10 research outputs found

    Optimasi Produksi Empat Varietas Jagung Hibrida Di Kertosono, Kabupaten Nganjuk

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    Maize hybridization system would help Indonesia to become a maize exporter. But the development of maize hybrids in Indonesia is seemed too slow, this impacting in national maize production, which was only 13 million ton per year in 2003. In 2009, the maize hybrid has been planted in about 54% of maize yields. Fertilizing maize is on the most essential and critical parts about growing maize. The objective of the study was to obtain the maximum dosage of composed fertilizer for the highest productivity among four hybrids maize variety in dependingsoil type. The result showed that the prospecting hybrid variety of BI-1 has a maximum production yield of 7.7 ton/ha at the level of fertilizer 1,200 kg/ha and it was only 6.3 ton per ha at zero level fertilizer. Amount of 7.4 ton/ha was achieved by BI-3 maize hybrid at the level of 1,200 kg/ha fertilizer, where those only 5.8 ton/ha at the zero level of fertilizer. The highest productivity was archived by BI-4 where it was 7.1 ton/ha at zero level fertilizer and the highest production yield of 9.2 ton/ha at 900kg/ha of fertilizer, but it was decrease at the level of 1,200 kg/ha fertilizer. Maize variety of DK979 achieved highest productivity of 8.6 ton/ha at 1,200 kg/ha fertilizer and 5.8 ton/ha at zero level fertilizer

    Konseling Kelompok Berbasis Teknik Self-Management Tazkiyatun Nafsi : Suatu Intervensi Psikologi Dalam Peningkatan Self-Direction in Learning Siswa

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi rendahnya self-direction in learning pada siswa. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah meningkatkan self-direction in learning siswa. Studi yang digunakan berupa penelitian dan pengembangan metode. Hal ini karena intervensi yang menggunakan konseling kelompok teknik self-management dengan memadukan tazkiyatun nafsi masih belum ada maka peneliti baru akan mencoba membuat rancangan modul. Untuk itu langkah yang akan dilakukan adalah: (1) Membuat rancangan modul (2) Uji coba rancangan modul untuk melihat efektifitas (3) Evaluasi rancangan modul. Hasil penelitian yang didapat adalah (1) Memperoleh modul konseling kelompok berbasis teknik self-management tazkiyatun nafsi untuk meningkatkan self-direction in learning siswa. (2) Dari hasil uji coba Modul menunjukkan bahwa konseling kelompok berbasis teknik self-management tazkiyatun nafsi efektif untuk meningkatkan self-direction in learning siswa. Adanya peningkatan skor sebelum dan sesudah diberikan konseling kelompok berbasis teknik self-management tazkiyatun nafsi pada ke 5 subjek uji coba. Adanya peningkatan semua aspek self-direction in learning, yaitu insiatif sendiri, self planned, kebutuhan belajar, self conducted, dan evaluasi. (3) Evaluasi modul yang diperoleh dari feedback subjek uji coba menunjukkan penilaian positif terhadap pemberian metode, materi dan material


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    During the course of our continuing search for novel anti-malarial compounds from Indonesian plants, the methanol extract of the bark of E. variegata showed significant anti-malarial activity toward Plasmodium falciparum in vitro using the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay. The methanol extract of the bark of E. variegata  was separated by using bioassay-guide fractionation. The ethyl acetate fraction showed the most activity, exhibiting equipotency against both strains of parasite with IC50 of 23.8 µg/mL against 3D7 and 9.3 µg/mL against K1. Furthermore, by using the anti-malarial activity to follow separation, the ethyl acetate fraction was separated by combination of column chromatography to yield an active compound. The chemical structure of active compound was determined on the basis of spectroscopic evidences and comparison with those previously reported and identified as an isoflavonoid, warangalone. The warangalone showed anti-malarial activity against both strains of parasite used with IC50 of 4.8 µg/mL against 3D7 and 3.7 µg/mL against K1.   Keywords: Antimalarial, Erythrina variegata, warangalon

    Analisis Kinerja Bank Umum dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Kinerja Keuangan ( Metoda Cael) dan Kinerja Efisiensi (Metoda Dea)

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    Laporan kinerja keuangan merupakan salah satu yang harus dibuat untuk mengetahui kinerja suatu organisasi.Pada penelitian ini penulis ingin menyajikan analisa laporan kinerja dari industri perbankan di Indonesia ditinjau dari sisi laporan keuangan dan kinerja efisiensi dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya. Pada penelitan ini ukuran kinerja keuangan industri perbankan yang dilakukan analisa ditinjau dari sisi laporan rasio keuangan, Capital ratio, Asset ratio, Earning ratio dan Liquidity ratio(CAEL), sedangkan kinerja efisiensi operasi ditinjau dari sisi indeks Perubahan efisiesi, indeks Perubahan teknologi dan indeks Perubahan produktivitas (METODA DEA). Dari hasil pengujian dengan korelasi menunjukan adanya korelasi atau hubungan antara total indek Perubahan produktivitas dan total indeks Perubahan teknologi yang berkorelasi positif dengan earning after tax to total asset (ROE) dengan nilai korelasi masing-masing sebesar 0,435 dan 0.372 serta nilai probabilitas korelasi α = 0,002 dan α = 0.008. Nilai korelasi positif (pearson correlation) menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi indeks Perubahan teknologi dan indeks Perubahan produktivitas maka akan semakin tinggi kinerja rasio keuangan ROE. Selain itu juga terjadi korelasi antara Indeks Perubahan total produktivity yang berkorelasi negatif dengan Non Performing Loans (NPL) dan Non Interest Income total Asset (BOPO) dengan nilai korelasi (pearson correlation) masing-masing negatif 0,300 dan negatif 0,316 serta nilai probabilitas α = 0,034 dan α = 0.025. Nilai korelasi negatif menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi indeks Perubahan produktivitas maka akan semakin kecil rasio Non Performing Loans (NPL) dan rasio Non Interest Income total Asset (BOPO)

    Penerapan Metode Dmaic untuk Meminimalisasi Ketidaksesuaian Stock Opname antara Sistem Inventory dengan Aktual Barang di Dept. Warehouse Finish Good

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    . Departement PPIC (Production Planning Inventory Control) secara umum merupakan suatu layanan dalam Perusahaan untuk memenuhi permintaan customer penerimaan berupa order dari customer, kemudian pengadaan barang untuk customer yang nantinya barang tersebut dikirimkan ke customer. Pada point pengelolaan persediaan barang finish good, pengabaian dalam pencatatan merupakan salah satu tanggung jawab yang menyangkut persediaan akan membawa dampak negatif bagi kelancaran operasi Perusahaan sehingga dapat menimbulkan terjadinya berbagai penyimpangan seperti kehilangan barang yang terdapat dalam gudang persediaan, ketidaksesuaian persediaan fisik dengan laporan pencatatan stock serta berbagai hal lain yang dapat terjadi, dikarenakan tidak berjalannya fungsi pengendalian internal dengan baik dalam mencatat dan mengelola persediaan dalam Perusahaan. Akibat dari ketidaksesuian menimbulkan sedikit banyaknya kerugian bagi suatu Perusahaan baik dari segi kualitas pengadaan maupun kuantitasnya. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan metode DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control). Dengan penerapam metoda DMAIC ini maka di peroleh kesimpulan bahwa sekian faktor ketidaksesuian pada saat pelaksanaan stock opname, problem tertinggi frekuensi kesalahannya adalah kesalahan menuliskan total quantity


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    The objective of this study is to investigate evidence of market structure and to analyze market structure variables that influence bank revenue in the Indonesian banking market during the consolidation era. The Hirschman-Herfindahl (HHI) and Concentration Ratio Four (CR4) indices indicated decreasing trend and low level of market concentration. The test of market competition by using Panzar-Rosse approach at industry level indicating a monopolistic competition behaviors among banks. In addition,the market for interest-based income is found to be more competitive than that of for fee-based income. The study also suggest that during the consolidation period, input price of banks product seems higher. In addition, the study conclude that there is no indication of changes of the Indonesian banking market structure in the period of 1999-2009. The result of partial analysis also indicate a monopolistic competition behaviors among banks according to their ownership status. Accordingly, the market for non interest based income is found to be more competitive than that of interest based income for the Joint Venture Bank (Bank Campuran) and the Foreign Bank (Bank Asing).Keywords : Market Structure, HHI, CR4, Panzar and Ross


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    The formation of dental plaque can be influenced by some factors. These factors include the toothbrush design and methods used when brushing teeth.The aim of this research is to find out the influence of brushing teeth uses a soft and medium bristles with horizontal and vertical method on the plaque formation in girls aged 12 and 13 years old. Quasi experimental with crossover design performed on 30 girls. The subjects is divided into two groups, 15 girls aged 12 and 15 girls age 13. Each subject was given four treatments that brushing teeth using soft toothbrush with horizontal method, brushing teeth using soft toothbrush with vertikal method, brushing teeth using medium toothbrush with horizontal method, brushing teeth using medium toothbrush with vertikal method. Each treatment was done in 5 days withe the wash out period for 3 days.Score plaque were measured daily with the index PHP modification Amith. Data tested using two way anava. Average the result showed reduction of forming plaques largest on child age 13 use a medium toothbrush with horizontal method. Test anava two ways show there are significant differences (p<0,05) between tooth brushing use a soft and medium toothbrush with horizontal and vertical method on the plaque formation in girl aged 12 and 13 years old. It can be concluded that there is influence tooth brushing use a soft and medium toothbrush with horizontal and vertical method on the plaque formation in girl aged 12 and 13 years old