237 research outputs found

    Theory of ultrathin films at metal-ceramic interfaces

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    A theoretical model for understanding the formation of interfacial thin films is presented, which combines density functional theory calculations for interface energies with thermodynamic modeling techniques for multicomponent bulk systems. The theory is applied to thin film formation in VC-doped WC-Co cemented carbides. It is predicted that ultrathin VC films may exist in WC/Co interfaces at the high temperature sintering conditions where most of the WC grain growth occurs, which provides an explanation of the grain growth inhibiting effect of VC additions in the WC-Co system

    Aerosolsammansättning i ett renluftsområde

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    Aerosolsammansättningen i ett renluftsområde i Mellansverige (Velen) har studerats under en årscykel. Aerosolpartiklarna har uppdelats efter aerodynamisk storlek i 7 fraktioner. Varje fraktion från 113 provtagningstillfällen har analyserats m a p svavel och tungmetaller m h a partikelinducerad röntgenstrålning s k PIXE-analys. Resultaten påvisar variationer i ämneskoncentrationer mellan enskilda mättillfällen omspännande två storleks ordningar. Årsmedelkoncentrationerna ligger på samma nivå som i rural miljö i Bolivia, Canada, Norge och Schweiz. Jämfört med motsvarande koncentrationer i urban miljö (Köpenhamn m fl storstäder) är tungmetallkoncentrationerna en till två storleksordningar (svavelkoncentrationen endast en faktor tre) lägre i Velen. Inga påtagliga säsongsvariationer kunder spåras varken för antropogent eller naturligt bildade ämnen. Klassificering av mättillfällena efter luftmassans historia kunde förklara mycket av de stora koncentrationsvariationerna. Grundämneskoncentrationerna var mellan en faktor 2 och 10 högre i luftmassor som kom från den europeiska kontinenten eller Storbritannien jämfört med de som kom norrifrån. Lägst var koncentrationerna i luftmassor som kom från Nordatlanten eller Norska Havet. Svavelkoncentrationerna visade störst beroende av luftmassans historia

    Luftföroreningar vid svetsning

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    PIXE-analyser kan utföras med utvecklad analysuppställning med noggrannhet och precision av c:a 10 % och med hög analyskapacitet. Ett dataprogram för evaluering av räntgenspektra presenteras. Inverkan av provtjocklek vid PIXE-analys av inhomogena prov har studerats och korrektioner föreslås. Fluorinnehållet i filterprov har bestämts, samtidigt med PIXE-analys, genom utnyttjande av en kärnfysikalisk reaktion som ger resultat med god noggrannhet och precision. Svetsaerosoler har karakteriserats m.h.a. PIXE, ESCA och TEM/EDAX. En uppställning för insamling av svetsaerosoler under utveckling och hittillsvarande resultat indikerar representativ provinsamling med god reproducerbarhet

    Unilateral aplasia of both cruciate ligaments

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    Aplasia of both cruciate ligaments is a rare congenital disorder. A 28-year-old male presented with pain and the feeling of instability of his right knee after trauma. The provided MRI and previous arthroscopy reports did not indicate any abnormalities except cruciate ligament tears. He was referred to us for reconstruction of both cruciate ligaments. The patient again underwent arthroscopy which revealed a hypoplasia of the medial trochlea and an extremely narrow intercondylar notch. The tibia revealed a missing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) footprint and a single bump with a complete coverage with articular cartilage. There was no room for an ACL graft. A posterior cruciate ligament could not be identified. The procedure was ended since a ligament reconstruction did not appear reasonable. A significant notch plasty if not a partial resection of the condyles would have been necessary to implant a ligament graft. It is most likely that this would not lead to good knee stability. If the surgeon would have retrieved the contralateral hamstrings at the beginning of the planned ligament reconstruction a significant damage would have occurred to the patient. Even in seemingly clear diagnostic findings the arthroscopic surgeon should take this rare abdnormality into consideration and be familiar with the respective radiological findings. We refer the abnormal finding of only one tibial spine to as the "dromedar-sign" as opposed to the two (medial and a lateral) tibial spines in a normal knee. This may be used as a hint for aplasia of the cruciate ligaments

    Cancer cell differentiation heterogeneity and aggressive behavior in solid tumors

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    The differentiation stage of tumors is a central aspect in the histopathological classification of solid malignancies. The differentiation stage is strongly associated with tumor behavior, and generally an immature tumor is more aggressive than the more differentiated counterpart. While this is common knowledge in surgical pathology, the contribution of differentiation-related gene expression and functions to tumor behavior is often overlooked in the experimental, tumor biological setting. The mechanisms by which tumor cell differentiation stages are perturbed or affected are poorly explored but have recently come into focus with the introduction.of the tumor stem cell concept. While developmental biologists view the differentiation as a unidirectional event, pathologists and tumor biologists have introduced the concept of dedifferentiation to explain phenotypic changes occurring in solid tumors. In this review we discuss the impact of the tumor cell differentiation stage as used in surgical pathology. We further discuss knowledge gained from exploring the molecular basis of the differentiation and dedifferentiation processes in neuroblastoma and breast cancer, two tumor forms where the tumor cell differentiation concept is used in the clinical diagnostic work and where the tumor stem cell theory has been applied

    Levelling off of prevalence of obesity in the adult population of Sweden between 2000/01 and 2004/05

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The escalating global epidemic of obesity is of worldwide concern because of its association with several chronic diseases and premature mortality. Some subgroups seem to be more affected than others. The aim of this study was to examine whether the mean BMI (adjusted for age) and the prevalence of obesity (adjusted for all the explanatory variables) changed between 2000/01 and 2004/05 in different subgroups of the Swedish population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study compared two cross-sectional, nationwide random samples of persons aged 16 to 84 years: the first from 2000/01 (5515 men, 5838 women) and the second from 2004/05 (4681 men, 4821 women). After stratification by gender, a logistic regression model was applied to analyse possible changes in mean BMI and the prevalence of obesity between 2000/01 and 2004/05.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total mean BMI remained almost unchanged between 2000/01 and 2004/05 for both men and women. The prevalence of obesity increased slightly in both men and women, but not significantly (from 9.7 to 10.8% and from 9.6 to 10.2%, respectively). The prevalence of obesity in 2004/05 was especially high in some subgroups: men aged 45-54 (14.3%) or 55-64 (16.5%), women aged 65-74 (15.9%) or 75-84 (16.8%), men and women of middle educational level (15.6% and 14.4%, respectively), male former smokers (13.4%), and men from small towns or rural areas (13.1%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although the mean BMI and obesity were almost unchanged in the Swedish adult population between 2000/01 and 2004/05, obesity levels in Sweden remained unacceptably high, especially in certain subgroups. Primary and secondary intervention actions should strive to decrease the prevalence of obesity in Sweden.</p

    Subacute and chronic, non-specific back and neck pain: cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation versus primary care. A randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the industrial world, non-specific back and neck pain (BNP) is the largest diagnostic group underlying sick-listing. For patients with subacute and chronic (= full-time sick-listed for 43 – 84 and 85 – 730 days, respectively) BNP, cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation was compared with primary care. The specific aim was to answer the question: within an 18-month follow-up, will the outcomes differ in respect of sick-listing and number of health-care visits?</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>After stratification by age (≤ 44/≥ 45 years) and subacute/chronic BNP, 125 Swedish primary-care patients were randomly allocated to cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation (rehabilitation group) or continued primary care (primary-care group). Outcome measures were <it>Return-to-work share </it>(percentage) and <it>Return-to-work chance </it>(hazard ratios) over 18 months, <it>Net days </it>(crude sick-listing days × degree), and the number of <it>Visits </it>(to physicians, physiotherapists etc.) over 18 months and the three component six-month periods. Descriptive statistics, Cox regression and mixed-linear models were used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All patients: <it>Return-to-work share </it>and <it>Return-to-work chance </it>were equivalent between the groups. <it>Net days </it>and <it>Visits </it>were equivalent over 18 months but decreased significantly more rapidly for the rehabilitation group over the six-month periods (<it>p </it>< .05). Subacute patients: <it>Return-to-work share </it>was equivalent. <it>Return-to-work chance </it>was significantly greater for the rehabilitation group (hazard ratio 3.5 [95%CI1.001 – 12.2]). <it>Net days </it>were equivalent over 18 months but decreased significantly more rapidly for the rehabilitation group over the six-month periods and there were 31 days fewer in the third period. <it>Visits </it>showed similar though non-significant differences and there were half as many in the third period. Chronic patients: <it>Return-to-work share, Return-to-work chance </it>and <it>Net days </it>were equivalent. <it>Visits </it>were equivalent over 18 months but tended to decrease more rapidly for the rehabilitation group and there were half as many in the third period (non-significant).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results were equivalent over 18 months. However, there were indications that cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation in the longer run might be superior to primary care. For subacute BNP, it might be superior in terms of sick-listing and health-care visits; for chronic BNP, in terms of health-care visits only. More conclusive results concerning this possible long-term effect might require a longer follow-up.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>NCT00488735.</p

    Identification of ADHD risk genes in extended pedigrees by combining linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder with a complex genetic background, hampering identification of underlying genetic risk factors. We hypothesized that combining linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing (WES) in multi-generation pedigrees with multiple affected individuals can point toward novel ADHD genes. Three families with multiple ADHD-affected members (Ntotal = 70) and apparent dominant inheritance pattern were included in this study. Genotyping was performed in 37 family members, and WES was additionally carried out in 10 of those. Linkage analysis was performed using multi-point analysis in Superlink Online SNP 1.1. From prioritized linkage regions with a LOD score ≥ 2, a total of 24 genes harboring rare variants were selected. Those genes were taken forward and were jointly analyzed in gene-set analyses of exome-chip data using the MAGMA software in an independent sample of patients with persistent ADHD and healthy controls (N = 9365). The gene-set including all 24 genes together, and particularly the gene-set from one of the three families (12 genes), were significantly associated with persistent ADHD in this sample. Among the latter, gene-wide analysis for the AAED1 gene reached significance. A rare variant (rs151326868) within AAED1 segregated with ADHD in one of the families. The analytic strategy followed here is an effective approach for identifying novel ADHD risk genes. Additionally, this study suggests that both rare and more frequent variants in multiple genes act together in contributing to ADHD risk, even in individual multi-case families

    Immune cell counts and risks of respiratory infections among infants exposed pre- and postnatally to organochlorine compounds: a prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early-life chemical exposure may influence immune system development, subsequently affecting child health. We investigated immunomodulatory potentials of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and <it>p,p'</it>-DDE in infants.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Prenatal exposure to PCBs and <it>p,p'</it>-DDE was estimated from maternal serum concentrations during pregnancy. Postnatal exposure was calculated from concentrations of the compounds in mother's milk, total number of nursing days, and percentage of full nursing each week during the 3 month nursing period. Number and types of infections among infants were registered by the mothers (N = 190). White blood cell counts (N = 86) and lymphocyte subsets (N = 52) were analyzed in a subgroup of infants at 3 months of age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Infants with the highest prenatal exposure to PCB congeners CB-28, CB-52 and CB-101 had an increased risk of respiratory infection during the study period. In contrast, the infection odds ratios (ORs) were highest among infants with the lowest prenatal mono-<it>ortho </it>PCB (CB-105, CB-118, CB-156, CB-167) and di-<it>ortho </it>PCB (CB-138, CB-153, CB-180) exposure, and postnatal mono- and di-<it>ortho </it>PCB, and <it>p,p'</it>-DDE exposure. Similar results were found for pre- and postnatal CB-153 exposure, a good marker for total PCB exposure. Altogether, a negative relationship was indicated between infections and total organochlorine compound exposure during the whole pre- and postnatal period. Prenatal exposure to CB-28, CB-52 and CB-101 was positively associated with numbers of lymphocytes and monocytes in infants 3 months after delivery. Prenatal exposure to <it>p,p'</it>-DDE was negatively associated with the percentage of eosinophils. No significant associations were found between PCB and <it>p,p'</it>-DDE exposure and numbers/percentages of lymphocyte subsets, after adjustment for potential confounders.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This hypothesis generating study suggests that background exposure to PCBs and <it>p,p'</it>-DDE early in life modulate immune system development. Strong correlations between mono- and di-<it>ortho </it>PCBs, and <it>p,p'</it>-DDE exposures make it difficult to identify the most important contributor to the suggested immunomodulation, and to separate effects due to pre- and postnatal exposure. The suggested PCB and <it>p,p'</it>-DDE modulation of infection risks may have consequences for the health development during childhood, since respiratory infections early in life may be risk factors for asthma and middle ear infections.</p