13 research outputs found

    Variation of Driving Skill Among Elderly Drivers Compared to Young Drivers in Japan

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    This study analyzed driving skill among Japanese elderly drivers compared to young drivers and see which less skilled that might impact road accident risk in highway. Subjects included young and elderly drivers, consisting of 10 college students (20 – 24 years old) and 25 elderly drivers (14 men and 11 women) coming from The Silver Manpower Centre, an organization for elderly > 60 years. Elderly drivers were divided into two age groups, namely elderly 1 aged 60 – 65 years (10 persons) and elderly 2 aged > 65 years (15 persons). Driving performance was evaluated by using driving game simulator in laboratory. Analysis was conducted on consistency in the lane, lane-changing skill, traffic sign compliance, right-turning skill, braking and driving speed. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA test. Generally, performance of elderly 2 was lower than the young almost in all parameters including consistency in the lane (p value 65 years old were likely to be wrong on seeing traffic signs due to visual limitation and long response of compliance

    Effectiveness of Ergonomic Chair Against Musculoskeletal Disorders in Female Batik Workers of Sragen District

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    The majority of female batik workers uses non-ergonomic chairs (dingklik) that pose risks of musculoskeletal disorders. This study aimed to design an ergonomic chair and evaluate its effectiveness in reducing musculoskeletal disorders among the workers. This is a quasi-experimental study (using one group pre and post-test design) on 50 female batik workers selected by quota sampling. Musculoskeletal disorders were measured among the samples before and after the use of the designed ergonomic chair which they were asked to use for two months. T-test, ANCOVA, Wilcoxon test, McNemar test and Chi Square test were used for the analysis. The study found statistical significant differences of risk factor against musculoskeletal disorders among the workers before and after their use of the designed ergonomic chair (p=0.000); and of musculoskeletal disorders before and after using the ergonomic chair (p= 0,035). Body Mass Index (BMI) was identified as a confounding factor, and statistical significant difference of musculoskeletal disorders were also found among the workers with <25 and >25 BMI even before and after using the ergonomic chair (p=0.033 and p=0.015 respectively). By ANCOVA statistical test, after controlling BMI, another statistical difference of musculoskeletal disorders was also identified before and after using the ergonomic chair (p=0.033). It is concluded that the designed ergonomic chair is effective to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders

    Pekerjaan, Nonpekerjaan, dan Psikologi Sosial sebagai Penyebab Kelelahan Operator Alat Berat di Industi Pertambangan Batu Bara

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    Kelelahan merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab kecelakaan transportasi, ditandai dengan menurunnya kinerja fisik dan mental yang mengakibatkan kurangnya kewaspadaan karena rasa kantuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko dan faktor pendukung kelelahan pada operator alat berat. Penelitian dilakukan pada operator alat berat di 3 tambang batubara di Kalimantan (2 area di Kalimantan Timur dan 1 area di Kalimantan Selatan), melibatkan 353 operator alat berat yang bekerja dengan 3 sif. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa keluhan kelelahan semakin tinggi dengan meningkatnya usia, lama kerja, dan kerja pada sif 3 (malam hari). Kelelahan paling banyak dirasakan oleh operator dump truck (bagian hauling) yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor pekerjaan (postur saat bekerja, faktor variasi pekerjaan, beban kerja dan vigilance) dan faktor-faktor bukan pekerjaan (kondisi medan atau area tambang yang berisiko, penerangan yang kurang pada malam hari, dan rute yang selalu berubah). Faktor lainnya berkaitan dengan masalah sosial-psikologis, baik yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan maupun lingkungan kerja, seperti waktu istirahat, standar gaji yang belum memadai, pengaturan jadwal cuti yang sering tidak jelas, dan masalah karier. Disimpulkan, secara umum kelelahan meningkat dengan bertambahnya usia dan lama kerja, dengan kelelahan yang lebih besar pada pekerja sif 3. Umumnya, penurunan waktu reaksi pekerja sif malam lebih besar daripada waktu reaksi pekerja sif siang.Fatigue is one of the causes of transportation accidents, characterized by reduced physical and mental performance resulting in reduced alertness due to drowsiness. The present study was to determine the risk factors and contributing factors of fatigue suffered by heavy equipment operators. The study was conducted at three coal mining sites in Kalimantan (2 areas in East Kalimantan and 1 area in South Kalimantan) involving 353 heavy equipment operators who work in shifts. It was found that fatigue complaint is higher by older age, longer work, and work at shift 3 (night time). The fatigue is mostly complained by dump truck (hauling part) operators which was influenced by work-related factors (work posture, job variety, workload, vigilance) and non-work related factors (terrain or mine risk area, lack of lighting at night, and route track which is always changed). Another factors related with socio-psychological factors, either related with job or working environment, such as adequacy of rest time, remuneration system, leave system, and insecure career. It is concluded that in general the fatigues were increased as the worker ages were older and longer duration of work, with higher fatigues were suffered at shift 3. Generally, reduced reaction time among shift 3 workers is higher than that those of daytime shift

    Cognitive characteristics of older Japanese drivers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Some causes of accidents among older drivers are: not paying attention to traffic signals; missing stop lines; and having to deal with and misjudging emergency situations. These causes of accidents reveal problems with attention and cognition. Such incidents are also related to driver perception and stress-coping mechanisms. It is important to examine the relation of stress reactions to attention and cognition as a factor influencing the causes of accidents commonly involving older drivers.</p> <p>Finding</p> <p>Subjects were 10 young drivers (23.3 ± 3.33 years) and 25 older drivers divided into two groups (older1 [60 to 65 years] and older2 [> 65 years]). This study revealed the correlation within driver stress inventory and driver coping questionnaires parameters was observed only in older drivers. They also needed a longer response time for Trail Making Test A and B. The factors affected the attention and cognition of older drivers by age but not driving experience itself, and coping parameters such as emotion focus, reappraisal, and avoidance were not included as stress inventory parameters. Being prone to fatigue was less for younger drivers than older drivers. Because they have shorter distances, shorter drive times, and no need for expressways, older drivers also had a significantly lower risk of thrill-seeking behaviour and more patience.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The intervention addressing their attention skills, aggressive feelings, and emotion focus should be considered. The technological improvements in cars will make older drivers feel safer and make driving easier which might lower the attention paid to the road, and regular driving training might be needed to assess and enhance their safety.</p

    Determination of Reference Dose (RfD) of mercury exposure based on NOAEL mercury

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    This study aimed to determine the RfD from mercury exposure in Bulawa Subdistrict in Bone Bolango District using NOAEL mercury in white mice and body weight and height of Indonesians who were exposed to mercury.This wasan observational study with a cross-sectional design using manual quantitative data analysis methods. As a result, the average mercury concentration in respondents’ drinking water and fish consumed was 0.000478 mg/L and 0.0298 mg/kg. In conclusion,the average mercury concentration in respondents’ drinking water and fish consumedis still below the threshold limitvalue set by the national standard for mercury concentration

    Factors affecting nurse efficacy self in implementing resusitation in cardiac arrest patients

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    Cardiac arrest is an emergency case illness that can be life-threatening if it does not get good treatment from a health worker. Research on self-efficacy against resuscitation cases in patients with heart disease are still small, especially in Indonesia. As a result, this paper tries to investigate the parameters that can be effective in self- efficacy. The factors that influence the most dominant self-efficacy are mastery experience. But it must also take into account other factors such as verbal exploitation, because environmental and management support is one of the important factors in increasing the ability to do resuscitation in patients with cardiac arrest

    Factors analysis affecting nurse efficacy in implementing resuscitation in cardiac arrest patients

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    Research on self-efficacy against resuscitation cases in patients with heart disease are still small, especially in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to measure type of research is Self-efficacy using The General Self-efficacy Score. The majority of respondents are males (66.7%), with a mean age of 32.93 and a majority of education is the D-III Nursing (80%). There is a correlation between Mastery experience and verbal persuasion with selfefficacy nurses with mastery experience as the dominant factor in carrying out resuscitation in patients with cardiac arrest in the emergency room at the General Hospital Dr. R. Koesma Tuban.La investigación sobre la autoeficacia contra los casos de reanimación en pacientes con enfermedades cardíacas aún es pequeña, especialmente en Indonesia. El objetivo de esta investigación es medir el tipo de investigación es la autoeficacia utilizando el puntaje general de autoeficacia. La mayoría de los encuestados son hombres (66,7%), con una edad media de 32,93 y la mayoría de la educación es la Enfermería D-III (80%). Existe una correlación entre la experiencia de dominio y la persuasión verbal con enfermeras de autoeficacia con experiencia de dominio como el factor dominante en la realización de la reanimación en pacientes con paro cardíaco en la sala de emergencias del Hospital General Dr. R. Koesma Tuban

    Factors analysis affecting nurse efficacy in implementing resuscitation in cardiac arrest patients

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    Research on self-efficacy against resuscitation cases in patients with heart disease are still small, especially in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to measure type of research is Self-efficacy using The General Self-efficacy Score. The majority of respondents are males(66.7%),with a mean age of 32.93 and a majority of education is the D-III Nursing (80%).There is a correlation between Mastery experience and verbal persuasion with self-efficacy nurses with mastery experience as the dominant factor in carrying out resuscitation in patients with cardiac arrest in the emergency room at the General Hospital Dr. R. Koesma Tuban

    Factors affecting nurse efficacy self in implementing resusitation in cardiac arrest patients

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    Cardiac arrest is an emergency case illness that can be life - threatening if it does not get good treatment from a health worker. Research on self - efficacy against resuscitation cases in patients with heart disease are still small, especially in Indonesia. As a result, this paper tries to investigate the parameters that can be effective in self - efficacy. The factors that influence the most dominant self - efficacy are mastery experience. But it must also take into accoun t other factors such as verbal exploitation, because environmental and management support is one of the important factors in increasing the ability to do resuscitation in patients with cardiac arrest.El paro cardíaco es una enfermedad de caso de emergencia que puede ser mortal si no recibe un buen tratamiento de un trabajador de la salud. La investigación sobre la autoeficacia contra los casos de reanimación en pacientes con enfermedades cardíacas aún es pequeña, especialmente en Indonesia. Como resultado, este artículo intenta investigar los parámetros que pueden ser efectivos en autoeficacia. Los factores que influyen en la autoeficacia más dominante son la experiencia de dominio. Pero también debe tener en cuenta otros factores, como la explotación verbal, porque el apoyo ambiental y de gestión es uno de los factores importantes para aumentar la capacidad de reanimación en pacientes con paro cardíaco

    Determination of Safe Concentration of Non-Carcinogenic Toluene in Surabaya Printing

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    Aims: The research objective is to determine the safe concentration of non-carcinogenic toluene in Surabaya printing. Methods and Material: The research design used was observational analytic, cross sectional research design with a quantitative approach. The research location is a printing press in Surabaya. Total population was 37 workers, the study sample was taken using the accidental sampling method with a total sample of 30 respondents. The formula for determining the concentration of toluene non carcinogen intake is (CxRxtExfExDt): (Wbx30x365). Results:  The concentration value of toluene exposure is greater than the standard set by labor regulations No. 5 of 2018 by 0.2 ppm. A total of 10% of workers falls under normal category, 73% above normal category and 27% below normal category. Conclusions: The concentration of toluene exposure in Surabaya printing area is above normal with a concentration of 0.2 ppm and this is considered normal