20 research outputs found

    Insulin resistance induced by maximal exercise correlates with a post-exercise increase in uridine concentration in the blood of healthy young men

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    Short title: Uridine and insulin resistance. SUMMARY Uridine is postulated to participate in the development of insulin resistance. Since exercise is an effective tool in the treatment of insulin resistance it appeared justified to assess the impact of maximal exercise on plasma uridine and insulin sensitivity indices (e.g. insulin and HOMA-IR) in healthy subjects. The study included forty-four healthy males (18.5 ±2.92 yrs, VO 2max 50.2 ±6.26 ml kg -1 min -1 ). Subjects performed a single maximal exercise on a bicycle ergometer. Blood samples were taken three times: immediately before exercise, immediately after exercise and at the 30 th minute of rest. Uridine concentrations were determined in the whole blood using highperformance liquid chromatography. Serum insulin levels were measured by a specific ELISA method. Insulin sensitivity was assessed by homeostasis model assessment method (HOMA- IR) A maximal exercise-induced increase in the concentration of uridine correlated with post-exercise increases in insulin levels and HOMA-IR. Our results indicate a relationship between the concentration of uridine in the blood and indicators of insulin sensitivity in healthy subjects. We are the first to demonstrate that a maximal exercise-induced increase in the concentration of uridine is correlated with postexercise increases in insulin levels and HOMA-IR in healthy subjects. It appears that uridine may be an indicator of insulin resistance

    Monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance and smoldering myeloma

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    Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is a clonal plasma cell disorder implicated as a precursor of multiple myeloma (MM), while smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) is a malignant plasma cell disorder without evidence of a myeloma-defining event(s) (MDE). This is a review article of both disorders outlining their current definition and management according to the current standard of care. We focus on the pathogenesis of MM and the role of MGUS and SMM in the development of active MM. MGUS is a benign disorder and, subsequently, is followed by observation. In contrast, for SMM, although the current standard of care is “watch and wait”, this paper will explore the circumstances in which treatment should be considered to prevent MDE

    Second Workshop on Estimation with the RDBES data model (WKRDB-EST2; outputs from 2020 meeting)

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    This report shows how the new RDBES that is currently in development will be better able to support the recast EU Data Collection Framework (Regulation (EU) 2017/1004) than the existing RDB. The RDBES is an essential platform for MS and RCGs to fulfil their obligations towards documenting and improving data quality and designing and implementing regional sampling designs. The evaluation of data precision was performed using two complementary techniques. For relatively simple sampling designs it is possible to use analytical functions to calculate the precision (or a related statistical measure such as variance) of a statistical estimate. These calculations and implementations of them in R code are presented in this report. For more complicated sampling designs, the use of analytical functions is usually not feasible. In these cases, it is necessary to evaluate precision using numerical techniques, the main one of which is bootstrapping. This report discussed when bootstrapping is appropriate and gives several worked examples describing how bootstrapping can be applied in different cases. The evaluation of bias is a difficult subject and is hard to quantify. The approach followed in this report was to build on the previous work available in the ICES literature and identify and enumerate the main common sources of bias in catch sampling programs they describe. The information was collated and an evaluation performed as to whether data stored using the RDBES data format and reports issues from them can inform about the potential for bias in catch estimates. A set of example reports was coded that demonstrates the utility of the RDBES in relation to bias issues and can already help member states to identify how deviations in their sampling programmes and sampling variability may potentially lead to bias in their catch estimates

    Over 200,000 kilometers of free-flowing river habitat in Europe is altered due to impoundments

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    European rivers are disconnected by more than one million man-made barriers that physically limit aquatic species migration and contribute to modification of freshwater habitats. Here, a Conceptual Habitat Alteration Model for Ponding is developed to aid in evaluating the effects of impoundments on fish habitats. Fish communities present in rivers with low human impact and their broad environmental settings enable classification of European rivers into 15 macrohabitat types. These classifications, together with the estimated fish sensitivity to alteration of their habitat are used for assessing the impacts of six main barrier types (dams, weirs, sluices, culverts, fords, and ramps). Our results indicate that over 200,000 km or 10% of previously free-flowing river habitat has been altered due to impoundments. Although they appear less frequently, dams, weirs and sluices cause much more habitat alteration than the other types. Their impact is regionally diverse, which is a function of barrier height, type and density, as well as biogeographical location. This work allows us to foresee what potential environmental gain or loss can be expected with planned barrier management actions in rivers, and to prioritize management actions

    POEMS Syndrome: Real World Experience in Diagnosis and Systemic Therapy - 108 Patients Multicenter Analysis

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    POEMS syndrome, a rare plasma cell disorder, is challenging both in the diagnostic and therapeutic management. We present real word retrospective analysis of 108 cases analyzing clinical features and therapeutic modes. We compare our results with the available literature. This is the first description with such wide use of proteasome inhibitors in first line treatment. POEMS (Polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-protein, skin changes) syndrome is a rare and challenging plasma cell disorder, both in the diagnostic and therapeutic management of the disease. Currently, the literature on POEMS is sparse with most evidence being case reports and small case studies. We present a retrospective real world experience of 108 patients with POEMS. We analyzed the clinical features and therapeutic interventions. Regarding clinical features, our findings demonstrated that skin lesions, thrombocythemia and polycythemia were present less frequently than reported previously. Regarding clinical interventions, this is one of the largest analyses of front line treatment in POEMS and the first one to include frequent utilization of proteasome inhibitors (37%). Bortezomib monotherapy was the most effective therapy achieving complete remission/very good partial remissions (CR/VGPR) in 69% of patients. Thirty percent of patients proceeded to planned autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) as part of the front-line treatment resulting in statistically superior progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) compared to non-ASCT treated patients (P= .003). In multivariate analysis, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and as age over 60 were associated with a negative impact on patient outcomes

    Women-managers in Poland

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    Niniejsza praca porusza problematykę związaną z nierównością płci na szczeblach kariery zawodowej. Jej celem jest poznanie uwarunkowań zjawiska i wykazanie jego niesłuszności. Praca, odnosi się do dziejów historycznych, a w efekcie końcowym pokazuje rosnącą pozycję kobiet oraz ich osiągnięcia.This work addresses issues related to gender inequality at the career levels. Its aim is to learn about the conditions of the phenomenon and to show its unfairness. The work refers to history, and as a result shows the growing position of women and their achievements

    Counteracting tax fraud on the gastronomy market

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    Celem pracy jest identyfikacja i przedstawienie mechanizmów stosowania oszustw podatkowych przez restauratorów, działających na polskim rynku usług gastronomicznych oraz sposobów przeciwdziałania tym oszustwom. Badania przeprowadzono przy wykorzystaniu metod i technik właściwych dla dyscypliny nauk o zarządzaniu i jakości.The purpose of the thesis is to identify and present mechanisms of tax fraud by restaurateurs operating on the polish gastronomy market and ways to counteract these frauds. The research was carried out using methods and techniques appropriate to the discipline of management and quality sciences

    Assimilation of Folk Prototypes in Polish Artistic Song – Outline of the Issue

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    Głównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie różnych sposobów funkcjonowania pieśni ludowych (głównie pieśni słowiańszczyzny) w polskiej pieśni artystycznej od momentu jej powstania (uznając za ojców pieśni polskiej S. Moniuszkę i F. Chopina), poprzez II połowę wieku XIX, do początków wieku XX (M. Karłowicz, K. Szymanowski). Okres ten wybrany został ze względu na popularność gatunku pieśniowego w twórczości wielu kompozytorów omawianego czasu. Do gatunków, które miały istotny wpływ na kształtowanie się polskiej pieśni artystycznej, należą: śpiewy historyczne, zwane dumami, dumy kozacze, które jednak miały tylko pośredni wpływ na pieśni polskie (głównie chodzi o tematykę, a nie o cechy strukturalne), pieśni ludowe, pieśni zwane dumkami oraz ballady ludowe. Folklor z natury rzeczy łączy kulturowo tereny ze sobą sąsiadujące lub ze sobą związane w jakikolwiek inny sposób. Dzięki tym powiązaniom w polskiej pieśni artystycznej odnajdujemy motywy, wątki, tematy, zapożyczenia i cytaty wywodzące się z bliskich nam ośrodków słowiańskich, nie zapominając o znaczących inspiracjach folklorem Litwy, która uległa – w pewnym okresie swej historii i na określonych terenach – zjawisku slawizacji. W podsumowaniu autorka wskazuje podstawowe cechy pieśni artystycznych w kontekście ich związków z folklorem.The article aims at presenting different manners in which the folk songs (mainly Slavic songs) exist within the Polish art song since its creation (as long as we recognize S. Moniuszko and F. Chopin as the fathers of the Polish song), throughout the second half of the 19th century, until the beginning of the 20th century (M. Karłowicz, K. Szymanowski). This period was chosen on account of the popularity of the song genre in the works of many composers of the time in question. The genres which had a significant influence on the formation of Polish art song include: historical songs, called duma, Cossack dumas, which however, had only an indirect influence on Polish songs (mainly in terms of subject matter, and not of structural features), folk songs, songs called dumkas, and folk ballads. Folklore by its very nature makes a cultural connection between neighbouring areas or areas that are related to one another in any other way. Owing to these links, we can find – in the Polish art song – motifs, themes, borrowings and quotations coming from Slavic centres whose culture is so similar to ours. Also we shouldn’t forget the significant inspirations from the Lithuanian folklore, that is from the country which at some point in its history and in certain regions has undergone the phenomenon of Slavisation. In the summary, the author indicates the basic features of art songs in the context of their connections with folklore

    Problems of text interpretation in the teaching of Voice Production

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    This didactic article is intended for educators of singing and students at the elementary level of singing studies. It discusses the basic repertory of Polish vocal lyrics and some suggestions of interpretation of selected vocal pieces by F. Chopin, S. Moniuszko, W. eleski and M. Karołwicz. The main subject of this article is a poetic text in a vocal composition and its interpretation in a public performance