75 research outputs found

    Synthesis Methods of Multiple-valued Structures of Language Systems

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    The basic construction concepts of many-valued intellectual systems, which are adequate to primal problems of person activity and using hybrid tools with many-valued of coding are considered. The many-valued intellectual systems being two-place, but simulating neuron processes of space toting which are different on a level of actions, inertial and threshold of properties of neurons diaphragms, and also modification of frequency of following of the transmitted messages are created. All enumerated properties and functions in point of fact are essential not only are discrete on time, but also many-valued

    Russian-Chinese Cooperation Prospects in the Electric Power Industry

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    Russia and China have long been trading partners and cooperated in most industries, including the electric power sector. Even with close and long-standing ties, the further scope of Russian-Chinese relations in the electric power sector should be defined taking into account China's currently implemented Belt and Road Initiative requiring enormous resources, particularly in commodities. An analysis of Russia's electric power market shows an imbalance between the levels of demand and supply skewing to the supply side. Russian excess supply of electricity could be feasibly channelled to China under long-term contracts. For now, such supplies have not been operated at the levels planned several years ago, which indicates low utilisation of the existing potential of cooperation between the countries in the sector. Besides, considerable potential exists for partnership between Russia and China in upgrading electric power facilities and supplying electricity equipment and its subsequent maintenance

    X-ray imaging and computed tomography of conifer tree rings for climatological purposes

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    This paper presents images of wood structure for various measurement regimes of X-ray microtomography. This is done by obtaining tomographic slices (iSee, CTvox), averaging them with the help of a statistical script called Adobe Photoshop, converting the average images into multidimensional data sets, and then averaging the image profiles (OriginCalc) to finally obtain a two-dimensional array of dendrochronological series of tree-ring density. The results of measurements are checked by a weight method to confirm the reliability of the data processing algorithm. For dendrochronological measurements of the ring density, it is shown that, depending on the width, two modes can be used: 80-µm (for wide rings) and 30-µm (for narrow rings). A measurement mode of less than 10-µm is used to display the structure of the wood inside a ring. The results of XCT-density measurements performed with an 8-µm resolution are given to assess the daily changes in wood density during the growing season

    Цифрові інструменти системи контролю в електронному бізнесі

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    Мета роботи: обговорення переваг та недоліків різних цифрових інструментів системи контролю в Е-бізнесі. Метод дослідження: використано загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи дослідження, метод експертних оцінок. Практична цінність дослідження: систематизовані: інструменти моніторингу та аналізу відвідуваності сайту, аналізу змісту сайту, збору та аналізу поведінкових даних користувачів, електронного контролю документообігу та транзакцій, автоматизованого контролю фінансової звітності тощо. Ці інструменти дозволяють контролювати різні аспекти електронного бізнесу та виявляти можливі порушення в роботі бізнесу. Цінність дослідження: виділяються проблемні питання: (1) яким чином інструментами цифрового контролю можна забезпечувати впровадження інноваційних рішень та стратегій, зокрема, залучати та зберігати клієнтів, аналізувати ринок та конкурентну ситуацію, а також робити більш точні прогнози попиту на товари і послуги; (2) якими інструментами цифрового контролю можна додатково зменшувати витрати на зберігання та управління запасами, що може дозволити підприємствам знизити витрати та підвищити ефективність управління ланцюгом постачання. Тип статті: теоретична

    Additive singular spectral model of a dendrochronological signal

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    Relevance. Allocation of structural components in a dendrochronological signal of annual rings of coniferous trees expands the possibilities of the bioindication method and allows obtaining information about changes in environmental conditions in the past for extended territories. Aim. Creation of an additive singular spectral model based on the frequency trigonometric components of the dendrochronological signal; reconstruction of changes in the total ozone content in the atmosphere in the past, affecting the level of ultraviolet radiation in the B range radiation. Objects. Time series of total ozone content in the atmosphere (data from 1932), width and density of annual rings (data from 1686–2004) on the example of the territory near the observatory in Arosa, Switzerland, time series of stable oxygen isotopes δ18Oc, France. Methods. Time series analysis (decomposition of a time series, identification of model parameters, prediction of a time series), statistical analysis (F-criterion, χ2 – Pearson criterion), experimental measurements of the percentage components of the wood of annual rings, correlation analysis, spectral singular analysis. Results. Decomposition of the dendrochronological signal of individual chronologies into trigonometric components in the Caterpillar program. Correlation analysis of the sensitivity of trees to atmospheric effects. Reconstruction of the ozone level in the stratosphere using the first trigonometric component of the dendrochronological signal. In cellulose, the first low-frequency component of the signal and the structural component of wood, a reliable response of trees to long-period fluctuations in the total ozone content is recorded. This allows assessment of the impact of the stress factor on conditions of exploitation of forest resources. The use of data on the width of the annual rings allows you to expand the territorial boundaries of the method

    Mechanism of formation of the social component of sustainable development reporting

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    As a part of the study of the social component of sustainable development reporting, the mechanism for recording of its indicators were improved. On the basis of this, directions for accounting support were outlined and a classification of social activity expenses was given, dividing them according to reporting objects in the context of indicators of sustainable development reporting. This allowed us to identify the objects of accounting for the social activity of the company. Improvement of reporting as the basis for information support of the process of formation of indicators of the social aspects of sustainable development reporting took place as the proposed form of an internal report (Report on social activities), which is reasonably prepared to summarize the social aspects of business entities. This allows the assessment of social activities on positive and negative impacts on society, labor relations, human rights, as well as to obtain reliable and timely information for the formation of indicators of sustainable development reporting. The proposed procedure for carrying out the procedure for the reporting of sustainable development verification can be adjusted in accordance with the main strategic indicators of the company development, current policies, as well as the guidelines approved by the social reporting indicators

    Features of settlements with customers in the Big Four companies

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    Досліджено особливості розрахунків з клієнтами в чотирьох найбільших у світі за обсягом доходу компаніях у галузі аудиту. В результаті дослідження встановлено, що виставлення рахунків клієнтам за надані послуги відбувається у кілька етапів. З’ясовано основні обов’язки учасників компанії, які задіяні в процесі виставлення рахунків клієнтам. Встановлено, що в компаніях діє багаторівневий контроль за сформованими рахунками, до якого залучені співробітники операційного та фінансового відділів компаній, а також менеджери проектів, які є безпосередніми надавачами послуг клієнту. Виявлено, що в процесі комунікації з клієнтами та здійснення розрахунків із ними в компаніях Великої четвірки використовують офісний пакет Microsoft Office, спеціально розроблену систему для виставлення рахунків на основі SAP, програмні продукти BAS Бухгалтерія, M.E.Doc, сервіс для електронного документообігу між структурними одиницями компанії та клієнтом «Вчасно». Проте, не дивлячись на злагодженість механізму виставлення рахунків та кілька рівнів контролю, компанії стикаються з певними ризиками, які можуть негативно впливати на якість інформації в бухгалтерському обліку та звітності про стан розрахунків. Зокрема, це пов’язано з технічними збоями в програмних забезпеченнях через нерівномірне навантаження серверів, а також втратою інформації, що спричинена людським фактором – помилки занесення даних в електронну систему, недбалість, зловживання службовим становищем. У процесі дослідження встановлено, що недостатня інформованість співробітників операційного та фінансового відділів, а також обмеженість доступу до необхідних документів для здійснення розрахунків з клієнтами може призвести до зниження якості інформації у звітності компанії, шахрайства та інших протиправних дій. За результатами проведеного дослідження описано підходи до вирішення наявних у компаніях проблем при здійсненні розрахунків з клієнтами. Дослідження показало, що в умовах нестабільного економічного середовища у компаніях Великої четвірки постійно виникає необхідність щодо адаптації до змін у бізнес-середовищі та дотримання найвищих стандартів якості й безпеки даних.This article examines the specifics of settlements with clients in the world's four largest audit companies by revenue. As a result of the study, it was found that billing customers for the services provided takes place in several stages. The main responsibilities of the company's participants who are involved in the process of invoicing customers are clarified. It is established that companies have multi-level control over the generated invoices, which involves employees of the operational and financial departments of companies, as well as project managers who are direct service providers to the client. It was revealed that in the process of communicating with customers and making settlements with them, the big four companies use the Microsoft Office, a specially developed system for invoicing based on SAP, and BAS accounting software products, M.E.Doc, a service for electronic document management between the company's structural units and the client «Vchasno». However, despite the coherence of the billing mechanism and several levels of control, companies face certain risks that can negatively affect the quality of information in accounting and reporting on the status of settlements. In particular, this is due to technical failures in software due to uneven server load, as well as loss of information caused by a human factor - errors in entering data into the electronic system, negligence, abuse of official position. In the course of the study, it was found that insufficient awareness of employees of the operational and financial departments, as well as limited access to the necessary documents for making settlements with customers, can lead to a decrease in the quality of information in the company's reporting, fraud and other illegal actions. Based on the results of the study, approaches to solving existing problems in companies when making settlements with customers were described. The study showed that in an unstable economic environment, the Big Four companies constantly need to adapt to changes in the business environment and comply with the highest standards of data quality and security

    Accounting and verification of sustainable enterprise development reporting

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    The mechanism for indicators formation of the social components of sustainable development reporting was improved through substantiation of accounting and nonaccounting information support and a development of an algorithm for their formation, which is the basis of a new information disclosure format for participants in socio-economic relations. The organizational provisions of the system of verification of sustainable development reporting were considered, and as a result: components of the verification system were substantiated (the company's obligations, principles, confirmation, requirements for the subject of verification); a model of the verification system organization was developed; and an algorithm for assessing and assigning a rating of verification was developed which is one of the key elements of the new mechanism for publicizing information about the economic activity of an enterprise. The methodological support of the verification procedure for sustainable development reporting was analyzed in terms of the assessment of the level of completeness of the subject of verification, the importance of requests from stakeholders and the effectiveness of socially responsible activities which involve the use of a set of analytical procedures and taking into account the information request of stakeholders on the sustainable development of the enterprise

    Probabilistic-statistical models of the dynamics of climatic changes in the Altai Mountains

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    A probabilistic-statistical parameterization of time series characterizing geological and climatic processes allows determining some regularities by an autocorrelation analysis of signals which differ in nature. The use of the autocorrelation method for analyzing data related to solar and tectonic activity and characterizing the level of stratospheric ozone (total ozone content), hydrothermal regimes (De Martonne aridity index), and wood structure (maximum density of annual rings) allows us to find regularities in time series of various natural processes. Data on the maximum density of Siberian larch trees growing in the Altai Mountains made it possible to calculate the past changes in total ozone content and the aridity index in the Altai Mountains from 1900 to 2014 based on some similarities in the series and a separation of a dendrochronological signal into its main components

    Smart Cities in Future Energy System Architecture

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    The article analyzes new technologies, which establish modern trends for future electric power systems operation and development, and their impact on production, storage, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity. The article also studies trends and approaches to urban planning with an emphasis on energy infrastructure, where success in “smart city” and “smart grid” concepts implementation is considered as overarching question. The general requirements for smart power supply system are defined, problems that need to be solved are formulated, and a number of general recommendations are given for future development. Keywords: energy system, smart grid, smart cities JEL Classifications: L94; Q42; Q48; H5