581 research outputs found

    Uberon: towards a comprehensive multi-species anatomy ontology

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    The lack of a single unified species-neutral ontology covering the anatomy of a variety of metazoans is a hindrance to translating model organism research to human health. We have developed an Uber-anatomy ontology to fill this need, filling the gap between the CARO upper-level ontology and species-specific anatomical ontologies

    Brain connectivity Patterns Dissociate action of specific Acupressure Treatments in Fatigued Breast cancer survivors

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    Funding This work was supported by grants R01 CA151445 and 2UL1 TR000433-06 from the National Institutes of Health. The funding source had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. We thank the expert assistance by Dr. Bradley Foerster in acquisition of 1H-MRS and fMRI data.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Inventarisasi Cacing Parasitik Saluran Pencernaan pada Elang Jawa (Spizaetus Bartelsi Stressman, 1924) dan Elang Brontok (Spizaetus Cirrhatus Gmelin, 1788) di Habitat Eks-situ

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    At present there is a few of javan hawk eagle and changeable hawk eagle on ex-situ habitat Its existence can not avoid from the attack of various diseases, intestinal worm infections is a parasitic disease that can adversely affect and evencause death to these animals. The disease is usulally caused by medical management is inadequate cages. Research was conducted to learn the types of gastrointestinal javan hawk eagle and changeable hawk eagle and the degree of infection. Besides, as an initial study of behavioral factors and health management in eagle at the rehabilitation that may affect the transmition of parasitic worms. Types of parasitic worms found in the javan hawk eagle is Ascaridia sp, Strigea sp, and Capillaria sp. Changeable hawk eagle on the Strigea sp, Neodiplostomum sp, Heterakis sp, Ascaridia sp and Capillaria sp. Obtained two types of worms eggs are Ascaridia sp and Capillaria sp that can bedetected value of TTGT. From Cikananga Wildlife Center namely on changeable hawk eagle 4 there are three eggs Ascaridia sp TTGT value 147,5, while from Gadog Wildlife Center namely javan hawk eagle obtained 19 Capillaria sp with value TTGT 1868. Factors though to the influence the transmission of parasitic worms that is visible behaviour with the claw part of clean beak with the claw, clean the body in the chest and wings by using beak (probe), and placement of the cage that is not appropriate

    Semarang Civil Aviation Institute

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    Dalam menghadapi ASEAN Open Sky Policy Indonesia perlu meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas infrastruktur penerbangan, menyiapkan sumber daya manusia yang profesional, meningkatkan manajemen penerbangan dan memenuhi standar keselamatan internasional. Jika maskapai penerbangan Indonesia tidak mampu bersaing dalam pasar penerbangan ASEAN, kebijakan ASEAN Open Sky hanya akan menjadi ancaman bagi keberlangsungan industri penerbangan dalam negeri.Sedangkan pada kenyataanya untuk kesediaan sumber daya penerbang jumlah kebutuhan tenaga penerbang di Indonesia sangatlah tidak mencukupi. Setiap tahunnya sebanyak 400 hingga 500 tenaga penerbang (http://tabloidaviasi.com). Kalau dibandingkan dengan jumlah sekolah yang meluluskan peserta didiknya sejumlah 100 hingga 120 pilot.Untuk ATC, Indonesia diperkirakan masih kekurangan 200-300 orang per tahun. Lulusan ATC dari BPSDM mencapai 120-130 orang, kurang dari target 945 lulusan ATC dan kebutuhan Teknisi lebih dari 4700 teknisi per tahun yang tersedia 300-400 teknisi per tahun.(Persentasi CSE Aviation Media Gathering, 2015) Hal tersebut merupakan sebuah peluang bagi kota-kota besar di Indonesia salah satunya adalah semarang sebagai ibukota Jawa Tengah untuk menyediakan sebuah sekolah tinggi penerbangan.Keberadaan lima bandara di wilayah Jawa Tengah dengan dua bandara besar internasional dan tida bandara kecil mendukung untuk penyediaan sumber daya penerbangan yang maksimal di Jawa Tengah.Kedepanya tidak hanya untuk memenuhi sumber daya penerbangan dalam skala lokal, sekolah tinggi ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi sumber daya dalam skala nasional dan internasional. Untuk mendukung program tersebut, maka dibutuhkan fasilitas berupa sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Semarang yang berfokus pada pendidikan dan pelatihan teknologi terapan di bidang penerbangan serta menghasilkan lulusan yang dapat diakui secara internasional untuk menuju pusat keunggulan (Centre of Excellence) yang berstandar internasional yaitu Semarang Civil Aviation Institute (Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Semarang)

    Effect of Omeprazole to Dyspeptic Symptom on Ramadan Fasting Patient Based on Dyspepsia Symptoms Severity Index Scores

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    Background: Dyspepsia is a symptoms collection of discomfort at the upper abdomen. Ramadan Fasting is a worship that must be run by all Moslems that do not eat and drink for Ā± 12 hours. Proton pump inhibitors are drugs commonly given to patients with dyspepsia with mechanism controlling gastric acid secretion. The aim of this study is to find the effect of omeprazole to the patient with dyspepsia and undergo Ramadan fasting.Method: Using analytic study design, conducted in outpatient in Koja Hospital Jakarta from June - July 2013, for patients with dyspepsia who will undergo Ramadan fasting. Subjects are divided into 2 groups; one group was given omeprazole while others were given a placebo. Before and after 2 weeks of fasting, dyspepsia symptoms severity index scores (DSSI) was taken which assessed changes in both groups and compared using student T-test.Results: DSSI scores on average before the intervention of both groups (n = 30) was not significant (p = 0.9). In the placebo group obtained increasing of DSSI score from 27.7 Ā± 14 to 36 Ā± 14.8 (p = 0.001), whereas in the omeprazole group obtained increasing of score only from 27.2 Ā± 9.4 to 30 Ā± 9.9 (p = 0.08). In the placebo group score worsened by 8.3 Ā± 7.2 but in the omeprazole group with only 2.7 Ā± 5.7 (p = 0.02).Conclusion: There was a significant decrease of DSSI scores in fasting patient with omeprazole. Therapy with omeprazole 20 mg twice daily during the month of fasting can reduce the abdominal complain in patient with dyspepsia

    Investigating the unintended effects of television advertising among children in former-Soviet Bulgaria

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    Extensive research has been carried out to examine the unintended effects of television advertising on children in Western Europe. Little, however, is known about effects in Eastern European settings. Eastern European countries were part of the former USSR and its Soviet regime, meaning that all forms of commercial advertising were prohibited. Current parents and educators experienced the shift to capitalism first-hand and are particularly critical of consumer culture. This study adds to the current body of literature by studying unintended effects on advertising on children in a new context (i.e., Sofia, Bulgaria) and exploring the moderating effects of childrenā€™s advertising literacy. We collected data among 273 8- to 11-year-olds and found that advertising exposure increases childrenā€™s materialism and consumer involvement. We also found that childrenā€™s conceptual advert

    Aktivitas Harian dan Perilaku Makan Burung Kakatua-kecil Jambul Kuning (Cacatua Sulphurea Sulphurea Gmelin, 1788) di Penangkaran

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    A total of 12 activities were observed from the cockatoo in captivity i.e walking activity, pecking at object, motionless, moving slightly, reserving, exploring fur, eating, calling, drinking, defecating, and other activities. Differences activities between male and female cockatoo where classified into other activities. Other activities carried out by male cockatoo were playing activity, checking condition, flapping its wing, hanging and spinning, and hiding. Other activities carried out by female cockatoo were spreading its right wing and the cleaning its feet. The most frequent activity performed by the male cockatoo was playing activity, while most frequent activity carried out by a female cockatoo was a motionless activity.Male showed more active than female. In terms of feeding behavior, there was no difference between male and female cockatoo. Cockatoos use one leg for gripping a branch or perched on a place, and the other leg for holding itsfeed. Another way of feeding activity was to eat the feed directly
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