23 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Variasi Faktor Air Semen Terhadap Mortar Busa

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    Mortar busa adalah campuran antara semen, air, agregat halus, dan bahan tambah cairan busa (foam agent) yang berfungsi untuk menjebak gelembung-gelembung udara. Material ini biasa digunakan sebagai timbunan untuk mengatasi masalah penurunan, stabilitas timbunan oprit jembatan, atau untuk konstruksi jalan. Selain memiliki kelebihan berat yang ringan, namun dengan kuat tekan yang cukup tinggi, mortar busa juga dapat mengurangi dampak penurunan pada lapisan diatasnya sehingga sering digunakan sebagai lapisan subgrade atau pondasi jalan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh variasi dari perbandingan air semen terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis mortar busa. Menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan membuat benda uji, berbentuk kubus ukuran 15x15x15 cm serta menganalisis dengan metode statistik uji regresi dengan aplikasi SPSS. Benda uji yang dikerjakan dengan variasi Faktor Air Semen (FAS) 0,4; 0,5; 0,6 dan 0,7. Hasil analisis menunjukkan semakin besar FAS yang digunakan kecenderungannya meningkatkan nilai flow, densitas kering dan kuat tekan. Nilai flow yang memenuhi syarat pada variasi FAS 0,6 dan 0,7 masing-masing sebesar 166,33 mm; 195 mm, sedangkan pada densitas kering, masing-masing nilainya sebesar 0,468 gr/cm3 dan 0,447 gr/cm3. Faktor air semen berpengaruh signifikan pada nilai flow, densitas kering, dan kuat tekan. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pada hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai signifikan ttabel. FAS optimum 0,6, dengan kuat tekan pada berbagai umur pengujian 7, 14 dan 28 hari masing-masing sebesar 3,783 kg/cm2; 4,729 kg/cm2; 6,207 kg/cm2. Untuk kuat tekan mortar busa umur 28 hari dapat digunakan sebagai stabilitas tanah

    Pemanfaatan Hasil Pengupasan Aspal Untuk Daur Ulang Campuran Beton Aspal

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    One for maintenance and rehabilitation of roads damaged is to give a new pavement layer (overlay) on top of the old pavement. However, this method requires so much road materials (aggregates and asphalt) so that make the old pavement to be unused. This research aims to introduce one method of repair pavement that utilizing the recycled materials of the old pavement, that can be use to a new pavement, to get the physical and mechanical properties concrete mixes hot asphalt as a result of recycling of the old pavement and to get the best quality of bitumen on mix hot asphalt and concrete from the recycled of old pavement. The independent variable in this research is a variation of asphalt content 5.0; 5; 5; 6.0; 6.5; and 7%, while the addition of bitumen content variation are 0.0, 0:25, 0:50, 0.75, and 1.0% of the chunks of asphalt concrete. Results of this research, performance of the mixed concrete with the recycled asphalt (RAP) and the standard mixed, indicates that the density, the percentage of voids of the aggregate (VMA), stability, flow, marshall quotient, percentage of voids of mixture (VIM) and percentage of voids that filled with bitumen (VFB) meet the specifications of Bina Marga 2010, the Optimum Asphalt Content obtained from the Marshall test of RAP and the standard mixture each by 6.79% and 6.9%. Keywords: Recycling, Asphalt Concrete, stability, flo

    Penggunaan Bahan Anti Stripping Untuk Campuran Beton Aspal

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    This Research is Using Anti Stripping material to add roughness Asphalt Concrete mixture The purpose of this research was to obtain Marshall Properties Values On Asphalt Concrete Mixture, and determine levels of Anti Stripping Material Optimum Asphalt concrete misture based on Bina Marga spesification.Variation Asphalt content to Mixture are 5.0%; 5.5%; 6.0%; 6.5%; and Anti Stripping material variation are 0.2%; 0.3%; 0.4% to Optimum Asphalt Content.Marshall Testing Method Based on SNI 06-2489-1991.The result of Using anti stripping Material for Asphalt concrete mixture showed that with Optimum asphalt content 6% and addition of Wetfix Be 0.3% from the weight of asphalt can increase % voids mineral aggregate,% voids in material, Marshall Quotient and Marshall stability for 1.34%; 2.89%; 3.34% and 6.72%. Besides the addition of anti-stripping materials can also reduce % voids filled with bitumen (VFB), stability and fatigue of 0.82%; 2.85% and 12.72%.With the value of stability Masrshall The remaining 96.90% is a mixture of asphalt concrete has a high resistance to damage caused by the influence of water.For all characteristics confirm to specifications Marshall properties based on Specifications Asphalt concrete RSNI3 mix XXXX-2014

    Variasi Kadar Filler Pada Campuran Beton Aspal Menggunakan Bahan Tambah Anti Stripping

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    Filler function to fill cavities between aggregate granules which can affect the characteristics of asphalt concrete mixture. The purpose of this study is to obtain the characteristics of AC-WC asphalt concrete mixtures and determine the optimum variation of filler content on AC-WC asphalt concrete mixtures using cement fillers and anti-stripping additives that meet the specifications of Bina Marga 2010. ; 5.5%; 6%; 6.5%; 7%; 7.5%; and 8% each made with a variation of cement filler of 1%; 3%; 5%; 7%; and 9%; the addition of Wetfix Be 0.3% to the asphalt. The method of implementation is by mixing the wetfix Be first with asphalt, then aggregating according to the ideal mix gradation proportions. Dependent variables (research parameters) include density, percent cavity in aggregate (VMA), percent cavity filled with asphalt (VFB), percent cavity against mixture (VIM), stability, melt, and results for Marshall (MQ). Marshall testing method based on SNI 06-2489-1991. The results of the study obtained KAO in 1% cement filler variation; 3%; 5%; 7%; and 9%, each at 6.75%; 6.5%; 6.35%; 6.5% and 7.125%. KAO average of 6.65%. The range of cement filler levels which still meet the Marshall parameters at 2% cement filler up to 9%. The optimum cement filler content for asphalt concrete mixture is 5.5%, with a VMA value of 19.19%; VFB 77.12%; VIM 4.39%; Stability of 1670.48kg; melting 4.80mm, and MQ 349.78 kg / mm, meeting the specifications of Bina Marga 2010


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    A ceiling is a building material that is inseparable from a building. The material for the ceiling must be flexible, light, durable, and easy to install. So that the weight of the cement board is light, foam is used as its constituent material. Due to the weak flexural strength of foam mortar, an alternative that can be taken is to add glass fiber and a bonding agent to the lightly foamed cement board mix. This study aims to obtain physical and mechanical properties as well as optimum levels of fiberglass and bonding agent to achieve maximum flexural strength. The board is made from a mixture of PC, sand, water, fiberglass, foam agent and bonding agent. The mixture ratio used is 1 Cement : 1,2 Sand : 0.15 phase, foam agent 1:30 and 5 different variations of glass fiber, namely 0, 3, 6, 9 and 13%. For density and specific gravity values, the tendency is decreasing, while for the ability to nail variations of 0 and 3% experiencing cracks and splits, the shape test is in accordance with the requirements of SNI. As for thickness expansion, moisture content, water absorption and flexural strength tend to increase. Based on the test results, the optimum level of use of glass fiber and bonding agent on lightweight cement boards is 6% fiber variation because it has the highest flexural strength value of 33.07 kg/cm².Plafon merupakan material bangunan yang tak terpisahkan dari sebuah bangunan.Bahan untuk plafon harus lentur, ringan, awet, dan mudah dipasang. Agar berat papan semen ringan digunakan busa sebagai bahan penyusunnya. Karena lemahnya kuat lentur mortar busa, alternatif yang dapat diambil yaitu dengan menambah serat gelas dan bonding agent pada adukan papan semen berbusa ringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan sifat fisik dan mekanik serta kadar optimum serat gelas dan bonding agent untuk mencapai kuat lentur maksimum. Papan dibuat dari campuran PC, pasir, air, serat gelas, foam agent dan bonding agent. Perbandingan campuran yang digunakan adalah 1 Semen : 1,2 Pasir : fas 0,15, foam agent 1:30 serta 5 variasi serat gelas yang berbeda, yaitu 0, 3, 6, 9 dan 13%.Untuk nilai kerapatan dan berat jenis, kecenderungannya semakin menurun, sedangkan untuk kemampuan dipaku variasi 0 dan 3% mengalami retak dan belah, pengujian bentuk sesuai dengan persyaratan SNI. Adapun untuk pengembangan tebal, kadar air, penyerapan air dan Kekuatan lentur kecenderungannya semakin naik. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian diperoleh kadar optimum penggunaan serat gelas dan bonding agent pada papan semen ringan adalah variasi serat 6% karena memiliki nilai kuat lentur paling tinggi yaitu sebesar 33,07 kg/cm²