26 research outputs found

    The Cultural Meaning of Traditional Expressions in Daily Speech of Using Community at Banyuwangi

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    This article aims to describe a variety of traditional expressions used by Using community at Banyuwangi in speaking. The variety of expressions is studied from the form, USAge, and cultural meaning in communication. The data of traditional expression speech presented in the description sources from conversation of Using community in various speech situations. The result of the study shows that there are 6 categories of traditional expressions used in the Using speech community. The variety of the expressions used by the speaker to express a message, thoughts, feelings, or opinions to the speaking participan. Various things that can be conveyed through expression are praise, anger, aggravation, suggestions or advice, and pleasure. Using community utilizes the expressions to criticize, comment, ridicule, reassuring, stated, praising, reprimanding or blaming, complaining, remind, advise, and ask or beg. All of them are reflecting Using community culture in daily speech

    Pengembangan Pendidikan Karakter Dan Budaya Bangsa Berwawasan Kearifan Lokal

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    Pendidikan nasional Indonesia saat ini masih menghadapi berbagai masalah. Capaian hasil pendidikan masih belum memenuhi hasil yang diharapkan. Pembelajaran di sekolah belum mampu membentuk secara utuh pribadi lulusan yang mencerminkan karakter dan budaya bangsa. Proses pendidikan masih menitikberatkan dan memfokuskan capaiannya secara kognitif. Sementara, aspek afektif pada diri peserta didik yang merupakan bekal kuat untuk hidup di masyarakat belum dikembangkan secara optimal. Karena itu, pendidikan karakter dan budaya bangsa merupakan seatu keniscayaan untuk dikembangkan di sekolah. Sekolah sebagai pusat Perubahan perlu mengupayakan secara sungguh-sungguh pendidikan yang berbasis karakter dan budaya bangsa. Karakter dan budaya bangsa yang dikembangkan di sekolah harus diselaraskan dengan karakter dan budaya lokal, regional, dan nasional. Untuk itu, pendidikan karakter dan budaya bangsa perlu dikembangkan berdasarkan kearifan lokal

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA) Berdasarkan Hasil Analisis Kebutuhan Belajar

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    Teaching Indonesian for Foreign Learners or Indonesian as a Foreign Language (IFL) is different from teaching Indonesian as a first language. The differences are due to the characteristics of the learners. IFL learners generally are adults who have language and cultural background and learning style different from those Indonesian learners have. These differences demand IFL teachers and instructors to prepare teaching-learning materials and the activities of the teaching-learning process in the classroom that are relevant to the learners' needs. Understanding the entry level behavior of the learners, the teaching materials, the teaching-learning approach, and the evalution process is of crucial importance in order to fulfill their needs. Learning needs analysis of IFL learners is also a prerequisite to developing adequate teaching-learning materials of IFL

    Pengaruh Strategi Pemetaan Semantik terhadap Hasil Belajar Menulis Teks Laporan Hasil Observasi Siswa dengan Gaya Kognitif yang Berbeda

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    This research aims to determine the effect of semantic mapping strategy on the results of learning to write text reports of student observations with different cognitive styles. This research uses quantitative method with quasi experiment design. Type of design used is nonequivalent factorial control group design 2 x 2. The population of this study are students of class VII SMPN 2 Pare academic year 2016/2017. The sample of research is 80 of the total population of 358 students. Data collection used pretest, posttest, and post-test techniques with semantic mapping strategies, and tests to determine student\u27s cognitive style. Scores of test results were analyzed using factorial variance analysis according to the design and purpose of the study. The results showed that about 75% of the semantic mapping strategy had an effect on the result of learning to write the text of the result of student observation with different cognitive style. Approximately 25% of semantic mapping strategies have no effect especially on students with cognitive field dependent style.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi pemetaan semantik terhadap hasil belajar menulis teks laporan hasil observasi siswa dengan gaya kognitif yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan rancangan kuasi eksperimen. Jenis desain yang digunakan adalah nonequivalent factorial control grup design 2 x 2. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Pare tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 80 dari keseluruhan populasi 358 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes yang berupa pretest, postest sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pembelajaran dengan strategi pemetaan semantik, serta tes untuk mengetahui gaya kognitif siswa. Skor hasil tes dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian faktorial sesuai dengan desain dan tujuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 75% strategi pemetaan semantik berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar menulis teks laporan hasil observasi siswa dengan gaya kognitif yang berbeda. Sekitar 25% strategi pemetaan semantik tidak berpengaruh khususnya pada siswa dengan gaya cognitive field dependent

    Kesalahan Bentukan Kata Berafiks dalam Karangan Mahasiswa Thailand yang Berbahasa Ibu Bahasa Melayu

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    The aim of this study is to describe the error of affixed word formation by Thai students who speak Malay as their mother tongue that covers (1) the error of affixed word formation as viewed from context sentence, (2) the error of affixed word formation as viewed from the natural use of words. This research design being use in this study is qualitative research design and the researcher employs essay writing technique as the main data collection. The findings indicate that the Thai students who speak Malay as their mother tongue performed the error of affixed word formation as viewed from context sentence. The findings pointed out some errors that covered (1) affixes omission (prefixes, suffixes and circumfix), (2) affixes addition (prefixes and suffixes), and (3) affixes ambiguity USAge (prefixes and circumfix). Furthermore, based on the context sentence, the researcher found that there were errors of affixed word formation as viewed from the natural use of words. These issues caused by the use of unnatural words, such as permula kali, bergaulan, mengirimkan, berhormat, berziarah, berbual, kedudukan, berhubungan siraturrahmi, tersoho, bercakap.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan bentukan kata berafiks dalam karangan mahasiswa Thailand yang berbahasa ibu bahasa Melayu, meliputi (1) kesalahan bentukan kata berafiks ditinjau dari konteks kalimat dan (2) kesalahan bentukan kata berafiks ditinjau dari kelaziman penggunaan kata. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik penugasan menulis karangan. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Thailand yang berbahasa Ibu bahasa Melayu banyak melakukan kesalahan bentukan kata berafiks ditinjau dari konteks, meliputi (1) penghilangan afiks (prefiks, sufiks, dan konfiks), (2) penambahan afiks (prefiks dan sufiks), dan (3) kerancuan penggunaan afiks (prefiks dan konfiks). Selanjutnya, kesalahan bentukan kata berafiks ditinjau dari kelaziman penggunaan kata. Hal ini terjadi karena penggunaan kata-kata yang tidak lazim, seperti permula kali, bergaulan, mengirimkan, berhormat, berziarah, berbual, kedudukan, berhubungan siraturrahmi, tersoho, bercakap

    Pengembangan Multimedia Cerita Rakyat sebagai Penumbuhan Karakter Siswa

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    This study was aimed to test feasibility multimedia appreciation folklore charged character education for student junior grade VII. The approach that was undertaken use qualitative and quantitative reseach. Subject pilot this reseach is one expert learning, one person media expert learning, practitioner, 5 (six) student on trial small group, and 30 (thirty) student on trial a large group. The trial court implemented in Junior High School 1 Praya Lombok Middle east. The data was undertaken through observation, charging chief, and guide documentation. Analysis quantitative data done by counting the percentage feasibility the product of the people of learning, media experts, practitioner, the results of the small group and results of the test a large group. The results of data qualitative presented in the form of exposure to. The research results show multimedia learning on all the step of experiment try is at the percentage very reasonable to be used as a media learning.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kelayakan multimedia apresiasi cerita rakyat bermuatan pendidikan karakter untuk siswa SMP Kelas VII. Pendekatan yang dilakukan menggunakan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Subjek uji coba penelitian ini adalah satu orang ahli pembelajaran, satu orang ahli media pembelajaran, satu orang praktisi, enam siswa pada uji coba kelompok kecil, dan tiga puluh siswa pada uji coba kelompok besar. Uji coba lapangan dilaksanakan di SMPN 1 Praya Timur Lombok Tengah. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi, pengisian angket, dan panduan dokumentasi. Analisis data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menghitung persentase kelayakan produk dari ahli pembelajaran, ahli media, praktisi, hasil uji kelompok kecil dan hasil uji kelompok besar. Hasil data kualitatif disajikan dalam bentuk paparan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan multimedia pembelajaran pada semua tahap uji coba berada pada persentase sangat layak untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran


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    This paper aims at explaining the implementation of RAWAC (Reading and Writing across Curriculum) in teaching essay for college students. Using an action research based integrated with hermeneutic technique, this study was conducted in Kelompok Belajar Mahasiswa (Student Study Club) at Ganesha University of Education, Bali. The result of the study indicates that this model is able to synchronize the excellent aspects of reading-writing and metacognition as those give benefits to the students in terms of strengthening their critical thinking in exploring ideas, their discipline attitude during the process of planning, monitoring, and evaluating concepts, and also strengthening the students’ self-regulated learning in writing essay. Implementing RAWAC improve the students’ ability in writing essays, especially in exploring ideas, organizing the writing, choosing the diction and enhancing their writing technique

    Proposisi Bentuk Kosong dalam Wacana Slogan: Kajian Tindak Tutur Wacana Slogan

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    Slogan is a striking and easily remembered statement or sentence used to advertise something or to make clear the aim(s) of group, organization, campaign, etc. The discourse consists of some propositions, but most are not explicitly uttered, called zero form propositions. Thus, slogan is a discourse that different from common discourses. Analysts or readers need to know the entire propsitions that constitute the slogan to understand what it means. They must understand the speech context and speech event that create and support the slogan. Therefore, a speech act approach is relevant to the analysis

    Kosakata Lagu Daerah Banyuwangi: Kajian Etnolinguistik Etnik Using

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    The Banyuwangi folksongs, which from theoretical perspective are an expression of the culture of Using people. The folksongs are cultural product of the Using ethnic, which is a result of the interaction of the Using people with their natural and social-cultural surroundings. As a cultural product, the utterance of this folksongs has distinct characteristics. The variety of vocabulary in an utterance reflects the dynamics on communication and social life of its speakers. The differences of cultural content in the vocabulary of the utterance are caused by the differences in the strategy of adaptation and perception pattern of the people towards the natural and social-cultural environment. For a language which does not have hierarchy of register, the utterance style of that language is used by its speakers as politeness strategy to distinguish the social classes in speech