119 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Bobot Biji Tiap Jenis Malai Anakan Padi melalui Penerapan Analisis Profil Peubah Ganda

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    Yield components of rice are characteristics that can contribute to crop productivity levels. Grain weight per panicle produced from primary, secondary, tertiary and quarter tiller are important yield components. Information on grain weight profile may be used as the basis for improving rice cultivation techniques. Therefore, profile of the filled and empty grain weight from each type of rice panicle need to be evaluated. Evaluation of the traits was done by conducting experiment in glass house in 2013 under randomized block design, 3 replications with 1 plant per pot. Seed weight of filled and empty grain of primary, secondary, tertiary and quarter of rice panicles were observed. Thirty genotypes of rice were grouped by 8 variables of filled and empty grain weight through cluster analysis, and the profile response of filled and empty grain weight was analyzed by profile analysis of multiple variables. Profile of grain weight per cluster showed that there was no cluster with high filled grain weight and low empty grain weight for all types of panicle. Among the clusters, there were genotypes with high filled grain weight and moderate empty grain weight from each type of panicles, and they could be considered as materials in rice breeding programs

    Model Pendugaan Luas Daun Tanaman Koro Pedang (Canavalia Ensiformis)

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    Luas daun merupakan karakter tanaman yang penting untuk mempelajari aspek agronomi dan fisiologi. Pendugaan luas daun menggunakan peubah panjang dan lebar daun telah banyak digunakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan model penduga luas daun tanaman Koro pedang. Daun contoh bagian atas, tengah dan bawah tanaman diambil dari 10 tanaman Koro pedang yang dipilih secara acak dari pertanaman rejuvenasi benih plasma nutfah Koro pedang di kebun percobaan Cikeumeuh, Bogor. Pendugaan luas daun tanaman Koro pedang tiap tangkai (Y) dapat menggunakan Y = 2,6134 PLia (PLia=hasil kali peubah panjang dan lebar helai daun sebelah kiri atau kanan). Pendugaan luas daun dapat juga menggunakan peubah daun helai tengah dengan penduga Y=2,1774 PLt (PLt=panjang x lebar helai daun tengah). Metode pendugaan luas daun tanaman Koro pedang ini dapat digunakan dalam penelitian agronomi dan fisiologi tanaman yang mengukur luas daun tanpa harus memotong daun dari tanaman dan juga pada penelitian lapang yang jauh dari fasilitas pengukuran luas daun otomatis

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Melatih Lari Sprint 100 M, 200 M, dan 400 M melalui Kepelatihan Program Latihan pada Pelatih Pplm Papua Tahun 2009

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    Peningkatan Kemampuan Melatih Lari Sprint 100 M, 200 M dan 400 M melalui Kepelatihan Program Latihan pada Pelatih PPLM Papua. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar pelatih dan atlet lari sprint menerapkan berbagai model latihan teknik gerakan tungkai dan lengan, memiliki tujuan pembinaan yang terarah dan menerapkan IPTEK keolahragaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan rancangan dua siklus. Prosedur penelitiannya: (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) pengamatan dan evaluasi, serta (4) analisis dan refleksi. Teknik pengambilan data dengan wawancara, tanya jawab dan pengamatan. Hasil tindakan siklus I disimpulkan bahwa 2 pelatih (28%) telah menyusun dan mempraktikkan program latihan, model-model latihan teknik tungkai dan lengan, dan IPTEK keolahragaan; 4 pelatih (59%) belum menyusun dan mempraktikkan program latihan, 5 pelatih (70%) tidak menggunakan model-model latihan teknik tungkai dan lengan, dan IPTEK keolahragaan. Hasil tindakan siklus II disimpulkan bahwa semua pelatih (100%) telah menyusun dan mempraktikkan program latihan, model-model latihan teknik tungkai dan lengan, serta IPTEK keolahragaan

    The Effect of Compensation on Employees Performance of Imperial Club Golf Tangerang District

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    Compensation problems have become talks between employees, and the impact of motivation and employee performance decreases. To answer this problem, analysis and research are needed, so that a solution is found. This study uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis. The total number of employees is 50 people, so the technical sample used is the census. Furthermore, the research was carried out by testing the stages of analysis which included descriptive analysis of the questionnaire, validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, linear regression test, correlation coefficient test and test coefficient of determination. The results of the regression analysis show that the compensation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Imperial Club Golf employees with a regression coefficient of 0,618 and Tcount of 7,156

    The Quality of Spermatozoa of Gembrong Goats during Cryopreservation Process

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    Gembrong goat is an Indonesia local goat having specific characteristic that is currently categorized as a breed that is at risk of extinction. In this context, the cryopreservation of gametes is important to support a genome resource bank for storage of gametes for an indefinite period of time. Evaluation of semen and spermatozoa quality was performed to determine the survival of spermatozoa and this information will be used as a reference in the cryopreservation of semen and spermatozoa. The aim of this experiment was to study the characteristics of Gembrong goat’s semen and spermatozoa during cryopreservation process. Once a week, semen from three Gembrong goats (ages about 2-3 years old) was collected using artificial vagina and then frozen with TRIS extender. After freezing, the semen was thawed. Macro- and microscopic parameters of semen and spermatozoa were assessed in fresh and frozen-thawed semen. Results showed that in the fresh semen, the volume was 0.5 mL, sperm abnormalities was 5.74%, sperm concentration was 6731 x 106/mL, the sperm motility was 78.33%, live sperm was 83.17%, and sperm membrane integrity was 78.53%. After-thawing observation showed that sperm motility decreased to 49% (


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    Java Island is one of origins of a large number of indigenous upland rice accessions, which may serve as valuable plant genetic resources for future crop improvement in Indonesia. However, these landraces especially non-glutinous and glutinous rice are rapidly being lost because of land-use, agricultural practices and other factors. A better understanding of genetic diversity of local upland rice is important for crop improvement program, crop management and conservation strategy. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity of upland rice landraces originating from Java Island. A total of 82 upland rice accessions comprising of 55 non-glutinous rice and 27 glutinous type were genotyped using the 16 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The result showed that a total of 74 alleles were found with major allele frequency found on RM431 (0.96). Most of the SSR markers (56.3%) showed high discriminating power as represented by polymorphic informa-tion content (PIC) value higher than 0.5. A moderate genetic diversity index was detected in all landraces, which was 0.55. Genetic diversity index of non-glutinous and glutinous rice were 0.54 and 0.53, respectively. Their genetic distance was about 0.057. The phylogenetic tree generated two main clusters that demonstrated discrimination among landraces according to the individual genetic properties rather than their geographical origins and grain types (non-glutinous and glutinous type). The levels of genetic diversity were varied across rice types and geographical origins. According to the regions, the closest genetic distance was found between upland rice landraces from Central Java and West Java (0.040). The information derived from this study is important, in combination with phenotypic data, to identify desired useful traits came from different origins of the gene pool to be used for breeding purposes

    Pengelompokan Plasmanutfah Spesies Padi Liar {Oryza Spp.) Berdas Arkan Peub Ah Kuantitatif Tanaman [Cluster Analysis of Wild Rice Species Germplasm {Oryza Spp.) Based on Quantitative Characters of Crops]

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    Wild rice species are important gene sources for the rice improvement programs.The morphological characters is the easiest way to identify the crop specificity, and it is applicable for determining the relation among species.The grouping on wild rice species are determined by using cluster analysis through the principal component analysis which involved 16 characters of quantitative traits of wild rice species. The total sample of wild rice species was 89 accessions of 18 species.The research was done at green house level during 3 seasons from 2004 to 2005.All the accessions of wild rice were planted in pots consists of 10 kg soil by 3 replications for each accession.The result of analysis of the first principal component from quantitative characters (plant height,amount of grain fill per panicle, amount of grain total per panicle, panicle length, 1000 grains weight, grain shape, days of flowering, total internodes and awning length ) could explain that variability were 82 %.The result of cluster analysis involved the four of principal component with similarity level equal to 80 %, obtained 5 groups of wild rice species. The result of the clusters was Oryza sativa included at cluster I, while O. officinalis had 3 clusters that is cluster III, IV and V. While O. meyeriana and Oryza ridleyi joint at cluster II.Quantitative character was applicable for clustering the accessions of wild rice species as according to each genome

    EVALUASI KANDUNGAN BRIX PADA BATANG TANAMAN PLASMA NUTFAH SORGUM (Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench)) Brix Content Evaluation of Sorghum Stem Germplasm (Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench))

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    Biji sorgum dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pangan, pakan dan bahan industri. Batang tanaman sorgum umumnya mengandung senyawa gula, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai minuman sirup dan bahan baku bioethanol. Untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa gula pada batang tanaman sorgum dapat dilakukan dengan mengukur kadar brix dengan alat refraktometer. Untuk menghasilkan varietas sorgum yang dapat menghasilkan brix tinggi diperlukan sumber genetik untuk pemuliaan tanaman sorgum. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan terhadap 219 aksesi plasma nutfah sorgum koleksi Bank Gen Balitbangtan di BB Biogen. Bahan batang tanaman diperoleh dari pertanaman sorgum yang ditanam pada tahun 2017. Sampel batang tanaman sorgum dipotong menjadi 3 bagian yang sama panjangnya dan diukur kandungan brix dengan refraktometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aksesi plasma nutfah sorgum dari batang bagian bawah, tengah dan atas memiliki kandungan brix bervariasi yaitu berkisar antara 0.2 – 15.1 %. Aksesi sorgum introduksi ICSV 93051, ICSV 93032, ICSV 93047, ICSR 91026, ICSV 8906, dan ICSV 93007 memiliki kandungan brix lebih dari 14% yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai bahan pemuliaan sorgum manis. Genotipe yang memiliki sifat ganda yang mampu menghasilkan hasil biji dan kandungan brix baik pada tanaman induk maupun ratun perlu mendapat perhatian.  Abstract        Sorghum seeds are used as a source for food, feed, and industrial materials. Stems of sorghum plants generally contain sugar compounds, so it can be used as a beverage of syrup and raw materials of bioethanol. The content of sugar compounds on the stem of the sorghum plant could be done by measuring brix by using refractometer. Genetic resources are needed to develop sorghum varieties that can produce high brix content in its plant breeding program. A study has been conducted on 219 germplasm accessions of IAARD Gene Bank collection at BB BIOGEN. The plant stem material is derived from the planting of sorghum grown in 2017. The stem of the sorghum plant is cut into 3 equal lengths and brix content measured by refractometer. The results showed that the accession of the sorghum germplasm from the lower, middle, and upper stems reveal that brix content varied from 0.2 to 15.1%. Introduction accession of sorghum i.e. ICSV 93051, ICSV 93032, ICSV 93047, ICSR 91026, ICSV 8906, and ICSV 93007 had a brix content of more than 14% and can be used as parent materials for sweet sorghum breeding. Multiple traits of genotipe which are capable producing seed yield and brix content in both primary plants and ratoon need further attention.
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