6,333 research outputs found

    Redundant actuator development program

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    Two concepts of redundant secondary actuator mechanization, applicable to future advanced flight control systems, were studied to quantitatively assess their design applicability to an AST. The two actuator concepts, a four-channel, force summed system and a three-channel, active/standby system have been developed and evaluated through analysis, analog computer simulation, and piloted motion simulation. The quantitative comparison of the two concepts indicates that the force summed concept better meet performance requirements, although the active/standby is superior in other respects. Both concepts are viable candidates for advanced control application dependent on the specific performance requirements

    A Complexity-Brightness Correlation in Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We observe strong correlations between the temporal properties of gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and their apparent peak brightness. The strongest effect (with a significance level of 10^{-6}) is the difference between the brightness distributions of simple bursts (dominated by a single smooth pulse) and complex bursts (consisting of overlapping pulses). The latter has a break at a peak flux of 1.5 ph/cm^2/s, while the distribution of simple bursts is smooth down to the BATSE threshold. We also observe brightness dependent variations in the shape of the average peak aligned time profile (ATP) of GRBs. The decaying slope of the ATP shows time dilation when comparing bright and dim bursts while the rising slope hardly changes. Both slopes of the ATP are deformed for weak bursts as compared to strong bursts. The interpretation of these effects is simple: a complex burst where a number of independent pulses overlap in time appears intrinsically stronger than a simple burst. Then the BATSE sample of complex bursts covers larger redshifts where some cosmological factor causes the break in the peak brightness distribution. This break could correspond to the peak in the star formation rate that was recently shown to occur at a redshift of z~1.5.Comment: 13 pages; 11 figures; replaced with the published versio

    A comparative study of super- and highly-deformed bands in the A ~ 60 mass region

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    Super- and highly-deformed rotational bands in the A ~ 60 mass region are studied within cranked relativistic mean field theory and the configuration-dependent shell-correction approach based on the cranked Nilsson potential. Both approaches describe the experimental data well. Low values of the dynamic moments of inertia J^(2) compared with the kinematic moments of inertia J^(1) seen both in experiment and in calculations at high rotational frequencies indicate the high energy cost to build the states at high spin and reflect the limited angular momentum content in these configurations.Comment: 11 pages, 4 PostScript figures, Latex, uses 'epsf', submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Effect of turbulence on collisional growth of cloud droplets

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    We investigate the effect of turbulence on the collisional growth of um-sized droplets through high- resolution numerical simulations with well resolved Kolmogorov scales, assuming a collision and coalescence efficiency of unity. The droplet dynamics and collisions are approximated using a superparticle approach. In the absence of gravity, we show that the time evolution of the shape of the droplet-size distribution due to turbulence-induced collisions depends strongly on the turbulent energy-dissipation rate, but only weakly on the Reynolds number. This can be explained through the energy dissipation rate dependence of the mean collision rate described by the Saffman-Turner collision model. Consistent with the Saffman-Turner collision model and its extensions, the collision rate increases as the square root of the energy dissipation rate even when coalescence is invoked. The size distribution exhibits power law behavior with a slope of -3.7 between a maximum at approximately 10 um up to about 40 um. When gravity is invoked, turbulence is found to dominate the time evolution of an initially monodisperse droplet distribution at early times. At later times, however, gravity takes over and dominates the collisional growth. We find that the formation of large droplets is very sensitive to the turbulent energy dissipation rate. This is due to the fact that turbulence enhances the collisional growth between similar sized droplets at the early stage of raindrop formation. The mean collision rate grows exponentially, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction of the continuous collisional growth even when turbulence-generated collisions are invoked. This consistency only reflects the mean effect of turbulence on collisional growth

    X-ray Variability Characteristics of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3783

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    We have characterized the energy-dependent X-ray variability properties of the Seyfert~1 galaxy NGC 3783 using archival XMM-Newton and Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer data. The high-frequency fluctuation power spectral density function (PSD) slope is consistent with flattening towards higher energies. Light curve cross correlation functions yield no significant lags, but peak coefficients generally decrease as energy separation of the bands increases on both short and long timescales. We have measured the coherence between various X-ray bands over the temporal frequency range of 6e-8 to 1e-4 Hz; this range includes the temporal frequency of the low-frequency power spectral density function (PSD) break tentatively detected by Markowitz et al. and includes the lowest temporal frequency over which coherence has been measured in any AGN to date. Coherence is generally near unity at these temporal frequencies, though it decreases slightly as energy separation of the bands increases. Temporal frequency-dependent phase lags are detected on short time scales; phase lags are consistent with increasing as energy separation increases or as temporal frequency decreases. All of these results are similar to those obtained previously for several Seyfert galaxies and stellar-mass black hole systems. Qualitatively, these results are consistent with the variability models of Kotov et al. and Lyubarskii, wherein the X-ray variability is due to inwardly propagating variations in the local mass accretion rate.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 2005, vol. 635, p. 180; version 2 has minor grammatical changes; 23 pages; uses emulateapj

    A fit to the simultaneous broadband spectrum of Cygnus X-1 using the transition disk model

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    We have used the transition disk model to fit the simultaneous broad band (25002-500 keV) spectrum of Cygnus X-1 from OSSE and Ginga observations. In this model, the spectrum is produced by saturated Comptonization within the inner region of the accretion disk, where the temperature varies rapidly with radius. In an earlier attempt, we demonstrated the viability of this model by fitting the data from EXOSAT, XMPC balloon and OSSE observations, though these were not made simultaneously. Since the source is known to be variable, however, the results of this fit were not conclusive. In addition, since only once set of observations was used, the good agreement with the data could have been a chance occurrence. Here, we improve considerably upon our earlier analysis by considering four sets of simultaneous observations of Cygnus X-1, using an empirical model to obtain the disk temperature profile. The vertical structure is then obtained using this profile and we show that the analysis is self- consistent. We demonstrate conclusively that the transition disk spectrum is a better fit to the observations than that predicted by the soft photon Comptonization model. Since the temperature profile is obtained by fitting the data, the unknown viscosity mechanism need not be specified. The disk structure can then be used to infer the viscosity parameter α\alpha, which appears to vary with radius and luminosity. This behavior can be understood if α\alpha depends intrinsically on the local parameters such as density, height and temperature. However, due to uncertainties in the radiative transfer, quantitative statements regarding the variation of α\alpha cannot yet be made.Comment: 8 figures. uses aasms4.sty, accepted by ApJ (Mar 98

    Ultraluminous X-ray Sources Powered by Radiatively Efficient Two-Phased Super-Eddington Accretion onto Stellar Mass Black holes

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    The radiation spectra of many of the brightest ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are dominated by a hard power law component, likely powered by a hot, optically thin corona that Comptonizes soft seed photons emitted from a cool, optically thick black hole accretion disk. Before its dissipation and subsequent conversion into coronal photon power, the randomized gravitational binding energy responsible for powering ULX phenomena must separate from the mass of its origin by a means other than, and quicker than, electron scattering-mediated radiative diffusion. Therefore, the release of accretion power in ULXs is not necessarily subject to Eddington-limited photon trapping, as long as it occurs in a corona. Motivated by these basic considerations, we present a model of ULXs powered by geometrically thin accretion onto stellar mass black holes. We argue that the radiative efficiency of the flow remains high if the corona is magnetized or optically thin and the majority of the accretion power escapes in the form of radiation rather than an outflow. Within the context of the current black hole X-ray binary paradigm, our ULX model may be viewed as an extension of the very high state observed in Galactic sources. (abridged)Comment: 11 page

    Regulation of peripheral inflammation by spinal p38 MAP kinase in rats.

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    BackgroundSomatic afferent input to the spinal cord from a peripheral inflammatory site can modulate the peripheral response. However, the intracellular signaling mechanisms in the spinal cord that regulate this linkage have not been defined. Previous studies suggest spinal cord p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and cytokines participate in nociceptive behavior. We therefore determined whether these pathways also regulate peripheral inflammation in rat adjuvant arthritis, which is a model of rheumatoid arthritis.Methods and findingsSelective blockade of spinal cord p38 MAP kinase by administering the p38 inhibitor SB203580 via intrathecal (IT) catheters in rats with adjuvant arthritis markedly suppressed paw swelling, inhibited synovial inflammation, and decreased radiographic evidence of joint destruction. The same dose of SB203580 delivered systemically had no effect, indicating that the effect was mediated by local concentrations in the neural compartment. Evaluation of articular gene expression by quantitative real-time PCR showed that spinal p38 inhibition markedly decreased synovial interleukin-1 and -6 and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP3) gene expression. Activation of p38 required tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) in the nervous system because IT etanercept (a TNF inhibitor) given during adjuvant arthritis blocked spinal p38 phosphorylation and reduced clinical signs of adjuvant arthritis.ConclusionsThese data suggest that peripheral inflammation is sensed by the central nervous system (CNS), which subsequently activates stress-induced kinases in the spinal cord via a TNFalpha-dependent mechanism. Intracellular p38 MAP kinase signaling processes this information and profoundly modulates somatic inflammatory responses. Characterization of this mechanism could have clinical and basic research implications by supporting development of new treatments for arthritis and clarifying how the CNS regulates peripheral immune responses

    Contemporary Parallel Diversification, Antipredator Adaptations and Phenotypic Integration in an Aquatic Isopod

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    It is increasingly being recognized that predation can be a strong diversifying agent promoting ecological divergence. Adaptations against different predatory regimes can emerge over short periods of time and include many different traits. We studied antipredator adaptations in two ecotypes of an isopod (Asellus aquaticus) that have, diverged in parallel in two Swedish lakes over the last two decades. We quantified differences in escape speed, morphology and behavior for isopods from different ecotypes present in these lakes. Isopods from the source habitat (reed) coexist with mainly invertebrate predators. They are more stream-profiled and have higher escape speeds than isopods in the newly colonized stonewort habitat, which has higher density of fish predators. Stonewort isopods also show more cautious behaviors and had higher levels of phenotypic integration between coloration and morphological traits than the reed isopods. Colonization of a novel habitat with a different predation regime has thus strengthened the correlations between pigmentation and morphology and weakened escape performance. The strong signature of parallelism for these phenotypic traits indicates that divergence is likely to be adaptive and is likely to have been driven by differences in predatory regimes. Furthermore, our results indicate that physical performance, behavior and morphology can change rapidly and in concert as new habitats are colonized