5 research outputs found

    Pirolisis Limbah Biomassa Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Campuran : Parameter Proses dan Analisis Produk Asap Cair

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    Produksi tahunan biomassa kayu mencapai 1011-1012 ton di seluruh dunia, pemrosesan 100 kg kayu dengan gergaji menghasilkan 10–25 % limbah biomassa. Pengolahan limbah biomassa dengan proses pirolisis dapat menghasilkan produk berupa asap cair melalui kondensasi yang mengandung berbagai senyawa kimia aktif yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk produk pangan maupun sebagai anti bakteri. Pada penelitian ini, pengukuran parameter pirolisis bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa reaktor pirolisis. Asap cair dianalisis untuk mengetahui komponen senyawa aktifnya melalui metode eksperimental. Komposisi lignoselulosa serbuk gergaji kayu campuran berupa hemiselulosa 17.54±3.16 %, selulosa 39.97±1.62 %, lignin 25.59±1.95 %, zat larut air 16.9±0.29 % dan kadar air 10.18±0.36 %. 3.6 kg biomassa di pirolisis pada suhu 500 °C selama 8 jam, menghasilkan asap cair 1.14 kg, arang 1.54 kg, nilai pH 3 dengan warna kuning tua, transparan, dan sedikit benda terapung. Pengamatan performa reaktor menunjukan nilai laju pemanasan 1.9±0.36 °C/min, dan pada beberapa titik terjadi kerugian panas yang tidak merata. Analisis asap cair dengan GC-MS menunjukkan tidak adanya senyawa PAH, sementara diketahui terdapat senyawa berbahaya lainnya, 2-propanone, 2 butanone, dan cyclopentanone masing-masing sebesar 2.05 %, 0.79 %, dan 1.84%

    Using Zeolites to Cold Stabilize White Wines

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    Background and Aims. Tartrate stabilisation is a necessary step in commercial wine production. The traditional method to prevent crystallisation and precipitation of potassium bitartrate (KHT) after a wine is bottled is by adding seed KHT crystals to wine stored in a tank and holding temperatures below 0°C for a set period of time before bottling. This process requires time and energy and a filtration step to remove sediment. However, compared to other technical solutions such as reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, or ion exchange, it is still the most economical stabilisation option. This work aims to evaluate the ability of zeolites to cold stabilize white wines. Since zeolites can also remove proteins and thus heat-stabilize white wines, the new process can potentially combine heat and cold stability in a single treatment. Methods and Results. Effective tartrate stabilisation was achieved by mixing a natural zeolite sample with white wine for three hours. Although the quantum of required zeolite was larger than bentonite, zeolite did not exhibit shrink-swell behaviour, thus enabling greater wine recovery and capacity to be regenerated. Effective heat and cold stability could be achieved using a low-calcium zeolite as a processing aid in a single treatment. To avoid aluminium leaching and elevated aluminium concentrations in the treated wine, the zeolite was calcinated before being added to the wine. The calcination process also reduced calcium content in the wine after treatment with zeolite, thus eliminating the risk of calcium instability. Conclusions. The application of zeolite as a processing aid can potentially be effective in cold-stabilizing white wines and removing proteins responsible for haze formation. Significance of the study. Zeolites may constitute an alternative technology in white wine production facilitating heat and cold stabilisation in a single treatment


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    Utilization of biogas by-products is expected to increase the beneficial aspects of the existence of a biogas reactor as a source of input for small-scale agriculture, despite the main function as a renewable energy supply. In this study, formulation of solid fertilizer from biogas solid waste and evaluation of formulation yields have been done. Solid (sludge) waste from the biogas reactor were separated and mixed with another biomass for further processing into fertilizer or nutrients for plants. Two formulations have been made (3 kg each) with treatments of one week fermentation with once back stirring (P1) and two weeks fermentation with twice back stirring (P2) aimed to identify the difference between the two samples based on the quality of solid fertilizers produced. The evaluation tests were pH, water content, C-organic, C/N ratio, by-products substance, NPK total, Fe total, and Zn total. The data were analyzed statistically using independent t-test Parametric Statistic for normally distributed and/or homogeny data and also Mann Whitney Non-Parametric Statistic for the opposite. The test results of the fertilizer formula showed a pH value of around 6-7 with water content value of 52-67%. C-Organic value resulted was 25.89±3.10 (P1) and 21.35±1.99 (P2). The resulting C/N ratio was 25,89±3.10 (P1) and 21.35±1.99 (P2). By-products substances, NPK total, Fe total, and Zn total parameter were in accordance with the quality standard of solid fertilizer. Further development efforts are needed to adjust the moisture content of the developed formulation. Moisture content was estimated to affect shelf life, in relation to the number of live microbes as a quality control.Pemanfaatan hasil samping biogas diharapkan dapat meningkatkan aspek manfaat dari keberadaan reaktor biogas. Selain aspek ketersediaan energi, keberadaan teknologi biogas menjadi solusi yang sesuai untuk memanfaatkan kotoran ternak menjadi sumber input pada pertanian skala kecil. Selain menghasilkan gas metan, reaktor biogas juga menghasilkan hasil samping berupa padatan dan cairan dari pipa keluaran sistem reaktor biogas. Pada kegiatan ini, dilakukan 2 fokus kegiatan yakni formulasi pupuk padat dari limbah padat biogas dan pelatihan formulasi pupuk limbah padat biogas kepada Kelompok Tani dan Ternak Sedyo Mulyo. Untuk formulasinya, limbah padat dan cair dari reaktor biogas tersebut dipisahkan untuk diproses lebih lanjut(slurry/sludge) menjadi pupuk atau nutrisi untuk tanaman. Pupuk padat dengan menggunakan limbah padat biogas dicampur dengan biomassa lain. Hasil pengujian formula pupuk menunjukkan nilai pH yakni sekitar 6-7. Untuk nilai kadar airnya yakni sebesar 52-67%. Perkembangan lebih lanjut diperlukan upaya untuk penyesuaian kadar air pada formulasi yang dikembangkan. Kadar air diperkirakan mempengaruhi umur simpan, kaitannya dengan jumlah mikroba hidup sebagai kontrol kualitas

    Pirolisis Limbah Biomassa Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Campuran : Parameter Proses dan Analisis Produk Asap Cair

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    Produksi tahunan biomassa kayu mencapai 1011-1012 ton di seluruh dunia, pemrosesan 100 kg kayu dengan gergaji menghasilkan 10–25 % limbah biomassa. Pengolahan limbah biomassa dengan proses pirolisis dapat menghasilkan produk berupa asap cair melalui kondensasi yang mengandung berbagai senyawa kimia aktif yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk produk pangan maupun sebagai anti bakteri. Pada penelitian ini, pengukuran parameter pirolisis bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa reaktor pirolisis. Asap cair dianalisis untuk mengetahui komponen senyawa aktifnya melalui metode eksperimental. Komposisi lignoselulosa serbuk gergaji kayu campuran berupa hemiselulosa 17.54±3.16 %, selulosa 39.97±1.62 %, lignin 25.59±1.95 %, zat larut air 16.9±0.29 % dan kadar air 10.18±0.36 %. 3.6 kg biomassa di pirolisis pada suhu 500 °C selama 8 jam, menghasilkan asap cair 1.14 kg, arang 1.54 kg, nilai pH 3 dengan warna kuning tua, transparan, dan sedikit benda terapung. Pengamatan performa reaktor menunjukan nilai laju pemanasan 1.9±0.36 °C/min, dan pada beberapa titik terjadi kerugian panas yang tidak merata. Analisis asap cair dengan GC-MS menunjukkan tidak adanya senyawa PAH, sementara diketahui terdapat senyawa berbahaya lainnya, 2-propanone, 2 Butanone, dan cyclopentanone masing-masing sebesar 2.05 %, 0.79 %, dan 1.84%

    Utilization of Peroxide Bleached Sugar Palm (Arenga Pinnata) Fibre Waste Into Cellulose Nano Crystal

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    Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) fibre (SPF) waste is a side product of sugar palm starch production and needs to be processed to avoid environmental pollution. Since the SPF has high cellulose content, it can be beneficial if it is valorized into high-value products such as cellulose nanocrystal (CNC). The CNC production from SPF was initiated by cellulose production by using an environmentally friendly peroxide bleaching as elementary chlorine free bleaching method. The CNC production was conducted via sulfuric acid hydrolysis at a temperature of 40°C, solid/liquid ratio of 1:10, and hydrolysis time of 45, 60, 75, and 90 minutes. The same functional groups were observed in all CNC samples, including the appearance of the ester sulfate group. The decrease in yield and crystallinity index (CrI) as the hydrolysis time was observed. These phenomena were caused by the degradation of the crystalline structure of cellulose and the formation of the ester sulfate group. The measurement of CNC diameter size was carried out by using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique. The CNC diameter was below 100 nm which indicated the nanoparticle formation was observed at CNC produced at hydrolysis times of 75 and 90 minutes. In conclusion, CNC production was successfully produced from peroxide bleached SPF which is more environmentally friendly than the conventional method using chlorite bleached cellulose. Furthermore, it is needed to optimize the production of SPF CNC in further research