82 research outputs found

    Analisis Tingkat Perkembangan Kawasan Agropolitan Desa Perpat Kabupaten Belitung Berbasis Komoditas Unggulan Ternak Sapi Potong

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    This study aims to analyze the level of area development of Perpat Agropolitan Village - District of Belitung-Province of Bangka Belitung based on beef cattle commodity in terms of 5 (five) dimensions agropolitan level of area development, namely: the dimensions of agribusiness, agro-industry, marketing, infrastructure and superstructure. This study use a method of analysis of Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) called Rap-agrop and the results are expressed in index form and the status of sustainability. The result of MDS analysis shows the level of development area of Perpat agropolitan village, based on beef cattle farm commodities, was still low, ie: including Pre Regions Agropolitan. This region has an index value of Rap-agrop dimensional good enough for agribusiness (50.57%), infrastructure (64.49%), and the superstructure (57.23%), while the dimensions of agro-industries (6.52%) and marketing (9.98%) had an index value that is poorly. The key factors that strongly affected the level of development of the region agropolitan Perpat-Belitung, namely: 1) the production of beef cattle and 2) the production of processed meat. To enhance the development of this area is to do a thorough improvement of all attributes that are sensitive, so that all dimensions in the region agropolitan Perpat become enhanced and more sustainable

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Semangat Kerja Tenaga Kependidikan

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    . The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of transformational leadership on the work spirit of educational staf, the effect of work environment on the works spirit of educational staf, the effect of transformational leadership and work environment on the work spirit of educational staf of Riau Kepulauan University, with population of 76 educational staf. This research method using questionnaire, Mutile Linear Regression with SPSS statistic tool. The sampling technique used the census, the entire population was studied. The result of this research are: Transformational Leadership has no significant effect on work spirit with the value of Sig. 0,217. Work environment has significant effect on work spirit with the value of Sig. 0,004, Transformational Leadership and Work Environment have no significant effect on work spirit with the value of Sig. 0,429


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    This study aimed to analyse the sustainability of vegetables horticultural farming on sloping land in the upstream Jeneberang watershed based on the index evaluation and the status of sustainability by Rap-farm method using Multidimensional Scaling (MDS).Results of ordination technique analysis Rap-farm method of MDS showed that index of vegetables horticultural farming sustainability ranged from 32.19-62.53. Dimension of ecological, economical, institutional, and technological included into sustainable enough category, while social dimension, included into less sustainable category in vegetables horticultural farming systems.Results of leverage Rap-farm analysis showed that from 43 attributes that were analyzed, there were 23 sensitive attributes that affected into the sustainability of vegetables horticultural farming systems in the upstream of Jeneberang watershed. &nbsp

    Lecturer’s Performance: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Work Motivation, and Work Behavior

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    The objectives of this study were to analyze the effect of leadership, organizational culture, and motivation on work behavior and lecturer performance, and the effect of work behavior on lecturer performance. This research used quantitative method. The respondents of this research were 157 lecturers in Batam, by using census method. The data were collected by using questionnaire and analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling using Partial Least Square. The results of the research showed that leadership has significant effect on work behavior; organizational culture has significant effect on work behavior; leadership has significant effect on work behavior; motivation has significant effect on work behavior; leadership has insignificant effect on lecturer performance; organizational culture has insignificant effect on lecturer performance; and work behavior has significant effect on lecturer performance.     Keywords: lecturer performance, leadership, organizational culture, motivation, work behavio

    Status Keberlanjutan Wilayah Berbasis Peternakan Sapi Potong Terpadu di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota – Sumatera Barat

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    The aim of this research is to analyze the sustainability status by measuring sustainability index of Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota area in five dimensions of sustainability. The research methods was Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) that called Rap-BANGKAPET. Rap-BANGKAPET supported with Leverage and Monte Carlo analysis to determine attributes that affects the index and status of sustainability. Sustainability analysis resulted ecological dimension was less sustained (46.50%), economical dimension was sustained (69.53%), social and cultural dimension was sustained enough (55.14%), infrastructure and technology dimension was less sustained (45.48%), legal and institutional dimension less sustained (47.46%). From 73 attributes which analysed, only 24 attributes will need to settle immediately because could affects sustainability index sensitively, proven with minimum error at 95% confidence level. Prospective analysis is needed to build scenarios to increase sustainability index and sustainability status in future. There is progressive-optimistic scenarios with overall improvement at sensitive attributes could increase sustainability status of area


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    The shifting of tomatoes cultivation from upland to lowland led to a significant decrease of tomatoes production, particularly on tomatoes varieties which are not able to adapt to lowland. Genotypes selection based on appropriate selection criteria is the most effective method to obtain tomatoes genotypes with high production in the lowland. The aim of this study was to determine appropriate selection criteria in the lowland based on high heritability value, high phenotype and genotype  correlation to production component, and character relationship closeness with production component through path analysis. This study used a randomized block design with three replications. Selection criteria was chosen based on high heritability value, significant correlations in phenotype and genotype and its high direct impact on fruit weight per plant which were the number of fruits per plant and weight per fruit characters

    Analisis Keberlanjutan USAhatani Padi Sawah di Kecamatan Soreang Kabupaten Bandung

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    Rice farming in Soreang district of Bandung Regency face problems that pose a threat to the sustainability of food security. This research objectives is to analyse and assess the sustainability of rice farming in Soreang District with Rapid Appraisal Usahatani Padi (RAP-FARM) using Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method. Results shows rice farming in Soreang District assessment using RAP-FARM yield 49.07 in sustainability index which can be categorized as less sustainable. Leverage analysis results showed that out of 48 existing attributes, 21 sensitive attributes proven to have influence on the rice farming sustainability index. The perspective analysis shows that there are 6 key factors that have significant influence on wetland rice farming which are: (1) conformity of land USAge to the land properties, (2) farmers motivation, (3) organic material USAge and utilization of farm waste, (4) freedom from pest infestations and diseases, (5) land fertility, and (6) USAge of chemical pesticides. The efforts for improving rice farming in Soreang Regency require a sustainability index value by way of managing and repairing sensitive attributes with attribute 21 focus on improvements of the sensitive 6 key factors attribute against the rice farming
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