6 research outputs found

    Herbicidni potencijal livadne kadulje (Salvia pratensis L.) na Teofrastov mračnjak (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) i poljski kukolj (Agrostemma githago L.)

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    Medicinal and aromatic plants with allelopathic effect are a potential source of natural herbicides. The experiment was conducted in order to assess herbicidal potential of meadow sage (Salvia pratensis L.) on germination and growth of weed species velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) and common corn-cockle (Agrostemma githago L.). Water extracts from S. pratensis dry biomass in different concentrations were evaluated under controlled laboratory conditions in Petri dish bioassay. Herbicidal effect of S. pratensis extracts depended on the extract concentration and weed species. In general, higher concentrations of water extract showed greater negative effect on germination and growth parameters of weed seedlings. A. githago had greater sensitivity to S. pratensis extracts with reductions in germination and seedlings growth up to 100% in treatments with 7.5% and 10% extract concentrations. A. theophrasti germination was not affected by water extracts, however, substantial reductions of root and shoot length as well as fresh weight of seedlings were recorded. S. pratensis proved as promising plant species for further studies.Ljekovite i aromatične biljke s alelopatskim djelovanjem potencijalni su izvor prirodnih herbicida. Pokus je proveden kako bi se utvrdio herbicidni potencijal livadne kadulje (Salvia pratensis L.) na klijanje i rast korovnih vrsta Teofrastov mračnjak (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) i poljski kukolj (Agrostemma githago L.). Vodeni ekstrakti od suhe biomase S. pratensis u različitim koncentracijama procijenjeni su u kontroliranim laboratorijskim uvjetima u pokusu u Petrijevim zdjelicama. Herbicidni utjecaj ekstrakata S. pratensis ovisio je o koncentraciji ekstrakta i vrsti korova. Općenito, više koncentracije vodenog ekstrakta pokazale su veći negativan učinak na klijavost i parametre rasta klijanaca korova. Vrsta A. githago pokazala je veću osjetljivost na ekstrakte S. pratensis sa smanjenjem klijavosti i rasta klijanaca do 100 % u tretmanima s koncentracijama ekstrakta od 7,5 % i 10 %. Vodeni ekstrakti nisu imali utjecaja na klijavost A. theophrasti, ali je zabilježeno značajno smanjenje duljine korijena i izdanaka kao i svježe mase klijanaca. S. pratensis pokazala se kao perspektivna biljna vrsta za daljnja istraživanja

    Herbicidal potential of meadow sage (Salvia pratensis L.) velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.)

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi herbicidni potencijal vodenih ekstrakata livadne kadulje (Salvia pratensis L.) na klijavost sjemena i početni rast klijanaca Teofrastovog mračnjaka (Abutilon theophrasti Med.). U laboratorijskom pokusu u Petrijevim zdjelicama istražen je utjecaj vodenih ekstrakata od suhe nadzemne mase livadne kadulje (S. pratensis) u različitim koncentracijama (1 %, 2,5 %, 5 %, 7,5 % i 10 %). Povećanjem koncentracije povećavao se i negativni herbicidni učinak vodenih ekstrakata. Duljina korijena i izdanka klijanaca Teofrastovog mračnjaka (A. theophrasti) snižena je do 83,9 % odnosno 57,9 %. Više koncentracije vodenog ekstrakta statistički su značajno smanjile svježu masu klijanaca do 43,4 % u odnosnu na kontrolni tretman. S druge strane, klijavost Teofrastovog mračnjaka (A. theophrasti) nije bila inhibirana niti u jednom tretmanu.The aim of the research was to determine the herbicidal potential of water extracts of meadow sage (Salvia pratensis L.) on seed germination and initial growth of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) seedlings. The influence of water extracts from dry aboveground biomass of meadow sage (S. pratensis) in different concentrations (1%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) was investigated under laboratory conditions in Petri dish experiment. With the increase in extract concentration the negative herbicidal effect of the water extracts increased. Root and shoot length of velvetleaf (A. theophrasti) seedlings was reduced up to 83.9% and 57.9%, respectively. Higher concentrations of the water extract significantly reduced the fresh weight of seedlings by up to 43.4% compared to the control treatment. On the other hand, velvetleaf (A. theophrasti) germination was not inhibited in any of the treatments

    Herbicidal potential of meadow sage (Salvia pratensis L.) velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.)

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi herbicidni potencijal vodenih ekstrakata livadne kadulje (Salvia pratensis L.) na klijavost sjemena i početni rast klijanaca Teofrastovog mračnjaka (Abutilon theophrasti Med.). U laboratorijskom pokusu u Petrijevim zdjelicama istražen je utjecaj vodenih ekstrakata od suhe nadzemne mase livadne kadulje (S. pratensis) u različitim koncentracijama (1 %, 2,5 %, 5 %, 7,5 % i 10 %). Povećanjem koncentracije povećavao se i negativni herbicidni učinak vodenih ekstrakata. Duljina korijena i izdanka klijanaca Teofrastovog mračnjaka (A. theophrasti) snižena je do 83,9 % odnosno 57,9 %. Više koncentracije vodenog ekstrakta statistički su značajno smanjile svježu masu klijanaca do 43,4 % u odnosnu na kontrolni tretman. S druge strane, klijavost Teofrastovog mračnjaka (A. theophrasti) nije bila inhibirana niti u jednom tretmanu.The aim of the research was to determine the herbicidal potential of water extracts of meadow sage (Salvia pratensis L.) on seed germination and initial growth of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) seedlings. The influence of water extracts from dry aboveground biomass of meadow sage (S. pratensis) in different concentrations (1%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) was investigated under laboratory conditions in Petri dish experiment. With the increase in extract concentration the negative herbicidal effect of the water extracts increased. Root and shoot length of velvetleaf (A. theophrasti) seedlings was reduced up to 83.9% and 57.9%, respectively. Higher concentrations of the water extract significantly reduced the fresh weight of seedlings by up to 43.4% compared to the control treatment. On the other hand, velvetleaf (A. theophrasti) germination was not inhibited in any of the treatments

    Herbicidal potential of meadow sage (Salvia pratensis L.) velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.)

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi herbicidni potencijal vodenih ekstrakata livadne kadulje (Salvia pratensis L.) na klijavost sjemena i početni rast klijanaca Teofrastovog mračnjaka (Abutilon theophrasti Med.). U laboratorijskom pokusu u Petrijevim zdjelicama istražen je utjecaj vodenih ekstrakata od suhe nadzemne mase livadne kadulje (S. pratensis) u različitim koncentracijama (1 %, 2,5 %, 5 %, 7,5 % i 10 %). Povećanjem koncentracije povećavao se i negativni herbicidni učinak vodenih ekstrakata. Duljina korijena i izdanka klijanaca Teofrastovog mračnjaka (A. theophrasti) snižena je do 83,9 % odnosno 57,9 %. Više koncentracije vodenog ekstrakta statistički su značajno smanjile svježu masu klijanaca do 43,4 % u odnosnu na kontrolni tretman. S druge strane, klijavost Teofrastovog mračnjaka (A. theophrasti) nije bila inhibirana niti u jednom tretmanu.The aim of the research was to determine the herbicidal potential of water extracts of meadow sage (Salvia pratensis L.) on seed germination and initial growth of velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) seedlings. The influence of water extracts from dry aboveground biomass of meadow sage (S. pratensis) in different concentrations (1%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) was investigated under laboratory conditions in Petri dish experiment. With the increase in extract concentration the negative herbicidal effect of the water extracts increased. Root and shoot length of velvetleaf (A. theophrasti) seedlings was reduced up to 83.9% and 57.9%, respectively. Higher concentrations of the water extract significantly reduced the fresh weight of seedlings by up to 43.4% compared to the control treatment. On the other hand, velvetleaf (A. theophrasti) germination was not inhibited in any of the treatments

    Herbicidni potencijal livadne kadulje (Salvia pratensis L.) na Teofrastov mračnjak (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) i poljski kukolj (Agrostemma githago L.)

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    Ljekovite i aromatične biljke s alelopatskim djelovanjem potencijalni su izvor prirodnih herbicida. Pokus je proveden kako bi se utvrdio herbicidni potencijal livadne kadulje (Salvia pratensis L.) na klijanje i rast korovnih vrsta Teofrastov mračnjak (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) i poljski kukolj (Agrostemma githago L.). Vodeni ekstrakti od suhe biomase S. pratensis u različitim koncentracijama procijenjeni su u kontroliranim laboratorijskim uvjetima u pokusu u Petrijevim zdjelicama. Herbicidni utjecaj ekstrakata S. pratensis ovisio je o koncentraciji ekstrakta i vrsti korova. Općenito, više koncentracije vodenog ekstrakta pokazale su veći negativan učinak na klijavost i parametre rasta klijanaca korova. Vrsta A. githago pokazala je veću osjetljivost na ekstrakte S. pratensis sa smanjenjem klijavosti i rasta klijanaca do 100 % u tretmanima s koncentracijama ekstrakta od 7,5 % i 10 %. Vodeni ekstrakti nisu imali utjecaja na klijavost A. theophrasti, ali je zabilježeno značajno smanjenje duljine korijena i izdanaka kao i svježe mase klijanaca. S. pratensis pokazala se kao perspektivna biljna vrsta za daljnja istraživanja

    Herbicidal potential of meadow sage (Salvia pratensis L.) against velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) and common corn-cockle (Agrostemma githago L.)

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    Medicinal and aromatic plants with allelopathic effect are a potential source of natural herbicides. The experiment was conducted in order to assess herbicidal potential of meadow sage (Salvia pratensis L.) on germination and growth of weed species velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Med.) and common corn-cockle (Agrostemma githago L.). Water extracts from S. pratensis dry biomass in different concentrations were evaluated under controlled laboratory conditions in Petri dish bioassay. Herbicidal effect of S. pratensis extracts depended on the extract concentration and weed species. In general, higher concentrations of water extract showed greater negative effect on germination and growth parameters of weed seedlings. A. githago had greater sensitivity to S. pratensis extracts with reductions in germination and seedlings growth up to 100% in treatments with 7.5% and 10% extract concentrations. A. theophrasti germination was not affected by water extracts, however, substantial reductions of root and shoot length as well as fresh weight of seedlings were recorded. S. pratensis proved as promising plant species for further studies