7 research outputs found

    Charged Star Diblock Copolymers in Dilute Solutions: Synthesis, Structure, and Chain Conformations

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    We present a systematic investigation of a novel series of star polymers consisting of arms made up from poly­(<i>N</i>-isopropylacrylamide)-<i>b</i>-poly­(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonate) (PNIPAAM-<i>block</i>-PAMPS) block copolymers. The polymers were synthesized as a 3-arm and 2-arm (i.e., a tetrablock copolymer) using a “core-first” method and a sequential atomic transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) protocol. Using asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AFFFF), Zetasizer, and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the phase behavior and nanostructure of the system in dilute solutions are studied in detail. While AFFFF equipped with a light scattering and refractive index detectors provides distribution of molecular weight and overall sizes in solution, we use SAXS combined with theoretical modeling to elucidate the inter- and intramolecular interactions of the star polymers. In particular, by employing a detailed model for a star-diblock copolymer assuming Gaussian chain statistics, we extract the chain conformation for <i>each polymer block separately</i>. We find that the radii of gyration, <i>R</i><sub>g</sub>, for both PNIPAAM and PAMPS are very similar to the expected dimension of free chains in solution. By adding salt, we show that the strong interstar repulsion found in water is dramatically reduced after adding as little as 0.025 M NaCl. Further increase of NaCl up to 0.2 M shows that the system essentially behaves as neutral polymers in a good solvent. Concerning the chain conformations, addition of NaCl seems to have a small effect on the <i>R</i><sub>g</sub> of the different blocks

    Structural and Rheological Properties of Temperature-Responsive Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymers in Aqueous Media

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    Thermoresponsive amphiphilic biodegradable block copolymers of the type poly­(ε-caprolactone-<i>co</i>-lactide)-poly­(ethylene glycol)-poly­(ε-caprolactone-<i>co</i>-lactide) (PCLA-PEG<sub><i>m</i></sub>-PCLA) have great potential for various biomedical applications. In the present study, we have surveyed the effects of PEG spacer length (<i>m</i> = 1000 and 1500), temperature, and polymer concentration on the self-assembling process to form supramolecular structures in aqueous solutions of the PCLA-PEG<sub><i>m</i></sub>-PCLA copolymer. This copolymer has a lower critical solution temperature, and the cloud point depends on both concentration and PEG length. Thermoreversible hydrogels are formed in the semidilute regime; the gel windows in the phase diagrams can be tuned by the concentration and length of the PEG spacer. The rheological properties of both dilute and semidilute samples were characterized; especially the sol-to-gel transition was examined. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments reveal fundamental structural differences between the two copolymers for both dilute and semidilute samples. The intensity profiles for the copolymer with the long PEG spacer could be described by a spherical core–shell model over a broad temperature domain, whereas the copolymer with the short hydrophilic spacer forms rod-like species over an extended temperature range. This finding is supported by cryo-TEM images. At temperatures approaching macroscopic phase separation, both copolymers seem to assume extended rod-like structures

    Extrusion/spheronization of pectin-based formulations. II. Effect of additive concentration in the granulation liquid

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    Purpose. The aim of this study was to improve the formation of spherical pectin pellets by investigating the effect of additive concentration in the granulation liquid on the shape and size of the products as well as by identifying an optimal additive concentration.Methods. High-methoxylated, low-methoxylated, and amidated low-methoxylated pectin types were evaluated in combination with different concentrations of methanol, ethanol, citric acid, lactic acid, and calcium chloride. Pellets were prepared in a power-consumption-controlled twin-screw extruder, then spheronized and dried. The moisture content of the extrudate was determined, and the final products were characterized by image analysis and sieving analysis. A cloud point test was employed for the identification of an optimal additive concentration.Results. The concentration of additive in the granulation liquid affected the moisture content of the extrudate and the shape, size, and mechanical stability of the pectin pellets. Improvements in the pellet characteristics are dependent on the pectin type employed. The 2 low-methoxylated pectins were more sensitive to concentration changes than was the high-methoxylated type. Above a certain threshold concentration, the quality of the pellets are improved. This additive concentration differs according to type of pectin and type of additive.Conclusion. It was demonstrated that there is a concentration-dependent interaction between pectin and substances added to the granulation liquid that can be utilized to improve the formation of spherical pectin pellets

    Extrusion/spheronization of pectin-based formulations. I. Screening of important factors

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    This study investigated the possibility of producing pectin-based pellets by extrusion/spheronization. The study also identified factors influencing the process and the characteristics of the resulting product. Three types of pectin with different degrees of amid and methoxyl substitution were studied in combination with different granulation liquids (water, calcium chloride, citric acid, and ethanol) and/or microcrystalline cellulose. Pellets were prepared in a power-consumption-controlled, twinscrew extruder; then they were spheronized and dried. The products were characterized by image analysis, sieving analysis, and disintegration and dissolution tests. The results were evaluated by multivariate analysis. Different additives, either in the granulation liquid or in the powder mixture, influenced the ability of the extruded mass to form pellets (the processability) with this technique. However, the various pectin types responded to modifications to a different extent. Short, nearly spherical pellets are obtained with granulation liquids, such as ethanol, that reduce the swelling ability of pectin. Pellets produced with ethanol are, however, mechanically weak and tend to ditintegrate. Pectin molecules with a high degree of free carboxylic acid groups seem to be more sensitive to changes in the granulation liquid. Addition of microcrystalline cellulose as an extrusion aid generally resulted in improvements in shape and size. It was demonstrated that the processability of pectin as well as the characteristics of the products can be influenced in different ways during the process (eg, adding substances to the granulation liquid or to the powder mixture)