66 research outputs found

    Integrating network storage into information retrieval applications

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    The object-oriented software environment GTP (General Text Parser) with network storage capability has been designed to provide a scalable solution to index creation and query processing. GTP allows information retrieval and data mining professionals to parse a large collection of documents and create a vector space information retrieval model for subsequent concept-based query processing (GTPQUERY). The software\u27s numerous options allow users to tune the model to their specific needs. Depending on the size of the collection, the facilitation of the model may require an enormous amount of local storage. The addition of network storage capability addresses the problem of inadequate local storage and file sharing over the network. Tools defining the Logistical Networking Testbed developed in the Logistical Computing and Intrnetworking (LoCI) Lab at the University of Tennessee are used to demonstrate both the creation and use of remotely stored indices. With the development of new network storage technologies, the software will be able to forgo most local file generation and will allow remote users to share the index created by GTP

    Translation of Polysemous and Synonymous Terms of the English Language: The Possibilities of a Cognitive Approach

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    The article describes the problem of translating polysemantic and synonymous investment terms and is studied from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, namely in the light of the prototypes theory, which presupposes the identification of the content core as the best representative of the word's semantics. The subject of the research are the semantic processes taking place in the English term system reflecting investment activity. By the example of the research of term dealer and its synonyms broker and agent, the authors have defined that the meanings of polysemantic and synonymous terms are not isolated, but are united by a meaningful core and develop according to the laws of semantic derivation based on the common language nominative-non-derivative meaning. The authors found that the reduction of translation failures in the transfer of terms is possible due to the competent use of the cognitive context and the correct definition of the content core of the terminological unit. The research is carried out by means of such methods as the prototypical semantics method, a definitional and component analysis. When identifying the content core of a polysemantic term it is first of all necessary to define the average primary meaning of this term on the basis of dictionary definitions. As a result, the most frequent meaning is determined. Then etymological analysis of the meaning is carried out. At the next stage, in order to model the cognitive image of a word, contextual analysis is performed, and metaphorical comparisons are investigated. Based on the obtained data, a content core of the term is formulated generalizing all the derived meanings and demonstrating their connections. The results obtained allow the authors to prove that the meanings of polysemantic and synonymous terms are connected by a single content core and are developed on the basis of a common linguistic meaning. The practical value of the scientific research is in the possibility to use the results of the work in lexicographic practice when compiling terminological dictionaries, and when writing university courses in terminology and translation studies. The identification of a content core is necessary while translating polysemantic and synonymous terms, because it reveals the meaning of the term in the context and defines the choice of a right translation variant

    Правовые коллизии установления налоговых льгот по земельному налогу (на примере Свободного порта Владивосток)

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    The subject. The analysis of the establishment of land tax benefits for residents of the Free Port of Vladivostok by municipalities is carried out.The purpose of the article is to determine the feasibility of establishing land tax benefits for residents of the Free Port of Vladivostok (FPV) by the municipalities themselves or to confirm the need for federal regulation of the establishment of such benefits by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.The methodology of the study includes the analysis of municipal legal acts on the establishment of land taxes in municipalities that are parts of the FPV.The main results and scope of their application. Due to the limitation of powers of municipalities located in territories with special legal status, one of the powers that such municipalities exercise is the establishment of local taxes and fees, as well as local tax benefits for residents of such territories. In most cases, such benefits provided at the federal level, so municipalities only “exercise the will” of the federal legislator by imposing a local tax on their territory. Due to the absence of federal regulation, tax benefits on local taxes will be established at the discretion of local authorities, which may lead to competition and unequal economic conditions for residents. So, for residents of the Free Port of Vladivostok (which includes 22 municipalities located in five constituent entities of the Russian Federation) in the absence of federal regulation, the municipal entities themselves will establish land tax benefits, which in practice leads to differentiation in the payment of land tax in the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok. All municipalities that are parts of the FPV are divided into three groups: 1) a land tax exemption has been established in the municipalities of the first group; 2) the municipalities of the second group has not established a land tax benefit; 3) the municipalities of the third group have a zero land tax rate. It is necessary to establish a common list of benefits on the territory of the FPV by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with the possibility of expanding such benefits at the regional and municipal levels, taking into account local characteristics.Conclusions. Municipalities establish the land tax benefits in different ways, and such situation leads to an unequal economic situation for residents of FPV. In order to remove competition between municipalities and due to the significance of the goals that the state sets for itself, creating territories with special economic status, it seems necessary to establish a typical list of benefits on such territories at the federal level by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with the possibility of expanding such benefits at regional and municipal level according to local circumstances.На примере Свободного порта Владивосток (СПВ) проводится анализ установления муниципальными образованиями, входящими в состав территории с особым экономическим статусом, льгот по земельному налогу для резидентов. Все муниципальные образования, входящие в состав СПВ, разделены на три группы: 1) где установлена льгота по земельному налогу; 2) где подобная льгота не установлена; 3) где установлена нулевая ставка по земельному налогу. Делается вывод о необходимости закреп-ления общего перечня льгот на территории СПВ Налоговым кодексом РФ с возможностью расширения таких льгот на региональном и муниципальном уровне с учетом местных особенностей

    Особенности реализации финансово-правового статуса муниципальных образований, входящих в городские агломерации

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    The subject of research is financial legal issues of the development of urban agglomerations.The purpose of the article is to confirm or refute hypothesis that the primary financial support for urban agglomerations is carried out at the federal level, based on federal programs for the development of the road network. Hence, municipalities that are part of urban agglomerations receive federal inter-budget transfers aimed at the development of roads and road infrastructure as the most critical link for the development of agglomerations.The methodology The methodological basis of the research is formal-logical analysis of federal, regional, and municipal legal acts, methods of statistical analysis, generalization and synthesis are also used.The main results and scope of their application. Urbanization of territories, urban population growth leads to the development of urban agglomerations. This phenomenon has been known for a long time, in foreign countries urban agglomerations are successfully developing. The formation of urban agglomerations is called one of the possible forms of regulation of intergovernmental relations.  The Russian model for the development of agglomerations so far follows the path of allocating inter-budget transfers from the federal budget.Agglomeration development is possible only with the interaction of all municipalities included in its composition, and the coordination of their actions, coordination of the regulatory framework of municipalities, including those aimed at optimizing budget expenditures. In this regard, the regulatory legal acts of the municipalities included in the agglomeration must reflect requirements for inter-municipal cooperation, including the financing of agglomeration development projects.Because the primary financing of the road sector is carried out through road funds, it is concluded that there is a need for effective financial control over the spending of road funds, including using new information technologies. Shortcomings of introducing a publicly accessible information-analytical system for monitoring the formation and use of road funds are noted, and suggestions are made for improving the information system to implement the principle of openness (accessibility) of data on budget spending.Conclusions. The tendency of the territorial association of municipalities in the agglomeration, on the one hand, is due to the requirements of the time and follows the experience of many foreign countries. On the other hand, in the absence of sufficient regulatory regulation of agglomeration processes, most of the financial support for the development of agglomerations is carried out from the federal center. Road funds act are the source of financing the development of urban agglomerations, since the development of the transport system of urban agglomerations should be called one of the priority projects at the federal level, which is carried out at the expense of the federal budget. The conclusion is drawn on the need for effective financial control over the expenditure of funds of road funds, including the use of new information technologies.Рассматриваются финансово-правовые тенденции территориального объединения муниципальных образований в агломерации. Такое объединение, с одной стороны, обусловлено требованиями времени и следует за опытом многих зарубежных государств. С другой стороны, в отсутствие достаточного нормативного регулирования агломерационных процессов, большая часть финансового обеспечения развития агломераций осуществляется из федерального центра. Анализируются дорожные фонды в качестве источника финансирования развития городских агломераций, поскольку развитие транспортной системы городских агломераций – один из приоритетных проектов федерального уровня, который осуществляется за счет средств федерального бюджета. Делается вывод о необходимости осуществления эффективного финансового контроля за расходованием средств дорожных фондов, в том числе с применением новых информационных технологий

    Developing Student's Motivation to Learn Foreign Language in Tertiary Classroom and Beyond

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    Correction of time deficit in acquiring the required level of command of English is possible only due to more active use ofextramural activities: student's independent work and project work. Unfortunately, many students, especially those at a lowerlevels of command of language have insufficient motivation to continue their learning. The aim of the paper is to present a setof techniques used to boost motivation to learn English among students of engineering tertiary school. The techniques usedwere partially borrowed from secondary and primary school practice and adapted to suit the new demographics. At the heart ofthe method is the notion to make students use language outside classroom in preselected but non-adapted context: readingexcerpts from Wikipedia, declamation, creative tasks. It is further informed by psychology and builds upon feeling of fulfillmentbinding it with studying English. The method was applied to several group of engineering students and resulted in someincrease in attendance and significant increase in attempts at homework which we interpret as indicators of increasedmotivation. Intensive use of different games, unusual tasks and assignments allowed students to show their creative ability andimagination. The use of authentic materials while a naturally more challenging task is more rewarding not only from linguisticpoint of view, but motivationally as well. Many students regardless their level of English are interested in technology andresults of modern research. This interest may and should be used to boost motivation


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    Purpose of the study: The relevance of the research is conditioned by the contradiction between the social and state need to form the positive attitude to healthy lifestyle (including extracurricular time) in student youth and the underestimation of the potential of students' self-study activities aimed at increasing of physical activity and development of readiness for physical culture in specified group of youth. The article is aimed at the study of the student’s readiness for independent physical education during the examinations as a manifestation of independence in general, as well as at the study of the significance of independent physical education of students during the examinations in the process of future specialist formation. Methodology: The leading approach to the study of this problem was the theory of the activity approach in the development of personality and independent activities of students which allowed to substantiate the place of readiness of university students for independent physical training during the examinations in the process of future specialist training. Results: Of all the types of special readiness, the readiness of university students for independent physical training during examinations is of particular importance, the specificity of which is that this type of readiness contains features of types of readiness for professional activity, as well as readiness to act in problem situations, in which connection the readiness for independent physical training during the examinations is an indicator of the future specialist's readiness to problem professional situation. Applications of this study: The results of the study allow specialists who study the quality of university graduates to use the assessment of the development of student’s readiness for independent physical training during the examinations as an indicator of the future specialist’s readiness to act in a problem situation. Novelty/Originality of this study: The authors note that this problem cannot be solved by simply increasing the hours envisaged by the curriculum for independent work in the framework of the subject “Physical Education”, i.e. increase in quantity. A qualitative change in the approach to independent work of students, an appropriate system of actions in her organization and planning are necessary to achieve the desired effect

    Создание цифрового документа: итоги вебинара для библиотекарей Карелии

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    The experience in building document digital copies in Karelian libraries is discussed; the conclusions of the webinar “Building quality digital documents at the National Library of the Republic of Karelia” and the findings of the participants polling are examined.Представлен опыт создания цифровых копий документов в библиотеках Карелии. Освещена работа вебинара на тему «Создание качественного цифрового документа: опыт Национальной библиотеки Республики Карелия», изложены его итоги, а также основные выводы, сделанные по результатам анкетирования участников вебинара


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    Success and failure in competitive activities are significant situations that affect the psychological state of athletes. The aim of the scientific research was to study the relationship between success and failure with the psychological states and behavior of biathlon athletes. The study involved 20 active biathlete athletes aged from 18 to 20 years, 10 boys and 10 girls, with their skill levels from the 1st category to masters of sports. The results were analyzed taking into account gender differences. The results of the study have revealed both gender differences and individual differences. The obtained data can be used as recommendations for coaches, athletes and sports psychologists.Успех и неуспех в соревновательной деятельности представляют собой значимые ситуации, которые оказывают влияние на психологические состояния спортсменов. Целью исследование стало изучение взаимосвязи успеха и неуспеха с психологическими состояниями и поведением спортсменов-биатлонистов. В исследовании участвовали 20 действующих спортсменов-биатлонистов  в возрасте от 18 до 20 лет, 10 юношей и 10 девушек, уровень мастерства от 1 разряда до мастеров спорта. Результаты были проанализированы с учетом гендерных различий. Результаты исследования выявили как гендерные различия, так и индивидуальные различия на ситуацию успеха и неуспеха. Полученные данные могут быть использованы в качестве рекомендаций для тренеров, спортсменов и спортивных психологов