15 research outputs found

    Kappa-symmetric deformations of M5-brane dynamics

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    We calculate the first supersymmetric and kappa-symmetric derivative deformation of the M5-brane worldvolume theory in a flat eleven-dimensional background. By applying cohomological techniques we obtain a deformation of the standard constraint of the superembedding formalism. The first possible deformation of the constraint and hence the equations of motion arises at cubic order in fields and fourth order in a fundamental length scale ll. The deformation is unique up to this order. In particular this rules out any induced Einstein-Hilbert terms on the worldvolume. We explicitly calculate corrections to the equations of motion for the tensor gauge supermultiplet.Comment: 17 pages. Additional comments in section

    SL(2,R)-invariant IIB Brane Actions

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    We give a universal SL(2,R)-invariant expression for all IIB p-brane actions with p=-1,1,3,5,7,9. The Wess-Zumino terms in the brane actions are determined by requiring (i) target space gauge invariance and (ii) the presence of a single Born-Infeld vector. We find that for p=7 (p=9) brane actions with these properties only exist for orbits that contain the standard D7-brane (D9-brane). We comment about the actions for the other orbits.Comment: 15 pages, additional references and remarks in subsection on 3-branes, accepted for publication in JHE

    IIA Ten-forms and the Gauge Algebras of Maximal Supergravity Theories

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    We show that IIA supergravity can be extended with two independent 10-form potentials. These give rise to a single BPS IIA 9-brane. We investigate the bosonic gauge algebra of both IIA and IIB supergravity in the presence of 10-form potentials and point out an intriguing relation with the symmetry algebra E11E_{11}, which has been conjectured to be the underlying symmetry of string theory/M-theory.Comment: 18 pages, section on IIA 9-branes added, references added; version to be publishe

    Kappa-symmetric SL(2,R) covariant D-brane actions

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    A superspace formulation of IIB supergravity which includes the field strengths of the duals of the usual physical one, three and five-form field strengths as well as the eleven-form field strength is given. The superembedding formalism is used to construct kappa-symmetric SL(2,R) covariant D-brane actions in an arbitrary supergravity background.Comment: 20 pages. Minor clarification in text. References adde

    Supersymmetric Born-Infeld from the D9-brane

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    Using the superembedding approach, the full supersymmetric effective field theory of the D9-brane, super Born-Infeld theory, is fixed by the so called F\mathcal{F}-constraint. The odd-odd components of the theory's super field strength, fαβf_{\alpha \beta}, are implied by this constraint. Given fαβf_{\alpha \beta}, the super Bianchi identities imply the theory's equations of motion. We calculate fαβf_{\alpha \beta} up to order 5 in fields, corresponding to order 6 in fields in the Lagrangian.Comment: 15 pages, references adde

    IIB supergravity revisited

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    We show in the SU(1, 1)-covariant formulation that IIB supergravity allows the introduction of a doublet and a quadruplet of ten-form potentials. The Ramond-Ramond ten-form potential which is associated with the SO(32) type-I superstring is in the quadruplet. Our results are consistent with a recently proposed E11 symmetry underlying string theory. For the reader’s convenience we present the full supersymmetry and gauge transformations of all fields both in the manifestly SU(1, 1) covariant Einstein frame and in the real U(1) gauge fixed string frame.

    IIB nine-branes

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    We calculate the tensions of all half-supersymmetric nine-branes in IIB string theory. In particular, we point out the existence of a solitonic IIB nine-brane. We find that the D9-brane and its duality transformations parametrize a two-dimensional surface in a four-dimensional space.