9,791 research outputs found

    Varieties of liberalism: Anglo-Saxon capitalism in crisis?

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    ‘Global financial crisis’ is an inaccurate description of the current upheaval in the world’s financial markets. The initial banking crisis did not affect all countries to the same degree. Notably, while the US and UK banking systems were badly hit, those of the other two major Anglo-Saxon economies, Canada and Australia, remain largely unscathed and have even gained in terms of global market share. The national business systems and comparative corporate governance literatures underscore the similarities among these four ‘liberal market economies’ (LMEs) and would predict similar trajectories. This paper investigates the reasons behind the differing performance of the Anglo-Saxon banking systems, which defy a verdict of failure of the LME variety of capitalism as such

    A syntaxin 10-SNARE complex distinguishes two distinct transport routes from endosomes to the trans-Golgi in human cells

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    Mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs) are transported from endosomes to the Golgi after delivering lysosomal enzymes to the endocytic pathway. This process requires Rab9 guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) and the putative tether GCC185. We show in human cells that a soluble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex comprised of syntaxin 10 (STX10), STX16, Vti1a, and VAMP3 is required for this MPR transport but not for the STX6-dependent transport of TGN46 or cholera toxin from early endosomes to the Golgi. Depletion of STX10 leads to MPR missorting and hypersecretion of hexosaminidase. Mouse and rat cells lack STX10 and, thus, must use a different target membrane SNARE for this process. GCC185 binds directly to STX16 and is competed by Rab6. These data support a model in which the GCC185 tether helps Rab9-bearing transport vesicles deliver their cargo to the trans-Golgi and suggest that Rab GTPases can regulate SNARE–tether interactions. Importantly, our data provide a clear molecular distinction between the transport of MPRs and TGN46 to the trans-Golgi

    Comparison between predicted and observed sand waves and sand banks in the North Sea

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    For the first time a prediction model of regular morphological patterns on the seabed was tested against observations of sand wave and sand bank occurrence in the entire North Sea. The model, which originates from first physical principles, predicts this occurrence via two dimensionless parameters on the basis of the water depth, the tidal velocity amplitude, the level of zero intercept above the seabed (z0), and a viscosity variation parameter alt epsilon. The latter two quantities were varied in a number of predictions for the entire North Sea, whereas for the first two, local values were used. The range of realistic values of alt epsilon and z0 was large enough to let these two parameters distinguish between the possible (combinations of) bed forms, as is shown in the shallower southern bight of the North Sea. The results were more sensitive to variations in z0 than in alt epsilon. A slightly more detailed approach focused on sand waves only in the southern North Sea and estimated local values for z0 using depth information. Quantification of the results showed that the model was able to predict the contours of the sand wave patches, but it could not account for the absence of the bed features within this area. The type of bed deposit partly explains the smaller-scale variation. The work confirms the validity of the theoretical bed form prediction model and verifies the hypothesis that the large-scale seabed features are formed as free instabilities of tide-topography interactions

    Collaborative Documentation for Behavioral Healthcare Providers: An Emerging Practice

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    This article considers the practice of collaborative documentation (CD) for behavioral healthcare providers; the legislative, technological, and philosophical milieu in which it developed; the attributed benefits for providers and clients; and the peer-reviewed research supporting its use. Collaborative documentation has emerged following significant legislative and technological changes in healthcare delivery and shifts toward client-centered healthcare practices including more shared decision-making between clients and practitioners

    Non-response in the American Time Use Survey: Who Is Missing from the Data and How Much Does It Matter?

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    This paper examines non-response in a large government survey. The response rate for the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) has been below 60 percent for the first two years of its existence, raising questions about whether the results can be generalized to the target population. The paper begins with an analysis of the types of non-response encountered in the ATUS. We find that non-contact accounts for roughly 60 percent of ATUS non-response, with refusals accounting for roughly 40 percent. Next, we examine two hypotheses about the causes of this non-response. We find little support for the hypothesis that busy people are less likely to respond to the ATUS, but considerable support for the hypothesis that people who are weakly integrated into their communities are less likely to respond, mostly because they are less likely to be contacted. Finally, we compare aggregate estimates of time use calculated using the ATUS base weights without any adjustment for non-response to estimates calculated using the ATUS final weights with a non-response adjustment and to estimates calculated using weights that incorporate our own non-response adjustments based on a propensity model. While there are some modest differences, the three sets of estimates are broadly similar. The paper ends with a discussion of survey design features, their effect on the types and level of non-response, and the tradeoffs associated with different design choices.

    Perceptions of Current Tipping Customs and Feasibility of a No-Tip Policy in a Micropolitan Area of Texas

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the issues surrounding the recent trend to establish a no-tipping policy in American full-service restaurants. Most businesses experimenting with alternative tipping policies are in metropolitan areas, so this research attempts to examine a micropolitan city’s perspective on tip and no-tip policies in full-service restaurants in the area

    Les composants structurels du discours argumentatif écrit selon un modèle construit à des fins didactiques pour la classe de français

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    Inspirée par une lecture nouvelle de la Rhétorique d'Aristote et par les recherches récentes dans les sciences du langage, l'auteure a construit un modèle systémique du discours argumentatif écrit, préalable à l'élaboration d'une didactique de l'argumentation pour la classe de français (secondaire et collégial). Cet article présente une partie des propriétés structurelles de ce type de discours en définissant ses composants essentiels et propose une conception différente de celle qui prévaut actuellement dans l'enseignement du discours argumentatif.Based on a renewed reading of Artistotie's Rhetoric and on recent research in the area of language, the author constructs a systemic model of written argumentative discourse which is seen as preliminary to the development of a didactic process of argumentative reasoning in french class (at secondary and college levels). This article presents a portion of the structural properties of this type of discourse by defining the essential components and then proposes an alternative view to that currently described in the teaching of argumentative discours.Inspirada por una nueva lectura de la Retôrica de Aristoteles y por las investigaciones recientes en las ciencias del lenguaje, la autora construyo un modelo sistémico del discurso argumentative escrito, previo a la elaboracion de una didactica de la argumentacion para el curso de francés (secundario y pre-universitario). Este articulo présenta una parte de las propiedades estructurales de este tipo de discurso, al définir sus componentes esenciales y propone una concepeion alternativa a la que prevalece actualemente en la ensefianza del discurso argumentative.Angeregt von einer neuerlichen Lektiire der Rhetorik des Aristoteles und durch jiingste Forschungen in den SprachwifJenschaften, hat die Verfaperin ein systemisches Modell der schriftlichen Beweisfiihrung gebaut, als Vorspann fur die Erarbeitung einer Didaktik der Beweisfûrung fiir den Franzosischunterricht (an der hôheren Schule und der Kollegstufe). Dieser Artikel legt einen Teil der strukturellen Eigenschaften dieser Art der Rede vor, indem er seine wesentlichen Komponenten definiert, und schlâgt eine Alternative zu der Auffapung vor, die gegenwârtig beim Unterrichten der Beweisrede vorherrscht

    Patient and community nurse perspectives on recruitment to a randomized controlled trial of urinary catheter washout solutions

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    Aims To provide evidence around the acceptability of a proposed randomised controlled trial (RCT) of catheter washout solutions. Design: A sample of senior community nursing staff (n=7) were interviewed and four focus groups with a sample of community nurses were conducted. Eleven semi-structured face-to-face interviews were undertaken with patients using a long-term catheter. Methods: An in-depth qualitative study using a phenomenological approach was employed. This approach was suitable to explore the lived experiences of subjects and gain their viewpoints and experiences. Results: Nurse participants raised concerns regarding the removal of treatment or increased risk of infection in relation to which arm of the trial patients were randomised to. There was concern that patients could get used to the increased contact with nursing staff. Six patients who agreed to participate cited personal benefit, benefiting others, and a sense of indifference. Four patients were unsure about taking part and one declined