10 research outputs found

    Keragaman Genetik Plasma Nutfah Rambutan di Indonesia Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi

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    Rambutan merupakan tanaman menyerbuk silang sehingga secara alami memiliki keragaman tinggi. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari kemiripan genetik dan pengelompokan aksesi plasma nutfah rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) dan kapulasan (Nephelium ramboutan-ake) di Indonesia berdasarkan karakteristik morfologi. Penelitian dilakukan di (1) Kebun Percobaan (KP) Aripan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, (2) KP Subang Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, (3) KP Cipaku Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Barat, dan (4) Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota (Sumatera Barat), pada bulan Juni 2013 sampai Februari 2014. Karakterisasi sifat morfologi dilakukan terhadap 29 aksesi rambutan dan empat aksesi kapulasan mengacu pada descriptor for rambutan yang diterbitkan IPGRI. Perhitungan koefisien ketidakmiripan antaraksesi dilakukan dengan metode Gower. Analisis nominal logistic biplot dilakukan untuk melihat sifat penciri dari suatu kumpulan aksesi. Analisis keragaman genetik dapat membedakan kelompok rambutan dan kapulasan dengan koefisien ketidakmiripan rerata sekitar 55%. Berdasarkan kerapatan tandan, rambutan dapat dikelompokkan menjadi lima kelompok, yaitu aksesi yang memiliki tandan sangat jarang, jarang, sedang, rapat, dan sangat rapat. Aksesi dengan tandan rapat sampai sangat rapat antara lain aksesi Gendut Kair, Tangkue, dan Aceh Gendut, sedangkan semua aksesi kapulasan memiliki tandan yang sangat jarang. Berdasarkan ketebalan kulit buah, semua aksesi rambutan memiliki ketebalan kulit sedang sampai tebal, sedangkan aksesi Sibabat diketahui memiliki kulit yang sangat tebal

    Kandungan Minyak 30 Genotipe Jagung dan Korelasinya terhadap Beberapa Karakter Agronomi

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    Industrial demand for maize oil has been increasing and therefore corn breeding efforts began to focus on developing improved maize varieties with high oil content. The objectives of this research were to determine oil content of maize genotypes and its relationship with several agronomic traits. The oil content of maize genotypes ranged from 3.77 to 5.46%. Based on the correlation analysis, oil content correlated significantly with plant height, ear height, embryo weight, kernel weight, endosperm weight, and embryo and endosperm area ratio. In addition, oil content of maize genotypes could be estimated by a regression model involving embryo and endosperm area ratio, endosperm weight, ear height, cob lenght, number of kernel rows, number of kernel per row, cob diameter, and husk coverage (R2 = 79.66%; P = 0.0001). The oil-correlated traits and regression model obtained can be considered for facilitating selection for high oil maize genotypes. In addition, the results indicate that high oil maize can be bred and selected without affecting yield

    Potensi Hasil dan Mutu Beras Sepuluh Galur Harapan Padi untuk Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut

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    Breeding programs to improve rice varieties for tidal swamp areas have successfully developed a number of promisingbreeding lines. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the performance of ten advance breeding lines in multilocationyield trials and to analyze grain quality of the lines. The lines and two check rice varieties, IR42 and Batanghari, wereevaluated in replicated yield trials in six different tidal swamp environments. Grain quality of these lines were analyzed todetermine physical and chemical properties of the milled and cooked rice. Result from multilocation yield trials showedthat the breeding lines had higher yield potential compared to popular variety IR42 and their yields were comparable tothe control variety Batanghari. The lines showed different adaptability against different environments; some of the linesdemonstrated wide adaptability while the others showed specific adaptation ability. All of the lines had good grain qualitywhile they had different shape and texture which made them potential to be accepted in different regions. The result fromthis study indicated that all of the lines have potential to be commercially cultivated in tidal swamp areas. In addition, dataobtained from this study have been used in the registration of three lines as new varieties for swampy area namely IPB 1RDadahup, IPB 2R Bakumpai and Inpara 6

    Morfologi Malai Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) pada Beragam Aplikasi Pupuk Nitrogen

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    The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on agronomic and morphological characters depend on several factors such as genotypes and nitrogen rate. The study was aimed to evaluate nitrogen effects on rice panicle. A field experiment was conducted at Babakan Research Station during November 2015- February 2016 using a split-split plot design with three replicates. Nitrogen doses was a main plot, genotypes was a subplot, and time of application was a sub-subplot. A greenhouse experiment was carried out at PAIR, Jakarta during February-July 2017 using a completely randomized design with three replicates. The results from the field experiment indicated that the highest panicle number (13.25), number of filled grains (177.94) and spikelet number (213.76) were obtained at doses of 450 kg urea ha-1. Analysis of variance showed that the genotypic effects were significant for all traits observed, while the interaction effect between genotypes and time of nitrogen application was significant on the length of first grain from first node. However, the three-factors interactions were not significant for all traits. The greenhouse experiment revealed that both genotypes and N rates significantly affected all traits except for panicle number and the length of first grain from first node, respectively, while their interaction only significant for number of primary branch. Nitrogen increased all traits observed except the length of first grain from first node. Simultaneously, both experiments showed significant effects of genotypes for all traits observed. Doses of urea fertilizers above 400 kg ha-1 could improve the performance of panicle traits in order to increase yield potential

    Evaluasi Karakteristik Hortikultura Empat Genotipe Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Pusat Kajian Hortikultura Tropika IPB

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    ABSTRACTCenter for Tropical Horticulture Studies (CTHS) have conducted  melon breeding to meet the need of the expanding melon production  in Indonesia. Four melon genotypes of  IPB Meta 3, IPB Meta 4, IPB Meta 6, IPB Meta 8H exhibit superior performance during selection. Prior to release or to register, these melon genotypes need to be evaluated for their main characteristics. Four potential genotypes  along  with  two  control  varieties  of  Action  434  and Sky  Sweet  were  evaluated  under  a single  factor  Randomized  Complete Block  Design  (RCBD)  with  four  replications.  The  results revelaed  that CTHS  melon  genotypes  exhibited  good  performance.  IPB  Meta  4  has larger  stem diameter and leaf size compared  to  Action 434 and Sky Sweet, subsequently  flesh color  of IPB Meta 3,  IPB  Meta  6,  and  IPB  Meta  8H  are oranges, where  as  both  control  varieties  are  green.  Theseresults indicated that melon genotypes  developed in CTHS have unique characteristics, which could be developed for speciality market.Keywords: fruit quality, melon, morphological characteristics ABSTRAKPusat  Kajian  Hortikultura  Tropika  (PKHT)  telah  melakukan  penelitian pemuliaan  tanaman untuk  mengetahui  kebutuhan  pengembangan  produksi melon  di  Indonesia.  Empat  genotipe  melon yakni  IPB  Meta  3,  IPB  Meta 4, IPB Meta 6, IPB  Meta  8H  menunjukkan  penampilan  baik  pada percobaan sebelumnya. Sebelum  dilepas  atau  didaftarkan,  diperlukan  evaluasi karakteristik  utama dari empat genotipe tersebut. Pengujian keempat genotipe potensial dengan dua varietas pembanding yakni  Action  434  dan  Sky  Sweet disusun  berdasarkan  Rancangan  Kelompok  Lengkap  Teracak (RKLT)  dengan 4  ulangan.  Hasilnya  menunjukkan  bahwa  genotipe  melon  IPB  Meta  4 memiliki diameter batang  dan ukuran daun yang lebih besar dibandingkan Action 434 dan  Sky Sweet. Selain itu,  daging  buah  melon  genotipe  IPB Meta  3,  IPB  Meta  6,  dan  IPB  Meta  8H  berwarna  jingga, dimana kedua varietas pembanding berwarna hijau. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa genotipe-genotipe melon yang dikembangkan di PKHT memiliki karakteristik yang unik, dimana dapat berpotensi bagi segmen pasar khusus.Kata kunci: karakteristik morfologi, kualitas buah, melo

    Pengujian Daya Hasil dan Ketahanan Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri Tanaman Padi Hibrida

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    Hybrid rice varieties is an alternative technology to improve productivity of low land rice. The results of previous studies have identified and found the male sterile lines Wild Abortive type and Kalinga are resistant to bacterial leaf blight pathotype III, IV and VIII. The objectives of the research were to obtain information on agronomic characters, yield evaluation, genetic parameters, and repeatability information. The experiment was conducted in two locations namely Muara and Indramayu experimental stations. The design used was a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replication at each site. Each replicate consisted of 17 hybrid rice and three check varieties. The results from locations showed that genotype BI485A/BP1 (IR53942) has the highest yield of 5.8 ton ha-1. The coefficient of genetic and phenotypic diversity of six agronomic characters was low. The repeatability for seven character observed were low, except for days to flowering. The scoring value of bacterial leaf blight disease in Indramayu showed that nine genotypes exhibit resistance

    Ketahanan Beberapa Klon Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) terhadap Asam Fusarat dan Penyakit Busuk Kering Umbi

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    Fusaric acid produced by Fusarium spp. played a major role in potato dry rot development. Using fusaric acid as a selection agent may be useful to identify resistant clones. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the morphological responses of 10 potato clones (Granola, Atlantic, Cipanas, DTO 28, DTO 33, Russet Burbank, IPB 1, CIP 801040, CIP 801045, dan CIP 801050) and their resistance level to fusaric acid and Fusarium solani. The research was conducted in Plant Breeding Laboratory and Tissue Culture Laboratory 3, Departement of Agronomy and Horticulture from April 2014-February 2015. The in vitro experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with 4 fusaric acid concentrations and 4 replications, while the F. solani infection experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with 5 replications. The result showed that fusaric acid inhibits growth, reduce microtubers production, and caused planlets death. Correlation analysis between in vitro resistance to fusaric acid and F. solani infection on tuber showed positive and notable result. Accordingly, fusaric acid can be used to identify any clones resistant to F. solani

    Heritabilitas, Karakterisasi, dan Analisis Clustergram Galur-galur Padi Dihaploid Hasil Kultur Antera

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    Doubled haploid rice formation through anther culture becomes one of the alternatives in the plant breeding. The lines need to be characterized, clustered, and selected. This study aimed at determining heritability, characters, and cluster of doubled haploid lines obtained from anther culture. This experiment was conducted at IPB Rice Field Experiment Station, Darmaga, Bogor from October 2016 until January 2017. The experiment was managed according to randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications and genotype as the single factor treatment. Genotypes used were 60 genotypes consisting of 56 doubled haploid lines and 4 control varieties. The controls were Ciherang, Inpara 5, Inpari 29, and Inpari 34 Salin Agritan. The results showed that all characters have significant effect and high heritability (above 60%), so they could be used as a selection character. The tested genotypes could be grouped into three main groups. The first group consisted of 11 genotypes, the second group consisted of 44 genotypes, and the third group consisted of 5 genotypes. The main group determinant characters were productive tillers, percentage of filled grain number, plant height, panicle length, and weight of 1,000 grains. The number of filled grain and productive tillers can be used as selection characters together with yield potential