6 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Theory Of Planned Behavior (TPB) dan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Pada Pengguna SIAKAD

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    Abstract:  The Academic Information System has become an integral part of modern educational institutions, aiming to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility in managing academic information. The adoption and usage of the Academic Information System (often referred to by its local abbreviation, SIAKAD) are often influenced by the psychological and behavioral factors of its users. To understand and address these challenges, the TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior) and TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) methodologies are applied to determine the behavior and acceptance levels of SIAKAD. The nature of this research is quantitative. The sampling technique is random sampling, taken from 30 Study Programs with a total of 89 respondents. Research data were obtained from the results of the respondent's questionnaire. The data was then analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The findings show that the variable of ease of application use has a significant influence. This is based on the calculation results that show a T-statistic value of 58.715 (> 1.96). Abstrak: Sistem Informasi Akademik telah menjadi bagian integral dari institusi pendidikan modern, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, akurasi, dan aksesibilitas dalam pengelolaan informasi akademik. Penerimaan dan penggunaan SIAKAD seringkali dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor psikologis dan perilaku penggunanya. Untuk memahami dan mengatasi tantangan ini, penerapan  metode TPB dan TAM digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat perilaku dan penerimaan SIAKAD. Jenis penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel, yaitu random sampling yang diambil dari 30 Program Studi dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 89 orang responden. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil kuesioner responden. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa varibel kemudahan menggunakan aplikasi memiliki pengaruh yang cukup besar. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang menunjukkan T-statistic sebesar 58, 715 (> 1,96)


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    Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengembangan sistem bantu perhitungan untuk menentukan Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT) di institusi pendidikan tinggi menggunakan metode Weighted Product. Tujuan dari sistem ini adalah untuk menciptakan proses penentuan UKT yang lebih objektif, transparan, dan efisien. Metode Weighted Product digunakan karena kemampuannya dalam menangani multi-kriteria yang melibatkan berbagai variabel seperti pendapatan orang tua, kondisi orang tua, pendidikan, pekerjaan dan ada tidaknya bantuan dari pemerintah. Penelitian ini melibatkan tahap-tahap seperti pengumpulan data, pembobotan kriteria, dan perhitungan skor akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini mampu menghasilkan keputusan yang konsisten dan dapat diandalkan, dengan tingkat akurasi yang signifikan dalam menentukan kelompok UKT untuk setiap individu. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi dalam menyederhanakan proses penentuan UKT serta meningkatkan keadilan dan keakuratan dalam penentuan biaya pendidika

    Combination of The MADM Model Yager and k-NN to Group Single Tuition Payments

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    Tuition payments at State Universities (PTN) use a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) payment system. It has been  implemented to make it easier for students to pay their tuition. The UKT system is divided into several groups starting from the UKT group I  to VIII. Universitas Sembilanbelas November (USN) Kolaka  is a state university and the university should determine the amount of tuition fees for each student according to the UKT system. In determining the UKT group for each student, several variables were used to make it easier to group student into their UKT groups. However, the large number of students, a number of variables and the limited time to determine the amount of UKT for each student become an issue,  so a method was needed to help USN Kolaka in grouping UKT for each student. One thing that can be done was to use the MADM model Yager and k-NN in order to make it easier to group UKT students. The results of the study showed that the use of the MADM Model Yager and k-NN could determine the UKT group of the students, and the results obtained for the UKT group I were 63 people (21.95%), the UKT group II were 72 people (25.09%), the UKT group III were 120 people (41.81%), UKT group IV were 7 people (2.44%), and UKT group V were 25 people (8.71%)

    Combination of The MADM Model Yager and k-NN to Group Single Tuition Payments

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    Tuition payments at State Universities (PTN) use a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) payment system. It has been  implemented to make it easier for students to pay their tuition. The UKT system is divided into several groups starting from the UKT group I  to VIII. Universitas Sembilanbelas November (USN) Kolaka  is a state university and the university should determine the amount of tuition fees for each student according to the UKT system. In determining the UKT group for each student, several variables were used to make it easier to group student into their UKT groups. However, the large number of students, a number of variables and the limited time to determine the amount of UKT for each student become an issue,  so a method was needed to help USN Kolaka in grouping UKT for each student. One thing that can be done was to use the MADM model Yager and k-NN in order to make it easier to group UKT students. The results of the study showed that the use of the MADM Model Yager and k-NN could determine the UKT group of the students, and the results obtained for the UKT group I were 63 people (21.95%), the UKT group II were 72 people (25.09%), the UKT group III were 120 people (41.81%), UKT group IV were 7 people (2.44%), and UKT group V were 25 people (8.71%).Tuition payments at State Universities (PTN) use a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) payment system. It has been  implemented to make it easier for students to pay their tuition. The UKT system is divided into several groups starting from the UKT group I  to VIII. Universitas Sembilanbelas November (USN) Kolaka  is a state university and the university should determine the amount of tuition fees for each student according to the UKT system. In determining the UKT group for each student, several variables were used to make it easier to group student into their UKT groups. However, the large number of students, a number of variables and the limited time to determine the amount of UKT for each student become an issue,  so a method was needed to help USN Kolaka in grouping UKT for each student. One thing that can be done was to use the MADM model Yager and k-NN in order to make it easier to group UKT students. The results of the study showed that the use of the MADM Model Yager and k-NN could determine the UKT group of the students, and the results obtained for the UKT group I were 63 people (21.95%), the UKT group II were 72 people (25.09%), the UKT group III were 120 people (41.81%), UKT group IV were 7 people (2.44%), and UKT group V were 25 people (8.71%)

    Schedule Implementing the Modified Euclidean Distance Method in the Course Planning of the USN Kolaka Information Systems Curriculum

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    Scheduling is needed to anticipate the clash of lecture hours for lecturers in teaching. Some things that need to be considered when arranging a lecture schedule are lecturers, rooms, courses, hours, and days. In this study, the scheduling system uses the Euclidean Distance method by modifying the algorithm. The aim of this study is to prove the Euclidean distance method in the course planning system in universities. In general, to obtain data that will be used in the scheduling system, observations, interviews and bibliographic studies are carried out. From the research results, the lecture scheduling system using the Euclidean Distance method can be used in the scheduling system, especially lecture scheduling. This is proven, that the lecture scheduling system using the Euclidean Distance method does not have a schedule for lecturers who teach more than one course at the same time (collide).Penjadwalan sangat diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi adanya benturan jam kuliah dosen dalam mengajar. Beberapa hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk menyusun jadwal perkuliahan adalah dosen, ruang, mata kuliah, jam, dan hari. Pada penelitian ini, sistem penjadwalan menggunakan metode Euclidean Distance dengan memodifikasi algoritmanya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan metode Euclidean Distance dalam sistem penjadwalan matakuliah di Perguruan Tinggi. Secara garis besar untuk memperoleh data–data yang akan digunakan dalam sistem penjadwalan dilakukan pengamatan, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Dari hasil penelitian sistem penjadwalan perkuliahan dengan menggunakan metode Euclidean Distance dapat digunakan dalam sistem penjadwalan khususnya penjadwalan perkuliahan. Hal ini terbukti, bahwa sistem penjadwalan perkuliahan dengan menggunakan metode Euclidean Distance tidak adanya jadwal dosen yang mengampu matakuliah lebih dari satu yang bersamaan (berbenturan)

    Ecological Impacts of Mining Activities: Local Knowledge of Bajo Fisherman Communities

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    This study aims to determine the extent of ecological changes affecting the fishermen in the coastal area of Pomalaa District, Kolaka Regency, and how the local knowledge of the Bajo fishermen in Kolaka manifests. The results of the study indicate that the ecological changes in the coastal area are caused by massive nickel mining activities on the coast, which have an impact on the lives of fishermen in the coastal villages of Pomalaa District, namely Hakatutobu, Tambea, Sopura, and Oko-Oko villages. The forms of ecological changes are evident in the pollution of the environment in mangroves, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and other marine biota, even the damages to the community's fisheries cultivation such as sea cucumber, seaweed, and floating cage culture. The study also found that the Bajo fishermen's community is very dilemmatic in facing this reality, and there is no choice for fishermen other than to rely on their local knowledge, search for and catch marine products as their effort to meet their needs