
The brightness distribution of IRC +10216 at 11 microns


The brightness distribution of IRC +10216 at a wavelength of 11 microns was measured in detail using a spatial interferometer. This brightness distribution appears to have azimuthal symmetry; an upper limit of 1.1 may be set to the ellipticity at 11 microns if the object has a major axis oriented either along or perpendicular to the major axis of the optical image. The radial distribution shows both compact and extended emission. The extended component, which is due to thermal emission from circumstellar dust, contributes 91% of the total flux and has a 1/e diameter of 0.90 minutes. The tapered shape of this component is consistent with a l/r squared dust density dependence. The compact component is unresolved (less than 0.2 minutes in diameter) and represents emission from the central star seen through the circumstellar envelope

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