resultados do estudo nos permitem concluir que a estabilidade da criatividade profissional é de maior importância do que o nível de seu desenvolvimento. O estudo confirmou que as sessões de treinamento e as práticas de arteterapia podem efetivamente desenvolver a estabilidade estrutural da criatividade profissional. O estudo também tornou possível delinear o vetor de pesquisa adicional em linha com os problemas declarados

    Las complejidades de las medidas estadísticas de nuevos procesos sociales: un sistema de indicadores Downshifting

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    In the 21st century, new social processes that used to be considered illogical, unusual, and even impossible in the recent past are becoming increasingly widespread. Downshifting implying deliberate rejection of the benefits of modern civilization should undoubtedly be viewed as one of such processes. In various countries and corners of the planet, the scale of the development of downshifting has now acquired such a great magnitude that acting like nothing is happening would be both impossible and wrong. Meanwhile, an unequivocal perception of downshifting as an exclusively favorable or unfavorable process has not yet formed in society. In this context, attempts at measuring and statistically evaluating the various parameters of downshifting draw great interest from the point of science and practice. However, it has to be admitted that statistical science somewhat lags behind the present demands and needs of society since the system of downshifting indicators providing its comprehensive characteristic and allowing for a relatively clear answer to the question of the actual role of such an unusual social process has not yet been developed. In this context, the present article examines the specific characteristics of the quantitative analysis of downshifting, analyses various approaches to creating a downshifting statistics indicator system, and presents the authors’ propositions considering the structure and components of the system of downshifting indicators allowing not only comprehensively demonstrating the scale, structure, distribution, and intensity of this process, but also addressing its socio-economic results and consequences.En el siglo XXI, se están generalizando cada vez más los nuevos procesos sociales que solían considerarse ilógicos, inusuales e incluso imposibles en el pasado reciente. Indudablemente, el cambio descendente que implica el rechazo deliberado de los beneficios de la civilización moderna debe considerarse como uno de esos procesos. En varios países y rincones del planeta, la escala del desarrollo del cambio descendente ha adquirido ahora una magnitud tan grande que actuar como si nada estuviera sucediendo sería imposible e incorrecto. Mientras tanto, todavía no se ha formado en la sociedad una percepción inequívoca de la reducción de marcha como un proceso exclusivamente favorable o desfavorable. En este contexto, los intentos de medir y evaluar estadísticamente los diversos parámetros del cambio descendente despiertan un gran interés desde el punto de vista científico y práctico. Sin embargo, hay que admitir que la ciencia estadística va un poco por detrás de las demandas y necesidades actuales de la sociedad, ya que el sistema de indicadores descendentes proporciona su característica integral y permite una respuesta relativamente clara a la pregunta sobre el papel real de un proceso social tan inusual. aún no se ha desarrollado. En este contexto, el presente artículo examina las características específicas del análisis cuantitativo del downshifting, analiza varios enfoques para la creación de un sistema de indicadores estadísticos de downshifting, y presenta las propuestas de los autores considerando la estructura y componentes del sistema de indicadores de downshifting que permiten no solo de manera integral demostrando la escala, estructura, distribución e intensidad de este proceso, pero también abordando sus resultados y consecuencias socioeconómicas

    Las complejidades de las medidas estadísticas de nuevos procesos sociales: un sistema de indicadores Downshifting

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    En el siglo XXI, se están generalizando cada vez más los nuevos procesos sociales que solían considerarse ilógicos, inusuales e incluso imposibles en el pasado reciente. Indudablemente, el cambio descendente que implica el rechazo deliberado de los beneficios de la civilización moderna debe considerarse como uno de esos procesos. En varios países y rincones del planeta, la escala del desarrollo del cambio descendente ha adquirido ahora una magnitud tan grande que actuar como si nada estuviera sucediendo sería imposible e incorrecto. Mientras tanto, todavía no se ha formado en la sociedad una percepción inequívoca de la reducción de marcha como un proceso exclusivamente favorable o desfavorable. En este contexto, los intentos de medir y evaluar estadísticamente los diversos parámetros del cambio descendente despiertan un gran interés desde el punto de vista científico y práctico. Sin embargo, hay que admitir que la ciencia estadística va un poco por detrás de las demandas y necesidades actuales de la sociedad,ya que el sistema de indicadores descendentes proporciona su característica integral y permite una respuesta relativamente clara a la pregunta sobre el papel real de un proceso social tan inusual. aún no se ha desarrollado. En este contexto, el presente artículo examina las características específicas del análisis cuantitativo del downshifting, analiza varios enfoques para la creación de un sistema de indicadores estadísticos de downshifting, y presenta las propuestas de los autores considerando la estructura y componentes del sistema de indicadores de downshifting que permiten no solo de manera integral demostrando la escala, estructura, distribución e intensidad de este proceso, pero también abordando sus resultados y consecuencias socioeconómica

    Ways to increase the internal energy of seeds

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    The article discusses the problem of creating valuable source material for breeding new varieties. Therefore, the authors consider it necessary to develop new methods to induce aberrant or recombinant variability in plants using their own hidden seed reserves. It is proposed to treat wet seeds with physical factors that mobilize forces and release energy reserves of the seeds to increase their germination, seedling growth, productivity and yield of future agricultural products. The article examines the possibility of stimulating and increasing crop yields by controlling the number of chromosomal aberrations under electrophysical influence on their seeds. To increase the water content of seeds prior to irradiation, the authors use a sinusoidal electric current. In order to increase the yield of chromosomal aberrations in the process of laser irradiation of seeds, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary water-thermal treatment (WTT) with alternating electric current (I). The authors present the research on the effect of electrophysical treatment methods on seed material, which includes the study of electrophysical properties of seeds, identification of doses, type and nature of effects that cause stimulation of growth and development of their seedlings


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    Цель. Установить изменения белково-липидного спектра мембраны эритроцитов при ХЭ до и после традиционного комплексного лечения.Материалы и методы. У 38 пациенток репродуктивного возраста с верифицированным диагнозом хронический эндометрит в стадии неполной ремиссии, получавших комплексное традиционное лечение, включающее оперативное вмешательство по поводу бесплодия, изучены параметры структурно-функциональных свойств эритроцитов до и после лечения.Результаты. До начала лечения установлены значительные изменения в содержании белков, ответственных за структурообразование и стабилизацию мембраны эритроцитов (α- и β-спектрин, дематин, анкирин, белок полосы 4.1, паллидин), формообразование и гибкость мембраны (актин, тропомиозин), внутриклеточный метаболизм (анионтранспортный белок, глицеральальдегид-3-фосфатдегидрогеназа, глутатион-S-трансфераза). Выявлены нарушения в содержании и соотношении липидного спектра, в первую очередь, снижение содержания мембранных глицерофосфолипидов и сфингомиелинов, составляющих основу двойного липидного каркаса клеточной мембраны и играющих основную роль в упорядочивании белковых макромолекул и нормальном метаболизме эритроцитов. Определено внутриэритроцитарное повышение процессов перекисного окисления липидов и содержания стабильных метаболитов оксида азота, снижение активности ферментов антиоксидантной защиты. После проведенного лечения нормализовалось 9% измененных до лечения параметров, корригировано, но не значений нормы, 55,6%, без изменений осталось 33,4% показателей.Background: Establishment of changes in protein-lipid spectrum of erythrocyte’s membrane in CE before and after traditional complex treatment.Materials and methods: At 38 patients in reproductive age with verified diagnosis of chronic endometritis in stage of incomplete remission, treated by traditional treatment complex, what included surgical intervention about sterility, were studied parameters of structural-functional properties of erythrocytes before and after treatment.Results. Before treatment were established considerable changes in composition of proteins, what is in charge for structure formation and stabilization of erythrocyte’s membrane (α- and β-spectrin, dematin, ancirin, protein of a strip 4.1, pallidin), formation and flexibility of membrane (actin, tropomyosin), intracellular metabolism (anion-transporting protein, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione-S-transferase). Were revealed disorders in maintenance and correlation of lipid spectrum, in the first place lowering of maintenance of membrane glycerophospholipids and sphingomyelins, what form base of double lipid carcass of cell membrane and play main role in arrangement of protein macromolecules and normal metabolism of erythrocytes. Defined intracellular increase of lipids peroxidation processes and maintenance of nitrogen oxides stable metabolites, lowering of activity of antioxidant defense. After treatment 9% of changed before treatment parameters were normalized, corrected, but not to normal reference ranges, 55,6%, 33,4% of indices remained the same