15,343 research outputs found

    Sizes and Grading of Aggregates for Road Maintenance and Construction

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    Testing Bituminous Materials

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    Molecular line survey of Sagittarius B2(M) from 330 to 355 GHz and comparison with Sagittarius B2(N)

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    We have surveyed molecular line emission from Sgr B2 over the range from 330 to 355 GHz at the position designated Sgr B2(M). This position is prominent in millimeter continuum maps of the region and is associated with a compact H II region, a hot NH_3 core, and sources of H_2O and OH maser emission. We have also obtained observations contrasting the submillimeter molecular emission from Sgr B2(M) and Sgr B2(N), an additional center of activity thought to be a dense protostellar core. The picture of the interstellar chemistry of these regions which we derive is substantially different from that determined from previous observations at lower frequencies and with lower spatial resolution. In particular, molecules such as SO_2 and CH_3OH dominate the submillimeter spectrum to a much greater extent than they do the low-frequency observations. Much of this difference is due to the higher spatial resolution of the submillimeter observations, which makes them much more sensitive to emission from compact, dense cores. The millimeter data were most effective at sampling material in the surrounding lower density regions. The chemistry of the core sources in Sgr B2 appears similar to that of other dense cores, such as the core of the Orion molecular cloud. The spectral differences between Sgr B2(M) and Sgr B2(N) primarily relate to differences in excitation and column density. For most molecular species the northern source (N) has a column density significantly higher than that found in the middle source (M), often by a factor of about 5. The principal exceptions are the species SO and SO_2 which seem to be substantially more abundant in the middle source. Generally excitation seems to be higher in the northern source, suggesting a somewhat higher density core, although there are some departures indicating that the excitation situation is more complicated. High optical depths in many of the submillimeter transitions systematically bias the interpretation of both column densities and excitation. Many of the millimeter lines may also have high optical depths, particularly those lines arising from the compact core sources

    Reconstruction of deglacial sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific from selective analysis of a fossil coral

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    The Sr/Ca of coral skeletons demonstrates potential as an indicator of sea surface temperatures (SSTs). However, the glacial-interglacial SST ranges predicted from Sr/Ca of fossil corals are usually higher than from other marine proxies. We observed infilling of secondary aragonite, characterised by high Sr/Ca ratios, along intraskeletal pores of a fossil coral from Papua New Guinea that grew during the penultimate deglaciation (130 +/- 2 ka). Selective microanalysis of unaltered areas of the fossil coral indicates that SSTs at similar to 130 ka were &lt;= 1 degrees C cooler than at present in contrast with bulk measurements ( combining infilled and unaltered areas) which indicate a difference of 6-7 degrees C. The analysis of unaltered areas of fossil skeletons by microprobe techniques may offer a route to more accurate reconstruction of past SSTs.</p

    Symbolic Activities in Virtual Spaces

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    This paper presents an approach to combine concepts ofsymbolic acting and virtual storytelling with the support ofcooperative processes. We will motivate why symboliclanguages are relevant in the social context of awarenessapplications. We will describe different symbolicpresentations and illustrate their application in three differentprototypes

    Dorstenia jamaicensis Britton

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    Modelling alternative strategies for delivering hepatitis B vaccine in prisons : the impact on the vaccination coverage of the injecting drug user population

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    Since 2001 hepatitis B vaccination has been offered to prisoners on reception into prisons in England and Wales. However, short campaigns of vaccinating the entire population of individual prisons have achieved high vaccination coverage for limited periods, suggesting that short campaigns may be a preferable way of vaccinating prisoners. A model is used that describes the flow of prisoners through prisons stratified by injecting status to compare a range of vaccination scenarios that describe vaccination on prison reception or via regular short campaigns. Model results suggest that vaccinating on prison reception can capture a greater proportion of the injecting drug user (IDU) population than the comparable campaign scenarios (63% vs. 55 . 6% respectively). Vaccination on prison reception is also more efficient at capturing IDUs for vaccination than vaccination via a campaign, although vaccination via campaigns may have a role with some infections for overall control

    The brightness distribution of IRC +10216 at 11 microns

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    The brightness distribution of IRC +10216 at a wavelength of 11 microns was measured in detail using a spatial interferometer. This brightness distribution appears to have azimuthal symmetry; an upper limit of 1.1 may be set to the ellipticity at 11 microns if the object has a major axis oriented either along or perpendicular to the major axis of the optical image. The radial distribution shows both compact and extended emission. The extended component, which is due to thermal emission from circumstellar dust, contributes 91% of the total flux and has a 1/e diameter of 0.90 minutes. The tapered shape of this component is consistent with a l/r squared dust density dependence. The compact component is unresolved (less than 0.2 minutes in diameter) and represents emission from the central star seen through the circumstellar envelope

    The climate penalty for clean fossil fuel combustion

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    To cope with the world's growing demand for energy, a large number of coal-fired power plants are currently in operation or under construction. To prevent environmental damage from acidic sulphur and particulate emissions, many such installations are equipped with flue gas cleaning technology that reduces the emitted amounts of sulphur dioxide (SO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;) and nitrogen dioxide (NO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;). However, the consequences of this technology for aerosol emissions, and in particular the regional scale impact on cloud microphysics, have not been studied until now. We performed airborne investigations to measure aerosol size distributions in the air masses downwind of coal-fired power installations. We show how the current generation of clean technology reduces the emission of sulphur and fine particulate matter, but leads to an unanticipated increase in the direct emission of ultrafine particles (1–10 nm median diameter) which are highly effective precursors of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Our analysis shows how these additional ultrafine particles probably modify cloud microphysics, as well as precipitation intensity and distribution on a regional scale downwind of emission sources. Effectively, the number of small water droplets might be increased, thus reducing the water available for large droplets and rain formation. The possible corresponding changes in the precipitation budget with a shift from more frequent steady rain to occasionally more vigorous rain events, or even a significant regional reduction of annual precipitation, introduce an unanticipated risk for regional climate and agricultural production, especially in semi-arid climate zones
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