99 research outputs found

    Estimation of EMI Filter Performance for the \"Worst Case\" System

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    This paper deals with the performance problem of the EMC filters. The core of this problem in EMC filter is the uncertainty of impedances that are connected to the input and output of a filter. In addition, an estimation technique is presented that gives approximate insertion loss of the filter. The performance of this technique was tested on several filters and the data obtained were checked by insertion loss measurement. The heart of the matter is based on the L C equivalent circuits, which are described by Y parameters. The estimation gives pretty good results for the 0.1 Ω/100 Ω and vice-versa systems and also for other systems. Also discussed are system configurations with the Δ (delta) and (Y) star topologies of terminating impedances which better approximate the real situation on the input and output terminals of filter

    Analysis of Homogeneous Coplanar Strip Line

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    The goal of this work is to introduce a new, maybe complicated but in the final result mathematically simplest model of the coplanar strip line (CPS). In contrast to the usual method based on elliptical integrals the simplest circular inversion is applied. The main advantage is that our solution is mathematically less complicated but its accuracy is a little bit lower. The maximal error of the model described lies within the restricted interval between -3% and 3%. Nevertheless the final formula is useful for the practical engineering application

    Simple Models of EMI Filters for Low Frequency Range

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    This paper deals with mathematical simulations of EMI filters’ performance. These filters are commonly used for the suppressing of electromagnetic interference which penetrates through the power supply networks. The performance of these filters depends on terminating impedances which are plugged to the inputs and outputs clamps of the EMI filters. This paper describes the method by which it is possible to calculate the insertion loss of the filters. The method is based on the modified nodal voltage method. The circuitry of the EMI filters is used for their description. The effect of spurious components is not taken into account. The filter itself is described by set of admittance parameters, which makes the presented method more universal. The calculated results were compared with measured data of several filters for several impedance combinations. Different test setups, like asymmetrical, symmetrical, etc. were taken into account. The simplicity and accuracy of the presented method is discussed in the conclusion. The achieved accuracy is on high level. The described method is universal, but for filters with more than one current compensated inductor, the mentioned method is complicated. The size of the final equation for calculating the insertion loss rapidly increases with the number of current compensated inductors

    Preparing industry leaders: an evaluation of former AFA participants’ workplace skills

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    Master of AgribusinessDepartment of Agricultural EconomicsAndrew P. BarkleyFor more than 10 years Agriculture Future of America (AFA) has been helping college students from around the country prepare for careers in the food and agriculture industry. Over time the organization has received a lot of positive feedback from both participating students and employers. The feedback has led the organization to believe there is an “AFA Advantage,” where participants have an advantage over their peers when entering the workforce due to their AFA involvement. The purpose of the thesis was to determine if there is an “AFA Advantage,” by measuring former participants’ workplace skill sets, as determined by agribusiness employers in a previous study. To accomplish this purpose, two sub-objectives were evaluated, measuring the skill competencies of former AFA participants participating in a (1) self assessment and (2) comparison with peers, who were not involved in AFA. The analysis is based on survey results from former AFA participants. The conceptual model established examined if there was a relationship between AFA, college and the skills desired by agribusiness employers. The skills measured include interpersonal communication skills, critical thinking skills, knowledge of general business practices, quantitative analysis skills, cultural/gender awareness, and oral presentation skills. Through this research, it was determined that there is an “AFA Advantage.” Data shows evidence that former participants do attribute AFA to helping them develop skills for the workplace. In fact, as the years of AFA participation increased, individuals tended to agree more that AFA contributed to their workplace skill competencies

    Evaluation of the albedo parameterization of the Canadian Lake Ice Model and MODIS albedo products during the ice cover season

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    Snow and lake ice have very high albedos compared to other surfaces found in nature. Surface albedo is an important component of the surface energy budget especially when albedos are high since albedo governs how much shortwave radiation is absorbed or reflected at a surface. In particular, snow and lake ice albedos have been shown to affect the timing of lake ice break-up. Lakes are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere and lake ice has been shown to be sensitive to climatic variability. Therefore, the modelling of lake ice phenology, using lake ice models such as the Canadian Lake Ice Model (CLIMo), is important to the study of climatic variability in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions and accurate snow and lake ice albedo measurements are required to ensure the accuracy of the simulations. However, snow and lake ice albedo can vary from day-to-day depending on factors such as air temperature, presence of impurities, age, and composition. Some factors are more difficult than others to model (e.g. presence of impurities). It would be more straight forward to just gather field measurements, but such measurements would be costly and lakes can be in remote locations and difficult to access. Instead, CLIMo contains an albedo parameterization scheme that models the evolution of snow and lake ice albedo in its simulations. However, parts of the albedo parameterization are based on sea-ice observations (which inherently have higher albedos due to brine inclusions) and the albedo parameterization does not take ice type (e.g. clear ice or snow ice) into account. Satellite remote sensing via the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) provides methods for retrieving albedo that may help enhance CLIMo’s albedo parameterization. CLIMo’s albedo parameterization as well the MODIS daily albedo products (MOD10A1 and MYD10A1) and 16-day product (MCD43A3) were evaluated against in situ albedo observations made over Malcolm Ramsay Lake near Churchill, Manitoba, during the winter of 2012. It was found that the snow albedo parameterization of CLIMo performs well when compared to average in situ observations, but the bare ice parameterization overestimated bare ice albedo observations. The MODIS albedo products compared well when evaluated against the in situ albedo observations and were able to capture changes in albedo throughout the study period. The MODIS albedo products were also compared against CLIMo’s melting ice parameterization, because the equipment had to be removed from the lake to prevent it from falling into the water during the melt season. Cloud cover interfered with the MODIS observations, but the comparison suggests that MODIS albedo products retrieved higher albedo values than the melting ice parameterization of CLIMo. The MODIS albedo products were then integrated directly into CLIMo in substitution of the albedo parameterization to see if they could enhance break-up date (ice off) simulations. MODIS albedo retrievals (MOD10A1, MYD10A1, and MCD43A3) were collected over Back Bay, Great Slave Lake (GSL) near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, from 2000-2011. CLIMo was then run with and without the MODIS albedos integrated and compared against MODIS observed break-up dates. Simulations were also run under three difference snow cover scenarios (0%, 68%, and 100% snow cover). It was found that CLIMo without MODIS albedos performed better with the 0% snow cover scenario than with the MODIS albedos integrated in. Both simulations (with and without MODIS albedos) performed well with the snow cover scenarios. The MODIS albedo products slightly improved CLIMo break-up simulations when integrated up to a month in advance of actual lake ice break-up for Back Bay. With the MODIS albedo products integrated into CLIMo, break-up dates were simulated within 3-4 days of MODIS observed break-up. CLIMo without the MODIS albedos still performed very well simulating break-up within 4-5 days of MODIS observed break-up. It is uncertain whether this was a significant improvement or not with such a small study period and with the investigation being conducted at a single site (Back Bay). However, it has been found that CLIMo performs well with the original albedo parameterization and that MODIS albedos could potentially complement lake-wide break-up simulations in future studies.1 yea

    Insertion Loss Estimation of EMI Filters in Unmatched Input/Output Impedance System

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    One of the problems in the design of powerline EMI filters is the uncertainty and ambiguity of their source/load impedances which results in breach of expected filter parameters in a real installation. The paper presents a simple technique for prediction of insertion loss limit values of EMI filters working in arbitrary unmatched mains line impedance systems

    Effectiveness of an internet-based self-guided program to treat depression in a sample of Brazilian users: a study protocol.

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    Although psychological treatments for depressive disorders are available, they are often expensive or inaccessible for many. Web-based interventions that require minimal or no contact with therapists have been shown effective. To the best of our knowledge, no study using this treatment format has been conducted in Brazil. The Deprexis program was designed using empirically established principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy to reduce depressive symptoms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Deprexis in Brazil. This randomized controlled trial will include 128 Brazilians with clinically significant depression symptoms or who have been diagnosed with depressive disorder (major depressive disorder or dysthymia), recruited over the internet (Brazilian forums, social networks, or e-mail lists). Individuals with other psychiatric diagnoses that require significant attention (e.g., bipolar disorder, psychosis) will not be included in the trial. Participants will be randomly assigned to 1) treatment as usual plus immediate access to Deprexis or 2) treatment as usual plus delayed access to Deprexis (after 8 weeks). Participants will be able to obtain other treatment types in addition to the online intervention. If found effective, this web-based intervention would increase the evidence-based care options for depression treatment in Brazil

    Effectiveness of an Internet-Based Self-Guided Program to Treat Depression in a Sample of Brazilian Users: Randomized Controlled Trial.

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    BACKGROUND Depression is undertreated in Brazil. Deprexis is a self-guided internet-based program used to treat depressive symptoms based on empirically supported integrative and cognitive behavioral therapy. Evidence from a meta-analysis supports Deprexis' efficacy in German-speaking countries and the United States, but no study has been conducted using this program in countries with low literacy rates and large social disparities. Furthermore, few studies have investigated whether internet-based interventions ameliorate the psychological processes that might underlie depressive symptomatology, such as low perceived self-efficacy. OBJECTIVE The main objective of this study was to replicate in Brazil previously reported effects of Deprexis on depressive symptom reduction. Therefore, the main research question was whether Deprexis is effective in reducing depressive symptoms and the general psychological state in Brazilian users with moderate and severe depression in comparison with a control group that does not receive access to Deprexis. A secondary research question was whether the use of Deprexis affects perceptions of self-efficacy. METHODS We interviewed 312 participants recruited over the internet and randomized 189 participants with moderate to severe depression (according to the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and a semistructured interview) to an intervention condition (treatment as usual plus immediate access to Deprexis for 90 days, n=94) or to a control condition (treatment as usual and delayed access to Deprexis, after 8 weeks, n=95). RESULTS Participants from the immediate access group logged in at Deprexis an average of 14.81 (SD 12.16) times. The intention-to-treat analysis using a linear mixed model showed that participants who received Deprexis improved significantly more than participants assigned to the delayed access control group on the primary depression self-assessment measure (Patient Health Questionnaire-9; Cohen d=0.80; P<.001) and secondary outcomes, such as general psychological state measure (Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measurement; Cohen d=0.82; P<.001) and the perceived self-efficacy measure (Cohen d=0.63; P<.001). The intention-to-treat analyses showed that 21% (20/94) of the participants achieved remission compared with 7% (7/95) in the control group (P<.001). The deterioration rates were lower in the immediate access control group. The dropout rate was high, but no differences in demographic and clinical variables were found. Participants reported a medium to high level of satisfaction with Deprexis. CONCLUSIONS These results replicate previous findings by showing that Deprexis can facilitate symptomatic improvement over 3 months in depressed samples of Brazilian users. From a public health perspective, this is important information to expand the reach of internet-based interventions for those who really need them, especially in countries with less access to mental health care. This extends previous research by showing significant effects on perceived self-efficacy. TRIAL REGISTRATION Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clíncos (ReBec) RBR-6kk3bx UTN U1111-1212-8998; https://ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/rg/RBR-6kk3bx/. INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID) RR2-10.1590/1516-4446-2019-0582

    Clinical Evaluation of Subcutaneous Lactate Measurement in Patients after Major Cardiac Surgery

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    Minimally invasive techniques to access subcutaneous adipose tissue for glucose monitoring are successfully applied in type1 diabetic and critically ill patients. During critical illness, the addition of a lactate sensor might enhance prognosis and early intervention. Our objective was to evaluate SAT as a site for lactate measurement in critically ill patients. In 40 patients after major cardiac surgery, arterial blood and SAT microdialysis samples were taken in hourly intervals. Lactate concentrations from SAT were prospectively calibrated to arterial blood. Analysis was based on comparison of absolute lactate concentrations (arterial blood vs. SAT) and on a 6-hour lactate trend analysis, to test whether changes of arterial lactate can be described by SAT lactate. Correlation between lactate readings from arterial blood vs. SAT was highly significant (r2 = 0.71, P < .001). Nevertheless, 42% of SAT lactate readings and 35% of the SAT lactate trends were not comparable to arterial blood. When a 6-hour stabilization period after catheter insertion was introduced, 5.5% of SAT readings and 41.6% of the SAT lactate trends remained incomparable to arterial blood. In conclusion, replacement of arterial blood lactate measurements by readings from SAT is associated with a substantial shortcoming in clinical predictability in patients after major cardiac surgery