33 research outputs found

    Prenatal diagnosis of binders phenotype: a cross road to decision making

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    Binder’s syndrome is an uncommon congenital condition which develops in the first trimester of pregnancy and has characteristic effects on the facial features. Those effects are: arhinoid face, intermaxillary hypoplasia (associated with malocclusion), abnormal position of the nasal bones, nasal mucosa atrophy, anterior nasal spine agenesis and (in most cases) a lack of frontal sinuses. Other deformities, as well as mental retardation, are also possible. Due to the rarity of the disease, there are no treatment trials for these patients. Treatments reported in the medical literature are part of single case reports or small case series of patients. Here is a case report of a 23-year-old who presented to OPD at 26 weeks with features of binders’ phenotype. This woman delivered an infant of 2.7 kg without other abnormalities and no respiratory distress postnatally. Sonographic evaluation during pregnancy depicts proper differential diagnosis and therapeutic strategy. Multidisciplinary approach is mandatory in order to establish meticulous treatment. Further studies must be conducted, achieving this ultimate scope. Even so, the parents should be counselled that Binder syndrome is a tentative diagnosis prenatally, and that not all genetic syndromes can be prenatally excluded

    Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations and seasonal Indian monsoon prediction in DEMETER coupled models

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    Even though multi-model prediction systems may have better skill in predicting the interannual variability (IAV) of Indian summer monsoon (ISM), the overall performance of the system is limited by the skill of individual models (single model ensembles). The DEMETER project aimed at seasonal-to-interannual prediction is not an exception to this case. The reasons for the poor skill of the DEMETER individual models in predicting the IAV of monsoon is examined in the context of the influence of external and internal components and the interaction between intraseasonal variability (ISV) and IAV. Recently it has been shown that the ISV influences the IAV through very long breaks (VLBs; breaks with duration of more than 10 days) by generating droughts. Further, all VLBs are associated with an eastward propagating Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) in the equatorial region, facilitated by air-sea interaction on intraseasonal timescales. This VLB-drought-MJO relationship is analyzed here in detail in the DEMETER models. Analyses indicate that the VLB-drought relationship is poorly captured by almost all the models. VLBs in observations are generated through air-sea interaction on intraseasonal time scale and the models' inability to simulate VLB-drought relationship is shown to be linked to the models' inability to represent the air-sea interaction on intraseasonal time scale. Identification of this particular deficiency of the models provides a direction for improvement of the model for monsoon prediction

    Hybrid Approach to Enhance Single Image Resolution

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    Microscopic analysis of images is more important for detail analysis of an image, Image super resolution (SR) reconstruction technique is increasing its attention from the image processing community, in the previous techniques, noise removal and smoothing techniques are used but image resolution improvement has been widely used in many applications such as remote sensing image, medical image, video surveillance and high definition television. The essential of image SR reconstruction technique is how to produce a clearly high resolution (HR) image from the information of one or several low resolution (LR) images. This project is dealing with hybrid approach of combining SWT and DWT to improve the resolution of the image by interpolation. The performance of the algorithm is compared with the PSNR, MSE


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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to monitor the intensity and difference in Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) between smokers and passive smokers. Methods: A total of 1000 participants were enrolled in two groups as smokers and passive smokers who are living closely with smokers. Their PEFR values were measured with Wright’s mini peak flow meter. The influence of smoking on the lung function among smokers and passive smokers were assessed with a suitable statistical test. Results: Among the study participants, most of the smokers were in the age group of 31 to 60 and 31 to 50 in passive smokers. Based on the lung function smokers (31%) and passive smokers (19.2%) were in the red zone, PEFR was decreased in both smokers as well as passive smokers, and the magnitude of decline was higher in passive smoking elderly individuals. The impact of passive smoking was significantly observed in all the categories of smoking history they are living with. Conclusion: Smokers and passive smokers have equally deleterious effects on PEFR. Where passive smoking emerged as the main variable to influence airway obstruction in smokers that caused a greater reduction in PEFR

    Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Litsea glutinosa L. Leaves and Stem Extracts and their Antibacterial Efficacy

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    The present study explores the green approach for the preparation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) through the reduction of silver nitrate by the cell-free stem and leaf aqueous extracts of Litsea glutinosa (L.glutinosa) and its potential antibacterial activity. The analytical instruments include scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction spectroscopy confirmed the synthesis of smaller, uniformly spherical AgNPs (10-40 nm). The average crystalline size of prepared AgNPs produced by L. glutinosa leaf extract was found to be 19 mm. From UV-visible spectral analysis, the maximum absorbance peak appeared at 444 nm for leaf extract AgNPs different from stem extract AgNPs (422 nm), which are found to be specific for AgNPs. The L.glutinosa stem extract-assisted AgNPs have shown significant antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis (Gram-positive) and Escherichia coli (Gram-negative) in comparison to Gentamycin. Hence, the AgNPs obtained by green synthesis can be therapeutically explored against bacterial infections

    Isolation and evolutionary analysis of Australasian topotype of bluetongue virus serotype 4 from India

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    Bluetongue (BT) is a Culicoides-borne disease caused by several serotypes of bluetongue virus (BTV). Similar to other insect-borne viral diseases, distribution of BT is limited to distribution of Culicoides species competent to transmit BTV. In the tropics, vector activity is almost year long, and hence, the disease is endemic, with the circulation of several serotypes of BTV, whereas in temperate areas, seasonal incursions of a limited number of serotypes of BTV from neighbouring tropical areas are observed. Although BTV is endemic in all the three major tropical regions (parts of Africa, America and Asia) of the world, the distribution of serotypes is not alike. Apart from serological diversity, geography-based diversity of BTV genome has been observed, and this is the basis for proposal of topotypes. However, evolution of these topotypes is not well understood. In this study, we report the isolation and characterization of several BTV-4 isolates from India. These isolates are distinct from BTV-4 isolates from other geographical regions. Analysis of available BTV seg-2 sequences indicated that the Australasian BTV-4 diverged from African viruses around 3,500 years ago, whereas the American viruses diverged relatively recently (1,684 CE). Unlike Australasia and America, BTV-4 strains of the Mediterranean area evolved through several independent incursions. We speculate that independent evolution of BTV in different geographical areas over long periods of time might have led to the diversity observed in the current virus population

    Self help groups and empowerment of women

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    We premise that a large section of women in the third world face economic and social hardships due to a number of reasons. In the context of South Asian countries this is additionally due to prevailing patriarchal systems that seem to shackle women and account for their lack of development in areas education, health, employment, politics and administration. The status and conditions of women in India is similar to that of its counterparts in other third world countries. In fact, the socialization process in India has rendered women faceless and invisible. To address the problems of women and to empower them, several efforts are made by the womens movements, NGOs and the government of India and the state government of Karnataka. In this paper the authors discusses the various efforts made by the womens movement, NGOs and governments for empowerment of women and discusses about self help groups which are considered as an important tool for empowerment of wome

    Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Sodic Soil-grown Barnyard Millet (Echinochloa frumentacea (Roxb.) Link) Germplasm

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    Aims: Barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea) is a significant tiny millet crop characterized by because of its high nutritional value, exceptional ability to withstand extremes of climate, and short duration. Globally, the area under salt affected soil is expanding. Therefore, genetic diversity analysis was conducted to identify genetically diverse genotypes for yield improvement under sodic condition. Study Design: Randomised block design. Place and Duration of Study: An experiment was carried under sodic soil condition at Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute, Trichy, Tamil Nadu. Methodology:  Ninety two genotypes of barnyard millet, including two commercial check varieties, MDU1 and CO (KV) 2. Plant height (cm), inflorescence length (cm), inflorescence width (cm), lower raceme length (cm), flag leaf length (cm), flag leaf width (cm), number of leaves on main tiller, number of productive tillers per plant, and grain yield per plant (g) were the nine quantitative traits that were recorded. GENRES software version 3.11 was used for analysing the data. Results: For all of the analysed attributes, the genotypes showed significant differences based on the analysis of variance. Ninety two genotypes were divided into nine groups according to nine quantitative features using Mahalanobis D2-Statistics. Cluster II was the one with the greatest number with 25 genotypes, followed by cluster V with 22 genotypes, Cluster VI with 17 genotypes, Cluster IV with 11 genotypes, Cluster I with 8 genotypes, Cluster VIII with 4 genotypes, Cluster III and VII with only 2 genotypes per cluster, and Cluster IX with just 1 genotype. Cluster IV was second in terms of intra-cluster distance, after Cluster VIII. The largest inter-cluster distance was observed between clusters I (TNAUF01000021 - EF 37, TNAUF01000022 - EF 38, TNAUF01000022 - EF 39, etc.) and IX (MDU1). Conclusion: Choosing these genotypes as parents from genetically diverse clusters for breeding programmes might produce heterotic hybrids that produce enough genetic diversity in barnyard millet genotypes under sodic soil conditions

    Telugu Dependency Treebank

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    We discuss Telugu Language and Treebanks briefly in this work. Initially, we'll go over the Telugu language briefly. The paninian grammatical model utilized for Telugu dependency representation is then described. Following that, we explain Telugu treebanks and the various formats used to express these treebanks. We also discuss the Telugu language and its representation in the Telugu Dependency Treebank, and we give information on the Telugu language and the Telugu Dependency Treebank. Natural languages are often morphologically rich, and they create sentences in a variety of ways. Researchers have been investigating approaches to annotate text with linguistic knowledge since the advent of machine translation in the 1960s. Previous studies on Indian languages were done at the chunk level. The present shallow parser morphologically parses the input text to the chunk label. Researchers are considering working at the phrase level in the future. They broke the phrases down into smaller parts. The relationship between chunk heads is essential to proceed to sentence-level parsing. This results in reliance parsing