8 research outputs found

    Physicochemical Characteristics Identification and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Solid Herbal Waste as Source of Feed Rich Fiber and Supplement for Ruminants

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    A study was conducted to determine the potency, physicochemical characteristics, and analyzed the secondary metabolites content of solid herbal waste (SWH) as a substitute source of feed rich fibre and feed supplements in ruminants. The first study includes an analysis of production potential, physical analysis, and chemical composition analysis of SWH. The second study was an analysis of secondary metabolites content of SWH. The results showed that SWH volume reached 6-8 m3/day or 4020-5360 kg/day, the chemical composition of herbal solid waste was similar to king grass with high lignin content (17.53%). SWH containing total phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins , alkaloids and essential oils which generally have antimicrobial activity. According to the potential availability, chemical composition and secondary metabolites content of SWH, it can be used as an alternative for substitute of feed rich fiber or feed supplements with attention to the content of secondary metabolites that can affect the process of fermentation and digestibility in the rumen. Further in vitro and in vivo research ore needed to determine the effect of SWH on rumen fermentation parameters and its application in the ration in ruminant livestock

    Physicochemical Characteristics Identification and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Solid Herbal Waste as Source of Feed Rich Fiber and Supplement for Ruminants

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    A study was conducted to determine the potency, physicochemical characteristics, and analyzed the secondary metabolites content of solid herbal waste (SWH) as a substitute source of feed rich fibre and feed supplements in ruminants. The first study includes an analysis of production potential, physical analysis, and chemical composition analysis of SWH. The second study was an analysis of secondary metabolites content of SWH. The results showed that SWH volume reached 6-8 m3/day or 4020-5360 kg/day, the chemical composition of herbal solid waste was similar to king grass with high lignin content (17.53%). SWH containing total phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins , alkaloids and essential oils which generally have antimicrobial activity. According to the potential availability, chemical composition and secondary metabolites content of SWH, it can be used as an alternative for substitute of feed rich fiber or feed supplements with attention to the content of secondary metabolites that can affect the process of fermentation and digestibility in the rumen. Further in vitro and in vivo research ore needed to determine the effect of SWH on rumen fermentation parameters and its application in the ration in ruminant livestock

    Morpho-Physiological Characters and Soybean Productivity on Alfisol and Vertisol Under Intercropping with Kayu Putih (Melaleuca Cajuputi)

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    Intercropping kayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) has more advantage than other tree crops, such as teak, pine or acacia due to the beneficial intercropping season length. Soybean was intercropped with kayu putih because soybean has higher commercial value than other field crops. The survey-based research was conducted during March until May, 2014 in Menggoran Forest Resort, Playen Forest Section, Yogyakarta Forest Management District. Stratified random sampling method was used during the research by stratifying the types of soil stratification (alfisol and vertisol), rainfall and declivity then was made into 7 land mapping unit (LMU) with map overlay technique. Agronomic characters of soybean were observed on 12 weeks after planting (wap) and the physiological data were observed during the maximum vegetative phase (8 wap). Agronomic and physiological characters of soybean in each LMU were grouped and statistically tested with analysis of variance (ANOVA) then continued with orthogonal contrasts (alpha 5%). The results showed that some characters of soybean planted in alfisol had higher value than in vertisol, especially on leaf area, photosynthetic rate, root and canopy weight, 100 grain weight and grain weight per plant. The agronomic and physiological characters of soybean which had significant effects on yield in the intercropping with kayu putih system were stomatal density, stomatal conductivity, photosynthetic rate, and leaf area. Soybean intercropped with kayu putih produced 1.007 tons/ha in alfisol and 0.996 tons/ha in vertisol. Soybean development in intercropping system of kayu putih can be conducted by using soybean varieties superior effort

    Productivity of Forages in Grassland Merapi Post-Eruption Area, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    This research aimed to investigate the productivity and quality of forages (including dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber, crude protein, and extract ether) in the area of Kali Kuning and Krasak River. This area was affected by Mount Merapi Eruption on 2010. The data were taken from the area around the river due to the area was found to be firstly revegetated after the eruption. The Forage classified as grass, legume and forbs. The method applied in the research was Line Intercept method which was done by seeing the botanical composition there and was performed at several observation points. The forage was taken as the sample and then calculated its production and proximately analyzed to determine its chemical composition. The results showed that around the river, the widest cover area in 2013 and 2014 was Brachiariabrizantha grasses. The largest dry matter production in 2013 was Pennisetumpurpuphoides as much as 165.57 g mā€“2, while in 2014 the largest production of DM was Brachiariabrizantha as much as 190.37 g mā€“2. Frobs with another type of weed also spread in this area. The Quality of forages around Krasak River increased in 2014 due to the addition of organic matter contained in the soil and the minerals weathering from year to year


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    Biogas yang berupa gas yang berasal dari proses degradasi zat bio (baik tanaman maupun hewan) dengan tingkat energi tertentu dapat diberdayagunakan untuk kebutuhan manusia. Energi yang berasal dari biogas termasuk dalam kategori renewable energi atau energi yang dapat diperbaharui. Karakter yang demikian membuat biogas menjadi sumber energi yang berprospek untuk dikembangkan sebagai pengganti energi dari fosil fuel. Program biogas juga dapat dirancang tidak hanya dalam konteks mengembangkan biogas sebagai energi alternatif, tetapi juga dalam format pemberdayaan. Seluruh kegiatan di dalamnya adalah dalam rangka untuk mempopulerkan/ mensosialisasikan, mengaplikasikan dan mengembangkan potensi biogas sebagai sumber energi alternatif yang ramah lingkungan. Biogas memiliki potensi kelebihan dalam aspek pemberdayaan masyarakat, ekonomi dan lingkungan hidup. Biogas bisa menjadi sarana untuk menjadi pemantik masyarakat yang mandiri dan berwawasan masa depan untuk kemajuan bangsa. Kontribusi energi yang dihasilkan dari potensi biogas dari suatu kawasan dapat di prediksikan berdasarkan data jumlah ternak yang ada, demikian juga nilai ekonomi yang ditimbulkan. Potensi ternak di Kabupaten Kulon Progo jika dimanfaatkan untuk biogas mampu menggantikan setara 101,037 liter minyak tanah/hari, sedangkan jumlah ternak nasional tahun 2012 mampu mensubtitusi kebutuhan minyak tanah selama 3,6 bulan (dengan standard harga minyak mentah dunia USD 100/barel). Kata kunci : biogas, energi alternatif, pemberdayaan, mandir

    Effect of Different Tannin Caliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus) on In Vitro Digestibility in the Different Defoliation

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    The aimed of this research was to determine different fiber and tannin Caliandra calothyrsus on in vitro digestibility in different defoliation. Calliandra calothyrsus is leguminosae family and used as feed animal. Utilization Calliandra calothyrsus for ruminant can be limited by tannin anti nutrient. The research had been held in 48 weeks. The treatment given was F1 (cutting every 6 weeks, with 8 cutting interval), F2 (cutting every 8 weeks, with 6 cutting interval), F3 (cutting every 12 weeks, with 4 cutting interval), and F4 (cutting every 16 weeks, with 3 cutting interval). Caliandra calothyrsus was cut at edible portion (part of plant, where get eaten by animal like young stem and leaf). This research was conducted during June 2012 ā€“ June 2013 at Kaligesing area, Animal department, Purworejo, Central Java. This research used randomized complete block design. Blocking was given at slope soil. Parameters measured were tannin, fiber, and in vitro digestibility. The result showed that the highest tannin was at F4 (8.08%) and different (P<0.05) with F2 (5.89%) and F1 (3.10%). The highest neutral detergent fiber was at F4 (62.39%) and different (P<0.05) with F1, F2, and F3. The highest acid detergent fiber was at F4 (51.65%) and different (P<0.05) with F1, F2, and F3. The highest dry matter in vitro digestibility was at F4 (32.77%) and different (P<0.05) with F1 (24.76%) and F2 (26.79%). It could be concluded that tannin increase with enhancement defoliation at the same age but the different tannin not influence in vitro digestibility


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    Pengaruh umur panen dan penambahan inokulum rhizobium terhadap produltivitas kedelai edamame diamati dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian dilakukan dalam rumah kaca dengan menggunakan tanah regosol dalam polybug, dirancang dengan pola faktorialzxz faktor perlakuan dengan-5 ka]i uIa=ngan dalam desain rancang'an"acak lgngkap dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan's multiple range-tesl(DMRT). Fut to. umur panen (U) terdiri dari 65 hari (Ur) dan 75 hari (Uz); faktor inokulasi (I) terdiri dai penambahan inoculum (Ir) aan tanpa inokulum (Io). Hasil ienambahan men rnjukkan bahwa pada berat kering t^anaman bagian bawah, iroduksi bairan kering (BK) dan produksi bahan org.TikJno) jerami, protein kasar (rrt), bahan et<stat tanpa nitrogen (BETN) lebih"tinggi (P<o,or) dan abu jerami lebih tinggi (Pcop5) pada Ur dibandingkan dengan U2. pr;dufti nk dan produksi ilo polong pada Ur lebih tinqgi (P<o,o5) daripada Uz. Pada uz menlghasilkan"serat kasar (SK) lebih tinigi (p<o,or) daripada Ur. Produks! BK dan Bo jeramiierta PK jerami Iebih tinggi (pco,or) dan BK tanaman ballu" bawah, SK BETN jerami lebih tinggi (P<o,o5) pada Ir daripada Io. Abu jerami pada io lebih tinggi (pco.oi) daripada Ir' Interaksi kedua faktor periakuan berpengaruh (Pio.o5) terhadip PK dan abu jerami. Inie-raksi keauanya tiaak F"?glgu}t terhadap BK tanaman bagian bawah, sx,CurN, procluksi nr dan prodGi Bo jerami dan polong kedelai edamame. Faktor I, U dan interaksi keduanya tidak berpengaruh terhadap ekstrak ether (es);".u*i. euau analisis kecernaan bahan kering in uitro, dan kecernaan bahan orlanik ln uirro;enunjukkan Urrr*, legin tiJak berpengaruh pada kecernaan jerami. Pada Ur menunjukkan kecernaan yang lebih tinggi p<o.o5) dibaniingkan Uz. Interaksi kedua faktor tidak mempengaruhi kecernaan bahan kering ii uitro. oo Kata kunci: kedelai edamame, umur panen, inokulum, produktivitas, komposl's i kimia, kecernaan in uitro

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development

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    This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (ICCEESD 2022) organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 7th-8th December 2022.Ā  ICCEESD is a biannual forum for sharing, benchmarking, and discussing HEIā€™s activities in developing Education for Sustainable Development towards community engagement. Education for Sustainability as a teaching strategy for resolving community challenges through formal, informal, or non-formal education is expected to benefit from various community service best practices by academics, researchers, and students. The 3rd ICCEESD has ā€œStrengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagementā€ as its theme this year. It is expected that the 3rd ICCEESD will provide a forum for the presenters and participants to exchange best practices, policies, and conceptual implementation of Education for Sustainability towards better community engagement and explore ideas to address community needs.Ā  Conference Title:Ā 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable DevelopmentConference Theme:Ā Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community EngagementConference Acronyms:Ā ICCEESD 2022Conference Date: 7th-8th December 2022Conference Location: Grand Rohan Jogja Yogyakarta, IndonesiaConference Organizer: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesi