125 research outputs found

    VÀlfÀrdsregimer och vÀlfÀrdsopinioner : En jÀmförelse mellan Ätta vÀstlÀnder

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    Welfare regimes and welfare opinions - a comparison of eight western countries The article compares attitudes towards welfare state intervention in eight Western nations, using data from the 1996 module of the International Social Survey Program. Countries are chosen to represent four ”twin pairs”, approximating four ”welfare regimes”: the social democratic (Norway/Sweden), the conservative (Germany/France), the radical (Australia/ New Zealand), and the liberal (Canada/US). The empirical analysis assesses whether levels and group differences in attitudes are structured in a way that reflect distinctions between welfare regimes. It is concluded that while important differences are found between countries, both with regard to aggregated attitudes and with respect to patterns of group differences, these differences only to a limited extent reflect distinctions between welfare regimes. It is suggested that comparative attitude research should pay more attention to how general patterns of conflict, based in the division of labour, are modified by nationally specific institutions.Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv</p

    ISSP 2003 - Åsikter om nationell identitet

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    This is the Swedish part of the 2003 'International Social Survey Program' (ISSP), and it is the second time ISSP focuses on national identity. The questions on national consciousness and national identity include: Identification with the town, the city, the region, the nation and with the respective continent; most important characteristics for national identity; identification with one's own nation and national pride (scale); perceived pride in the democracy of the country, the political influence of the country in the world, the economic achievement, the social security system, the scientific achievements, the achievements in sports, the achievements in arts or literature, the armed forces, the history and equal rights of all social groups in society; preference for protective duty to support the national economy; attitude to the right of international institutions to enforce solutions to be accepted nationally; attitude to enforcing national interests regardless of evoking conflicts with other countries; rejection of acquisition of land by foreigners in one's country; preference for national films in national television stations; damage done by large international companies to the local business; attitude to free trade; attitude to follow the decisions of international organisations even if the local government does not agree with them; international organisations take away too much power from the country; availability of worldwide information as a benefit of the internet; importance of sharing national customs and traditions to achieve full nationality; attitude to government support of national minorities to preserve their customs and habits; preference for assimilation of minorities or retention of their identity; hostility to foreigners and prejudices against immigrants (scale); attitude to a reduction of immigration of foreigners; respondents citizenship; citizenship of parents at birth of respondent; birthplace or citizenship of parents should allow naturalization of children; same rights for citizens and legal immigrants; attitude towards stronger measures regarding illegal immigrants; languages spoken at home; perceived ethnic affiliation and strength of this feeling; advantageousness of membership of the country in the EU; benefits from EU-membership; attitude towards a powerful EU-government. Demographic variables include sex; age; marital status; steady life-partner; years in school, current employment status; current employment status of spouse; hours worked weekly; occupation of respondent and spouse (ISCO-88); respondent and spouse working for private, public sector or self-employed; supervisor function; union membership; household size; family income; respondents earnings; household composition; self-placement on a left-right continuum; party preference; vote last election; religious denomination; frequency of church attendance; self-placement on a top-bottom scale; region; town size, rural or urban region; ethnicity or nationality. Purpose: ISSP aims to design and implement internationally comparable attitude surveys. The study in 2003 investigating National Identity.Detta Ă€r den svenska studien inom det internationella forskningsprojektet ISSP. Temat för studien 2003 Ă€r ”National Identity”. Detta Ă€r andra gĂ„ngen studien genomförs pĂ„ det hĂ€r temat (SND 0502). International Social Survey Program, ISSP, Ă€r ett globalt forskningsprojekt som har till uppgift att konstruera och genomföra internationellt jĂ€mförbara attitydstudier. Sedan 1985 har attityddata Ă„rligen samlats in och utgör nu en databas som Ă€r fritt tillgĂ€nglig för forskarsamhĂ€llet. I dagslĂ€get Ă€r 48 lĂ€nder, frĂ„n sex olika vĂ€rldsdelar, involverade i projektet. Genom bredden av medlemslĂ€nder skapas möjlighet till jĂ€mförelser i flera dimensioner. Det finns möjligheter att bĂ„de jĂ€mföra lĂ€nder som har en likartad samhĂ€llsstruktur och historia, och lĂ€nder som skiljer sig pĂ„tagligt frĂ„n varandra. Sverige har varit medlem i ISSP sedan 1992 och det Ă€r Sociologiska intuitionen vid UmeĂ„ universitet som Ă€r huvudman för studierna i Sverige. Sedan starten 1985 har attityder frĂ„n flera olika omrĂ„den undersökts. Vissa omrĂ„den har Ă„terkommit genom Ă„ren, vilket gör det möjligt att Ă€ven jĂ€mföra dem över tid. Följande Ă€mnen har behandlats: 1985 The Role of Government I 1986 Social Networks I 1987 Social Inequality I 1988 Family and Changing Gender Roles I 1989 Work Orientations I 1990 The Role of Government II 1991 Religion I 1992 Social Inequality II 1993 Environment I 1994 Family and Changing Gender Roles II 1995 National Identity I 1996 The Role of Government III 1997 Work Orientations II 1998 Religion II 1999 Social Inequality III 2000 Environment II 2001 Social Networks II 2002 Family and Changing Gender Roles III 2003 National Identity II 2004 Social Citizenship I 2005 Work Orientations III 2006 Role of Government IV 2007 Leisure and Sports I 2008 Religion III 2009 Social Inequality IV 2010 Environment III 2011 Health 2012 Family, Work and Gender Roles IV 2012 Family, Work and Gender Roles IV Syfte: ISSP har som syfte att konstruera och genomföra internationellt jĂ€mförbara attitydstudier. Studien för 2003 undersöker Ă„sikter om nationell identitet

    Politik som organiserad kamp : nya spelare och nya spelregler i Sverige

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    Stefan Svallfors artikel utgĂ„r frĂ„n Jacob Hacker och Paul Piersons iakttagelse, i deras Winner-take-all politics (2010), att politik först och frĂ€mst Ă€r organisation, nĂ€rmare bestĂ€mt ”organiserad kamp”. Perspektivet betyder att vi, för att förstĂ„ politikens utfall, mĂ„ste studera hur den Ă€r organiserad i ett lĂ€ngre perspektiv – av vem och med vilka resurser? Svallfors visar att den svenska organiserade politiken har förĂ€ndrats i grunden under de senaste Ă„rtiondena, en utveckling som inte har fĂ„tt den uppmĂ€rksamhet den förtjĂ€nar. Det handlar bland annat om nedmonteringen av den korporativistiska ordningen, ett förĂ€ndrat ramverk för ekonomiskt-politiskt beslutsfattande, en mer ojĂ€mlik inkomstfördelning, försvagade politiska partier och förĂ€ndringar i partiernas sociala bas, ett minskat inflytande för fackföreningarna, framvĂ€xten av en ny grupp professionella politiska aktörer, ett större behov av att bedriva politiskt arbete pĂ„ flera nivĂ„er samt en starkare koppling mellan politik och medier. I artikeln diskuterar Svallfors hur denna utveckling har pĂ„verkat dagens politiska landskap och lett till en för Sverige ny form av elitdrivet ”politikskapande”

    Knowing the game : motivations and skills among partisan policy professionals

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    This article focuses on “partisan policy professionals” (PPPs), i.e. people who are employed to affectpolitics and policy, and analyzes their particular motivations and skills. This article focuses on the occupationalpractices of PPPs: what are their main motivations and driving forces, and what are thekey skills they deploy in their work? The main motivation for PPPs is a desire to wield power and influencethe course of affairs, while their working-life satisfaction comes from getting their messageinto the media without becoming personally exposed. The key resource of PPPs is contextdependentpolitically useful knowledge, in three main forms: “Problem formulation” involves highlightingand framing social problems and their possible solutions. “Process expertise” consists of understandingthe “where, how, and why” of the political and policy-making processes. “Informationaccess” is the skill to be very fast in finding reliable and relevant information. These motivations andskills underpin a particular professionalism based in an “entrepreneurial ethos”, which differs fromboth the ethos of elected politicians, and that of civil servants, and which has some potentially problematicimplications for democratic governance
