28 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komponen Indeks Pembangunan Manusia terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Provinsi Bali

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    Human development is one of the indicators of the achievement of economic development. Although human development was increased each year from 2004 ā€“ 2012, but human development inequality still visible between the district/city of the province of Bali. This research aims to know the influence of the health index, an index of education and purchasing power indices of Bali Province economic growth simultaneously and partial. Data used are sondary data from the central statistical agency of Bali province. Methods of analysis used is the method of regression analysis techniques and associative data panel with Pooled Least Square method. Based on the results of sports data, acquired that health index, an index of education and purchasing power index is the simultaneous and significant impact on the economic growth of the province of Bali while the partial test results obtained that the education index and index of purchasing power of society in a positive and significant impact on economic growth, while the health index did not influence significantly the economic growth of the province of Bali. Existence of a positive relationship between economic growth and human development and human development must be equitable policies to the attention of the Government

    Pengaruh Investasi dan Ekspor terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja melalui Pertumbuhan Ekonomi

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    Investasi dan peningkatan ekspor merupakan strategi yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh investasi dan ekspor terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder, tahun 1995-2013 dan diuji dengan teknik analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menyatakan investasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi dan ekspor berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi. Peningkatkan penyerapan tenaga kerja dilakukan dengan meningkatkan investasi pada industri padat karya dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan bahan baku ekspor yang berasal dari daerah sendiri

    Kajian Sistem Penanaman Tumpangsari Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L.) di Lahan Dataran Tinggi Rancabali, Kabupaten Bandung

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    Assessment on intercropping system of potato was conducted during the dry season (May-September) in2001 in Alamendah village, Rancabali district, Bandung regency, with the altitude of 1,400 m above sea level.Randomized block design was used with three replications of five cropping system treatments, namely (1) potato; (2)potato + celery; (3) potato + welsh onion; (4) welsh onion; and (5) celery. The tested varieties were Granola forpotato, Papak Kuningan for welsh onion, and Bamby for celery. The plant spacing used for the two potato systemswere as follows: 70 cm x 30 cm monoculture, 70 cm x 50 cm for intercropping. The plant spacing of celery and welshonion both planted in intercropping and monoculture methods were each of 20 cm x 20 cm. The areas of all treatmentswere each of 60 m2 . Results of assessment showed that: (1) average plant heights of potato were not significantlydifferent between those intercropping systems of potato-celery and potato-welsh onion; (2) average number of shootsper plant and visually observed plant vigor of welsh onion and celery were greater for monoculture system than that ofintercropping; (3) yields of both potato intercropped with celery and welsh onion were lower than those ofmonoculture, but when yield of the intercropping was made equivalent to potato, the land productivity would begreater if intercropped with potato-celery or potato-welsh onion with highest land equivalent ratio (NKL) of more thanone and the highest land equivalent ratio obtained by potato + celery intercropping was 1.19; (4) intercropping systemof potato + celery was able to lessen attack intensity of thrips (44%) and Myzus persicae (55,6%); and (5)intercropping potato-celery was the most profitable with marginal return level of 81,45 percent.Key words: solanum tuberosum L., intercropping, highland, income, Bandung Pengkajian sistem penanaman tumpangsari kentang pada lahan dataran tinggi telah dilaksanakan di DusunCibodas, Desa Alamendah, Kecamatan Rancabali, Bandung pada musim kemarau (MK) 2001, mulai bulan Mei-September 2001. Lokasi penelitian berada pada ketinggian 1.400 m di atas permukaan laut. Penelitian menggunakanRancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan lima perlakuan sistem penanaman dan tiga ulangan. Kelima perlakuantersebut terdiri dari: (1) kentang monokoltur, (2) tumpangsari kentang + seledri, (3) kentang + bawang daun, (4)bawang daun monokultur, dan (5) seledri monokultur. Varietas kentang yang digunakan adalah Granola, bawang daunvarietas Papak Kuningan, sedangkan seledri varietas Bemby. Jarak tanam kentang monokultur 70 x 30 cm, kentangtumpangsari 70 x 50 cm, sedangkan seledri dan bawang dan baik yang ditanam tumpangsari maupun monokultur 20 x20 cm. Luas plot masing-masing perlakuan 60 m2 . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tinggi tanaman kentangyang ditanam secara tumpangsari dengan bawang daun lebih tingi dari pada yang ditumpangsarikan dengan seledrinamun hampir sama dengan yang ditanam monokultur, (2) Jumlah tunas tanaman bawang daun maupun seledri lebihbanyak pada sistem monokultur dibandingkan dengan sistem tumpangsari, (3) Hasil kentang sistem penanamantumpangsari baik dengan seledri maupun bawang daun lebih rendah dari pada secara monokultur, namun jika hasiltanaman yang ditumpangsarikan disetarakan dengan kentang, maka produktivitas lahan lebih tinggi diperoleh dengansistem penanaman tumpangsari kentang seledri atau bawang daun di mana nilai kesetaraan lahan (NKL) > 1. NKLtertinggi diperoleh pada tumpangsari kentang + seledri, yaitu 1,19, (4) Tumpangsari kentang + seledri dapatmenurunkan serangan hama daun Trips sebesar 44 persen dan hama kutu daun Myzus persicae sebesar 55,6 persenpada tanaman kentang, dan (5) Sistem penananam tumpangsari kentang + seledri secara finansial palingmenguntungkan, dengan tingkat pengembalian marginal 81,45 persen

    Kajian Rakitan Teknologi Budidaya Bawang Daun (Allium Fistulosum L) pada Lahan Dataran Tinggi di Bandung, Jawa Barat

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    Welsh onion is prosperous to grow intensively to its increasing demand for either domestic or exportmarkets. Productivity at farm level, however, is still low due to unavailable appropriate cultural practice. Thisstudy aimed to know the technical and finacila performances of application of improved cultural practice ofwelsh onion carried in Alamendah village, Rancabali subdistrict, Bandung district with elevation of 1,400 mabove sea level on 2001 dry season (April-June 2001). The method used was ā€œOn-Farm Client OrientedAdaptive Researchā€ (OFCOAR). Experimental plots were divide into two treatments, i.e., improved culturalpractice of welsh onion (T1) and local cultural practice (T2) with replications of 8 farmers. The results showedthat improved cultural practice significantly affected crops' height, total shoots, and yields. The yield increasedby 6.6 tons/ha or 78.6 percents, and net profits increased by Rp 3,865,525 or more than 129 percents withparticipating farmers' B/C ratio of 1.34 and that of non participating farmers of 0.80. The value of IBCR of 2.73indicated that addition of one unit of input could increase wells onion farm business by 2.73 times.Key words : cultural practice, welsh onion, highland farmingBawang daun memiliki prospek yang cukup baik seiring dengan peningkatan kebutuhan permintaankonsumen domestik maupun untuk tujuan ekspor. Namun demikian, pada saat ini produktivitas rata-rata ditingkat petani masih relatif rendah akibat belum tersedianya rakitan budidaya yang optimal. Pengkajian inibertujuan mengetahui keragaan teknis dan finansial penerapan perbaikan rakitan teknologi budidaya bawangdaun yang dilaksanakan di desa Alamendah, Kecamatan Rancabali, Kabupaten Bandung, dengan tinggi tempat1.400 m dari permukaan laut (dpl) pada MK 2001 (April-Juni 2001). Pendekatan dilakukan berdasarkan ā€œOn-Farm Client Oriented Adaptive Researchā€ (OFCOAR). Rancangan percobaan petak dibagi menjadi duaperlakuan, yaitu (T1) perbaikan rakitan teknologi budidaya bawang daun dan (T2) teknologi petani setempatyang diulang pada 8 orang petani. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan perbaikan teknologibudidaya memperlihatkan perbedaan yang sangat nyata pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah tunas, dan hasil bawangdaun. Hasil panen meningkat 6,6 ton/ha atau 78,6 persen dan pendapatan bersih meningkat sebesar Rp.3.865.525,00 atau lebih dari 129 persen dengan BC ratio 1,34 pada petani kooperator dan 0,80 pada petani nonkooperator.Nilai IBCR 2,73 berarti bahwa penambahan satu satuan input dapat meningkatkan pendapatanusahatani bawang daun sebesar 2,73 kali

    Social autopsy: INDEPTH Network experiences of utility, process, practices, and challenges in investigating causes and contributors to mortality

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Effective implementation of child survival interventions depends on improved understanding of cultural, social, and health system factors affecting utilization of health care. Never the less, no standardized instrument exists for collecting and interpreting information on how to avert death and improve the implementation of child survival interventions.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To describe the methodology, development, and first results of a standard social autopsy tool for the collection of information to understand common barriers to health care, risky behaviors, and missed opportunities for health intervention in deceased children under 5 years old.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Under the INDEPTH Network, a social autopsy working group was formed to reach consensus around a standard social autopsy tool for neonatal and child death. The details around 434 child deaths in Iganga/Mayuge Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS) in Uganda and 40 child deaths in Dodowa HDSS in Ghana were investigated over 12 to 18 months. Interviews with the caretakers of these children elicited information on what happened before death, including signs and symptoms, contact with health services, details on treatments, and details of doctors. These social autopsies were used to assess the contributions of delays in care seeking and case management to the childhood deaths.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At least one severe symptom had been recognized prior to death in 96% of the children in Iganga/Mayuge HDSS and in 70% in Dodowa HDSS, yet 32% and 80% of children were first treated at home, respectively. Twenty percent of children in Iganga/Mayuge HDSS and 13% of children in Dodowa HDSS were never taken for care outside the home. In both countries most went to private providers. In Iganga/Mayuge HDSS the main delays were caused by inadequate case management by the health provider, while in Dodowa HDSS the main delays were in the home.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While delay at home was a main obstacle to prompt and appropriate treatment in Dodowa HDSS, there were severe challenges to prompt and adequate case management in the health system in both study sites in Ghana and Uganda. Meanwhile, caretaker awareness of danger signs needs to improve in both countries to promote early care seeking and to reduce the number of children needing referral. Social autopsy methods can improve this understanding, which can assist health planners to prioritize scarce resources appropriately.</p

    The Recognition of and Care Seeking Behaviour for Childhood Illness in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Pneumonia, diarrhoea, and malaria are among the leading causes of death in children. These deaths are largely preventable if appropriate care is sought early. This review aimed to determine the percentage of caregivers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with a child less than 5 years who were able to recognise illness in their child and subsequently sought care from different types of healthcare providers. Methods and Findings: We conducted a systematic literature review of studies that reported recognition of, and/or care seeking for episodes of diarrhoea, pneumonia or malaria in LMICs. The review is registered with PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42011001654). Ninety-one studies met the inclusion criteria. Eighteen studies reported data on caregiver recognition of disease and seventy-seven studies on care seeking. The median sensitivity of recognition of diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia was low (36.0%, 37.4%, and 45.8%, respectively). A median of 73.0% of caregivers sought care outside the home. Care seeking from community health workers (median: 5.4% for diarrhoea, 4.2% for pneumonia, and 1.3% for malaria) and the use of oral rehydration therapy (median: 34%) was low. Conclusions: Given the importance of this topic to child survival programmes there are few published studies. Recognition of diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia by caregivers is generally poor and represents a key factor to address in attempts to improve health care utilisation. In addition, considering that oral rehydration therapy has been widely recommended for over forty years, its use remains disappointingly low. Similarly, the reported levels of care seeking from community health workers in the included studies are low even though global action plans to address these illnesses promote community case management. Giving greater priority to research on care seeking could provide crucial evidence to inform child mortality programmes