941 research outputs found

    Pelapisan Single Layer Penyerap Gelombang Radar Dispersi Barium M-Heksaferit / Polianilin Pada Rentang X-Band

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian dengan judul Pelapisan Single Layer Pemyerap Gelombang Radar Dispersi Barium M-Heksaferit/Polianilin pada rentang X-Band bertujuan untuk mensintesis Barium M-Heksaferit (BAM) dengan metode solid state dan mengetahui pengaruh variasi massa Polianilin(PANI) terhadap rugi refleksi dengan pelapisan single layer material penyerap gelombang radar pada frekuensi 8-12 GHz. Barium M-Heksaferit disintesis dengan didoping ion Zn2+ menggunakan metode solid state. Sintesis material Barium M-Heksaferit dengan metode solid state doping Zn menghasilkan komposisi fasa BAM 83,68 % dan ZnFe2O4 16,32 % dengan struktur dominan heksagonal. Hasil pengujian VNA pada pelapisan single layer rentang X-band dengan variasi komposisi Polianilin pada perbandingan Barium M-Heksaferit : Polianilin didapatkan nilai Reflection Loss untuk perbandingan 1:0,5 , 1:1 , 1:1,5 , 1:2 dan 1:2,5 berturut-turut adalah -14,53 dB, -19,86 dB, 20,67 dB, -21,28 dB, dan -28,71 dB. Nilai Reflection Loss tertinggi pada perbandingan 1 : 2,5 sehingga dapat disimpulkan semakin meningkat komposisi PANI maka semakin negatif nilai Reflection Lossnya artinya semakin bagus penyerapannya

    A Critical Assessment of the Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojagar Yojana in India

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    The present study is a critical assessment of Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojagar Yojana (SGSY), a national level anti-poverty program of the government of India with regard to poverty eradication and women\u27s empowerment. Though the SGSY scheme focuses only on poverty reduction and does not have explicit gender equality objectives, however, number of women members and women Self-help groups are encouraged to be linked with this program than men. The Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, constituted a committee on credit-related issues under SGSY to analyze the constraints in the adequate flow of credit to Self-help groups of SGSY and to suggest measures and strategies for promoting effective credit linkages to the SHGs and made two strategies of universalization coverage of SHGs assisted by bank credit and providing skills at least to one youth of a Below Poverty Line (BPL) family necessitates restructuring of SGSY

    Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy and Magnetocaloric Effect Studies on the Room-temperature 2D Ferromagnetic Cr4_4Te5_5

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    We present a thorough study on the magnetoanisotropic properties and magnetocaloric effect in the layered ferromagnetic Cr4_4Te5_5 single crystals by performing the critical behaviour analysis of magnetization isotherms. The critical exponents Ξ²\beta=0.485(3), Ξ³\gamma=1.202(5), and Ξ΄\delta=3.52(3) with a Curie temperature of TCβ‰ˆ340.73(4)T_C \approx 340.73(4) K are determined by the modified Arrott plots. We observe a large magnetocrystalline anisotropy Ku_u=330 kJ/m3m^3 at 3 K which gradually decreases with increasing temperature. Maximum entropy change -Ξ”SMmax\Delta S_{M}^{max} and the relative cooling power (RCP) are found to be 2.77 J/kgβˆ’KJ/kg-K and 88.29 J/kgJ/kg, respectively near TCT_C when the magnetic field applied parallel to ab\it{ab}-plane. Rescaled -Ξ”SM(T,H)\Delta S_M (T, H) data measured at various temperatures and fields collapse into a single universal curve, confirming the second order magnetic transition in this system. Following the renormalization group theory analysis, we find that the spin-coupling is of 3D Heisenberg-type, {d:n}={3:3}\{d:n\}=\{3:3\}, with long-range exchange interactions decaying as J(r)=rβˆ’(d+Οƒ)=rβˆ’4.71J (r) = r^{-(d+\sigma)}= r^{-4.71}.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    An accessory head of abductor pollicis longus: clinical and anatomical implications

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    An accessory belly of abductor pollicis longus (APL), discovered in the right limb of a cadaver emanating from the main muscle belly was seen to insert onto the tendon of brachioradialis, 3.5 cm proximal to the extensor retinaculum. Measuring 2cm in length, this accessory fleshy belly was seen to bridge over the flexor carpi radialis longus and insert onto the brachioradialis tendon extending for 2 cm along its length. The tendon of APL was inserted by dividing into a superficial and a deep tendon. Such anomalies may be important during surgeries of the hand and especially during reconstruction surgeries involving the APL. The insertion of the accessory belly of APL on the brachioradialis may connote sharing of tendon by two muscles and may have impact on the dynamics of thumb movement when there is simultaneous contraction of both the muscles
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