18 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Dan Non Fisik Terhadap Stress Kerja Pada PT. Indo Bali Di Kecamatan Negara, Kabupaten Jimbaran, Bali

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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan fisik dan non fisik secara simultan dan parsial terhadap stress kerja karyawan serta mengetahui di antara kedua variabel tersebut yaitu lingkungan fisik dan lingkungan non fisik yang memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap stress kerja karyawan non produksi pada PT. Indo Bali di Bali. Data yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Sebelum dianalisis data uji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda, korelasi dan determinasi, dilanjutkan pada uji asumsi klasik, uji F dan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang telah dilakukan, teridentifikasi bahwa lingkungan kerja fisik dan lingkungan kerja non fisik berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap stress kerja karyawan. Besarnya kontribusi atau pengaruh lingkungan fisik dan lingkungan non fisik secara simultan terhadap stress kerja karyawan non produksi PT. Indo Bali di Bali termasuk dalam kategori tinggi yaitu sebesar 65,7%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 34,3% dipengaruh faktor-faktor lain. Lingkungan kerja fisik secara parsial berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap stress kerja pada karyawan non produksi PT. Indo Bali. Sumbangan efektif dari variabel lingkungan kerja fisik pada PT. Indo Bali terhadap tingkat stress karyawan adalah sebesar 13,84%. Secara parsial berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap stres kerja. Sumbangan efektif dari variabel lingkungan kerja non fisik pada PT. Indo Bali terhadap tingkat stress karyawan adalah sebesar 10,30%

    Efek Penambahan Cosolvent Dan Aplikasi Gelombang Ultrasonik Pada Transesterifikasi Minyak Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Untuk Produksi Biodiesel

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    Penelitian pengolahan biodiesel telah banyak dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil bahan bakar biodiesel yang memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia. Kendala dalam pengolahan minyak nabati khususnya minyak jarak adalah karena kadar FFA yang tinggi sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang proses yang lama. Salah satu upaya telah dilakukan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan sumber energi alternatif adalah dengan menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik, untuk mempersingkat waktu reaksi. Selain penggunaan gelombang ultrasonik pada penggunaan cosolvent juga dapat mempercepat waktu reaksi menjadi satu fase. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik dan kandungan biodiesel menggunakan aplikasi gelombang ultrasonik dan penambahan cosolvent. Perlakuan menggunakan metode ekperimental dengan pengujian karakteristik fisik dan kandungan trigliserida, digliserida, monogliserida dan fatty acid metil ester (FAME). Hasil yang didapatkan pada perbandingan volume cosolvent dan metanol 1:1 nilai persentase kandungan FAME sebesar 96.2%, sedangkan pada perbandingan 2:1 menghasilkan persentase 92.8% pada volume 200 ml. Hasil trigliserida pada proses perbandingan cosolvent dengan metanol 1:1 sebesar 1.9%, sedangkan pada perbandingan 2:1 persentase trigliseridanya adalah 4.1%. Hasil digliserida yang didapatkan pada perbandingan 1:1 adalah 1.1%, sedangkan pada perbandingan 2:1 yaitu 2.2%. Monogliserida yang didapatkan mencapai persentase 0.8%, sedangkan perbandingan 2:1 menghasilkan persentase 0.9%. Karakteristik fisik biodiesel menggunakan aplikasi gelombang ultrasonik dan penambahan cosolvent menghasilkan rendemen gliserol mencapai 10.56% yaitu pada perbandingan 1:1 dan 10.64% pada perbandingan 2:1. Hasil pengujian karakteristik biodiesel untuk densitas 880.39 Kg/m3 dan 887.28 Kg/m3, viskositas 3.51 cSt dan 2.82 cSt, titik nyala 121.5 ÂşC dan 121.95 ÂşC, dan Cetane Indeks 65.1 dan 65.7. Hasil proses pengolahan biodiesel minyak jarak pagar yang telah dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi gelombang ultrasonik dan penambahan cosolvent keseluruhan sudah memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia karena sesuai dengan parameter yang telah ditentukan oleh SNI

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Distribusi Obat Pasien Rawat Inap

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    Sistem informasi distribusi obat di rumah sakit untuk pasien rawat inap adalah salah satu penunjang pelayanan medik dalam rumah sakit. Sistem distribusi obat ini berorientasi pada penderita dalam mempermudah kegiatan penyampaian persediaan obat beserta informasinya kepada pasien. Pada penelitian ini aplikasi yang dibangun merupakan aplikasi berbasis website menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan menggunakan database MySQL dengan menggunakan metode waterfall, Metode waterfall meliputi analisis kebutuhan, analisis sistem, desain, pembangunan dan pengujian. Desain sistem dinyatakan dalam Entity Relationship Diagram dan Data Flow Diagram. Kegiatan distribusi obat dapat diakses pegawai rumah sakit dengan mudah dari setiap instalasi ruang yang ada di rumah sakit karena berbasis website. Aplikasi ini dapat di akses oleh kepala ruang, perawat, petugas farmasi dan juga oleh petugas yang bertindak sebagai admin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah pengolahan data distribusi obat, pengelolaan persediaan obat dan mempermudah dalam pembuatan laporan secara tepat, akurat, dan lebih efisien

    A Review of the Travel Behavior Analysis: Its Basis and Application for Developing Cities

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    Travel, most often viewed in theory as derived from the demand for activity participation, has almost always been modeled on the trip-based basis, i.e., the trip is treated as the unit of analysis. Attributes of a trip (e.g., its origin and destination, mode, length) have been the subjects of analysis, but not the types of activities engaged in, their durations, sequences, and timing. This paper offers a brief review of the travel behavior analysis in order to provide a better understanding and forecasting of travel behavior. The article further offers discussions on its possible applications in urban areas of developing countries where historical accumulations of transportation and communications technologies are being introduced within a short span of time, creating the environment for travel which may not be properly accounted for using the conventional trip-based models of travel demand. In addition, the dataset from Malaysia was employed as a case of study

    The Effect of Motorization to the Development of Urban Public Transport

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    The aim of this study is to explore the effect of motorization to the development of urban public transportation in urban areas in Indonesian city in the last decade. The study employs many statistical data regarding motorization and urban public transport. It can be concluded that the motorization will continue to grow, and the existing transport policy should be re-questioned. It roots on the lack of acceptable provision of public transport in term of quality and quantity, but also as a result of high preference on using private transport. The challenge becomes excessive and complex, since there is no appropriate visionary road map for development of urban public transport. In answering this problem, the authors propose an abstract of two sequence approach, namely setting priority in taking side in provision of acceptable mobility for all, and followed with the redefinition of urban transport development by implementing transit-oriented development

    Desain Penampang Sungai Way Besai Melalui Peningkatan Kapasitas Sungai Menggunakan Softwere HEC-RAS

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    Way Besai river is located in Sumberjaya subdistrict, West Lampung district, Lampung. It is one of the sub river from Tulang Bawang river. Way Besai river has been used as a the electric power source, known as Besai hydropower. Besai Hydropower has decreased energy supply of 40 MW from the supply optimum can reachs 90 MW. his is due to the catcment area conditions of the Way Besai rivers are "metastable" so which effected in the shallowing of the cross-section quickly. So it needs the capacity increased of the cross-section of the river until the early condition where is the supply can reachs 90 MW.For the first step in improving the capacity of the Way Besai river needed hydraulics river simulation process that facilitated by using Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) Program. HEC-RAS program can help to modeling the flow of cross-section of the river on the existing condition and normalization using the steady flow options and data input including maximum discharge data. The output of modeling using HEC-RAS program can be seen in the form of pictures and a table that presents the characteristics of a cross-section of the river.From the result of the analysis founded that to reach the normalization condition, needs the dredging until the elevation +713,00 level, with 2.435.590,09 m3 of volume capacity of dredging. When the water level of the river reachs Full Supply Level (FSL) elevation that is on elevation +722,00 level founded that the maximum discharge in the downstream in the amount of 57,19 m3/s, with water volume capacity in the 1.471.185,77 m3. For the Reservoir Surface Area in Way Besai river has increased with 28,6% from the exsisting condition that recorded from Sta 0+000 level until sta 3+391,45 leve

    Persepsi Siswa SMA Terhadap Materi Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Satu Studi Penelitian Di SMA Negeri 3 Semarang Dan SMA Don Bosko Semarang)

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    Pancasila is the Indonesian national identity which becomes orientation of valuesand norm for all the people of Indonesia. Pancasila is a part of Civics Education lessonswhich is compulsory from elementary school to university. By weakening of Pancasilavalues gives a big affect to the behavior of Indonesian. Especially, the young generationof Indonesia looks increasingly becomes anti Pancasila. Based on those conditions, thisstudy aimed to determine the perceptions of senior high school students to the CivicsEducation Material containing principles of Pancasila.This study used descriptive quantitative approach, to describe the phenomenonthat occured and was intended to determine the perceptions of senior high schoolstudents on the Civics Education Material in detail. In collecting the data, the authorused a survey method through the distribution of questionnaires. Sampling method in thisresearch was purposive sampling to determine the number of samples in each school,then random sampling technique in the determination of the individual as a sample orPSU (People Sample Units). So the population selected purposively based on targetsstudents who were more dominant and deemed appropriate in accordance with the themeof the study.The results of this study showed that majority of senior high school students gave apositive perception of the Civics Education Material. Senior high school students couldunderstand what is wrong and what is right. There were not many differences perceptionof the material Civics between girls and boys students. Similarly, it happened betweenSMA 3 Semarang and SMA Don Bosko, both class X and class XI did not show anydifferences in perception. However, students could only receive Citizenship EducationMaterial well in theory. In practice there was less congruence between the students'cognitive and affective.Inexpediency of cognitive and affective among senior high school studentsoccurred because the progress of time factor that was even more out of the Indonesianculture. The inappropriate intercourse and lack of parental supervision of the childcaused the child socially easily get carried away with the wrong intercourse. Therefore,the socialization from teachers and parents to effectively supervise children in school andout of school is needed so that children do not fall into the wrong intercourse and moredamage the morale of the Indonesian nation

    Perbandingan Data Korban Fatal Kecelakaan Lalulintas Antar-instansi Di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    The coordination among institutions responsible for recording road accident data is weak. It is shown that thefatal accident data for specific locations and/or time periods are reported differently by police offices,insurance companies, and provincial office of health. The aim of this study is to eliminate the difference inthe reported fatal accident data by developing a uniformity method. The proposed method would be able tohandle parallel conversion for adjusting fatality data from the three institutions. The conversion factor willemploy the combination of average values of the parallel conversion factors. Based on the data available inthe Province of West Java, it is found that the value of parallel conversion factors between the police officeand the West Java Provincial Office of Health is 1.31 and between the police office and Jasa Raharjainsurance company is 3.93. The average value of these conversion factors with insurance claim considerationis 2.56 meaning that the real number of fatalities is 2.56 times the amount recorded by the police office

    Pengaruh Waktu Pengukusan Terhadap Kualitas Ikan Petek (Leiognathus Splendens) Presto Menggunakan Alat “Ttsr”

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    Ikan petek memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan karena ketersediaan yang melimpah dan kandugan protein yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu optimum pemasakan menggunakan alat “TTSR” agar diperoleh ikan petek duri lunak dengan nilai mutu proksimat dan organoleptik yang baik. Perlakuan tahap I adalah dengan membandingkan kualitas pemasakan menggunakan autoclave dan “TTSR”. Perlakuan tahap II yang diterapkan adalah waktu pemasakan 20 menit, 40 menit, dan 60 menit, pada tekanan 2 atm menggunakan “TTSR”. Hasil penelitian tahap I menunjukkan pemasakan terbaik menggunakan “TTSR” dengan waktu pemasakan lebih cepat, nilai Fh 14 menit, Jh 1.93 dan Fo 0.048 menit. Hasil penelitian tahap II menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu pemasakan menggunakan alat “TTSR” memberikan perbedaan nyata (P<0,05) terhadap uji organoleptik dan kelunakan tulang. Nilai tertinggi berdasarkan uji organoleptik kenampakan 7.97, bau 7.87, rasa 7.7, tekstur 7.63, dan lendir 9 pada waktu pemasakan 40 menit. Kekerasan tulang yang terbaik dengan nilai 0.64 kgF pada waktu pemasakan 60 menit. Hasil pengujian kimiawi pada ikan petek duri lunak dengan waktu pemasakan 60 menit yaitu kadar air 65.20%, kadar protein 19.21%, dan kadar lemak 4.76%. Waktu pemasakan terbaik yang digunakan untuk memasak ikan petek duri lunak menggunakan alat “TTSR” adalah 60 menit. Ponyfish has the potential to be developed because of the availability of abundant and high protein content. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum cooking time using “TTSR” to obtain soft spines ponyfish with proximate test result and good quality of organoleptic test. The study phase I is to compare the quality of cooking using autoclave and “TTSR”. The study phase II applied is cooking using “TTSR” 20 minutes, 40 minutes and 60 minutes, at a pressure 2 atm. The results of research I showed the best cooking using “TTSR” with time cooking faster, Fh 14 minutes, Jh 1,93 and Fo 0.048 minutes. The results of research II showed that the various of pressure cooking using “TTSR” give significant difference (P<0.05) for organoleptic tests and the bone kekerasan. The highest value based on organoleptic was appearance 7.97, flavour 7.87, taste 7.7, textures 7.7, and mucus 9 at 40 minutes cooking time. The best bone kekerasan with value 0.64 kgF at 60 minutes cooking time. While chemical tests on soft spines ponyfish with 60 minutes cooking times that is the water content was 65.20%, 19.21% protein and 4.76% fat content. The best cooking time used was 60 minutes to produced soft spines ponyfish by using “TTSR”