610 research outputs found


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    Madrasah Mu‘allimat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is one of Charitable Enterprises Muhammadiyah.It was established by KH. Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta, who can not be forgotten his contribution. It is a modern education which clings to the authentic teachings of Islam, namely the Qur’an and Al-Hadith, the education and development of general science (SQ, EQ, and AQ) that all the scientific aspects of inter-connective ties. Before the Indonesia’s independence until today, Madrasah is already taking part in educating the nation that prints quality education of human resources in order to prepare a reliable and robust human resources in a comprehensive manner that an educational process of the students in the school, not only hard skills but also soft skills. In terms of hard skills, Muhammadiyah Mu‘allimat Madrasah curriculum prepares students to compete with graduate school / madrasah in general in Indonesia by providing an adequate portion of the curriculum with the standard SNP, the Ministry of Religion and ISMUBA and adjust to the demands of the times. Mu‘allimaat Madrasah Education in Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah has implemented an integrated curriculum-inter connective. According to Amin Abdullah, the curriculum-inter connective is the existence of an implementation approach to epistemology bayani, Irfani and Burhani. It means that in addition to the education teaches spiritual intelligence which is guided by al-Qur’an and al-Hadith (prophetic intelligence), aspects of emotional intelligence, adversity intelligence and general science are also taught


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    Modern Islam Education in Indonesia are generally are influenced by Muhammadiyah organization. As we know that organization of Muhammadiyah has many schools from the Playgroup until the University. Not only Muhammadiyah, NU organization also gives some contribution of education in Indonesia, especially a boarding school. Not only both of the private organization which give some contributions in education, there are also many  pionirs of Islamic education in Indonesia that have given the contributions, as like Ki Hajar Dewantara, Harun Nasution, Mukti Ali,  Malik Fajar, etc. They dreamed to the generation that would combine intellectual†enlightenment†with pure spirituality, wisdom, and continuous activism. Being extraordinarily knowledgeable in religious and social sciences and familier with principle of material sciences. So, the equilibrium for society are able to be gotten


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    ABSTRACT Various conservation areas in Indonesia, especially in Java, are located in areas where many rivers are upstream and have water sources. The area around the major rivers is also an area that must be protected which must receive attention from all stakeholders. Conservation areas not only function to support the lives of people living within them but also support various water-based human needs for the surrounding communities from upstream to downstream. The education program on natural resource conservation in the use of sustainable agroecosystems around conservation areas aims to: (i) provide direction for planning agroecosystem utilization activities for the community, (ii) prepare human resources for people who have the capacity to conserve natural resources, and (iii) prepare a system development of sustainable farming business programs in the area of conservation of natural resources and surrounding areas based on the development of sustainable areas. In the agricultural agroecosystem conservation education program developed community institutions based on nature conservation are based on the region's potential, market demands, as well as a common desire between communities and synergize with various natural resource conservation programs organized by stakeholder institutions through real activities that are productive, systematic, measurable, and can be evaluated jointly by all competent parties. Education in natural resource conservation through sustainable farming activities and development will provide a strengthening of the attitudes and behavior of groups and individuals in rural communities and conservation areas that are oriented towards efforts to develop and maintain the economic and ecological functions of the conservation area. ABSTRAK Berbagai kawasan konservasi di Indonesia, terutama di Jawa terletak di kawasan di mana banyak sungai berhulu dan bersumber air. Daerah di sekitar aliran sungai-sungai besar juga merupakan kawasan yang harus dilindungi yang harus mendapat perhatian dari segenap stake holder. Kawasan konservasi bukan hanya berfungsi mendukung kehidupan masyarakat yang berkehidupan di dalamnya tetapi juga menopang berbagai kebutuhuan hidup manusia berbasis air bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya dari hulu hingga ke hilir dalam. Program pendidikan konservasi sumberdaya alam dalam pemanfaatan agroekosistem berkelanjutan di sekitar kawasan konservasi bertujuan: (i) memberikan arahan bagi perencanaan kegiatan pemanfaatan agroekosistem bagi masyarakat, (ii) menyiapkan sumberdaya manusia masyarakat yang memiliki kapasitas dalam konservasi sumberdaya alam, dan (iii) menyiapkan suatu sistem pembinaan program pendidikan usaha tani berkelanjutan di kawasan konservasi sumberdaya alam dan sekitarnya yang berbasis pada pembangunan kawasan yang berkelestarian. Dalam program pendidikan konservasi agroekosistem usaha tani dikembangkan kelembagaan masyarakat berbasis konservasi alam yang didasarkan pada potensi kawasan, tuntutan pasar, serta keinginan bersama antara masyarakat dan bersinergi dengan berbagai program konservasi sumberdaya alam yang diselenggarakan institusi pemangku dengan melalui kegiatan nyata yang produktif, sistematis, terukur, dan dapat dievaluasi secara bersama-sama oleh segenap pihak yang berkompeten. Pendidikan koservasi sumberdaya alam melalui kegiatan dan pembangunan usahatani yang berkelanjutan akan memberikan suatu penguatan pada sikap dan perilaku kelompok dan individu masyarakat di pedesaan dan kawasan konservasi yang berorientasi pada upaya menumbuh-kembangkan dan mempertahankan fungsi ekonomi dan ekologi kawasan koservasi


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    Teacher isn‘t one of all source of science in learning process. So, if the teacher needs survive in his or her contribution in the learning teaching process, they must do some innovations. Its means, the teacher  must have work hard ethic in doing to do the innovation, learning approach, chosing the metode and media. In order to make the learning teaching process run well, therefore the teacher is not only has mastered his or her competence but also has mastered the emotion quotion, spiritual quotion and has mastered the information, communication and technology. Beside that, the teacher who has work hard ethic,  is the teacher who has optimism. It means, in doing his task of the learning teaching process must have the strong motivation. So, the teacher will get the best achievement


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    Pendidikan Islam merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam pendidikan Nasional. Dalam konteks pendidikan Islam, peran pendidik dan anak didik tidak dapat diabaikan sumbangsihnya. Kedua komponen ini saling berinteraksi dalam proses pembelajaran untuk mewujudkan suatu out put pendidikan yang berkualitas.Untuk mencapai tujuan npendidikan tersebut, diperlukan pendidik yang profesional, bertanggung jawab, dan berakhlak mulia. Menurut Zakiah Darojat,  Syarat menjadi pendidik yang  profesional  ada 4 macam, yakni: 1) bertakwa pada Allah SWT; 2) berilmu; 3) Sehat jasmani & rohani dan  4) berkelakuan baik. Yang ke empat hal tersebut, benarbenar harus dicamkan dan dimiliki oleh seorang pendidik


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    Tugas akhir ini merencanakan Gedung Pusat Perbelanjaan 4 Lantai Satu Basement yang dimaksudkan sebagai upaya untuk menyediakan sarana dan prasarana tempat pelaksanaan penjualan dan pembelian kebutuhan masyarakat. Perencanaan ini dibatasi pada perencanaan elemen struktural dari gedung, yaitu struktur atap plat, plat lantai, plat lantai basement, tangga, struktur portal beton bertulang dan pondasi tiang pancang. Perencanaan gedung terletak di Yogyakarta dengan faktor gempa termasuk wilayah gempa tiga. Khusus mengenai struktur portal direncanakan tahan gempa sesuai dengan prinsip daktilitas tingkat 3 atau daktilitas penuh (R = 8.5,dengan faktor jenis struktur K=1), perencanaan pembebanan gedung menggunakan peraturan pembebanan untuk gedung 1983 dan peraturan beton bertulang indonesia 1971. Perhitungan struktur portal mengacu pada SK SNI T-15-1991-03, sedangkan untuk struktur atap berupa plat mengacu pada PPBBI-1983. Analisis perhitungan struktur gedung menggunakan bantuan “SAP 2000 v 9.0.3”. non linear” untuk mengetahui momen , gaya aksial, gaya geser dan displacement. Penggambaran struktur bangunan menggunakan program AutoCAD 2002. Mutu bahan untuk penulangan struktur beton bertulang dengan kuat tekan (f’c) = 30 MPa dan fy = 420 MPa. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa kebutuhan dimensi dan tulangan yang diperlukan pada perencanaan struktur gedung adalah sebagai berikut : Ketebalan plat atap 10 cm dan plat lantai 12 cm dan menggunakan tulangan pokok D10 dan tulangan bagi D8. Ketebalan plat tangga dan bordes 15 cm dengan menggunakan tulangan pokok D12 dan tulangan bagi D10. Dimensi balok induk lantai 1, 2, 3 dan 4 menggunakan dimensi 300/600, balok anak 300/600, Menggunakan tulangan pokok D 22 dan tulangan geser 2 dp 10. Dimensi kolom lantai 1, 2, 3 dan 4 yaitu 650/650, menggunakan tulangan pokok D25 dan sengkang 2 dp 10. Dimensi poer berbentuk bujur sangkar dengan lebar sisi 3 m dan tebal 1,0 m untuk kolom 650/650, menggunakan tulangan pokok D25 dan tulangan bagi D12 dan D25, sedangkan tiang pancang dimensi 400/400 dengan tulangan pokok D8 dan sengkang 2 dp 6


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    This research aims to investigate the derivational and inflectional affixation in Menu- Meni dialect of Sasak language. It includes in a qualitative research. The data are collected through interview, note-taking and self-introspection. The researcher also provides informants from the native speakers of Menu-Meni dialect in Tebao. The data collected are then analyzed using some steps- classifiying the data, identifying the forms of affixations, identifying the types of affixation, selecting the derivational and inflectional affixes and explaining the affixation on Menu-Meni dialect. The results show that there are three types of derivational and inflectional affixation in Tebao, namely prefix, suffix and confix. Derivational prefixes are /m-/, /ng/, /pǝ/, /bǝ/, and /n/. Derivational suffix include /-in/ and /-ang/. Derivational confix are /pe-q/, /be-an/, /pe-an/ and /kem-an/. Inflectional prefix includes /n/,/ng/,/m/, /te/, /be/ and /se/. inflectional suffix involves /-an/ and /-ang/ and inflectional confixes are /te-ang/,/te-in/, /be-an/, /pe-an/, /be-q/ and /kem-an/. Each form of derivation and inflection in Menu-Meni dialect has its own function

    Peer Review dan Hasil Unplag Artikel Penelitian an. Sutarman

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    Peer Review dan Hasil Unplag Artikel Penelitian an. Sutarma


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    In modern era, there are many problems of life that be received by human beings. God in the Holly Qur‘an ask to the human being, in order to get success in life  “must be patient. “ It has relationship in every time and unlimited that must belongs to someone. Many problems of life which complexs, it is need approach how to manage it. Problems above, as like problem of economics, problem of social, problem  of politics, problem of culture, and problem of jobless, etc. As the human being, they must have resilience attitude to solve the probems. If someone is rich and has much money it is better for doing something well, as like for building the school, mosque, and helping someone which need. But if someone is poor and has no much money it is better be patient, work hard and always remember God in every where, everytime and do praying. There fore, they  will get the better life, and will get success

    Eksplorasi dan Uji Potensi Penghambatan antara Metharizium anisopliae dan Trichoderma dari Lahan Hortikultura

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    Eksplorasi untuk mendapatkan Metharrizium anipsoliae dan Trichoderma merupakan tuntutan bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan bahan aktif pestisida spesifik lokasi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat M. anipsoliae dan Trichoderma dari sampel tanah lahan endemik ulat grayak, mengetahui potensi saling hambat, dan pengaruh perlindungan kesehatan tanaman kale dan kalian.   Isolasi dan identifikasi morfologi  agen hayati dilakukan.  Kedua macam fungi hasil isolasi ditumbuhkan secara dual culture untuk menentukan daya hambat di antara keduanya.   Tahap akhir dilakukan aplikasi fungi agen hayati ini pada pertanaman kale dan kailan. Hasil uji aplikasi  di lapang dianalisis dengan uji-t pada taraf 5%. Hasil isolasi dan identifikasi secara morfologi diperoleh isolat M. anipsoliae Ma-05 dan Trichoderma Tc-06. Secara in vitro tidak terjadi penghambatan M. anipsoliae oleh Trichoderma sp. Penumbuhan bersama  mendorong  pertumbuhan fungi entomopatogen ini sebesar 24,1±6,7% dan menurun hingga 2,4±1,9% masing-masing pada 24 dan 96 jam setelah inokulasi.  Aplikasi fungi entomopatogen melindungi pertumbuhan tanaman kale dan kailan. Kedua agen hayati berpotensi digunakan bagi perlindungan tanaman pada lahan endemik gangguan ulat grayak