281 research outputs found

    Performance of IP address auto-configuration protocols in Delay and Disruptive Tolerant Networks

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    At this moment there is a lack of research respecting Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) address assignment methods used in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN). The goal of this paper is to review the SDAD, WDAD and Buddy methods of IP address assignment known from MANET in difficult environment of Delay and Disruptive Tolerant Networks. Our research allows us for estimating the effectiveness of the chosen solution and, therefore, to choose the most suitable one for specified conditions. As a part of the work we have created a tool which allows to compare these methods in terms of capability of solving address conflicts and network load. Our simulator was created from scratch in Java programming language in such a manner, that implementation of new features and improvements in the future will be as convenient as possible


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    The aim of this work was to estimate limitations related of the actual resolution of images taken into the object reconstruction procedure (using Structure from Motion method) applied for anthropometric measurements. This is necessary to define technical parameters of equipment used for this application. A series of 42 images of the sample static object were taken with use of high resolution camera. The object was in a stable position, properly illuminated with stable, diffused light sources. With use of VisualSFM software a virtual cloud of points representing real points of examined object was calculated. During tests a resolution of input images were changed then the calculation time and influence of the number of points in the cloud onto deviation of selected anthropometric parameters were analyzed. In conditions of the performed experiment decreasing of the resolution of input images to the level of 80 % of initial value (or lower) has significant influence onto results of the measurements of selected anthropometric parameters. Structure from Motion (SfM) technique can be adopted for anthropometric measurement systems when the input images are taken with high resolution imaging device (over a dozen of million pixels). Presented measurement method for anthropometry is characterized by ease of use, do not need any calibration before measurements or specialized equipment. Thank to this can be adopted in practice in any conditions and operated by unskilled operator. Целью данной работы являлась оценка ограничений, связанных с фактическим разрешением изображений, выполненных в процессе реконструкции объекта с использованием технологии визуализации движения в измерение антропометрических параметров. Это необходимо в целях определения параметров аппаратуры, служащей для того же применения. Посредством цифровой камеры профессионального класса с высоким разрешением была выполнена серия из 42 изображений образца статического объекта. Объект находился в одной и той же точке пространства в устойчивом положении и освещался рассеянным излучением, создаваемым стандартными источниками света со стабильными характеристиками. С использованием программного обеспечения VisualSFM была получена совокупность геометрических отсчетов – «виртуальное облако точек», представляющих собой точки, воспроизводимые на исследуемом объекте. В процессе исследований разрешение изображений изменялось, что позволило выявить отклонения выбранных антропометрических параметров и выполнить их анализ. В условиях проведенного эксперимента уменьшение разрешения входных изображений до уровня 80 % (или больше) от первоначального значения оказывает существенное влияние на результаты измерений выбранных антропометрических параметров. Технология визуализации движения (SfM) может быть использована для антропометрических измерительных систем, когда входные изображения выполняются с высоким разрешением (более десятка миллионов пикселей). Представленный метод измерения для антропометрии характеризуется простотой использования, не требуется какой-либо калибровки перед измерениями или специализированной аппаратуры. Благодаря этому, может быть принят на практике в любых условиях и управляется неквалифицированным оператором.

    Evaluating the introduction of intraoperative neuromonitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in thyroid and parathyroid surgery

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    Introduction: Paresis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is a complication of thyroid surgery. Neuromonitoring as is gaining acceptance among surgeons. The aim of the study was to assess the number of technical problems in the initial phase of intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM) use and the specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of neuromonitoring. The number of cases of postoperative paresis (transient and permanent) was assessed. Material and methods: The prospective analysis included 101 thyroid operations with IONM (190 RLNs at risk of injury) in the period from January to April, 2012. Demographic data, rate of RLN identification, sensitivity, specificity and predictive value of the method, the duration of the procedurę and the percentage of RLN paresis were considered. Results: The RLN was identified in 92% of the cases. Technical problems were observed in 12.98%, of which 61% were due to incorrect positioning of the endotracheal tube electrodes in relation to the vocal cords. The sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive value and the accuracy of the method were respectively 71%, 98%, 62.5%, 98.9% and 97%. Early nerve injury occurred in 3.7% of the cases; 2.6% were temporary paresis and 1.1% permanent. Conclusions: During the initial stages of implementing IONM we experienced technical problems that required correction in every tenth patient. The positive predictive value was relatively low; nevertheless, good results in terms of the rate of accurate identification of the RLN as well as the low rate of RLN paresis support the use of this method

    Epstein-Barr Virus Transactivates the Human Endogenous Retrovirus HERV-K18 that Encodes a Superantigen

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    AbstractSuperantigens (SAgs) are proteins produced by pathogenic microbes to elicit potent, antigen-independent T cell responses that are believed to enhance the microbes' pathogenicity. Here we show that the human lymphotropic herpesvirus Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transcriptionally activates the env gene of an endogenous retrovirus, HERV-K18, that possesses SAg activity. SAg activity was demonstrated by MHC class II dependent preferential activation of TCRVB13 T cells in response to murine B cells transfected with the HERV-K18 env gene. This is a unique demonstration of a pathogen inducing a host-encoded Sag and accounts for the previously described EBV associated Sag activity. The T cell activation elicited by the Sag could play a central role in EBV infection and associated diseases

    Sudden cardiac death in athletes – can we prevent it?

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    Introduction and purpose: Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a rare condition, however it is the leading medical cause of death in population of athletes. This study reviews the epidemiology and common causes of SCD in this group. The literature on the role of pre-participation screening and of the other preventive measures was also reviewed. Review methods: A review of the available literature on sudden cardiac death in athletes was conducted using PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Description of the state of knowledge: SCD is the leading cause of death in athletes. However, the incidence is difficult to estimate and varies in different populations. The etiology is age-dependent, in young individuals the most common cause of sudden cardiac death are hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and congenital coronary artery anomalies. In the older athlete population (over 35 years old) atherosclerotic coronary artery disease is the main cause. Screening process varies between countries and besides taking the medical history and physical examination can involve electrocardiogram, echocardiography and other examinations. Conclusions: A review of the following studies has shown, that pre-participation screening of athletes may help to reduce the incidence of sudden death. Equal focus should be put on the availability of medical facilities during sports events, including experienced medical team and access to automated external defibrillation

    Scaphoid fractures in athletes – the importance of a diagnostic process

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    Introduction and purpose: Scaphoid fractures are the most common fractures in the wrist area, yet they are still a diagnostic problem. This injury is usual among athletes, especially soccer players, basketball players, and cyclists. Early diagnosis allows for making an appropriate therapeutic decision, and thus a more efficient recovery. Imaging methods for a scaphoid fracture include X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, bone scintigraphy and ultrasonography. This paper discusses and compares available diagnostic strategies and their impact on recovery in athletes. Brief description of the state of knowledge: The article contains the current knowledge about the epidemiology, anatomy, mechanism of injury and complications of scaphoid fractures, as well as illustrates and compares the possibilities in the field of imaging diagnostics of the injury. Conclusion: The commonness and availability of the X-ray image does not translate into a better diagnostic result. The use of computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging as the first choice gives certain confirmation or exclusion of a scaphoid fracture, and thus accelerates the therapeutic process and return to spor