294 research outputs found

    Rasio Kebutuhan Beton, Besi Tulangan, Dan Bekisting Untuk Pekerjaan Struktur Pada Proyek Apartemen & Hotel

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    Penelitian ini menganalisa kuantitas material kebutuhan beton, besi tulangan, dan bekisting untuk pekerjaan struktur bangunan apartemen dan hotel guna menentukan rasio dari setiap kebutuhan beton, besi tulangan, dan bekisting untuk proyek konstruksi apartemen dan hotel. Data yang digunakan adalah data masa lampau proyek apartemen dan hotel, dengan jenis pekerjaan yang diamati: pekerjaan pilecaps, tie beam, pit lift, sump pit, sewage treatment plant, ground water tank, kolam renang, kolom, balok, plat lantai, tangga, dan external wall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk proyek apartemen, nilai rasio kebutuhan beton antara 0,3041-0,5891 m3/m2, nilai rasio kebutuhan besi antara 141,3624-165,6701 kg/m3, dan nilai rasio kebutuhan bekisting antara 6,1503-7,5207 m2/m3. Sedangkan untuk proyek hotel menunjukkan bahwa nilai rasio kebutuhan beton antara 0,3041-0,4818 m3/m2, nilai rasio kebutuhan besi antara 141,1236-156,2936 kg/m3, dan nilai rasio kebutuhan bekisting antara 6,0146-6,7664 m2/m3

    Verba Berkata Dasar Sama dengan Gabungan Afiks Men-i atau Men-kan

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    The verbs with same basic word (stem) which are affixed with meN-i or meN-kan do not always show clear different meaning. This problem give rise to an important question: is that kind of pair of verbs have the same or different meaning? What are the criteria in defining the sam or the different meaning? The aim of this research is to identify these criteria that can be applied to classify the verbs with meN-i or meN-kan. This study is qualitative research. The objects of research are the pair of verbs with meN-i or meN-kan. Meanwhile, the units of analysis are sentences. This analysis is based on semantic role (beneficiary, objective, locative and instrument0 and syntactic structures. The corpus in this research is Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (1999). The result shows that the pair of verbs can be divided to several categories. The first category consist of verbs with the sam meaning. The second includes the pair of verbs that have different meaning due to polysemi. The third category consist of the pair of verbs having the same meaning due to the different meaning of affixes. The fourth category shows the same meaning but different in syntactic structure and semantic role. The fifth category involves the pair of verbs having the same meaning, but different in extra-linguistic characteristic. The sixth category consist of pair of verbs with    different specific meaning. The seventh category includes the pair of verbs with different meaning due to etimology characteristic of the stem. In the first category, meN-i or meN-kan looses its basic meaning.&nbsp

    The Electrical Properties of Al, ga1-Xn Thin Films Deposited on Si(111) Substrate by Chemical Solution Deposition Method

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    AlxGa1-xN thin films with the GaN buffer layer was deposited on Si(111) substrate by chemical solution deposition (CSD) method. The objective of this research was to evaluate the electrical properties of AlxGa1-xN with variation of Al mole fraction. The source for Ga and Al were gallium oxide (Ga2O3) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3), respectively as group III precursors and radical nitrogen resulted by high temperature decomposition of nitrogen gas. The mole fractions of solutions were varied between 15 to 35%. The formed white crystal was dissolved in ethylene diamine to form gel with molarities of 3-6 M. Therefore, the gel was superimposed on substrates Si with spin-coater at speed of 1100 rpm. The formed layer was then sintered at temperature of 900 C o such that it decomposed at N2 gas environment to form AlxGa1-xN. The composition of films was measured by energy dispersive of x-ray (EDX) and the measured Al concentrations were in the range of 9.52% to 24.19%. The electrical transport of the films was measured by means of Hall effect measurement at room temperature. The Hall mobility decreases with the increase of aluminum (Al) concentration and decrease carbon concentration. The resistivity increases with the increase of Al concentration. From the Hall effects measurement the AlxGa1-xN films have n-type conduction originated from nitrogen vacancy

    Wisata Kuliner dan Agro Organik di Batu

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    Wisata Kuliner dan Agro Organik di Batu ini adalah fasilitas edukasi, wisata, dan tempat makan sayur dan buah organik yang berada di jalan Sultan Agung, Batu. Tempat ini di desain dengan tujuan untuk memperkenalkan kepada masyarakat bagaimana cara menanam sayur dan buah organik yang benar, dan sekaligus menjadikan tempat ini sebagai tempat wisata keluarga. Sebagian besar masyarakat kurang memahami bagaimana cara menanam sayur dan buah organik menggunakan sistem tanpa media tanah. Oleh karena itu desain tempat ini didesain menggunakan pendekaan sistem. Sistem yang digunakan dalam desain bangunan ini adalah sistem perkebunan. Karena tiap metode penanaman berbeda-beda kebutuhan dan perilaku. Tiap bangunan ini memperhatikan penghawaan, pencahayaan alami, dan material lokal, serta sistem konstruksi yang murah dan ramah lingkungan. Pendalaman yang digunakan adalah pendalaman struktur bambu, karena tiap jenis bambu membutuhkan perilaku yang berbeda dan pemasangan struktur bambu yang unik dibandingkan dengan material beton sehingga membutuhkan pendalaman yang jelas

    Peningkatan Kinerja Pompa Hidram Berdasarkan Posisi Tabung Kompresor Dengan Saluran Keluar Di Bawah Tabung Kompresor

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    Hydraulic ram pump is operated without fuel and only rely on the height difference of the water source. tube compressor serves to continue the flow of water and increase the pressure in the hydraulic ram pump. To improve the performance of the hydraulic ram pump, experiment with variable position of the tube compressor has been done. The tube compressor is placed on the side of the valve after intake and waste, as well as with an outlet at the bottom of the tube compressor. The experiments were performed on the flow of water from a height of 2.1 m, 2.6 m, 3.1 m, 3.6 m and 4.1 m. The test results showed that the position of the tube compressor affect the performance of the hydraulic ram pump. Tube compressor is placed after the input side and the waste valve has a value greater than the tube compressor that is placed between the input and exhaust valves. The volumetric flow rate output, maximum head, suction force, and the largest thrust force obtained at a height of 4.1 m with the results of each 0.121 l / sec; 16 m; 156.499 N; and 89.48 N. While the largest pump efficiency obtained at a height of 3.1 m waterfall which is 2.618%

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis Pasien Elektronik Terpusat (Studi Kasus : Kota Madya DENPASAR)

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    Along with the development of information and communication technology (ICT), which has been a big influence for change in all sectors, including health, especially in the medical record is called the electronic medical record. Basically the electronic medical record is the use of electronic methods for collecting, storing, processing, and accessing patient records in hospitals that have been stored in a multimedia database management system, bringing together various sources of medical data. Often problems arise no link between their respective health care providers in terms of information on the medical record. Though patients may have a medical examination at health care providers vary at any given time. It leads to the same checks occur repeatedly. Whereas previous medical records are very useful in further medical examination. From some of the problems mentioned above have designed a centralized electronic medical record system that accommodates one patient\u27s medical record in a centralized database for the purpose of patient records are stored in a single database storage. So if one day patients already enrolled in the system, if referred from one hospital to another hospital in the region, the data can be viewed and accessed on the basis of data from hospitals or health care providers who have joined in this system. With this system helps to reduce the possibility of misdiagnosis

    Pengaruh Absorsi Gas Co2 Dan H2s Dalam Biogas Menggunakan Pasta Batu Apung Terhadap Peningkatan Unjuk Kerja Motor Bakar

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    Human dependence on fossil fuels cause the reserves of energy resources is increasingly reduced. To overcome these problems is urgently needed alternative fuels which are cheap and readily available, one alternative fuel is biogas. However, the use of biogas not yet maximized because of the low heating value of the biogas produced from the process without purification. Premium fueled vehicle proved to be turned on using biogas. Tests conducted on the variation of the engine rotation of 1500, 2500, 3500, and 4500 rpm and variations of biogas that has been purified using the paste pumice stone with a variation of the flow rate of purification of  2 liters / minute, 6 liters / minute, and 10 liters / minute. In this test should be able to get the best performance in terms of fineness engine rotation (force braking and fuel consumption). From the test results with the variation of rotation and flow rate variations purification of biogas obtained performance of the motor fuel of the best on rotation 4500 rpm with a flow rate of fuel biogas purification of 2 liters / minute produces a torque value of 6.98 Nm and an effective power of 3288.09 Watt while the value SFCE by 0.33 Liter / Jam.Watt. This proves that biogas purification using paste pumice stone is able to improve the quality of biogas

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Tenaga Kerja dengan Metode Profile Matching (Studi Kasus PT. Adhi Karya (Persero), Tbk Divisi Konstruksi VII)

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    The success of a company of course could not be separated from the role of labor as a human resources (HR) that run all sorts of activities for the betterment of the workplace. Therefore, HR must be maintained and be selected appropriately in order to show good performance and optimum. This applies to new labor and labor that has long worked in the career development process. In the election or selection of labor is often the polemics, because there is the possibility of a subjective assessment of a person so that the process is not running properly and the results achieved may not be suitable targets. Here we need a system that can handle the selection of an appropriate workforce with the competencies required by positions held in accordance with the criteria. The underlying reason that the construction of a decision support system selection this workforce. Expected that this system can assist the managers in analyzing the labor office in accordance with certain criteria. System programs to be created will help overcome the problems that occur in the company. This system can perform data maintenance processes, as well as profile matching the selection process itself. The system to be produced will be more to help decision makers and not replace them. It is hoped this system can also improve the effectiveness and efficiency of decision-making process itself

    The Role of Indonesian Naval Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific Region as Indonesia's Maritime Strategy in Supporting National Defense

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    AbstractOver the past few years, the use of the term "Indo-Pacific" has become increasingly common in strategic discussions. The Indo-Pacific is a region that is at the crossroads of international trade so that it has a very strategic value as a regional geopolitical center. In addition to its strategic value, the Indo-Pacific region also has high threat dynamics. The complexity of these threats is represented in the US-China rivalry, maritime disputes, the LTS issue, and the arm race in the region, which both directly and indirectly can pose a threat to regional stability. Indonesia, with its strategic location, has an interest in maintaining regional security stability through a regional cooperation framework. The vast area of Indonesian waters also causes Indonesia to be able to use a soft power approach through the implementation of the Navy's diplomatic role as an effort to support national defense and maintain the sovereignty of Indonesian territorial waters. In the midst of the increasingly complex dynamics of threats in the Indo-Pacific region, the Indonesian Navy carries out its diplomatic role as a national maritime strategy and an effort to support the creation of regional security and stability. This article uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The theories used are national defense theory, maritime strategy, threat theory and naval diplomacy. There are four important points elaborated in the discussion including: Threat dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region, the Concept of Indo-Pacific Regional Cooperation, Indonesia's Maritime Doctrine, and the Role of Indonesian Naval Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific Region.Keywords:  Naval Diplomacy, Maritime Strategy, Threats, Indo-Pacific, National Defense, Regional Stability
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