8 research outputs found

    Implementasi Dokumen Pelaksanaan Anggaran sebagai Bagian Laporan Pertanggungjawaban pada Akuntabilitas Publik dan Transparansi

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    There are two goals in this research. The first goal is to know the effect of implementing budget realization document toward public accountability and the second goal is to know the effect of implementing budget realization document toward transparency. Purposive sampling was chosen as the sampling method and 53 local government work units were used as sample. The result of the discussion shows that implementing the budget realization document gives positive effect to public accountability and transparency. The more increasing public accountability will make budget realization document improve on the same way. In addition, the more increasing the transparency also will make budget realization document improve as well. Government accounting standard is used as the basis of accountability report. It is due to the reason that government accounting standard is a tool to facilitate the report for the improvement of public accountability and transparency

    Effect of transformational leadership and organizational culture on employee performance mediated by job motivation

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of transformational leadership and organizational culture on employee performance mediated by job motivation. The population in this study included 134 Civil Servants in the Secretariat of the Bali District/City Election Commission with a total sample of 100 people using the proportional random sampling method. Data analysis techniques were performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. Job motivation is able to mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational culture on employee performance partially. The Head of the Secretariat of the KPU of Regency/City in Bali needs to develop a transformational leadership style by providing motivation that inspires subordinates to work better when job motivation increases will be directly proportional to an increase in employee performance. In addition, a strong organizational culture such as information disclosure and participation of all members of the organization in achieving organizational goals can be developed continuously. When job motivation increases, it will encourage employees to improve the quality and timeliness of employees in completing work

    Pengembangan UMKM Desa Sapit Melalui Optimalisasi Pemasaran Digital dan Legalitas Usaha

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    Beberapa program kerja utama yang dilaksanakan berupa pendampingan pemasaran digital dan legalitas usaha kepada UMKM yang meliputi; pembuatan akun Facebook, pembuatan katalog produk, pembuatan label usaha, promosi melalui Facebook Marketplace, pendaftaran NIB dan pendaftaran SPP-IRT. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi lapangan dan studi literatur yang diperoleh dari artikel jurnal dan artikel berita. Hasilnya, terdapat masih banyak UMKM yang melakukan pemasaran produk secara konvensional dan belum mempunyai dokumen legalitas standar NIB dan SPP-IRT. Tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan program kerja kepada UMKM di Desa Sapit berasal dari masyarakat dan birokrasi pemerintah. Banyak pelaku usaha yang menganggap pemasaran digital dan legalitas usaha sebagai hal yang rumit dan membutuhkan biaya yang besar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi masukan kepada pemerintah tentang pengembangan pemasaran digital dan legalitas usaha bagi pelaku UMKM di Indonesia khususnya  di Desa Sapit

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan dengan Metode Altman Z-score pada PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk

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    This research purpose is to determine the development of business at PT. Ace Hardware Indonesia, Tbk by looking at secondary data in the form of financial statements from 2011 to 2015. The technique that used in this research is using the method of Altman Z-Score where if the value of Z more than 2,99 is classified as a healthy company. If the value of Z less than 1,81 is classified as a unhealthy company. If the value of Z between 1,81 to 2,99 is classified as a company in the gray area or vulnerable area. From the results of research that has been conducted from 2011 to 2015 based on the financial statements note that PT. Ace Hardware Indonesia, Tbk always has value of Z more than 2,99 which means that the company is not experiencing financial difficulties or in other words the company can be classified as a healthy company

    Implementasi Aplikasi Framework Laravel Studi Kasus PT. XYZ

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    €” Technology is an era where humans cannot be separated from the technology. Technology is a unit that cannot be separated from humans. In its development technology is needed especially in the world of restaurant business. Where each customer allows to buy food or drinks in a Fast way. The role of technology here is very much needed where application of this application is expected to provide convenience both from the customer side and from the restaurant service side. For this reason the writer tries to make an implementation or design of a restaurant application with the aim of providing facilities for customers or customers as well as providing convenience for restaurant owners in particular by generating large profits and providing a better process with the implementation of this application.        Intisari—Teknologi merupakan suatu era dimana manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dari teknologi tersebut. Teknologi sudah merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari manusia. Dalam perkembangannya teknologi sangatlah dibutuhkan khususnya dalam dunia bisnis rumah makan. Dimana setiap pelanggan memungkinkan untuk membeli makanan atau minuman dengan cara yang cepat. Peran teknologi disini sangat dibutuhkan dimana dengan penerapan pembuatan aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan baik dari sisi customer ataupun dari sisi jasa rumah makan. Untuk itulah penulis mencoba membuat suatu implementasi atau perancangan aplikasi rumah makan dengan tujuan memberikan Fasilitas bagi customer atau pelanggan serta memberikan kemudahan bagi pemilik rumah makan khususnya dengan menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar dan memberikan suatu proses yang lebih baik lagi dengan penerapan implentasi aplikasi ini. Kata Kunci — Framework, Teknologi

    Aktor Penghubung dalam Modular Parties

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between PKS and Bambang Santoso with mass mobilization through Mudjiono in the Legislative Election 2019. This study uses the Modular Parties theory by Novaes to see brokers as free agents who can mobilize their voter linkages because they receive more profitable proposals. The research method used is descriptive qualitative using primary data and secondary data because the topic is complex and closely related to social interaction. The results of this study are: first, when there is a conflict within the PKS, the relationship that exists between the PKS and Mudjiono is no longer mutually beneficial, so Mudjiono chooses to leave and has a detrimental impact on the PKS. Second, Mudjiono's relationship with Bambang Santoso is mutually beneficial because Bambang Santoso gets votes from Mudjiono's voter network, while for Mudjiono, the closer he is to power, the stronger his position as a broker. Keywords: Mudjiono, Broker, Modular Parties, Legislative Election in 201