30 research outputs found

    Indonesian Drivers’ Characteristics Associated with Road Accidents

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    The prevalence of road accidents in Indonesia is still extremely high, with human error being claimed as a major contributing factor. Profiles of the drivers involved in the accidents are not typically available, and studies covering this subject are also limited. In this paper, Indonesian road transportation will be discussed, particularly with respect to traffic accidents and the associated characteristics of the drivers. Also of interest is the description of certain demographic aspects and their relation to road accidents. Data were collected from the news, along with an online survey of 138 commercial drivers, 10% of whom were female). It was found that spending an inordinate amount of time driving per week induces sleepiness and fatigue and is considered as one of the prime causes of accidents. It was also determined that lack of concentration was one of the dominant (~51%) causes. Differences in age, gender, and driving experience did not seem to be related to the likelihood of accidents

    Age, Gender, and Muscle Strength: a Study Based on Indonesian Samples

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    Age and gender have been commonly used as a main criterion in accepting a job aplicant, but it is usually not clear how these affect job performance. While a number of recent studies have been done that describe the relationships between age, gender, and participants capacity (e.g., muscle strength), the results have been inconclusive. In Indonesia, in particular, such issues have been rarely investigated, and it is still important to study the issue since the relationships between these factors are population-specific. This study aimed at describing the relationships between age and muscle strength among workers for both genders. Ninety-six male and female workers (aged 18–65) were recruited in this study, and data on handgrip and lower back strength were collected. Findings of this study show that peak hand-grip strength occured at the age of around 35-40 years of age, regardless of gender. Maximum lower back strengh was identified at the age of 31-35 years old (for males) and 26-30 years old (for females). Comparisons between two extreme age groups (18-20 vs. 61-65 years of age) showed a mean strength decline of 50% for hand-grip and 30% for the lower back. For both protocols, female participants tended to have lower muscle strength (70-80% of their male counterparts). Findings of this study can be used as a basis in evaluating physical requirements of a job, and the corresponding factors (age and gender) relevant for the job


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    Hasil kajian terhadap kecelakaan kereta api yang diindikasikan sebagai akibat human error masinismenunjukkan bahwa kesalahan tersebut diduga disebabkan oleh stres kerja dan beban kerja mental yang dialamioleh masinis. Salah satu sumber stres kerja masinis DaOp II Bandung adalah lingkungan fisik kabin lokomotif.Penelitian ini mengkaji dampak lingkungan fisik kabin lokomotif terhadap stres dan dan beban kerja mentalmasinis selama bertugas. Efek fisiologis stres adalah terjadinya reaksi biokimia untuk menyikapi stres yangmenyebabkan peningkatan peningkatan denyut jantung, tekanan darah, dan saliva. Reaksi kimia tersebut dapatdilihat dari aktivitas Salivary α-Amylase (SAA) sebagai respon biologis terhadap stres yang cepat danberpengaruh terhadap sekresi SAA. Dampak dari sekresi tersebut terjadi peningkatan tekanan darah sertaperubahan heart rate (HR) dan heart rate variability (HRV). Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa sebagianbesar masinis memiliki tingkat stres tinggi (92,8±69,9 kU/L), bahkan saat baru tiba di stasiun untuk menjalankantugas. Namun demikian hasil pengukuran HR dan HRV menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata denyut jantung (HRmean)(82,6 ± 8,9) bpm dan SDNN (63,8 ± 98,4) masih dalam batas normal. Secara umum terdapat hubungan antaratingkat stres dengan temperatur saat menjalankan tugas (p<0,05) dan kebisingan pada akhir tugas (p<0,05).Korelasi hanya terjadi antara HRmean dengan kebisingan (p<0,05) di awal tugas serta SDNN dengan kelembaban(p<0,05)di akhir tugas. Oleh karena itu dapat dikatakan bahwa lingkungan kabin lokomotif tidak mempengaruhibeban kerja mental masinis. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tingkat stres masinis cenderungtinggi dan tingkat stres yang tinggi sebelum menjalankan tugas dapat disebabkan oleh aktivitas di luar tugas.Tingkat beban kerja mental masinis berada pada batas normal dan cenderung moderat. Dari penelitian ini jugaditemukan bahwa lingkungan kabin lokomotif selama bertugas tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadappeningkatan stres dan beban kerja mental selama dinasan


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    Line and curve drawing are time consuming, reducing computation time can be done by improving performance of processor and algorithm. Midpoint algorithm is based on integer operation, so it is less time-consuming than algorithm based on float operation. Implementation of both type of algorithms in C language, shows that midpoint algorithm is 8 times faster for line drawing, and 15 times faster for curve drawing than algorithm based on float operation. For line drawing, Midpoint algorithm is 6 times faster than Bresenham algorithm which is based on integer operation Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penggambaran grafik garis lurus dan kurva memerlukan waktu komputasi yang tinggi, untuk mereduksi waktu komputasi yang tinggi tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan peningkatan kemampuan komputasi prosesor dan peningkatan efisiensi algoritma. Algoritma Midpoint merupakan Algoritma dengan dasar operasi bilangan integer, sehingga memerlukan waktu operasi yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan algoritma yang menggunakan operasi bilangan riel. Implementasi ke dalam bahasa pemrograman C dari kedua macam algoritma diatas, menunjukkan bahwa waktu komputasi algoritma midpoint lebih cepat sebesar 8 kali pada pembuatan garis lurus, dan lebih cepat sebesar 15 kali pada penggambaran lingkaran, dibandingkan dengan waktu komputasi algoritma yang menggunakan dasar operasi bilangan riel. Dan waktu komputasi algoritma midpoint lebih cepat sebesar 6 kali pada pembuatan garis lurus, dibandingkan dengan waktu komputasi algoritma yang Breserham telah menggunakan dasar operasi bilangan integer juga. Kata kunci: Penggambaran garis, penggambaran kurva, Algoritma Bresenham, Algoritma midpoint, Algoritma DDA

    Teknik Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Feedforward Untuk Prediksi Harga Saham Pada Pasar Modal Indonesia

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    To predict the condition of stock price, several technical analysis models have been used and expanded such as MACD, Fourier Transform, Accumulator Swing Index , Stochastic Oscillator etc. For input they are using the various prices such as Open, high, low , close , volume, BID, ASK price, and the output is a graphic that shows the decision whether to sell, buy or hold. Another method to determine the stock price by using Fundamental Analysis method. Fundamental method is an analysis that is based on the ratio or financial report from the existing company. Neural Network System Technology has been implemented in various applications especially in introduce the pattern. This power has attracted several people to use Neural Network for medical, Finance, Investment and marketing. Assuming that the prediction of the output system (next output prediction) is deterministic, than the suitable N.N model to predict it is Feed Forward. The prediction of the stock price is the complex interaction between unstable market and unknown random processes factor. The data from stock price can be determined by time series. If we have daily data from a certain period, for example : Xt(t = 1,2,...) than the stock price for the next period (t+h) can be predicted (the timing used can be in hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly). To get the good prediction, the inputs from several aspects of the share prices have to be input in Neural Network after that the weighing principal can be adapted to minimize the wrong prediction in the first future steps. By using the final weighing, an action is done to done to minimize the total error in the second future steps. Due to that, the risk of Investor's decision to sell or buy the stock can be minimized. This paper will discuss on how to use and implement Time Series Neural Network to predict the stock market in Semen Gresik (SMGR) and Gudang Garam (GGRM


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    Companies need manpower that has a certain ability to support their business processes. On the other hand, the manpower has needs that must be met to establish their economic life. The relationship between a company and the manpower is a mutually beneficial, if the ability of workers that supplied by the community in accordance as the company expected. But sometimes there are communities that have varying capabilities, those in terms of skill, knowledge, or attitude (SKA). Lack of adequate manpower will have impacts on the company; one of them is safety and health issue. More than 50% citizens of Indonesia as workers, with the number of work accidents nationwide are high at 103,000 each year; which resulted death, disability or occupational diseases. Increases number of accidents, the greater the losses materially, time-loss, and declining productivity of a company. Accidents from 2011-2014 was recorded;only 51.14% of cases workers can recover after workplace accidents. Unrecovered workers became dependents, unproductive and require social support because they can no longer work due to disability or illness caused by work. For the community, these facts imply that the company does not bring benefits to the fullest. In macroergonomics, the interaction between manpower, technology, working environment and its interaction with the community will be assessed.This paper uses this approach to designs an entire system to accommodate human performance capability in all its aspects, and to provide solutions to solve the problems mentioned above by conducting a literature review and create a conceptual framework. Keywords: macroergonomics, public health, safety, human well-being

    Teknik perancangan sistem kerja/ Sutalaksana

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    21a, 212 hal.: ill.; 23 cm

    Teknik tata cara kerja

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