28 research outputs found


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    This research intends to develop a facilitating instructional model which can improve learning creativity in accordance with the characteristics of learning participants, learning group and principles of learning of Package C equivalency education program. The development model was applied to two learning groups of Package C equivalency education program in the City and the District of Malang with a quasi experimental design. It can be concluded that a facilitating instructional model can effectively improve learners’ learning creativity on Package C equivalency education program


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    This study aimed to develop a model of problem-based learning to increase the achievement motivation of the participants of life skills education programs and to examine the effectiveness of the learning model in accelerating the achievement motivation. The research conducted in Kemloko, Srimartani village, Piyungan Sub-district, Bantul, in the Province of Yogjakarta, employed research and development approach in an oyster mushroom cultivation training. The try out of the model used experimental design (quasi experiment - a non equivalent control group design), with 20 people for each group. The results showed that there is no difference in achievement motivation scores before and after training (p = 0.385) in the control group after an average of different test score achievement motivation, while there are differences in achievement motivation scores before and after training (p = 0.001). Effectiveness test also showed significant differences between the control and treat-ment groups (p = 0.012) so that the problem-based learning model is effective to increase achievement motivation compared to the conventional models (model control class)


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    The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship of ISO 9001:2000 implementation with the learning organization and the staff performance in an institution. This study is conducted in P2PNFI Region I Jayagiri and P2PNFI Region II Semarang. The design of development strategies on this research are: (1) conducting the beginning study; (2) creating research instruments; (3) testing instruments; (4) analyzing the validity and reliability instruments; (5) distributing questioners to 94 respondents at P2PNFI Regional I Jayagiri and 84 respondents at P2PNFI Regional II Semarang; (6) collecting questioners; (7) data input and processing; (8) conducting data analyzing and (9) wrapping up the conclusion. The research reveals that (1) there is an increase of the staff performance; (2) a positive correlation between the implementation of ISO 9001:2000 with the staff performance; (3) a positive relationship between the learning organization with the staff performance and (4) a correlation between the implementation of ISO9001:2000 with the performance of staff at two institutions


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    The aims of out of school education is to make independent human, especially the young generation. Now, many problems which found in young generations, like juvenile delinquency, drugs, rape, and the otehers problem which impacts of the weakness nation’s potential, so it must be done. Scouting method is a solution which expacted to give education value to make indpendent young generation. This sarticle specially discuss abaout implementation indepence learning model based Satya and Darma’s Scout to make independent young generation in open natural activity. This article conclude that effectiveness of independence learning model in open natural activity if implemented according to scout’s fundamental principles and method by a deeper understanding the meaning of the life in universe


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    This research is grounded on the fact that a lot of civillians are unemployed as they do not have enough knowledge and skills to work. On the other side, the increasing number of conversions from horticulture plants to rubber plants has caused the people’s demand for top rubber seeds to increase too.This research therefore wanted to find out the type of KWD Model to increase the entrepreneurship competency of the learning participants. Based on this objective, this research developed correlational and differential research questions. The correlational investigation was needed to examine the contribution of the independent variables toward the dependent variable (the increase of the entrepreneurship competency) of the learning participants. Meanwhile the differential investigation was needed to examine the effectiveness of the model.The result of the research indicates there is a positive and significant contribution of the learning participant’s interest, achievement motivation, the learning participant’s participation, technical resourceperson’s competence, the training curriculum, the infrastructure and facilities, the intstructional process, and the executing institution toward the increase of the entrepreneurship competency of of the learning participants both individually or all together. The test of model effectiveness proves a positive and significant difference between the designed model and the existing model.&nbsp

    The Effect of Motivation, Work Ethos and Work Discipline on Teacher Work Productivity at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) Binjai

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    Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) is the most basic level educational institution which is a continuation of the Raudhatul Athfal (RA) or Kindergarten (TK) level in formal education in Indonesia, which is managed by the Ministry of Religion. The problem is whether partially and simultaneously Motivation, Work Ethic and Work Discipline on Teacher Work Productivity. The technique in the research was carried out by means of a questionnaire by distributing a list of questions to respondents as many as 40 teachers. The research shows that the Fcount value is 544.007 with a significant level of 0.00. Because Fcount 544.007> Ftable 2.87 and the significant probability is much smaller than 0.05, namely 0.00 t table 1.688 with a significant 0.046 0.05, meaning that it is partially influential but not significant on work ethics on work productivity. The result of the work discipline variable test, tcount 4,912 > t table 1,688 with a significant 0,000 > 0.05, meaning that partially there is a positive and significant influence of Work Discipline on Work Productivity. While the adjusted R square is 0.977, this means that 97.8% of the variation in Work Productivity can be explained by the independent variable Work Motivation, Work Ethic, Work Discipline, while the rest (100% - 97.7% = 2.3%) can be explained by other independent variables

    Partnership Management Between Vocational Schools with the World of Business and Industry to Improve the Quality of Graduates Who Are Ready to Work

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    The management of the partnership between State Vocational High Schools (SMKN) and the World of Business and Industry (DUDI) has not been running optimally in its implementation, so that many partnership programs have not been realized properly. If there is no solution, it is feared that partnership activities will not work. This research aims to: To determine the planning, organization, implementation, assessment of problems and partnership solutions. The philosophical foundation of this research is progressivism philosophy, while the theoretical basis used is management theory, partnership theory and graduate quality theory. The research approach used is a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through: documentation study, observation and interviews, triangulation. The results showed that: (a) The planning was made together with the school committee, the principal of the vocational school, the wakasek in the field of public relations / industry, the head of light vehicle engineering, and the teacher sat with the DUDI in this case PT Teja Berlian Mitsubshi and PT Suzuki Putra Damai Bahagia, so that cooperation program agreement with DUDI; (b) Organizing by forming a team in charge of relations with DUDI and having its own main duties and functions. (c) Implementation requires cooperation with PT Teja Berlian Mitshubisi and PT Suzuki Putra Damai Bahagia, in order to improve the quality of graduates, as expected by DUDI. The implementation of the partnership program consists of: internship, production unit, competency test, teacher internship, (d) assessment of learning outcomes, internship, competency package testing and competency certification. and skills aspects (e). The problems in the partnership are: human resources managing the partnership, budget, infrastructure, the number of DUDI that is not comparable with SMK graduates and the demands of the industrial world; (f) Partnership solutions with innovation and changes in human resource management, budgets and infrastructure, the government's efforts to develop a teaching factory curriculum through partnerships, and schools to prepare students to have superior competencies, be creative, innovative, understand the digital world (IPTEK). Conclusion; There is a common goal of the partnership between SMK and DUDI, namely; improving quality according to market needs, synchronizing curriculum and synergizing school programs, increasing the absorption and placement of school graduates into the world of work. Collaboration between SMK and DUDI has an impact on improving the quality of SMK graduates, both in terms of input, process, output and outcome. Recommendations: (1) For SMK it can be used as a basis for cooperating partnerships with DUDI; (2) For DUDI it can be used as a basis for collaborating with SMKs; (3) For students it is used as a basis for increasing their competence; (4) For Researchers , can be used as a basis for further research on the Management of SMK partnerships with DUDI, to improve the quality of graduates who are ready to work in Indramayu Regency.

    The Effect of Work Stress, Work Conflict, and the Work Environment on Work Spirit in Employees Pratama Tax Service Office (KPP) Binjai

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    Tax Service Office (KPP) of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) work unit that provides taxation services to the public, whether registered as Taxpayers (WP) or not, within the scope of the Directorate General of Taxes working area. The problem of this research is whether work stress, work conflict, and work environment affect the morale of employees of the Pratama Binjai Tax Office (KPP). The data collection technique in this study was carried out with a questionnaire by distributing a list of questions to 53 respondents, from the results of the Fcount value of 4489.184 with a significant level of 0.00. Because Fcount 4489.184> Ftable 2.79 and the significant probability is much smaller than 0.05, namely 0.00 0.05, meaning that partially, the variable of work stress has a positive and significant effect on morale. Work conflict variable value tcount 18.576> ttable 1.676 with a significant 0.000 ttable 1.676 with a significant 0.001 <0.050, meaning that partially the Work Environment variable has a positive and significant effect on morale. The determination test is the adjusted R square of 0.996, this means that 99.6% of the variation in morale can be explained by the independent variables of work stress, work conflict, and work environment while the rest (100% - 99.6% = 0.4%) can be explained by other independent variables which not included in this stud

    The Influence of Work Motivation and the Work Environment on Employee Performance in Faculty Agriculture University North Sumatra

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    This study aims to explain the effect of work motivation and work environment variables simultaneously and partially on Employee Performance at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra. The research method used quantitative models, using a questionnaire as a means of collecting data distributed to 50 employees at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra. The research method used is a quantitative method through an associative approach. Research location of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra. The sample selection method in this research is saturated sample (census). The data analysis technique used the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression test, f test and t test. The results of this study indicate: 1) Work motivation and work environment simultaneously influence employee performance. 2) Partially work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. 3) The work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The implication of this research is that observers of cleanliness and observers of work space so that the tasks given by employees are done well and it is hoped that with work motivatio

    Management of Character Education in Discipline Development

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    The development of social, cultural and economic forms of human growth today is based on character development as an inseparable part of every human individual. Management of Character Education Management in Discipline Development is part of forming human resources towards sustainable life. Resume & Eulogy Theory as the basis of research. Qualitative method through a process of observation, documentation and interviews developed with a triangulation system. Research questions 1) How is Character Education Planning in Discipline Development; 2) How to Organize Character Education in Discipline Development; 3) How is the Implementation of Character Education in Discipline Development; 4)) How to Supervise Character Education in Discipline Development. The results showed that the Character Education Planning in Discipline Development is defined as an attitude in which the development of knowledge, attitudes and skills is balanced. In the process of organizing all the components of the work unit structure in governance put forward the goal of building the character of the discipline itself. Implementation, the form of development of the educational implementation process leads to the formation of discipline in line with the basic goals of education. Supervision is arranged in line with the planning that human resources aim at achieving its goals