515 research outputs found

    Upcycle Limbah Kayu Palet Jati Belanda Menjadi Wadah Modular Serbaguna Untuk Anak-Anak (Studi Kasus: Kota Surabaya)

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    Children have an increasing need such as books, clothes, and shoes. Thus the container that can be added as needed and have high flexibility can be seen as the right solution.Momot as a modular container by utilizing waste wood palette is the solution to the problem mentioned. Wood pallets have a smaller carbon footprint than other materials such as, plastics, metals, and concrete so that the waste can be reused without harming the environment. In addition, to socialize green lifestyle can be started from the early age 6-12 years old. So that children become more sensitive and responsible to the environment.Waste utilization approach used in this design is upcycle. The design process uses qualitative methods that take place in six stages, discovery -interpretation - ideation - experimentation - evolution - implementation. The design of knock-down furniture is made in modular shape with basic connection of mortise and tenon

    Pengaruh Orientasi Pembelajaran, Kemampuan Produksi, dan Orientasi Pasar terhadap Strategi Bisnis dan Kinerja Bisnis

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    One indicator of company’s or business’s successfulness in the competition was the company or business must have competitive advantage that allowed the industrial company of foods and beverages yielding the superiority of production result than their competitors in the determining the strategy and business performance continually.  The population of this research was foods and  beverages  industry  especially  big  and  medium  industrial company,  which  have  multi-business  and  multi-products  in  the  East  Java area  that  consist  of  1286  industrial  companies of  foods  and  beverages according  to  the  Indonesian  Business  Field  Classification   (KLUI  15) years 2002.  The  data  analysis  technique  used  Structural  Equation  Modeling  = SEM)  with computer  help  used  AMOS  program  4.0  version.The  research result  indicated  that:  (1)  all  of independent variables have positive influence and significant toward the business strategy and the business performance; (2) simultaneously the influence of teaching orientation, production competence  and  market  orientation  toward  business  strategy and  business  performance  was proper as the created model.  The conclusion of this research was the research result generally indicated  the  existence of positive  influence  that  experienced  by  that  industrial  company  of foods and beverages both from test result partially or simultaneously. And that not all of partial or simultaneous influence toward business strategy and business performance has positive or negative result, but it still categorized as reasonable

    Pengaruh Service Quality dan Perceived Value terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Konsumen Apartemen di Kota Surabaya

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    Apartments have become an alternative place to live in Surabaya that is quitestrategic for the business community, especially for expatriates who live here aswell as our native business people. Apartment buildings have also grown in numberalthough the rate of accupancy itself has yet to reach 100 %. The requirementsneeded for apartment to be a place to live are more or less the same as thoseneeded for housing complex in general. Nevertheless, the main difference is thefacilities readily available in apartement building, such as a spacious parkingarea, a fully equipped gymnasium, a swimming pool, and also other sports facilities.Moreover, what we do not normally find in a housing complex is the availability ofsecurity and sanitary services for every room there.This research is aimed at examining the infuence of service quality as well asperceived value of consumers, or in this case the occupants of the apartment, overtheir satisfaction and loyalty. The respondents being analyzed are the occupantsof nine apartments located in Surabaya. The tool used for analyzing is the StructureEquation Modeling (SEM) obtained through the software AMOS 3.6. To sum up,the result of the hypothetical analyzes shows that: (1) service quality as well asperceived value have an influence over the satisfaction felt by occupants ofapartments in the Surabaya area; (2) service quality has influence over theperceived value; (3) satisfaction has no influence over loyalty felt by occupants;(4) service quality as well as perceived value have no influence over loyalty feltby occupants, both direct and indirect as seen through satisfaction as the interveningvariable.The lack of influence that satisfaction has over loyalty can be explained as agrowing phenomenon. This phenomenon sees the tendency for both purchaserand occupants of apartment to choose apartement as their place of living (andnot as an investment), and also the availability of guarantee for their privacy.Key Words: service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty, and apartment

    Penggunaan Teknologi Remote Sensing Dan Sig Untuk Pengendalian Dinamika Populasi Soil Transmitted Helminths Di Satuan Lahan Endemis Pulau Ambon (Use of Technology Remote Sensing and Gis to Control Population Dynamics of Soil Transmitted Helminths)

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    Dengan menggunakan pendekatan ekoepidemiologis, yang didukung oleh data penginderaan jauh dan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG) diharapkan kejadian infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminths yang bervariasi dapat diketahui parameter lingkungan risikonya, dimonitor dinamika Perubahannya, sehingga dapat dikontrol dan dikendalikan kejadian infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminths yang bervariasi dan berfluktuasi tersebut secara cepat, dan akurat. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah; menggunakan Remote Sensing untuk mengkaji parameter lingkungan yang dapat digunakan dalam pengolahan peta risiko populasi telur dan larva Soil Transmitted Helminths serta risiko prevalensinya di satuan lahan Pulau Ambon. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Experimen Semu (Quasi Experimental) di Laboratorium, ditunjang dengan Survei Lapangan (Field Survey) secara Cross sectional. Diteruskan dengan ekplorasi untuk menghasilkan peta risiko populasi telur dan larva Soil Transmitted Helminths serta risiko prevalensinya. diperoleh; parameter lingkungan risiko, populasi telur dan larva Soil Transmitted Helminths di tanah, prevalensi, serta peta risiko keduanya di Satuan Lahan endemis pulau Ambon agar dapat memudahkan pengontrolan terhadap suatu kejadian infeksi (penghematan waktu, tenaga, maupun biaya jika dibandingkan dengan suatu kegiatan surveilance).Dari hasil interpretasi citra Landsat TM+ diperoleh data ekoepidemiologi atau lingkungan risiko Soil Transmitted Helminths. Melalui aplikasi SIG dihasilkan peta-peta tematik yaitu; peta jenis tanah, peta bentuk lahan, dan peta penggunaan lahan. Hasil tumpang tindih ketiga buah peta tersebut adalah peta satuan lahan. Populasi telur dan larva Soil Transmitted Helminths di satuan lahan aluvial berbeda dengan brunisem, gleisol, kambisol, litosol, podsolik dan rensina. Prevalensi infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminths di satuan lahan aluvial berbeda dengan brunisem, gleisol, kambisol, litosol, podsolik dan rensina. Melalui aplikasi SIG dihasilkan peta risiko populasi telur dan larva Geohelminths dan peta risiko prevalensi infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminths sehingga dapat membantu para perencana dan pengambil kebijakan dalam melakukan pengontrolan Soil Transmitted Helminths di daerah endemis pedesaan pulau Ambon. Pada satuan lahan permukiman dengan risiko tinggi dan risiko sedang dapat dilakukan kegiatan intervensi: sebagai berikut: a) penyuluhan; dilakukan kepada sasaran untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kecacingan seperti tanda-tanda atau gejala kecacingan, bahayanya, cara penanggulangan, dan pencegahan. b) pengobatan; dilakukan berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan tinja dengan frekuensi 6 bulan sekali. c) rehabilitasi; dilakukan melalui upaya kebersihan perorangan, kebersihan lingkungan, dan perbaikan fasilitas lingkungan

    Tanggung Jawab Pengusaha Kapal Atas Pemberian Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja (Jamsostek) Terhadap Awak Kapal

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    In the maritime sector, some three decades that the maritime sector is a sector position of the periphery,because economic growth is so slow that make this sector becomes less government attention. It is time forour nation to change the perspective of development of land-based development only became more orientedto the marine base in view of our country is an island nation that has been recognized and accommodated inthe 1945 Constitution, Article 25A. Therefore everyone working at sea should also be protected so that theneed for marine work agreement between the employees and ship owner. Based on background research,there are two problems as major issues in marine sector that required serious attention from our government,particularly from Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia, are: First, how dorelationship in seafarer's employment agreement between employees and ship owner? And then Second, isthe seafarer's employment agreement already protect the rights and social guarantee of employees yet? Thisresearch methods will be used in this paper is descriptive research of literature method.The relationshipbetween the labor agreement with the employer ship crew is doing treaty rights and obligations and workagreements have been protected by Act 3 of 1992 and PP 14, 1993

    The Influence of Marketing Mix on Decisions to Purchase UD Utama Karya Products

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    The performance of the furniture industry in Indonesia is fluctuating. The furniture trend has been changing quickly. The number of furniture companies has been increasing, so competition has also increased. UD Utama Karya is a family furniture business which produces antique-classic and minimalist designs. It serves customers in Indonesia, specifically the eastern part of Indonesia. This company was established in 1999. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of the marketing mix on decisions to purchase UD Utama Karya products. This research used a quantitative approach and data were collected with an online questionnaire using Google Forms. There was a sample of 61 and participants were customers of UD Utama Karya in Pasuruan City. Participants were recruited from the internal data of this company, using the Slovin Formula. Product, price and promotions influenced decisions to purchase UD Utama Karya products, but place did not. Keywords: marketing mix, purchase decision, UD Utama Kary

    Analisa Pengaruh Work Family Conflict Terhadap Stres Kerja Dan Kinerja Karyawan Di Restoran the Duck King Imperial Chef Galaxy Mall Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah work family conflict berpengaruh terhadap stres kerja dan kinerja karyawan di restoran The Duck King Imperial Chef Galaxy Mall Surabaya. Restoran The Duck King Imperial Chef Galaxy Mall berada di daerah Timur kota Surabaya, merupakan family restaurant dengan membawa tema Chinese, Taiwan, dan Hongkong style. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian konklusif. Teknik Analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah partial least square (PLS). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa work family conflict berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan dan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap stres kerja. Sedangkan stres kerja berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, sehingga stres kerja terbukti tidak memberikan pengaruh yang buruk dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan di restoran The Duck King Imperial Chef Galaxy Mall Surabaya
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